se qld, Australia

Here you go Jean. The pink colour was in fact much richer. From memory, the shape of the flowers was similar to the parrot one, but they're the same pink as the veins on the leaves. The plant was a bit like hens' teeth at the time I came accross it.

This message was edited Apr 12, 2009 2:21 AM

Thumbnail by gardengal
se qld, Australia

Another of my many plant weaknesses - fungii

Thumbnail by gardengal
barmera, Australia

Gardengal, the Begonia and the fungi are lovely. It looks like the fairies could live there. I love fairy-like gardens. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Gardengal, that impatiens looks lovely. . I like fungi too but never have to grow any. If we have a damp time (it does rain here ) I have all sorts of weird and wonderful fungi popping up all over the place. There is a very large dinner plate type that likes to come up in one of the shadehouses.
I must take photos of them if they all come up again.

barmera, Australia

I do get little toadstools coming up around the garden in clumps but I haven't fungi here not that I can remember. Perhaps when I get my shade house they might come.

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. See what happens when you are off the radar for a couple of days.
Stake has kindly pointed me in the right direction. I wondered why there had been little
chat over the last couple of days. I'll bring forward my banter from 34

Sydney, Australia

G'day you lot. Back from Sussex. Another busy one.
Jean here is the left behind leadlight cabinet. I think you are right with people not
realising the value of things. The dining table is also an old beauty. Underneath in chalk
are the words "Summer House". The glass doors on the cabinet need some attention so I have
vowed to learn leadlight when the important projects are out of the way.
Back later to show what else has been happening.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

These were in two inches of soil an old washing machine tub.
I think you have mentioned what they are CT and I wrote it down but
do you think I can find it now?
I took out the bigger pieces and potted them

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Merino, Australia

Looks like jade Steve.
I want that cabinet, it's so beautiful.

Sydney, Australia

also started refurbishing a garden.
The Camellias are the result of aerial layering. I think this is a great way to get
flowering plants relatively quickly. The Canna lily was $4 from the Coastal Patrol shop.
The Agis and Hydrangeas were there. There is also an Abutilon from cutting and
the Azalea is from the garden at Cronulla. It was in the wrong position.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

Sorry Jean the cabinet stays! Can't wait to work on it.
Will show the dining table next. You will want that too.
Jade it is. (Crassula arborescens) per Stake. Googled and it appears to be the one.

Sydney, Australia

meanwhile in another part of the yard, in another washing tub, in another two inches of soil
is this little beauty. Will be transplanting and taking some cutting when it finishes flowering.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Stake...what cream buns...I missed them...hey bring them back here.


se qld, Australia

My Granny had a very similar cabinet. I have a feeling it was garage saled when a couple of houses amalgamated into one.

shelly re the parrots ...I forgot to say that make sure the potting mix is mildy acidic ...I read that.Mine are all still growing well in a mix of a little cow manure mixed into washed river sand. In an richer mix the water in the saucer may not be good in cooler temps.Like most tropicals you must ease the water off a little as the days grow cooler ...I would suggest you take some pieces indoors for winter just in case.
brian what do you mean no one ate the hot cross buns ...you obviously can't count! I don't eat chocolate but I love my hot cross buns and I had two with a big slather of real butter on them ^_^ I wait all year for this treat and just love it.You did a pretty good job of it too ...well done!
steve that furniture is very nice ...I like the chairs and table too.
You have been busy!
Loving the little fairy cups fungus ...I have them everywhere because it has been wet for almost two years now ...I think they like all the cow poo I use.I also have all kinds of different mushrooms pop up too ...the most unusual ones are the puff balls that explode when you touch them ...they have gone missing in this wet so they prefer dryer conditions I guess ...have a look at these beautiful ones

oops forgot to say colleen love the cake!

