What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #14

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

A bit more snow last night but it is very cold today - my dog walker called to cancel the walk today - apparently he cancelled yesterday too. Im not dressed yet ( seems to get later and later every day!) but I do need to go out and plug the car in and get to Curves. Not sure if the dogs will want to walk - probably not. They came back in pretty quick when they went out earlier this morning.
Better get on with my day!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann .. those 'adages' were too funny .. my favourite was 'Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night'. Now THAT could be disastrous!!
I have lost my faith in mechanics, and, have come to the conclusion that sometimes they are NOT quite 'above board'
I once went for a muffler repair ... 3 days later my oil pan was leaking (I think it was an oil pan) way too coincidental for me ..

We have had snow most of the day .. and .. tonight our temps are dipping LOW .. -32C I hear .. brrrrrrrrrrrr ..

Almost time for CSI, then Greys ^_^


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thank you for the reminders, they are important.
I particularly liked #29, it is very timely.
It's a tad chilly today and the dog looked at me like I was nuts when I opened the door for her this morning.
She did go out but was back in a flash.
Even with the cold the sun shone brightly and I was happy to watch it out the window.

Ann ( the other one)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Just getting the NERVE up to go out and do my morning rounds of feeding .. sure id BRIGHT out .. must be near a full moon.

I have no idea what the temp is .. but .. the furnace has come on most of the night despite there be a fire in the woodstove .. never a good sign, although, Smokey LOVES the woodstove heat.

Re arranging the kitchen today (a bit) making way for the arrival of the dishwasher tomorrow .. hope the re arranging looks OK .. but .. in the scheme of things .. I really do not care .. I just want a dishwasher again !!

Off into the wilds ^_^


Calgary, Canada

I love to read about everybody's lives. And blizzards! Anne, I laughed aloud at number 34, quite an image!! And I think I will copy 29 and post it on my refrigerator.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, love your post..lol...

Light mist of snow, almost freezing rain..slippery out there..
clock watching 45 minutes to go..remember when it was Friday afternoon, you couldn't wait to get to the hairdressers, plans for the evening, show, dinner and/or dance..exciting date just waiting to say how gorgeous you looked, wether it was true or not lol..and now, my plan is to drop in and get a few groceries, get home by 5, hot/hot bath then into my jammies and relax...now is my life boring or what?

Mind you, I was at painting class last night..didn't get home until just after 11pm, couldn't fall asleep, last time I looked at the clock it was almost 1:00..alarm with off at 4:45am so no wonder I'm looking forward to an evening relaxing on the couch with a good show on...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hokey doodle ... was I WRONG about the full moon !!! It isn't until March 10. So .. the only explanation for why it was so bright this morning before 7am .. is .. because SPRING is approaching !!!!!!!!

Remains cold here .. went into the city to help the Hospice staff unpack .. the office has moved to a newer brighter locale .. everyone from staff to volunteers to clients and their families are ecstatic about the new offices ,, easy access and so much brighter .. stopped and bought a couple of bouquets of Tulips .. kicking myself for not having bought ME some LoL

Kitchen re arranging is completed .. it was a chore .. but worth the grunts and groans from all involved .. I hadn't moved my china cabinet for almost 8 months !! I can swiffer sweep under it .. but jeez .. the dust bunnies had about built a CONDO under there !!! It'll be moved again once the plumber arrives to plumb in the dishwasher .. but I won't have to worry when the cabinet is shifted .. it'll be clean ^_^

MONDAY we go in to have our Income Taxes done .. why is it .. the older you get .. the more COMPLICATED your taxes gets ??

SO ..... TGIF everyone .. have a super weekend .. for all you curlers or lovers of the sport .. it;s going to be a great weekend to watch the Scotties :-) Thunder Bays team representing Ontario lost last night :-(


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Hey Marilynne, should I go down to the rink and pass along a message to the girls? Do you know any of them? I used to watch curling, even played for a number of years but it's like so many things that this body doesn't do anymore.

I Iike the list posted above, re # 34, I was in a shop and the clerk had this obvious bump, I'd say about 6-7 months along. She also had great colour in her face and did look radiant and I commented on that. Well, her look was like daggers coming flying at me. I left in a hurry. I'm sad to say that I didn't learn the first time either. Different town/store/clerk but not events. After the second time, I've learned to keep my mouth shut. Lesson # 21 in spades!


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Yes, Linda

You go down to the rink and tell World Champion Jennifer Jones to Keep on Keeping on!!! A great Canadian Ambassador of Curling to the World.

My own Province Representative, Marla Mallet from Vancouver, BC is kicking some serious tush in the tournament this week too.

Curl On Girls!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Warming up here - around freezing point today - dont know how long it will last.

