Coushatta, LA

Do you still have seeds?If so i will get my SASBE in the mail Monday.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I would say yes that she does and to go ahead and send your envy but you might have to wait to get your stuff as she has been very ill and hopefully on the mend.

Coushatta, LA

Thanks Flowerfantasy,i hope she gets better soon.I will just mail it off Monday no biggie.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We have started a little get-well project for Lorraine. If you would like to add a message (and picture), please go here:

Instructions for use are on the page. If you have any questions, Dmail me and I will do what I can!

Anchorage, AK

O.K. I used the link and it doesn't show anything on the page. I looked in history and it shows comments but they are highlighted in red which says its for deleted text??? I even joined just to be sure. What am I doing wrong?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I just checked it out and it was empty. Apparently someone accidentally deleted the information. I recovered what I can, and I started a new one that is protected so only people with a password can edit it.

So, the procedure will be to submit your work to this wiki:

I will check it regularly and transfer data over into the other wiki so we don't have a repeat mishap. In case the data gets deleted again, you can check out this wiki (this is the password protected one):

If anyone posted on the site, please check to make sure your message made it through.

Hope this is better!

This message was edited Mar 1, 2009 10:29 PM

Coushatta, LA

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 12:14 AM

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 12:49 AM

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 12:49 AM

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Red - Idon't know how you managed this, but what a wonderful idea. I thank you for doing this for Lorraine.


(Maggi) Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning All!

Lorraine got out of the hospital on Friday and I spent some time with her both Saturday and Sunday. She asked that I post that she is not abandoning you, she is under Dr's orders to take it easy and not stress over things.

She will get the seeds out to the newbies as promised and I will help her in any way I can.

Lorraine is fine. Her Dmail inbox is overflowing. Please don't add to it if possible, she's overwhelmed by just the thought of opening all and reading through them. She will do it, but it will take some time.

In the meantime have fun and think about Spring! It's just around the corner :~)

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Sorry everyone I went to the site.I found everything.I THINK..I copied & paste in Dmailed to redheadedwonder11

I'll be in the corner wearing the dunce cap.LOL


Coushatta, LA

My envelope is in the mail.No hurry you just get better first.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Birdie - Send the thanks over to arejay -- I am just doing what I can to help out a bit :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

RHWONDER, I went back and where it took me there is no eduit page on there. I looked at the how toos and it showed me where the edit was suppose to be and it isn't there.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Flower look at this screen shot maybe it will help.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I have looked at it and there is no edit on the page that I am getting directed to. It says: home, protected and some other stuff I can't remember but no edit.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

flower - make sure you head to this wiki:

The other one IS a protected one so we don't lose everyone's messages again. Sorry for the confusion :S I am trying to figure out how to revert changes so it can all be done in ONE place.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is the link for prayer requests for Lorraine.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I went to wiki this time and the edit was thereand got to put in my message. Thanks

Doerun, GA

Hi, I am new here, new as a subscriber I should say! Love this place. I have my 'envy' ready to go. I hope Lorraine is feeling better! I am looking forward to receiving my seed packet, I just love seeds. And, as soon as I am finished getting all my seeds started, I will see whats left, and 'pay it forward'! I have lots, and lots of seeds!! :)

Look forward to participating!


Thumbnail by greatorganics
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Robin (arejay59) is going to take over the seeds for newbies for a while. I'll mail the box of seeds to her along with whatever requests I have here.

I just need a little break, I'll be back!

(Maggi) Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Here's the new thread

Valatie, NY

Hi Robin, My new seeds arrived this week and just wanted to thank you and Lorraine for your efforts. I also live on Richmond Road (in upstate New York) and we have a cabin in Nobleboro, Maine near Litchfield. Small world....Bill

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Bill,
Glad to hear you got your seeds. I know Nobleboro. Dave's garden has made the world much smaller I agree!!You can reach all corners of it from here!!
Welcome again , I look forward to getting to know you.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

How come there are 1600 viewers and only 102 replies. Do we have lurkers???? Come on in sit and chat a while!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Uhhh....I think the answer might be that some of us pop in to read and do not make an entry every time we come to the thread. that probably means 1600 views or hits. JMHO

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well that was pretty clear!! So how many of us come in a read and don't write???
Lets have a contest see how many come in that don't write??? Who has an idea how to get the readers to write???

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Everyone who visits writes the first word that comes to their mind. The catch is you can post ONCE. Just an idea...

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I am confused (or is it me) isn't this a "seed trading for newbies thread"?? what is the purpose of "everybody who comes here writing something". there are plenty of threads for different topics and that would simply waist a lot of space that the people with dial up will have to dredge scrolling thru to find a "newbie" who might want to join.
I thought that was the purpose of topical threads.

Maybe it would be more appropriate to start a thread for people who just want to make comments on "anything that comes to mind", or " the 1st word that comes tomind" every time they log into a site.....rather than do that here..JMHO

This states it is CLOSED anyway so...........

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well ,
That is a thought too. I like you am fairly new to Dave's garden. I know because I send so many letters out that there are a lot of "newbies" many of them are not posting possibly for reason like intimidation.I think they would if they were not worried about not knowing what to say or if they were on the wrong thread.
This is the thread for "newbies" and no post is the wrong one.
This is a thread to learn , share and get free seeds and share free seeds.
I love the program and hope to hear from all that enter. So unless Lorraine that is not how you feel of course or there are many that feel it is inappropriate for lurkers to get involved. I would love to hear from all of you.
I personally would like to hear from them here if they are coming and not posting.
Red , I Liked your idea anyone else have any?

Coushatta, LA

Robin,thank you so much for the seeds.They arrived today and i can't wait to be able to enjoy them.So again thanks a Million.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are welcome Cody.
Here is the new thread

Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

I just joined you folks today. I am a Senior, live in Miles City Mt, zone 3-4. I have lots of seeds to share and just need someone to tell me how to do that. I actually threw some away this year cuz didn't know what to do with them now I have found this website it won't happen again. I did put them in a paper bag thinking the dump may need flowers :) I am always looking for something different. So let me know. Thanks

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

leebauch The thread you are looking for is "FREE SEEDS FOR NEWBIES"


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