This message was edited Apr 12, 2009 6:53 PM

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Barmera, Australia

Yea! must have miscounted by a long way because more of them were eaten than I expected. Here we toasted a couple for supper and because we only like to eat healthy stuff did not have the butter only Plum jam and thick cream.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Brian who are you fooling.? Only had the buns with jam and CREAM, no butter. Ha ha. That's so much healthier than butter ? Hmmmmmm
Chrissy, I wait for hot cross buns all year too. I only buy one packet but they don't last long.
Steve, I am coming to pinch that furniture. I do love the cabinet and I'll take whatever else I can get in the boot.
It's a cool morning here with no fog today. i am still watching the Angel buds daily.
I have lots of nerines and other bulbs up now. I see the little Lachenalias sticking their heads up . It won't be long before the daffs and jonquils poke their heads up too. They seem to be earlier every year. The Iris es are looking good but with winter rain will wilt away until spring.
All the small plants I have put in over the last few eeks are standing up nicely.
Sammut. I potted out some Mandevilla seedlings too. Thank you.
I have Stapelia flowers coming on 3 different types . Sue thank you. Your piece has grown nicely and has a flower bud.
Chrissy , do you have speckled chooks to lay those pretty eggs ? Ha ha
Marleneann, I can't believe you missed the buns. They were lovely. Never mind, I'll put something nice out for you today.
Gardengal, hello. Are you getting any dryer up there now ?
Hello to everyone else. I know you are all busy with visitors etc after the weekend. I will leave some lovely nibbles as I see that evrything has been eaten .
Have a very lovely garden day.
Strawberry Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Good morning everyone ...another grey wet morning.
Never mind it means I need not water anything outside only the verandah dwellers.
The temps are really way lower than normal this year ...I wonder what sort of winter it will be?
I guess it does not matter really time seems to fly all the seasons just race away don't they.
Who has enjoyed this last summer? has anyone had many adventures with new plants?
My goodness I certainly have ...how about you?
I think it is fair to say we are all growing things that perhaps we aren't so familiar with ...what fun! Learning is always fun ...even when we make mistakes we learn from them.
I am already really looking forward to next Spring/Summer aren't you?
Winter is not unwelcome here ...it is a little respite from heat humidity and mozzies ... I truly enjoy the garden chores done without fear of wasps and snakes etc.
What are you looking forward to this winter?

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western sydney nsw, Australia

Good Morning to everyone this great morning I sure have had fun over Summer in the garden I have 2 baby angels looking at the world for the first time I hope they like whate they see and others come out to join them . ---------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
se qld, Australia

Morning all. I see we have yet another irresistable treat for morning tea. Jean, you really do spoil us too much! Thanks for the hot cross buns too Brian, but I really couldn't fit one in.

It's raining here today, just enough to give everything a bit of a lift, I hope. We've actually been missing the rain that many around us seem to have been having, and everything was looking as thoug it could do with a good drink again, so it should be good.

I've been dodging downpours today trying to get a bit more planting done. We have the sort of clay that seems to turn to liquid when it rains though , so it can be a bit treacherous to be out wandering too far amongst it.

Yet another little collection that I have, caladiums. (I can't help myself lol)

Thumbnail by gardengal
se qld, Australia

And a few more

The stripey one is Caladium lendenii. It used to be classed as xanthosoma

Thumbnail by gardengal
Wonthaggi, Australia

Honeymooners are home safe & sound.
Lots to do here today. Have fun everyone & Take Care,

Merino, Australia

Sammut, congratulations on the babies. Isn't it exciting to watch them grow ?
I see from the other thread that we may eventually convert Brian and Steve is on his way to being an addict of the Angels. Noone told him you can't have just one. Ssshhhhhhh.
I have more flowers out today but will wait until they open more to take photos.
I see everyone talking about rain and wet mud etc. I wouldn't mind a bit of mud but I must admit I do enjoy these lovely autumn days.
Hello Helen, you can have agood rest now after the wedding etc.
Gardengal, those caladiums are so pretty.
Chrissy, I am looking forward to winter for one reason. RAIN. I hate the cold but we need the rain and down here we have to wait for it until winter. The other thing about winter is that one can look forward to spring .
We went for a drive to Mt Gambier again today. We went right down into the large sinkhole gardens and I forgot to take the camera down with me. You'll have to imagine it as I was definitely not going to climb out and back in again. The whole area down in the bottom has been landscaped with gardens and seats. The ivy creeper falls from the top all down the sides to the bottom. It is kept trimmed at the bottom and the gardens are terraced with lawn interspersed with tree ferns, hydrangeas, acanthus, fuschia and some hibiscus. A lovely place to sit and relax.
i did take some photos of xanthorhea ( black boys or grass tree) think I spelt that right.
I am going to sit back with a cuppa and relax. I did relocate a couple of pieces of a pretty and compact daisy in 2 shades of pink.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hmm...Looks like everyone is still out gardening?
I took off to get Potting Mix & brought home, something else as well, I'll post a pic.
BBQing tonight, enjoying the warm days while we can.
Might sneak in & check out the Wine Collection?
Take Care all,

Thumbnail by helens5162
se qld, Australia

Well our expected sprinkle turned into an absolute downpour. The rainwater tanks are full, as is the dam. You're more than welcome to come and take any more rain there might be Jean, as our ground is melting. At least our house can't flood.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Oh Oh Helen its beautiful - It is raining heavy up here no sitting out side here to night.-----Sammut.

Christchurch, New Zealand

right next to the gold stand at the air show was an experience Marlborough tent...
lots of wines to be tasted & we bought a few bottles for 'Ron...
later ron.
took beer up with us & didn't have any of it so that came all the way home again.
Having one now while I catch up on the posts...
The weather was stunning, Friday they did a twilight show & once that sun dropped it was freezing.
Next day we put thermals on & it came out hot & still with not a cloud in the sky...
Sunday was just as sunny but a coolish breeze kept us from broiling.
Today was fine again but a much cooler breeze & a few high clouds - so we watched a few of the planes heading home before we had to make our final goodbyes & go home ourselves.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

It's been raining cat's and dog's here on the Sunshine Coast since 3.00pm this afternoon.