All day minding our fundraising booth at a 3 day dog show - not much business on the Friday - things should improve tomorrow. Home show also on this weekend just across the parking lot. We get the booth free which is sure nice!

Have not watched any curling yet - maybe tonight and tomorrow then I am back at the show on Sunday but hear the final is in the evening so shoujld be able to see. I have always liked to watch curling on TV - really get a good look at the game and like the commentators too. I grew up in Saskatoon so lots of curling there but never played a lot.

Here a look at our table - thats not me - one of our volunteers.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Linda,the rink representing Ontario (from Thunder Bay) is Krista McCarville. I know her third and second ..but in such a way as if you were to say my name .. they'd be puzzled for a bit until you started to use my maiden name yadda yadda .. was sad to see them lose their last game .. in an extra end and by one point .. heart breaking .. but, then again, the pressure was on, has to be tough ..
I come from a family of curlers .. I haven't thrown a rock in about 4 years, since I injured my wrist .. but .. I do love watching the sport, can;t say as I am too enamoured with the YELLING though .. WHAT is up with that !!! Most noise I ever made when I curled was when I slipped and fell .. and the noise was uncontrolable laughing as my third and I BOTH ended up on our tushes when she came to lend me her hand ...

Carol .. the booth looks wonderful, and I would suspect you'll do a brisk business today .. good luck ^_^

Cold here this morning .. and cloudy .. no snow in the forecast ..

Dishwasher arrives this afternoon .. but won't be plumbed in for a bit .. .. hopefully before next weekend.

Happy Saturday to everyone .. LAST DAY of February WOOT ^_^


This message was edited Feb 28, 2009 10:08 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, love the shot of all the goodies for sale especially those of the dog pulls..how did you make out or are you still there for today..do hope people were generous..for a good cause...Tubby on BWL thread posted the following..brought tears to my eyes, thought I'd share


She's freezing here .. beat shovelling - no snow..and we're in MARCH..isn't that when spring arrives..hmmm

Decided to hang a quilt in hallway, my quilt hanger didn't work..picked up wood at home depot and made myself one-primitive but will look ok..stained it last night, now to paint and give it an aged look..at same time decided my dining room needed a new mat for under the table..picked up a 6x8 linoleum, sealed the back last night, this morning I have to come up with a pattern and off I go..can't do it all today but will definate finish it next weekend...

Do enjoy your first day of March..the best is yet to come!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

RABBIT, RABBIT everyone ... wooo hoo to MARCH 1/09 ... never thought we'd make it LoL
Even though it's quite cold here this morning, the sun is shining and I bet it'll warm up nicely into the afternoon ..

BETTY .. I only WISH I had your talent, and energy .. it's a good thing there are people like you in this world so that THINGS get done ... I'm thankful for you ^_^

The Dog's ten Commandments is priceless .. teared me up, as always ...

Take care all ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, no snow, just cold so that's a plus..

"M" just my way of entertaining me..

Shar (Sharron) and I played decorating via Daves Garden..was fun, she'd tell me what would look nice on the quilt rack and I'd go looking for something similar..lol
I even got to cut out 2 candle holders to match the rack..lol

Ended up with this

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

While I worked, the furries took advantage of a nap .. sunshine peeking through the window to make the warm and cozy..that is where I should have been..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Cleaning my mess this a.m. - girls will be here to paint while I'm at work..took 4 tables together to hold my linoleum floorcloth..got it sealed, primed and marked..can't wait for Friday when I can start painting in colors to compliment living room decor..the one presently on the floor will be on my front deck come spring..that's in how many days..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Looks as though you accomplished LOTS over the weekend Betty .. the quilt rack (and candle holders) are lovely .. and the linoleum floormat project is sure to keep you busy next weekend ..
LoL, oh to be a 'pusser' .. Smokey was taking in the passive solar rays this weekend as well ..

-34C here this morning .. there are a few deer strolling around out back .. but there is NO WAY I am going out as of yet .. I am heading to town early today to have my Income Taxes done .. best to get it off my plate .. it's the one time of year that I simply fret about having it done and gone .. and .. either be happy or PAY .. this year I do believe it will be the latter :-(

Take care all


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

It looks as though somebody here has a birthday - Happy birthday to Betty.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Betty. Might be the perfect day to join your purr-babies and climb into bed in that beautiful bedroom of yours. ^_^

Thumbnail by DonM47
Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks you Don, wish I could but I'm not one to spend time in bed, life's too short for that.. ..office is quiet here today.., everyone in the city..it's sunny as can be outside.. I'm just clock watching..not even someone to go to lunch with today..so I'll treat myself to a visit to the Garden Gallery..always find something of interest there..if not seeds/ plants then a decoration for sure..lol..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

For our Betty (hope it turns out OK ) ^_^



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

What a great card. Thank you, Marilynne for sending it to Betty.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy Birthday Betty!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thank you all for your best wishes..and yes "M" turned out just perfect..

