What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #14

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

I'm glad I live in Fredericton.The city plows the sidewalk.We do the driveway and there is so much snow now we don't know where to put it.We have had a spell of warm weather and the snow has melted down a couple of feet but we still have the St.Patrick's day storm to look forward to.I'll be glad to see spring and I don't have to shovel at all.The city keeps the storm drains clear of ice so we get very little flooding where we live but the river watch people are expecting the river to flood again this year.I hope they are wrong.JOY

Victoria Harbour, ON

Saw video on newscast re flooding Carol..quite a problem..they are calling for 50 tomorrow and sunshine, would be a good day to be home..lol and then Sunday 53 with rain..that's not so good..lots of melting going on..feel terrible that winter is coming to an end before end of March ONLY because so many families have plans for March break which involves snowmobiling and skiing..mine included..they'll be disappointed for sure...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Cha Cha Cha .. it's 45F here !!! SO .. melt mode is on .. unhappy pets being held up at the back door to have paws wiped .. funny how ya forget about that phase !!
We MAY get rain later this aft, but I doubt it'll freeze. Am taking my Hospice client to an Opthamologists appt .. always a LONG wait ..and it's not until 4pm.

The Ermine has decided he likes staying at our place between the wall and the woodpile .. saw him twice this morning .. quite a pretty wee thing .. apparently they like SQUIRRELS .. well .. he is sorta settling in 'SQUIRREL CITY' here .. and .. as long I do not see any of the carnage .. so be it .. those dang squirrels can be some destructive !!

Take care all


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well the 'lake' is frozen this morning - temps are cold and a bit of snow and wind chills in the -20's C! I went out a while ago and managed to chip out a lot of the ice ( not completely frozen either it is that deep!) so that much less water to deal with when spring comes again.
I didnt walk the dogs as I had to go early to v et to check out a new foster dog and my dog walker cancelled too. I dont think they care. Going to the library this afternoon so maybe give them a car ride. How exciting!
Actually they like to go in the car.
Look at this sweet face - about 12 years old no other information except owner went into a nursing home. Has a cataract in one eye and needs some teeth pulled, maybe going deaf. We were told female - turns out to be male!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

How very sad for both...just adorable! Now it will be difficult to find a home for a 12 year old with difficulties won't it?

"M" couldn't you keep the Ermine as a pet? just a thought..lol..too cute...
We should have tomorrow off..going to be high temps, well to me, having sub zero weather for so long '50' is high..

Boss took us out, my birthday lunch at the Mandarin..tummy so full, well at least I'll not fret about where I'll eat before my painting class tonight..no neef for more food...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YUMmmmmmmmmmmmm to the Mandarin .. love going there .. in Winnipeg I always try to go to the 'Com Coon' restaurant (likely spelled incorrectly) .. they serve DIM SUM 7 days a week .. it's a HUGE place and the carts are on the go with those awesome delicacies in the steamer baskets .. wonder if ECHOES has ever gone ?

Betty .. not too sure if the Ermine would take to humans .. pretty skitish .. have to do a bit more research on'em .. sure is a cutie patootie.

Carol .. what a lovely looking dog .. I wish HIM all the best .. I can imagine there are lots of situations like the one you describe.

Am going to TRY and include a clip of a show Rick Mercer did here in Thunder Bay a bit ago .. it is hilarious .. I am still laughing .. once you click the link .. go to the right and clickon 'Thunder Bay Winter'


On with VCARS in the morning for 12 hours .. best get some sleep ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - I found the link took me to RMR, but not to a specific video clip. Which one did you find particularly interesting? BTW, Rick's show is also on You Tube and I've found that on MY system, the You Tube version of the videos works better.

Raging Grannies meet tomorrow afternoon and then I'm working on a Chamber Music Concert - Tafel Music in the evening. They are feeding the volunteers at 5; so I'll just stay downtown. I'll swing by the church where the concert is and see if they'll let me park there for the afternoon - there is almost always room in their lot, though they rent out part of it. It's about 2 blocks from where the grannies meet.

Spent quite a bit of time working on my handbell music - marking it as to where to pick up and put down bells, and marking in extra dynamics as requested by the directors for the Festival in June. And I also got together with an accompanist before the music teachers' performance group on Monday.

I'm off to bed. Hope you all have a good night.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good morning .. looks to be a nice day even though it's still dark .. the thermometer says 33F !!

Hmmm .. re Rick Mercer .. if you click the link that says 'Thunder Bay Winter' to the right when the application opens, it should work .. if not .. be assured it's HILARIOUS ..seems Mr Mercer loves to come to Thunder Bay in the dead and deep of winter, and experience some of the more 'ODD' things that go on up here to keep us smiling. If you are able to watch the clip .. I have done the Sauna Scenario several times in my life .. yes .. it is exhilarating .. but .. only when your YOUNG LoL
Have foind over the years, that my older Finnish patients have had MAJOR arthritic hands/feet etc .. no doubt from doing winter Saunas in the absolutely traditional way.

Ann .. are the buses still in a kaffufle with regards to their schedules? Hope your able to park in the church lot. Enjoy your meeting ^_^

My day 'on call' starts in about 10 minutes .. I best go throw on some makeup ..



