Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean.

Hi Shell thanks,i put my brugmansia on my front porch this morning.This is what it looks like by this evening.When you walk on the porch the smells just knocks you off your feet.Well y'll have a bless day and enjoy.Take care and stay safe.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
se qld, Australia

Thanks re the post cost Mya. For that number of plants that's more than reasonable.

Cody, that bragmansia is gorgeous.

townsville, Australia

Gardengal, they were at the dalrymple hotel, a great night was had by all, and of course i behaved myself it was my birthday after all lol. i do agree he does look better with short hair, and he is still pretty good to look at for his age. You were probably there on the same night if i recall correctly, he only ever come up here once with manpower, the following years there were a couple of different dancers, although my memory of this could be fading lol. are you 48 this year?
Mya what a great collection of plants, i am hitting all the markets on sunday hoping to find a bargain or 3.
have a great weekend everyone if i don't pop back in later.
stay safe and be happy

se qld, Australia

>are you 48 this year?

No Shelly, I've already had my birthday this year. And it WAS you - I distinctly remember 'the birthday girl' hehehe.

townsville, Australia

ok ok but you can never tell, ha ha ha ha. and i am sure there was a couple of birthday girls lol.

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Girls,
It seems me mentioning Jamie, has caused quite a stir!!!LOL!!! No it wasn't me at the Manpower thing. I've just turned 46. Now, don't ask me about the Hula Hut at Pendle Hill, NSW, in the early 80's!!! Jamie is my buddy in the carport, he greats me everytime I come home from wherever??? Most of my friends have had their pic taken with him!Hahhaha!!!
PS~ Mya, I absolutely love the Desert Roses.
Have so much to do today & getting nowhere...back later?
Helen~ The very well behaved Parrot Lady!!LOL!!!

Thumbnail by helens5162
Coushatta, LA

Thanks gardengal,enjoy your day and take care.


Sydney, Australia

Now this site has lost it's way! What's Jamie got that ....
well don't worry about answering that! I suppose he does know
a bit about gardening. Anyway when he first
started backyard blitz he put one hand on the top railing of a
pailing fence and one hand on the bottom railing and proceeded
to lift himself horizontal to the ground!
Got to go now and reflect on how ordinary I am. Sigh.

Barmera, Australia

You young kids have lost your way get back on track. I had no time for Jamie Durie's gardening expertise. Through the Nursery Association I was told that most of those instant gardens did not last all they wanted was something for the cameras. Jamie's physical fitness was a different matter altogether.

Sydney, Australia

Rosebudgal is looking after the twins tonite and still finding her way around the site.
She has heaps of pics and will post in due time.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Glad I got onto the lawns & dead heading roses the other day as I have been too busy to do more than admire them in passing the last few days.
My elderly dally had a lump cut out of the inside of her ear, very relieved that it is a benign fibroma.
Hoping for fine weather Sunday so I can rake all the leaves from the drive & front lawns.
Free mulch :)

se qld, Australia

You're right Brian, the instant garden makeovers are hopeless. On one of the rare occasions that I bothered to make one, the aforementioned one of great physical strength planted a ficus in the middle of a tiny courtyard.. Very dumb!! Oh, and it wasn't a picket fence, it was a verandah post. lol

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all ,
Well sat. again of to buy supplies for the garden will be a few plants . a nice chill in the air its still dark so cannot see whates in store weather wise .
every one have a great day till later. -----------Sammut