Tired tonight just got back from Greg/Mel's, they had a meal for me, I'm used to being in bed before now..old age I guess..


Happy Birthday, Betty :-)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy Birthday! I hope you can squeeze in a celebration or two, you are so busy I'm not sure if you will have time!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I hear ya on the 'drowsies' Betty .. used to be able to 'party til the wee hours' .. now I feel i have achieved a MAJOR milestone if I can stay awake til 10pm ^_^
Glad you celebrated though ..

Income taxes are done .. we both OWE :-( ... luckily we saw that coming so it won't be too disastrous as we put away money for it. STILL .. it sure seems unfair !!!

My feeding rounds for the morning are done, cool out there but a nice morning all round .. the bunny remains white with no signs of his fur returning to brown .. kinda use that as my 'harbinger of SPRING' !!

Off to town today for some groceries .. be still my heart LoL

Take care all


Victoria Harbour, ON

Yuck "M" paying's no fun..
Cold but sunny here again today and guess calling for same for tomorrow...

Have any of you ever purchased or gotten a subscription to 'backyard living'? got my magazine last night and there was a note...last edition, magazine will be no longer..can't figure out why..best garden magazine I've ever bought...they say they'll fill my subscription with 'Birds & Blooms' which is also a nice magazine, but I'll miss this one...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well it is going to be a mess tomorrow morning. Snow and rain going on here although it seems to have stopped. I just clear ed the sidewalks and it leaves an almost invisible layer of wet snow which of course will turn to ice tonight! I did not even take the dogs out yet because the sidewalks are so slippery. I try to keep snow cleared out by my back gate ( access to parking pad) as it is lowest part of yard and would be a lake and this morning with just the small amt of snow it is a 2 inch deep pond.

Might take a pail out later and see if I can get rid of the water.

Glad I dont really have to go anywhere today.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sounds as though that's an awfully big job..drainage is such a problem with rapid thaw isn't it...I'm so hoping that we'll skip the rain until I can dig a few trenches..you best be careful if it's icy...that's when accidents happen..broken limbs...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

A super day here in Thunder Bay .. lotsa sun and a high around -5C ..

Carol .. be safe with that dang ice .. we all feel kind of invicible .. nothing will happen .. but .. as we all know .. a fall is something that occurs so quickly .. best to be EXTRA careful ..

Betty .. have never had a subscription to 'Backyard Living' .. kinda odd it has gone by the way side .. hopefully the new subscription .. Birds and Blooms .. will be as good .. sure sounds tempting to me ^_^

Got my first wee 'BOO BOO' on Lolla Corolla today :-( went to my buds for farm eggs .. she has 3 dogs .. One of them jumped up to welcome me and Lolla acquired a wee scratch .. not noticeable to ANYONE but me I am sure .. and I think I can likely buff it out ..
My bud about DIED ..
It's only a CAR !! Doesn't affect the ride :-)

Off to get supper on


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG "M" if your bud is like Roger, he must have had a fit..I'm sure each and every time we purchased a new vehicle I'd park 1/2 mile in the back forty whenever I went somewhere, nobody near me for 10 car lengths, come out from shopping and I'd barely get the door open, yet, dings, scratches from time to time...

I'll never forget, we just went and picked up our new truck, drove it home and that night had a tornado, heavy hail, entire truck had to be repaired..talk about someone not being happy..

A few days after purchasing the car I now have we had hail storm..few dents to hood and roof but not bad enough that I'd pay $400 deductible to get it fixed..you are right 'M' it's just a car...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well the sidewalks were mostly melted off ) except where people had not cleared their snow) so we did walk this afternoon. Unfortunately a lot of the drains at the corners are solidly blocked so no place for a lot of the water to go. One end of my block is clear the other not - since Im in the middle it will take a while to drain. My back gate patio is solidly underwater now which is really annoying since I have been careful to keep all the snow off this winter. If it freezes tonight I might be able to get the ioce off tomorrow before it all melts again! I will probably have to move the car out front for a couple of days so we dont all have to slosh thru that water!

The lake!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It felt like spring today. I moved all my stuff that i started indoors out to the greenhouse. Need to transplant into bigger containers, but I will wait till the weekend.
We have a few neighbors that were not cleaning their sidewalk and had all the meltdown pooling on the sidewalks that had been cleaned off. My neighbor got a call about her lot corner, which the neighbors that did not shovel meltdown pooled & produced a huge ice problem. We chipped thru 6 inches of solid ice.

