townsville, Australia

Good morning all, it is overcast here again and very warm this morning, but not raining as yet, i want to mow on the weekend so i hope it stops so my swamp can dry out.
Jean i do hope you find some orphans to adopt. Jean it was not i who stole the sauce i do not like bourbon, so you will have to look elswhere for the culprit lol.
Kat i too would love to see some of your artwork, and as for your neighbour, i know what i would like to do to him and it would not be very comfortable and he would find it hard to breath lol.
Brian you are a fine looking gardener, very stylish, i have however noticed the lack of wine since i have been back to work, you really do need to restock lol.
Sammut enjoy your basket hanging, unfortunately i too am a hoarder, i still have clothes from when i was 18 (now 47) hubby keeps telling me i have to do a clean out but everytime i pick something up to throw, i just can't seem to do it, i just tell him it still fits and may come back into fashion ONE DAY lol, and of course there is always fancy dress parties. Unfortunately it is not just clothes, i cant seem to throw anything away, i may need it one day lol.
Chrissy can you pretty please put me down for a pink honeysuckle, i think it should grow ok up here.
i have to do some work unfortunately still playing catch up.
everyone have a wonderful day and stay safe

Brisbane, Australia

Morning all, just passing as I'm meant to be working (from home) today - but I keep getting side tracked.
Jean those cookies are so yummy - I might need a 2nd coffee, just to accompany a second one while there's still some left.
I did my best with the trench, but it kept getting filled up with water & was too boggy to dig! I'll have to wait for it to dry out.
The dams here in Bris are getting close to 60% which is such a nice change, but we've had sooo much water, luckily no major flooding here in Bris, but further north they've been copping it.
My lovely angels, pelargoniums (I simply cannot spell that!), desert roses, gingers & other bits & pieces are doing fine - the wet weather has been great to get them started! I think I have to seriously considering where I'm gonna put them!
Anyway gotta go - have a good day all! Leisa.

se qld, Australia

Leisa, if it's any consolation you spelt 'pelargoniums' just fine. What sort do you grow? I used to have a lovely assortment of the regals before we moved to Queensland, but it's too humid for them where we are.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Afternoon to every one inside for lunch and a rest its just sooo hot out side the time sure gets away from me another five hrs playing . I got a few more hanging in my green haven carport I was amazed when I counted there are 40 hanging baskets still space for more . better make a move till later ...........sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

This is looking in as you walk down

Thumbnail by sammut
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone,
Typical of me to miss one day & all the goodies are gone??
Sammut~ Love your garden pic & your tiara of course! I'm always in the daggiest of trackies & old T-shirts.
Kat your garden sounds lovely, I always had a passion for art, will post a pic of the back shed I painted & mosaic pot. I have another couple of pots & tiles waiting to be done.
Jean the bamboo is still in the pot. I've waterlogged it & Yes chrissy, I will need a jackhammer!!LOL!!
Not getting motivated today, it's very windy. Still have more pots to re-organise, where do I start? Might rest today & just think about it?
I hope all are well?

Thumbnail by helens5162
Barmera, Australia

Hey I've been restocking the wine so either you didn't look properly or someone else drank it.
Here's another lot for you to try. Half Dozen of each.
Red "La Grein" White "Malvasia Bianco", you might have tried the "Lagrein" before but this is a new clone so your assessment is important.

Barmera, Australia

Forgot back there. My dress sense has had various descriptions but that is the first time that "stylish" has be used.

townsville, Australia

Sammut the carport looks great, but sadly pretty soon you will not be able to see your gardening lady lol. Helen i like the blue wall, but i really love the pots they look great, my ponytail has been planted strait into the garden and does not look near as pretty as yours, everybody on this site is so talented, and here am i a plant and dirt girl, i feel i will have to apply some imagination lol, my giant garden is about half way done i am hitting the markets again this weekend to spend some of my ruddy money on plants, i figure if he wants to give me money than i can at least spend it lol.
have to get back to it, have a wonderful afternoon all

townsville, Australia

now now Brian, i am sure that is untrue, you look like a very stylish gentleman.
Your reds are pretty safe around me but don't look now i am sure some one has pilfered a white already, at least now the afternoon at work will be a lot easier to take lol.