Merino, Australia

Hello all. I'm a bit worried about some of you ladies. Jamie Durie indeed. Helen , I can think of lots of better looking things to have greet you when coming home. A lovely flower pic, a landscape or even a loved pet. If you must have a man, get a good one. Ha ha.
Now I do remember having a large pic of William Shatner on my wall when a lot younger.
I wouldn't mind one of Richard Dean Anderson on the wall now though.
I agree about those garden makeovers. I saw a show once that went back to see a few much later. They were either neglected, changed or totally removed. A lot of the people weren't happy with the designs etc. It is all done for the cameras. A garden , to me , is a personal thing. You set your own stamp on it and it slowly evolves as your moods, needs and finances change.
How many of you have moved into a house with a garden that has stayed the same as time went on ?
Sammut, you are clever. Your carport will be full in no time. Does Don mow all the lawns for you ?
Hello Dalfyre.. How are things over the ditch there ?
Gardengal , are you dry yet ? How are your plants coping now ?
Brian, How are all your cacti going ? We haven't see a pic for a while. Mine are all loving this mild weather and i may design a new place for them later. They are spilling out of the small area that was all I gave them as an afterthought. They seem to be getting a bit uppity and wanting to be noticed . Jealous of the Angels, no doubt.
Steve, we do look forward to Rosebuds pics later. I don't see why you should feel ordinary against that young man the ladies seem to like. We are all magnificent in some way. We just don't prance around on TV.
Chrissy, I saw the boy with the wonderful voice on TV the other night in the grand final of that show. Last night , the English lady with the fantastic voice was on our news. I do hope all their dreams come true and they both win.
Cody, hello . That Brug is really lovely.
Mya, are you drying out up there ? How is your garden ?
Shelly (Q) I think you must be a bit of a cheeky one . Manpower, Hhmmmm. My daughter went to one of those things.
Yesterday was a mild day and I moved all my cane begonias into the greenhouse. the greenhouses were only cheap from eBay but do a good job with seeds etc. The first one is still doing well , but the second must be inferior quality as the plastic covering on the roof part is coming apart from the sun. Luckliy it has a strong mesh fabric in it so will not fall down off the frame. I just covered it with a large piece of shadecloth and made it a shadehouse/ greenhouse. I can now remake the old begonia house into something new.
I had better move myself or nothing will be out for any visitors to the Tea Room.
Hello to everyone I have missed. Kat , leave some cake.
Have a great day all and enjoy the nibbles.
Try this gorgeous Devils Food Cake.Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

G'Day All.
77Sunset I've been flat out carting wine bottles to the Tea Room, no time for anything else.
Actually there is not a lot flower wise on my cacti at present but earlier this week I went back to the cactus garden in Renmark and some of those photos I posted on the C & S site. It is amazing to see the comments, this area has a quality C & S display of world interest and there is never a mention of it.
In its own sphere it is equal to David Rustons rose garden that, deservedly, gets lot of publicity Vic's cacti are ignored. I think it is time for me to draw the Renmark Councils attention to this and direct them to the DG site so the can see the comments there. They have an additional tourist attraction to promote along with the rose garden.
The photo is posted on that site but I thought it might be of interest. The plant is the biggest cactus I have ever seen an Opuntia possibly O. ficus indica and the person is my daughter who actually got me planting cacti when she was still at school.

Thumbnail by Stake
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean thanks,hope you enjoy your day.We have been building a duck pen.We bought 19 baby duckling today.Don't know what kind they are,it will be a surprise to see what they are.Next week i'm going to get some Mallards.Well have a great day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Brisbane, Australia

The ducks are very cute, Cody. Are they pets? or table ducks? Of the six chickens we bought in February, four are/were roosters..so only two hens. We aren't allowed to keep roosters where we are so there is always a problem finding safe homes for them. One will be euthanased as it has a bent beak and although it can eat etc, it will only get worse. Ours are definitely pets...eggs are just a bonus..and we could never eat them. They are very spoilt here.

Have a great day and thanks for brightening the day even more with your ducklings! Cheers, Kat

Coushatta, LA

Thanks Kat,they are pets.When these get old enough to breed and stuff we will sell the babies.We don't know what these are yet.Won't know until the feathers come in.These where left over from Easter.Right now they are in a rabbit cage until we get the gate on the pen.The rain put a stop to that.YUCK!!So when they get their feathers they can go in the pen.Have a great day and enjoy.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
western sydney nsw, Australia

After noon all .
Well no one can beleive it I only bought one plant this morning after we finished in the hard ware side I headed to the plants no joy there nothing waved their leaves to me they did not seem interested or want to picked up only one poor snake plant sat all alone on a long bench he was happy to go to a new home I think he grew a little on the way home . they must be waiting for new stock.
So cute the baby ducks .
I have learned to live with untidy grass they cut it every week - My late husband cut the grass every second day .

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone,
Sorry, Steve & Brian, my fault, I distracted the ladies with a garden pinup!!LOL!!! Actually Jean, he's not really my cup of T either, but a fun talking point when vistors come over.
No gardening for me today, it's cold & drizzling. I've been looking at all of Sarah's honeymoon pics, absolutely lovely!
Cody~ I need one of your ducks, they are sooo cute!! But, I don't think Chilli & Ginger would be too happy about it??
Might sneak around the back & check out the latest arrival of Whites?
Have a great weekend all,