Let's hope tomorrow brings a bit of sunshine.

Thunbergia Blue Moon.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
barmera, Australia

Gosh that Thunbergia is pretty Marleneann

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I am in a rush this morning as I have to get a few things packed for the post. I have been out to see my Angels. Chrissy the apricot noid looks very pretty with the mature apricot flower and the 2 new ones next to it still being white. I will post a photo later when the sun comes out. Another of the glasshouse angel flowers is out too. It is a light apricot , coming out the same as the first one.
I am in the middle of getting the washing done as well, so had better get back to that.
I see that all you people up north have stolen my rain again. Leisa , get diggingon that ditch again.
It looks like being another lovely day here . I hope Shelly is having a good time and also Marleneann.
I do miss Lesley popping in to eat the cakes. Hope all is well with her. . Kat are you still out there or have you been washed away ?
Sue, you will have to put water wings on your broms or build raft gardens.
Helen, there are 3 little buds on one of my parrots. i hope the weather stays nice for a while so they can open.
Have a great day everyone and enjoy some tasty nibbles.
An indulgence, so don't eat too many.
Vanilla Nut Easter Eggs.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Jean look!!!! with the cooler temps Glass House Angel has turned almost orange!

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I will come back later this thingy is taking half an hour to load ...must be security marching through ...see you later :)

townsville, Australia

Good morning to all, everyone has been very busy while i have been on leave, i had a wonderful week off, i could not get out fishing on the ocean as the weather did not permit to windy but we managed a couple of days in the creeks and caught a few so they were good days. I got lots of gardening done but not as much as i planned i ran out of days somehow lol, went down to mackay to visit my sister for a couple of days which was lovely, did my spring clean on my house, so all up i had a great week but i went by much toooooooooo fast. I have only done a quick scan on what everyone has been up to as my desk is piled high after my time off yuk. Sammut i do hope you are ok, Brian i missed out on your cooking, a man that can cook wow, you can come up with summut don't forget the wine. Jean i am going to be huge after all those nice munchies, i will never fit in the door, we have had a lot of rain this week and Jean you are more than welcome to it. Helen the cake is lovely, i am glad the wedding went well and they are home safe and sound. Shelly i have had the same problem with you with the parrots, mine are rotting away as well i still have a couple left which i will now try neglect on, as i too am killing them with kindness, i check on them everyday and get heartbroken everytime one has passed away, i am glad helen sent me a few cuttings.
Steve i am doing very badly with my footy tips i managed 5 this week but last week SUCKED i only got 1, very poor effort on my behalf, the footy teams are just not cooperating with me lol.
Well i had better go and try to organise this mess they have left for me.
Have a great day all and it is nice to pop in and see you all again this is the only thing that i missed while i was away.
i hope everyone had a lovely easter

Hi the thingy is moving again ...I hope everyone is back safe and sound ...the bad news is the chores and work are always there ...it isn't Monday though.
Well we actually have some sunshine ...man it hurts my eyes as I am not used to it anymore ...only joking of course but only just.
Let me see ...my confused pink and yellow honeysuckle thinks it is Spring

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My Cape Honeysuckle has had most of the flowers washed off but still presents a good show

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same with this one more blooms on the ground than on the huge tree but it still reeks of orange blossom.

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I haven't posted these over in the flowering thread because they are just good old fashioned plants that are just always there.
Good luck with those Congo parrots girls sorry to hear you are losing them ...good luck! most potting mixes have a bit of lime in them perhaps that may be the reason ...just wondering.
steve this is one of my she oaks way up over the home ...

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Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone,
Another beautiful sunny, gardening day in Wonnie!
Sammut, I knew you would love my new addition. I'm hoping to do more in the pergola to make it more Tropical/Asian looking?
Shellys~you are both obviously too kind to the parrots??LOL!!! I have more coming along, so anyone, please let me know?
Glad Jean & chrissy's parrots are chirping along.
Back to chopping out a very dead bamboo in a large pot. I'm going to transplant a massive Crucifix orchid into it. Too big now, for a hanging pot.
Sorry about the deluge on those of you up north, wish we could have some.
Stay safe,

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to all ,
We have had a beautiful sunny day here as well I have been out side playing most of the day - repotted alot of my cuttings run out of pots and soil --taken shade cloth down to catch all the winter sun .
Helen I love the Asian tropical look but I mix any thing I see I like in it all seems to blend to my eye and its original --- I get most of my wind chimes at Reject shop and the little signes were red plaster
I painted over the writting in gold paint .a lot of my yard Buddha"s are from reject and go low .
We have had enought rain I am building Big bellows to blow any more thate fails down every one thate wants it.---------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

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