sYDNEY, Australia

HI Everyone,
Thank you for the welcome, Chrissy100 - I can not tell a lie, Steve is my eldest son and introduced me to Dave's Garden and Jean, he does not wear one particular pair of Board Shorts in the Garden, oops!! now I will be in trouble.
Thanks Shelly61 for the Metho. tip, have tried it before but I guess not dillegently enough, however, I will keep it up.
Kat, I can relate to buying too many plants for one spot, I am hopeless. A little more about my garden, I have roses, dahlias, bromilliads, begonias, succulents, and heaps more, I also have a vegie garden and a greenhouse, and they all seem to call me at once for attention. I will have to learn how to add some photo,s but for now I will have to go and do something outside, Bye, Rhonda

Coushatta, LA

Hi Shell,it is good to hear from you everyday.You are a real sweet person.Well my brugmansia has opened up.The others are on their way to open.Well take care and have great night.Stay safe.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coushatta, LA

Another one.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coushatta, LA

last one.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Brisbane, Australia

Hello, Rhonda. Glad you've joined. Steve is always a perfect gentleman here..as well as being lively and interesting..and it reflects on his Mum, so congrats! Your garden sounds lovely..great plants. I always buy too many and then they have to stay in their pots or else I get then home and can't decide if I really want that there afterall so some have a slow death! I even tried a tropical blueberry/ blackberry once..carked!

I haven't started painting yet..what with the car shuffling (again!) and then I decided to clean the front verandah so I can put the easel up there..even though I don't paint landscapes, it's nice looking up the river!

Brian, I can assure you I have not been nicking the wine. Too many art shows when I was at art college (young and foolish..now just old and foolish!) when I was in charge of the red wine..always very cheap red wine from a carton or flask..it would be one for the guest, one for me..afraid I have the Clockwork Orange reaction to any form of red wine now! Lol!

Got to watch a cat for hubby...explain later! Lol! Cheers, Kat

western sydney nsw, Australia

After noon to all I just hung 4 wind chimes out in green haven the trick with HAPPY is you have to be close to the carport before she is seen then every body jumps if its some one sneaking in it will be a quick turn and run . I am having Don Burke looking over the gate still working on his body he will be ready the week end .
Brian where do you think my artistic ideas are coming from --the sweet-sweet wine I find hidden in the back .
Helen I love your back shed never tryed my hand at mosaic .
Rhonda I did not see you must have moved down to fast nice to meet you and welcome
have to move and answer the door later.

Barmera, Australia

Sammut do you mean sweet as in not "Flinty or Austere" or sweet like sticky sweet?
If the latter here is a very special drink for you and I to share. It is a Semillon late picked and infected with "The Noble Rot" each berry picked from the bunch at the right time and made into this magnificent dessert wine, we can't drink it too quick because, apart from the alcohol levels, it is the only bottle I have. In case you can't read the name it is a "Trockenbeerenaustlese" made by Geoff Hardy.