Thumbnail by helens5162
Brisbane, Australia

Afternoon all!
It's a pity there's no Devils Food Cake left - it would have been nice with my coffee! Thanks anyway Jean!
I've had to go shopping for a new dishwasher this morning - ours finally died after 15 years! I have to wait a few days to get the one I want, so I think it's paper plates until then! I went to the Qld Brom Society show also this mornign and managed to bring home a few - I got my arms scratched too!
Cody, the ducklings are so sweet - they look like they're smiling & they're such a rich colour.
Sammut, don't worry re only buying one plant, maybe just the lull before the storm!
Mya, the plants you had delivered arrived in great condition. In the pic above what is the segmented green vine or stems coming out of the front corner of the box? I goggled for Akebia Quinata to see what it is - it has a lovely flower. The Pyrostegia venusta seems to do well here in Bris - there are heaps of it covering the sound protection walls along the train line into the city from where I live. It's lovely when out in flower.
Brian that cactus is huge!
Re the garden makeovers, I'm still dirty at Don Burke for doing a Balinese makeover that inspired me to buy a whole bunch of lovely plants (mainly cordylines) that then all died when I couldn't keep the water up during the drought! I'd like to see the makeover gardens revisited after 2 years & see how they look then! Sadly the gardens are often done for people who have brown thumbs in the first place, so it's gotta be a recipe for disaster!
Anyway have a pleasant evening all! Here's my two boys keeping me company while I'm at the PC.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2009 5:28 PM

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Leisa,
Your boys look like great company!. Mine are girls, had to balance the household!
(I have twin, 16 year old boys)LOL!!
Yes, I agree, those makeovers are all just show, lets see them in a few years time?
I think there was a show about them "re-visited"?
Hopefully, I'll get into the garden again this week? So many interruptions here & the weather is foul.
Enjoy your weekend all,

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

In the pic above what is the segmented green vine or stems coming out of the front corner of the box?

Oh sorry,it's a starfish cactus-orbea variegate ,how could I have overlooked that,nice spotting Leisa.

Brian that cactus is huge,absolutely amazing.

Coushatta, LA

Hi there,thanks Sammut,Helen, and Leisa.They do have a pretty color to them.They go through water like it's going out of style.LOL!!!!!Well y'll have a great weekend.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A dull morning here so far. A bit of fog or misty rain laying around the hills.
Yesterday turned out a fine no jumper day. I ripped the rest of the damaged roof from the old shadehouse and then had a think about what would go in there.
I finally decided as it has the shadecloth sides , I would leave it with no roof and put some of the Angels in there.
I now have some in the ground in there and others in pots. They can grow up through the roof if they like and still get shelter from the wind. I was able to fit 10 in there and they can keep the dragon lilies company.
Today will be another day of pulling something apart as I am going to take away the old archway over one of the gates. I will put up a better improved one later. It will be a good place for a mandevilla too. there is a Gold Bunny climbing rose that has not done really well so the mandevilla will make things look a bit ncer.
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I see the cake was very popular and was gone very quickly.
I am off out to move a few plants around. Gardening is a bit like musical chairs. One is always moving something around.
I have my large stapelia with buds ready to open . The smaller flowering ones all have flowers too ,so it may get a bit smelly in the greenhouse. I hope the begonias don't mind. I have planted all the cane begonias in there . I am hoping for a green jungle when they all grow tall again. I have underplanted with a couple of bulbs and some other ground cover that likes to be in shelter.
I am still waiting on my other angels to open but it will be soon.
Have a great day everyone and ladies, please share the cakes. Poor Leisa missed out yesterday.
This one looks very tasty.. All courtesy of What's Cooking America.
Lady Baltimore Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning to all
Not a beautiful day here this morning overcast possible will rain later . I"m always moving things and turning the pots so all sides get sun this morning I replaced the chain on the fence I had pinched the chain to hang green haven but the fence looked so bare with out pots on it.
I hate the make over shows all the pots after they plant they just throw the in the bins in fact they could do a show using most thate they throw away I think all of us could give them tips .
Sorry having a bit of a to day later I am going to the Reject shop to buy pots I am always running out of them .till later ----------Sammut.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Well it was a nice day here, I spent the morning instructing a very enthusiastic class with a variety of dogs.
The weather fined up in the afternoon & we inspected our rental property - no hesitation in returning the bond, the place was in mint condition!
The gardens look good, a bit of tidy up needed but not much.
And I am looking forward to the 'work' I think I will swap plants between here & there.
Some of the natives will be good in our back yard & along the fence line after I spray the weeds I will put my mini aggies.
A few of the fancy pansies have managed to survive & will be nice in my flower beds.
There are aquilegia going to seed as well - they are pretty yellow ones that will look good with the purple I have here.
Here is a link to what I did at Easter, Aviation Overload!

