What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #14

Victoria Harbour, ON

You rest that hand..couldn't you keep the spling on all day as well? Left home and had just posted on another site that although we've still a lot of snow I could see ground where I had shovelled...well got about 20 minutes away from home and blizzard conditions..they are calling for more..heading your way "M" not that you want it though...

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good news that the splint worked well.

I guess that snow is headed our way later today. Just in time for Obama's visit.

Well, the buses have been up and running for 1 1/2 weeks now. DH wanted to take the bus downtown for a meeting yesterday. Guess what? We knew that our express bus wouldn't be running for awhile, but a check of the schedules showed that the local doesn't start running until about 9:25 am. Really smart. NO BUS SERVICE at all during rush hour. Means people have to get a ride to where they can reach one of the major lines that go downtown and of course, they can't park there for the day.

Off to the FC to volunteer for the day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wonder Ann who did that schedule...they did say up to six weeks right for all to be back to normal..OBAMA's visit..see there is a no-fly zone tomorrow over Parliament Buildings..

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I know someone who wears their splint while doing chore things for support and at night. They said it helps a lot.
I'm pleased to hear you are getting some relief from your CT!

Cold and sunny here today.

People who use bus's should do the schedule not the bosses! At the very least there should be a park and ride spot if the service can't come all the way.
Ann ( the edmonton one)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Glad to hear the splint is helping Marilyn

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Fer crying out loud re the bus situation .. the WHOLE world is up in arms over the ENVIRONMENT and being 'GREEN' .. and yet the 'powers that be' set the schedules like that .. spare me !!!!

Thanks everyone re my +ve experience with the splint .. I kind stuck to the bedspread a couple of times due to the velcro .. but that was remedied quickly and if it continues I'll just slip some kind of cover over the splint .. preferably made from cotton ..

SHIVER ME TIMBERS is it COLD here .. good gosh .. the wind is smack outta the north .. doubt we'll get much above -18C with the windchill .. it was -32C at 7:30am.

Have mixed feelings with regards to Barack Obama's FIRST official trip since he became US President #44 .. I guess it could be because he has so much on his plate , as does Mr. Harper .. one wonders how these 2 'younger' leaders of major nations will interact. Seems the BIGGEST decision I had back when I was in my 40's was whether the potatoes for dinner would be mashed or baked !!! Be interesting to watch.

Off to search for recipes ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

You always make me laugh "M"
Guess the storm passed me by..it's on it's way to you "M"

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I thought there was always a "no fly" zone over the parliament buildings - at least since 911. Was thankful that we took a balloon ride BEFORE that date and we got to go right over them.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, you ready for the masses, can't believe they said a group booked a flight from Vancouver in order to see Obama..not likely..

Just got home, still snowing, was quite surprised at the amound in my yard..guess plowman will be by before morning..

Only a few tweaks to do to this panel I painted, put it in the cupboard..looks ok in the basement, doesn't match the basement decor so it will do until I find something more appropriate..photo colors don't do justice..more for upstairs decor but drats, how much painted furniture can you have..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Very nice Betty!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Indeed! Sure would fit nicely into our decor ;)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm going to stay well away from downtown tomorrow. Don't think I could get there anyway. Will have to decide in the morning on whether I try to CROSS downtown on the Queensway (which won't be closed) in order to get an allergy shot. I'd be going before he's due to arrive here. We'll see how much snow we get overnight.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Best of luck Ann trying to be mobile today..best you stay inside and catch up on some much deserved rest..I'd say about 4" of snow fell here last night, calling for more today..oh well, is winter isn't it, and then winter again and again..gee it's long when it starts mid-November..

Best I get ready for work, gab later

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .. we have again wakened to a bone shattering -32C ... a good ol NORTH WEST wind is blowing away .. as Betty says .. to be expected as it IS winter (Time and again)

Beauteous colours in the panel Betty ..

Ann .. from what I gather the visit of Obama to Ottawa has caused quite a bit of excitement and anticipation. Buses leaving Toronto with folks on board for a 4 hour trip (with stops) just to catch a 'glimpse' of these 2 men together.
From what I have read of the schedule .. there really won't be much 'public viewing' of them. As well .. the reporters were regailing all the viewers with the stories of the many and varied security measures being instituted .. ie .. streets closed .. changes at the airport .. #s of security persons and police .. seems the brief visit will end up costing the Canadian tax payers just a lil bit more than a Big Mac from Rotten Ronnies LoL ... it IS kinda exciting, and I'll likely watch .. best place (and safest place) to watch is at home in front of the TV.

Off for an outing with my Hospice client this afternoon .. she isn't nearly as perky as usual after her blood transfusion .. that concerns me, as it does her .. so .. we'll try to make it a pleasant afternoon.

Stay warm everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

Major problem on the highways this am .. HWY 400 closed both south and northbound..transport truck went over medium hitting vehicles..closed for minimum of 4 hrs..Paul and Suznne making their way to city..won't make the 10am appt. for sure...

I left 1/2 hr. early this am because of the storm..we must have gotten freezing rain at some point because my windows and under snow were laden with ice..yuk

Everyone in city today so I get to play..boss left my paycheck on my desk, that's a good sign..lol..and I brought in more painting projects..imagine ..my hand should be shaking when I pick up my paycheck..but, I do my job..yesterday I booked 5 appts. after giving info to clients..that means days/days of work for both Suzanne and Paul..me, I paint

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Gorgeous painting.......I have always wanted to be able to paint !
Paychecks are a good thing to be getting these days.