Thumbnail by Stake
Merino, Australia

Look what happens when I'm gone for a while, everyone jumps in and scoffs the wine and cakes. Kat, you seem to be lurking there. At least I know it is nevr me as I hate wine.
No orphans today. I am so disappointed but there was nothing I wanted to bring home. I did get 4 bags of potting mix. I also bought a small cheap shopping jeep from the reject shop and a plastic crate. Hubby will attach crate to jeep frame and I will have my very own wheelie bin for the garden. Small and light but so much easier to move pots etc. My favorite small wheelbarrow has given up it's front wheel to rust so will be relegated to the garden as another planter. I already have 3 around the garden. Well, I don't like to waste things.
I had to laugh at all you hoarders. I spent so many years when raising the kids , in rental housing where one had to be moving every year or so. That is a sure way to make sure you only have necessary things.
When I travelled around Australia in my car about 15 years ago,. all my possessions were in the car. If it didn't fit in the car, it was gone.
Now I live in a house with a hoarder of various bits and pieces of radio equipment in various stages of dismemberment. It may come in handy one day , is his excuse.
The only thing I hoard is plants and that's allowed, it's not the same thing.
Hello Rhonda, nice to see you and you do seem to have a nice polite son. Only thing is he won't send me down that lovely cabinet. Ha ha.
Cody, hello. That is a gorgeous angel flower in your picEnjoy your day.
Helen, I like the lighthouse. Where is the lifeboat ?
We had a little rain here today. By here, I mean in Hamilton. Lovely rain. Whe we arrived home it was as dry as a bone here.
Sammut , you won't be able to get in your pot jungle soon. It does look great. I am going to try your idea of hanging the pots. I already have a lot hanging on shelves with chains but there is a space that I could fill with hanging pots. Better move and go check on the angels . Chrissy, that mystery angel with the buds has them all opening at once. It's going to be so beautiful.
Shelly, we are all artistic in different ways. If you look around your own space you will se what you are good at.
I just love my painting and must get that room cleaned out so i can get back to it soon.
See you all later. Thanks for the wine Brian. I took a bottle for hubby.
One of hubbys friends sent a slide show of the mosy beautiful cacti flowers I have ever seen. here is one . Escobaria wissmannii

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

only half a glass please I am out in the dark playing with Don Burke here is a preveiw of where he is going to live when he sobers up he also likes a flinty drop.---------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Sydney, Australia

Sammut - Did you know Don Burke is a Budgie Man! Yep That's right! See him at the auctions all the time and he MC's functions. He is into a type called Clearwings. I think you need to add a budgie to his shoulder!
Kat apart from the older furniture we were left a new fridge, new washing machine, new roof.... but you know what? The older furniture is now our prize and we love it. Currently nearing finish with the painting and time to get a couple of our Norman Lindsay etchings framed and on the wall and we will be complete. The other half has been buying lots of bone handled cutlery so we can keep the holiday house theme. Still intrigued that you take your chooks on holiday!
Jean I'm glad you mentioned Curry Plant. It's another that I like so it's on the list!
CT ... yes. The Brugs are coming. Rang the nursery today to get them to hold one for me.
Off to Forster this weekend so I will grab it next weekend.
By for now
p.s. Don't give away any secrets Rosebudgal! Don't forget you are only a few minutes away!

Sydney, Australia

p.s.s. Rosebudgal will "under state" her garden. It is wonderful.
Drove past today and not a leaf out of place.
But..... I think she should "fess up" to the fact that she has a full time garden gnome!
Also think she should show her floral arrangements! (not that I'm putting any undue pressure on her)

Brisbane, Australia

Just bought a catamaran for exploring! The chooks will love it..will be able to perch on the sail!
Steve, the Norman Lindsays sound a bit more upmarket than our nicely framed large ocean waves painting that was left. Fills the wall in the lounge but the wallpaper has faded slightly around it. Ours is definitely just a cottage.
Years ago I bought a small leadlight cabinet at auction and it had two drawers full of cutlery! I used to go to deceased estate auctions when I knew the dealers were out of town.. I developed the art of the poker face and lack of interest and the killer bid in the last seconds...got lots of fantastic bargains of the antique kind..mahogany chiffonier, leadlight cabinets etc...also lots of would be buyers wondering what happened!..the cat was an auction item.

Sydney, Australia

Kat I know what you mean re. the poker face. We have done the same many times. The problem we have now
is that we have run out of space and can't possibly fit in anything else (until the next bargain)
That's why I've moved to the garden now and look for bargains there.
The Lindsays have been a good investment (not that we'd sell them) the gallery releases 500
of each print and then the plates are destroyed. We bought our first for $150. It's now going for $900.
Currently have twelve (4 of which are still under the bed awaiting framing). We are quite taken by his
So ... a Kat with a Cat and chooks. Conjures up a vision! Is that to stay at Caloundra?
Look forward to my next boat. Sold our old fibreglass thing as it was too heavy. Waiting to
get financial again and will get a tinnie at Sussex.

Wonthaggi, Australia

I have Jamie Durie lurking in my carport!! I will post a pic tmorrow!!
Parrot lady off to bed, after sneaking the whites!!LOL!!