Enjoyed all your posts today I havn,t been doing much in the garden lately as we had the usual round of docs and hospital appointments
so it is a matter of sitting back to recover and reading posts
Happy Gardening

Thumbnail by Supergran9
Wonthaggi, Australia

I know how you feel, Supergran,
Take care,

Sydney, Australia

Good to see you have all been busy while I was away. A four hour drive has left the brain a
little more frazzled than it usually is. Took some pics of our friend's holiday house gardens, took cuttings and
some seeds.. Who knows of a common name 'Snake Plant' (other than Mother in Laws Tongue).
The stem does look a little like a Pythons markings and it has a large palmate leaf. The flower looks like an Arum italicum flower with a white bract. (I don't like common names too much as far as ID goes). Anyway I got some seeds. Interesting plant.
Good night

Brisbane, Australia

Hello Steve..your "snake plant" is Amorphophallus bulbifer..grows with a snakeskin like stem and gets a fern type leaf. One of mine has nobby things on it at the the moment..definitely weird. It's a bulb. Cheers, Kat



This message was edited Apr 19, 2009 7:57 AM

Brisbane, Australia

Well, I didn't get any gardening done today, or finish any art stuff for the show in two weeks! I did get to Ikea close to closing time to get more wire baskets to keep the turkeys out of the smaller pots. I had to take a sherpa to find my way through to the exit where the baskets were..they don't allow "cheating" by running through the cash registers. If you've been to Ikea, a very large Ikea, you will know what I mean. You need a packed lunch and a map. I reckon we could hold my daughter's wedding there..the restaurant is cheap and efficient, guests could select and wrap gifts and there are heaps of bedrooms for interstate guests to stay in. I reckon they could do a roaring trade! of course, I lined up behind someone who had dramas..which required the supervisor, by which time all other lanes had piles of people waiting.
We collected the catamaran. I will only be sitting on it while it is on dry land! The boys are happy though..sorting out the bits and pieces. I went to sea once on a very cheap boat..which had removed the stabilisers to carry iron girders..hit a cyclone, listed sideways, like a scene from the old Titanic movie. My paid-for bolthole was below the plimsol line. I slept on a deckchair closest to a liferaft..even had to lash myself to one side of the deck..then ship was hijacked for three hours by someone with a knife on the bridge..he was then locked in the hospital ward and set fire to it and none of the staff spoke English..all Chinese. When we got to Fiji, I caused a stir by departing..that was another adventure stopping them locking me up and always being watched..then finally leaving on a small island hopper plane (with heaps of stress cracks on the wings) and finding the hijacker from the ship was being deported on the same plane...no more sea trips anywhere for me!

barmera, Australia

Thought a few people might like to check Degarotty's Debi prayer plant thread.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I must sit down again. I have just walked all the way to the road to put up a new signpost . I had a granny moment while I was there and painted the wrong letter on the sign. You will have to look for a romm not a room . Stupid me.
It was the walk that did it . I was tired and never looked at the letters properly.
It will have to stay until next time.
I do hope you all had a great weekend. It was quiet here but the weather was fine. I managed to get quite a bit done around the garden. It is starting to look like autumn now with the leaves all turning. We are nearly to the middle of the year and it seems that Christmas just left. I hope to get down to Portland during the week to take photos of the dahlias in the Botanical Gardens. I will also get some pics of the lawns near the town hall so you can all see the wonderful Anzac display laid out in flowers.
I have all my chrysanthemums starting to open, just at the right time for Mothers Day too. I keep them all in pots now as they are so much easier to look after that way.
Hello Steve. I like those amazing plants. I have some dragon lilies and a couple of types of Amorphophallus. I am waiting to see them grow and flower.
Hello Helen, Dalfyre and Sammut. Nice to see you again Supergran.
Kat, no wonder you have such neighbours near you now. You are a walking disaster magnet. What did you do in another life to deserve all that I wonder ?
I had better get myself off this chair and do a bit of washing.
I hope you all have a great week and hello to everyone popping in to the new site.
Kat have a sit down and a cuppa , sounds like you need it.
An old favorite, Cinnamon Buns.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Morning all (she says in a thick & nasally voice),
I've got the flu today (too much rushing around late last week & on the weekend)! So I'm gonna steal a cinnamon bun to eat after a bit more sleep!
I won't hang around, as I don't want anyone else to catch the flu too!

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