After hours of chipping we decided to that we could create a flow path with the truck. I drove back & forth, spinning the tires as much as I could to make a little flow path. Worked great & since it was so bizzare with spinning tires, motor revving and big commotion, all the neighbors came out to see what was going on. They soon got their shovels & edgers to help out. The sidewalks are clear now & the water is flowing. The ice on the road is higher than the side walk so we had a real mess.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Joanne there is a section of back lane near me which dips down from both ends and a slope from Crowchild down too - half the back lane is now in deep water including the sidewalk access to Crowchild. Fortunately we dont seem to have any flooding issues around here but many parts of the city do according to the news tonight. More melt tomorrow I hear and then cold and snow on Thursday and then more melt!

I always report people for not clearing their sidewalks - figure a little hit in the pocket book might help. Seems the developers and newer younger residents ( who only have 25 feet to clear )are some of the worst offenders. Maybe they think nobody walks any more? Im 70 and my 50 feet of city sidewalks ( and on my property too) are cleared the same day it snows , sometimes several times if the snowfall is heavy When I was still working the snow was cleared before I left for work. This city's snow clearance by laws may be crazy but how long does it take to clear a few feet of snow?

OK flame suit off!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

You sure have a lake at your back gate! Yikes. Have you tried using the snow shovel to push the water out the gate?
I did that with my neighbors driveway and it did an ok job. I then took our shop vac and sucked up the rest of the water. It took a while but it worked.
If I was in Calgary I'd come and give you a hand as two extra ones make the job easier, Good luck.
Joanne stuff out in your greenhouse already? I still have two feet of snow in my back yard! How the heck are you doing that?
Marilyn Yikes for Lola, you are right it is only a car and now she's been christened and you don't have to worry about anything else. I bet your bud feels awful!
Started snowing here today but the temp is warm for now. I've heard we are going back into the toilet to -23 by Thursday so if we had Carols lake we would have a skating rink for the Boys!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

We're above 0F according to the thermometer this morning, so, no doubt Thunder Bay will be heading into 'meltdown' this is the time of year I give up washing my floors as Lilly and Smokey are out much of the day and when they do come in .. well .. pawprints everywhere .. usually I will wash Lilly's paws and dry them by the back door .. but .. sometimes she scoots in before i can do that.

Lolla is feeling no pain .. but Janis is totally FULL of remorse .. her DH called last night to convey his regrets and I again told him I had NO PROBLEM with it .. and truly .. because the car is silver, unless you look VERY carefully, it's not noticeable.
LoL Betty .. I have been parking way out in the boonies in the parking lots .. but .. as the temps go down .. Lolla creeps closer to the stores ^-^

Joanna and Carol .. good luck with the water run off problems. I find one of the joys of living in a 4 seasons country, is standing where all the snow and mud WAS .. say in the middle of July, and looking in awe at the plants and flowers and grasses that have taken their place .. kinda boggles the mind, in a good way :-)

Almost time for my feeding rounds ..
Hope everyone has a super day


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow, heart goes out to you girls
Mild here today and for the next 3 or 4 days..am hoping nothing melts quickly, sure don't want to have flooding in the basement...perhaps I'll go out and try and make trenches if mild and also look for a hose for one of the pumps I have, maybe if I detour water to other end of property I just might save myself a lot of work later

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann thank for the offer - if you were here! LOL!
Cant do what you suggested - levels of sidewalk and then parking pad outside the fence are different ( higher) than inside. I did scoop some out yesterday but really too much for that . This morning as expected there is a layer of ice and I will take that off and then more should evaporate cause this is another warm day. Tomorrow more cold and snow they say!

But I am thankful it is the back of the yard and not around the house. Normally we have Chinooks that melt the snow a time or two during the winter - this year that has not happened so lots more snow pack and the city does not clear sidestreets and the drains at the corners are mosly blocked
Some of the perennial beds on the north side are clear of snow and gras starting to show in the 'dog runs' I plow around the yard. Maybe if I look close I will soon start to see green shoots? It is time!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 'POUTY PUPPY' on my hands !!! DAWG .. I took Lilly out for her evening walk .. when I let her back into the yard .. I let her off leash and she immediately ran like the wind to the woodpile .. I heard a few 'squeaks' thought it was a Chipmunk or squirrel .. but .. being a TERRORIST typa dog .. she was PUMPED .. all of a sudden .. while she was at one end of the woodpile and me the other .. what pops out from the middle .. an ERMINE .. a beautiful white one ... well .. I knew THAT was danger .. so .. I scooped Lilly and she is now crying at the backdoor..

Otherwise my day has been super quiet (for me) .. no water floating around outside ... feel bad for the Steel workers in Hamilton .. but .. have also been doing a lot of reading re the HUGE BOOM in Sask.

Attaching an Ermine pic ^_^


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

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