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,they smell so sweet.This is what i woke up to this morning.I'm going to display them in my front yard today.Well enjoy your day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning world ,
Katciao Gee it sounds like a lot of fun for your chooks I sould say your girls .
Waiting for day light to put finishing touches to Don and try to put mower in the idea,I know how I want it all but the trick is making it all work. -----------Sammut.

Brisbane, Australia

It looks great, sammut. What did you use for the face? Maybe I should make some to stop the neighbours snooping and snipping!..and put up some things to make them think they are on CCTV..Smile! You are on Candid Camera! Have fun playing in the garden, Sammut. Our chooks are spoilt..so are our cats and dog. Cheers all, Kat

western sydney nsw, Australia

Heeeres DON All finished .
The head I found at markets paid a whole 50 cents for it every one laughted when I said good for the garden whoes laughting now . Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
A bit dull this morning but we did get a little rain last night. (very little ) Today, we are going to get a bit of timber to start on redoing the back entrance. We call it the back veranda but there is no veranda. It needs filling in to keep the cold weather out. I may be able to hang a plant or two in there when it is all done.
I will be planting a couple of seedlings today, that have outgrown their pots. Another double jasmine and a couple of plectranthus. I just have to have a walk around to find a space.
Kat with a catamaran, Now there's a picture. I can see you sailing down the coast with a chook on either shoulder. Pirates had parrots, Kat has chooks. Why don't you take the turkeys for a ride? They would love life on one of those islands up there. Better still take theneighbour and he can walk the plank at sea.
Steve, your Norman Lindsays sound nice but not my style. I just love landscapes.
Sammut, you are getting a population of people in your garden. Don looks right at home.
I can't imagine Jamie Durie in your carport Helen. Does he help in the garden at all ?
I have the beginnings of a scarecrow out in my Iris bed. I must get it done for spring. At the moment all that is there is a shirt on a coathanger, wired to a stake. The parrots like the taste of my iris flowers.
Hello Cody. Have a great garden day. What else is in your garden ?
Rosebud, show us your garden. Steve has blabbed about how lovely it is.
Chrissy. I am just off outside to say good morning to the Angels. I will post pics as the rest open.
Hello to everyone else. It seems that everyone is very busy . I will leave something nice to eat. Shelly and Marleneann had better hop in as Kat is prowling again. Sue, my broms are looking good in the cooler weather. It will be a test for them to be here in the winter. the couple I already had seem to like it though. I have a large dark green one putting up a couple pf pups. I am going to move them all into orchid mix over the weekend. I had them in potting mix until they established a bit. . Better go and have a chat to all the plants. Have a happy gardening day all.
Boston Cream Pie as an indulgence.
My indulgence yesterday was a large piece of the most yummiest mud cake I have ever had.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

This is how he looks all planted in .

Thumbnail by sammut
se qld, Australia

Sammut, you're a hoot! I dread to think what that poor lady did that was so bad, but she fits right in. lol

This message was edited Apr 16, 2009 6:38 PM

Brisbane, Australia

You are very clever, Sammut! Do the clothes etc ever go mouldy or mildewy? They wouldn't last long here, even under cover. The air is too humid. Maybe I should make an enormous stuffed turkey to scare the brush turkeys away..but I think it would scare our chooks more. The small chooks actually charge at the brush turkeys and scare them away but because of the hawk/ tomcat/snake situation, the girls have been locked in their run by day. I have to put bricks and timber around the edges as the turkeys dis under the sides which makes the chooks more vulnerable to daytime wandering snakes. Wonderful weather here today..dams are at 59.2%..just a bit more rain and we have restrictions eased! happy gardening, Cheers, Kat

