Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

There's plenty of advice around here, all you have to do is look or ask! :)


Machesney Park, IL

Hi Lorraine, Got my seeds today, Like a little kid in a candy store!! Can`t get over all the seeds I got. Thank you all, Lorraine, Sue C., Seandor, Beckey Garderer, Lycodad, there wasn`t names on all of them, So thank you all soooo much. Can`t wait to start planting. Deb, Zinna56

McNeal, AZ

Hello.. Thank you for the offer.Just getting back into gardening after about 8 years of no time/#* to do much with it..I took the Lorraine R address from address exchange. Will send envelope & stamps ASAP.I went into local post office after getting the E-mail & it looked like they must have been giving out free samples of ??, so packed couldn't get up to the counter. Thanks again for the offer as I am just getting back into it.. Picked up a small bag of Yukon gold tater sets at Wally world & that is a step in the right direction..G/G

Edon, OH

I got my seeds in the mail yesterday!!!! Thank you all for all your hard work!! I'm off to do some research.

Thumbnail by justinszoo
Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

I just received my newbie package and I feel like Christmas came early this year! Thanks to Lorraine for all your effort and also to all the donors of the seeds! I can hardly wait to see these little sprouts! I hope Mother Nature will provide us with plenty of rain so DH won't have to roll his eyes when he sees me going for the watering can!


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey guys. On the mend, but still kickin my butt. A couple of your envy's may be a little late as I didn't do anything but sleep for a few days. Don't know what this flu is, but it's somethin else.

Glad ya'll are pleased with your seeds. Like I"ve said so many times, lots of generous folks here at DAves.

Willis, VA

Thanks so much to Lorraine, Arejay59, Elleisn, Smegtone, Al Mason and others for the nice variety of flower seeds with a few heirloom veggies thrown in to boot! I just ordered seeds from Park and Baker Creek yesterday, then I got the newbie package in the mail as well, so now I foresee a lot of indoor seed starting in my near future! :P What a generous gesture from the Dave's Garden community, I look forward to posting photos of the results throughout the summer months - thanks again! :)

Thumbnail by ensatina
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are so welcome!!

Fayetteville, GA(Zone 7b)

I got my newbie seed packet a couple of days ago...and I can honestly say that I NEVER thought I would receive this many packets to try...I was FLOORRREED!!!........I cannot tell you how excited I am about trying to get these off and running...I am still working on gettin my butterfly/hummer garden beaten back into shape and ready to plant....but now..I have even more reason to get my rear out there!! I, (too) have been sick w/ some flu like bug/virus...and it tried to kick my butt....

I have basically a blank slate again to work with...these seed will help fill my garden...and some other places in my yard...

I sent a DMail to each person identified on the packets...

Am thanking Lorraine publically (and am sure her helpers - ??arejay)...for this truly neighborly guys/gals at Daves are awesome!!!

I found someone on Daves that wanted to try a white butterfly I got into the spirit of giving...and sent her out some seed today!!

Again...thanks to you all...I am very excited....

Took a pic of my bounty for all to see/enjoy..

NEWBIES....Don't miss out of this!!.....It will get u in the gardening mood!!

Fayetteville, GA

Thumbnail by MadamePapillon
Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Lorraine. I was going through stuff a while back and realized I had a lot of flat leaf parsley seeds I collected in 2007 for '08 planting. Checked them for viability and they are doing great. I could pitch in 20 or so packets if there is interest. I don't even recall the cultivar...they just have been very happy in my garden for years, overwintering and self-sowing biannual. After I discovered chimichurri sauce last year I have been in love with this plant. Let me know. Thinking about 3/4 tsp per packet would be more than enough for any home garden.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Lorraine is ill right now but anything you want to send her to share with others she will gadly accept. She works hard to keep this going for newbies and appreciates all seed recieved.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh goody, then even though I've not bought my envie yet there is still time?/ I love parsley! Not much of a veggie gardener, but do love parsley & oh heck now I cannot think of the butterfly Host one that has licorice flavored seeds....darn, now...just hate it when I forget. Just know I will remember the moment I hit send also. ^_^....buying my envie tomorrow for sure to send to Lorraine.
Hugs n happy gardening is just around the a maybe a couple of corners, but soon!!
Fennel, its Fennel , lol just about to hit send & remembered it ^_^

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

It is never to late for the newbies to send envies. This is a kind of continious thing going. She will gladly send you seeds.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Lorraine is so good to us!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes she is! So please be patient right now as she is sick. Hopefully she is getting better and will be back with us soon.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Pulling for Lorraine.

Connellys Springs, NC(Zone 7a)

Got well Lorraine. Sending positive thoughts your way!

Bellefonte, PA(Zone 5b)

Lorraine Hope you feel better soon.