Champion, AB(Zone 3b)

I headed to Calgary on March 5, yesterday, and got turned back by the weather.....( ) that's what I saw out of my windshield. WHITEOUT+++It was hard to find a place to turn around and come home. The roads were aweful. I was hoping to find a heater for my greenhouse. Today is calm, cold, and sunny but I have to go to work so the heater will have to wait. Seems to be a waiting game for everything these days. Waiting for spring, seeds to sprout, days off work, CRANKING UP THE GH :( sheeesh

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Weather here yesterday was nasty too.
Have you looked on line for space heaters?
The heater I have for the GH is a SUN brand of radiant type of electrical heat. It has 4 heatlamps which heat up a metal baffle which then has a low speed fan that blows out the heated air from inside the baffles. It has low clearances so it won't burn anything including plants. It also has a thermostat which saves me money as I can set it to a low setting to only come on if it's really needed. It heats my 8x16 GH but I pull the plants away from the window edges to ensure they don't get nipped by a cold side .
I will look for the exact name for you if you like.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Albertarosy so glad you turned around and went home. Highways 1 and 2 around Calgary were pretty bad with that whiteout. Lots of fender benders here yesterday and I think some bad accidents on the highway.
Typical March - winter one day, spring the next!

And welcome to DG and the Canadian forum!

This message was edited Mar 6, 2009 12:37 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


I would like know the specific heater you have. I have my propane that does 4000 BTU (low) & 9000 BTU (hi). It kept my greenhouse at 7ºC last night with -20ºC low. The thermostat is at the far end near the wall. There was an ice layer on the inside wall, but had the trays pulled away about 6 inches, so it was ok. Just got back from a shipping supply place. Bought a 250 foot roll of bubble wrap. I am going to line the inside of the greenhouse with the bubble wrap (1" bubbles & 1/2" thick). We are forecasted for lows of -30ºC and I think Sunday thru Tuesday will be awfully cold in the greenhouse if the sun ain't shining. I did buy an electric heater from Garden Retreat as back-up, but the highest output BTU is only 5000 and it is not recommended to run it on that full time since it is 1500 watts and 12.6 amp - most extension cords would not be able to handle the amperage. So I leave the electric back-up on the 3rd setting of 3000 BTU & high fan. About 900 watts and 8.5 amps.

Even though the garden centre sold the Caframo True North heaters for heating a greenhouse, the MFG sorta freaked out that I was using it in a greenhouse when I contacted them for the BTU & Amps info.

I like my propane heater the best, but it has a running pilot and Is manual shut off/on. The most important thing with it is having a fan & fresh air piped in since it has a low oxygen sensor that is integral to the pilot assembly. That one is a Little Buddy by Mr. Heater.

Off to insulate by bubble wrap.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sheebomba you Western gals are busy with your greenhouses .. always a GREAT sign that SPRING is a comin ..
Our rabbits are still totally white ..altho ONE might be changing just a bit ..

AlbertaRosey .. welcome from me as well .. from the Great White North West of Ontario .. am glad you turned around and away from the bad weather the other day .. I drove through Manitoba once in white out conditions .. I was behind the driver of a BISON rig .. he waved for me to keep right behind him .. I did .. and I survived the 100 miles of divided hwy before crossing the Ontario border .. I would NEVER do it again !!

So far have had one call with VCARS today .. am hoping my pager remains quiet for the rest of my shift .. sure is lots of domestic violence out there .. can't help but think it goes hand in hand with the failing economy.

Temp of 42F right now .. but .. a north wind .. makes it a little less than ideallic . BUT .. I did get the outsides of 4 big windows washed ^_^

Take care


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This is what it looks like so far. Have no idea what I'm doing, but hope it works. I need to figure out how to secure the wrap in place on the top. May have to use little screws. This is crazy. I can't believe -30ºC is in the forecast for March. YUK!

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG, look at the plants you've started!!! I'm not even going to bother starting any more - I'm just coming over to get some of yours. LOL.

Neat idea with the bubble wrap; I think you will need it over the next short while. Our low temps are going to be pretty low....


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Joanne Maybe you could put bubble wrap over the plants? Sticks or something similar along the sides to hold it up and secure it to the edges of the shelves?

Calgary, Canada

Hey JBanana! You inspire me with your ingenuity! But you have come a long way from the swingset greenhouse! why don't you post a photo for old times' sake?

(Zone 4a)

As I have told you before - your setup is amazing! Just look at all those happy plants!!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

So .. I can order directly from Joanna ??

'Ingenuity' thy name is woman ^_^

I'd like to see the swingset greenhouse as well .. give some of us a few ideas, not that I have a swing set .. but I do have that old and decrepit 'mouse house' of a dilapidated greenhouse up in the veggie garden .. which, whenever I declare I am going to clean out and get back up and working .. immediately spews forth SPIDERS .. and Marilynne 'backs off' in a BIG BIG way !!

Spring ahead this weekend ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, omg have the main doors all open, letting sunshine in..know they are calling for rain a little later in the day but working on that floorcloth..want it down by Monday..lol..

Yesterday my computer went down, boss sent me to Toronto to pick up another, backing up a few ladies were crossing, so waited for them to do so, then forgot I should have backed further..little car, didn't see cement peer, oh well, needs to be repaired....

Oh Joanne, know where to go get plants..look at what you are growing..quite the set up, love it...

Painting and waiting for paint to dry so can't stay long, coming back shortly, will start new thread for those who are on dial up...

Break is over..

Do hope it's sunshine in your neck of the woods and that it's a glorious soon to be spring day..

Oh/Oh I recall someone saying there was white-outs yesterday....

Victoria Harbour, ON






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