townsville, Australia

Good morning to everyone on this wonderful FRIDAY morning, if no one has guessed as yet i do love fridays lol. Well i am getting closer to catching up on all my work here, that is the only problem with having time off, i am the only person in the office and thus no one to do my work when i am away oh well, will be caught up soon.
Sammut your carport is getting quite busy and it looks great now all you need is green carpet (ooh i just had an artistic moment lol) and no one will know it is even a carport lol.
Jean no orphans, that is sad, good luck with your verandah, we do not need anything up here to keep out the cold, we wont have any of that for a few months yet, usually a couple of weeks in july or august, which suits me just fine as i am a sook and do not do "cold" very well.
Kat i agree with Jean you should take the neighbour and the turkeys and lose them at sea, your life would be so pleasant then.
Steve your Lindsays sound very nice, my cats are constantly climbing the walls trying to get the geckos, so all of the nice artwork is definately out for me, i love my cats to much to go mad at them for breaking anything which they do all the time, so i just don't buy anything too expensive that they can hurt, and all my nice stuff is behind glass where they can not get to it.
Bryan the wine was very nice thanks i did leave some for Helen, but i feel she may have finished the last of it so alas none left for anyone else lol. Helen i saw Jamie Durie when he was in Manpower, the girls shouted me to see them for my birthday, one year a long time ago, very very very very very nice.
Cody your angels are lovely, you do have a beautiful garden.
Rosebud i hope you figure out how to post photos soon as we would all love to see your garden.
i had best get back to work, well after i make myself a cuppa of tea to have with Jeans cake. i left some for others, i only took a very small piece.
i hope everyone has a wonderful day, may pop back in later if time permits.

western sydney nsw, Australia

No-no-no= the rope is has plant Iam out of chain I just checked I could not take a trick pics. if I tryed I must watch whate I am doing more closley . Its where I am standing.
I dont know how long the out fits will last the will be interesting.

Thumbnail by sammut
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Good Morning All

sammut maybe I should borrow your garden person gnome, to scare the possums but knowing the possums, they'd probably eat it...great deterrent for burglars though.

Just received my box of goodies from an online nursery which include.

Ylang Ylang tree
Laceflower Vine-Episcia Dianthiflora
Hanging Pitcher Plant -Nepenthes `ventrata'
Tacca integrifolia-white bat plant
CHOCOLATE VINE- Akebia quinata
FLAME VINE -Pyrostegia venusta
Flaming crystals Lipstick plant -Aeschynanthus evrardii

and I have been searching for this forever,

LADY SLIPPER VINE- Thunbergia mysorensis

Thumbnail by MyaC
se qld, Australia

>Helen i saw Jamie Durie when he was in Manpower, the girls shouted me to see them for my birthday, one year a long time ago, very very very very very nice.

Shelley, I discovered from one of your posts the other day that you're the same age as I am, and it just so happens that I also went and saW Manpower at Townsville when Jamie Durie was in it. rofl.

Now, if I could just see a pic of you around that age I'll be able to tell everyone here how well you did or didn't behave that night. Come to think of it, there WAS a Helen who ..... no, surely not?!!!!!

I must admit, I think Jamie looks much better with short hair. hehe

I think you must have inspired me Sammut, I've been having a lovely time this morning doing some 'real' gardening. I often don't get the time to do any decorative planting as such, with most of it being functional, usually for soil retention on our sloping ground. Getting the chance to do something 'pretty' for a change reminds me how I got addicted to gardening. Planting just because it has to been done is just plain hard work at times, not 'real' gardening at all. I'm looking forward to the day when I'll be able to 'garden' again to my heart's content.

se qld, Australia

Good morning Mya, that's a gorgeous assortment of plants, and there aren't too many online nurseries have that sort of variety. Would I be correct in guessing it was the one at Nambour? Are we allowed to mention names?

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Would I be correct in guessing it was the one at Nambour?

Right on Pam....great suppliers and the plants came lush and so well packed.

I did some real gardening this morning as well and planted a 4ft Desert Rose in the ground, was inspired by the one in Nelly Bay.

Thumbnail by MyaC
se qld, Australia

I've decided I'm putting my white one in the ground too Mya, after seeing pics of them planted in a roundabout. The poor thing has always struggled in a pot, so I'm sure will be much happier if I liberate it.

How were the nursery's postage costs?

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

How were the nursery's postage costs

$15, was sent on Tuesday and arrived on the island on Thursday afternoon...must have been express...

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