Over cast in Edmonton but bright and not overly cold as there isn't a wind.
I love the longer days it seems to make the world brighter too.
cheers for now

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Those of you interested in the dog show second part of Westminster on this evening on TSN starting ( in Calary at 545pm.) Yes I know we know the results but still nice to check out the various groups!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wonder how they are doing in Ottawa..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have been glued to the TV watching the Obama/Harper meeting .. they are on a lunch break til 2:30 right now ..

Obama is very personable .. and I do think that he has been well rec'd .. I am learning MUCH Canadian history today from Peter Mansbridge and the other reporters dealing with the relationships between other Prime Ministers and US Presidents .. apparently Reagan and Mulrooney were very friendly .. whereas Pearson and LBJ had NO use for one another .. and it goes on and on ..

Horrifying re the accident on the 400 Betty .. we are still sitting at -28C with the windchill and my Hospice client has begged off til Monday as the cold really bothers her ..
Looks like the east coast is going to get THUMPED with a HUGE snowstorm .. guess Toronto and area pushed it onwards .. Ottawa 'looks' cool with just a few flakes.

Making Canelloni .. for some reason I bought OVEN READY canelloni .. being the stick in the mud that I am .. I did boil it .. just for 3 minutes mind .. am off to see if it was the right or wrong thing to do !! I only boiled half the box 'in case'


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I popped into the chat room this morning. My first time. Likely my last. I just mentioned that Obama was coming and the city was in a tizzy. It was pretty clear there were not a lot of Obama supporters there. LOL I've not gone out, but will shortly within my local neighbourhood.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann I went on, just a little after you, didn't say anything about the visit..just said hi , then I typed in something else, waited finally said, we'll guess it's just me, myself and I..so off I went..lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

If anyone is watching the Harper/Obama news conference right now .. you can guess why I am embarrassed .. I will say NO more ..

Have never done the chat room .. don't type all that quickly ...


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG what happened? Tell me we don't look like dolts.

Victoria Harbour, ON

omg, don't have t.v. here..when we moved took it home..can you give hints...wouldn't you know it..

Victoria Harbour, ON

drats "M" come back please..just went to Yahoo/Google only thing I see is that a man jumped baricade before Obama got there

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I can't anything either :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

That "M" gets our blood boiling to find out and disappears...lol

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well just to take your mind off Obama etc....
Got home a bit ago from doc. appoint and grocery shopping to hear a message on my machine from dog walker - Fancy was missing! It is a long rather narrow city park with slopes down to theriver. He was walking from south, another guy from north looking. I hopped in car - not far to park - and drove slowly along road watching all the dogs, suddenly saw a group with whatI thought was a sheltie, looked more closely, yes! Hopped out of the car blowing my whistle - they heard and I realised it was my dog walker so just met them at end of park!Great relief all round.Bad enough to lose your own dog but somebody who is being paid to take the dogs feels a whole lot worse! Guess she wandered away with another group of dogs and the guy walking from the north saw her, called her but when he picked her up to put in his truck to take her to the south park.lot she got frantic so he just walked her back until they met Dean!
I have been having some concerns lately about slightly unusual behaviour and wondering if the hearing is starting to go. Guess we will have to reevaluate if they continue to go for walks off leash.
I lost her once before when she freaked at a hot air baloon and it was 2 hours before we found her back at the car! Scary!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O that fancy can be a handful at times! I'm so glad you found her and she is ok. I hope her hearing is ok too.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Lordie .. nothing worse than losing your dog .. SO happy all turned out well ^_^

Re the 'embarrassment' comment .. Stephen Harper was first to speak at the news conference .. and he spoke in WHAT language ? Barack Obama was very much a gentleman about the whole thing .. and read the notes he had been given.
I was just kind of astounded I guess.


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG as I was reading a terrible thought came to mind, and yes did take my mind of "M" and her thoughts..thank goodness fancy's home and safe..what a fright..you must be shaking..

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG I'm french I'd I'd never expect our Prime Minister to do such a think for goodness sakes, what would this new President think of us..not like he's in a strange country where no one speaks english..drats..I'm just shaking my head at this..who in the world suggested such a thing..wonder if anyone will make note of it on our Canadian news this evening..rest assured I'll be watching..no class..

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Hmmmm, I felt the same way, Marilynne. But it was also kinda funny when Barrack started out by nearly calling Ottawa...Iowa. Just a little slip; guess he has to get used to the Canadian Capital's name. ^_^

Thought Steven Harper did a pretty good job. I enjoyed the whole thing, dialogue was easy to understand, and their admiration of each other and Pres. Obama's respect for Canada was evident.

Glad to hear Fancy was found safe and sound, Carol.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Didn't hear or see the beginning - just a bit in the middle and what I did see seemed very positive.

Sure glad you found Fancy.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

All in all .. I thought the visit was a positive event .. you could tell Harper and Obama had a mutual respect for one another .. imagine living your life that way .. so much security .. being told where to go, where to stand .. what will happen next and exactly how long it will take .. then you are doing this and then that .. shew !!!!

Still have flutterbys re the Fancy caper .. Gustav our Norwegian Elkhound used to be a great one for wondering off .. think that's how I got so gray LoL


Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

We are having our 10th major storm of the season.There is much more to come .We have snowbanks at the end of the driveway over 8ft high.Will this winter ever end?

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Thank heaven I have these to keep up my spirits These are growing on my parlorJOY.

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Joy .. WOW .. how beautiful !!!!! THAT would keep me smiling for sure ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Lovely Joy!

None of mine flowered this year!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

The BIG surprise here was that just before he left, he took an unscheduled trip into the Byward Market and bought some cookies and an Obama Beaver Tail. Also shook a lot of hands and made a lot of people very happy. There was a hairdresser interviewed on radio who said she wasn't washing the hand - even to the point of asking a client to apply her own shampoo. LOL

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