Anchorage, AK

I received my newbie seeds today! I was so excited! :)
Thank you to everyone who contributes seeds & to Lorraine for all the time and effort you put in to make people feel welcome. Everything was so well labeled I can't wait to start planting!

Lorraine feel better soon!!!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are so welcome it is fun for us too. We get to wait and watch for your trade list and see if you show up at the swaps, and think about how we have little parts of our lives planted all over the world. It is great all the way around.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Hope you get to felling better Lorraine..As I'm lurking around there quite a few others under the weather

Darn Crud


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

It seems to be everywhere and it seems as if the older you are the worse it is. It hangs on and sneaks up on you just like well menopause. Lorraine we miss you.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Menopause..No I don't know anything about that..Just that we had to turn do the thermostat her this year.LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

well tubby I guess I am one ahead of you. Mine is now off completely off. Thermostat I mean. The oil prices aren't affecting me only the power surges as I like to call them and they are free.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay, are you with out power again? I know there was some snow storms headed that way again.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Flower everyone around me is without power. I knock on wood have had only a few short outages. Enough to shut my computer , internet connection, and Hd tv down, causing me to cringe as the surges happen. But no long term stuff. Yeah. I just want winter gone now. I am winter sowing and inside sowing but I want green grass and mud and heat.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

ROFLOL arejay I guess it will get here sooner or later. I wondered why I hadn't seen you on here . Well at least it is temporary and not bays at a time. Keep Warm !!!!

Farmington, NM(Zone 5a)

thanks for starting such a friendly tradition.

have just ordered a lot of stuff and can't wait to get them started, but new seeds are always exciting. my husband will lose it - you need MORE seeds?!? yes dear...

however, as i don't keep regular stock of mailing supplies, i'll have to make a trip to the post office for envelopes and stamps. but since i always take such a long time to do things like that... i try really hard to be understanding when waiting for things from other people. so no rush on your end.

love this website already - hope i can find time to have a real presence here!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Your Welcome we all always enjoy new comers as they most generally have something new to add as well as learn something new.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have been gone a lot lately , it is nice to know someone noticed...I have had the same crud that Lorraine and everyone everywhere else has had. I am also in the middle of remodeling and five round robins. Imagine what was I thinking!!! Five, not smart enough to do one at a time. I got so excited I had to join all I could find where someone would let me on the list. Well I made it one more on the way and I don't have to track it coming and going it is only going to arrive. I did the sending part already.
I don't know if anyone has noticed but there are a lot of newbies lately, more than usual Ive sent around 20 letters a day for well over a week. Lorraine will have to get well soon. Her mailbox cant possibly hold them all.
Cerr ,
So glad to hear from you. Patience they say is a virtue so if you are working on patience you will certainly have a presence here. Gardeners are only pretending patience in my opinion we are all tapping our foot for planting time. Is that patience?
AKA(sidekick) Lorraine...get better now!!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Have you talked to her or anything Arejay? I think if we don't hear from her soon I am going to call and she if she is ok? Sorry to hear you been sick too. what is it that you people got anyways?. Apparently it is staying away from here. oh there are some sick but nothing like what i have heard about on here.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I haven't spoken to her on the phone but yes , my last contact was the day before yesterday. She is just recuperating very slowly I guess. Im going to send her some vitamin c and some antioxidants get her going again. Its not right out here without her.Strangely quiet.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh I know I got a dmail from her one day last week and thats the last I have heard from her. I know she popped in a couple times last week but haven't seen her since. We're going to have to go down there and pour some orange juice down her and make her well.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I guess so. Come on Lorraine get better ...Pretty please!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Three days ago. I just looked that was the last time . Maybe today one of us will hear from her.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

It was last thursday when I heard from her.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

dont know how to get a sticky done so...I hope everyone that knows and cares about Lorraine find this. Please dmail me if you would like to get in on the group effort to send her a card . I am not sure how we are going to do it yet and am open to all suggestions. But I feel like she needs our support in any way we can give it to her. As she would support any of us. Newbies too. You are all a big part of her day. She would I think be given a boost in whatever is going on. Just hearing from us. Wishing her well and prayers and whatever else we have to help. Pictures poems. Like I said all ideas are welcome.
Please Dmail me if you are interested.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Anchorage, AK

Sorry I may have missed this but I am assuming Lorraine has been to the ol' doc to be sure nothing more serious is going on. There is some nasty stuff going around up here that from what I have heard you have to go get antibiotics to cure it even though it seems like the common flu. Also many people are ending up with strep along with it, talk about feeling bad! Ick! For as long as she's been under the weather I wonder if it's morphed into a sinus infection or other?

Would it be appropriate for people to send her cards through her address listed on DG's member list?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I would say absolutely appropriate.

Jasper, TX

I am so excited and looking forward to receiving my seeds.
I would like to get veg, or flower seeds, for shade or sun.
I will get the envy. in the mail today.


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