What's Happening in YOUR Neighborhood # 12.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy New Year all!

Not sure how to do the hyperlink thing but here is a new thread!

We came from here:


darn the pic doesnt show!

This message was edited Jan 1, 2009 5:18 PM

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OK so I know that graphic won't work - here is another!

The furkids wish you HNY too!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for movin us on over Carol .. as you say .. it's a super way to start a new year :-) Sweet pic too ..

Have some achin muscles this evening .. lots of shovelling .. am so thankful the snow is light and fluffy ^_^

Dinner guests are gone ... all turned out well .. am goin to kick back with a glass of vino ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

Look at those cuties...

"M", you can keep the snow..bitter cold here today..
Put about 90% of my Christmas decorations away, still 3 trees and a few pieces and I'm done..

Thought for a change I'd work on my quilt..got invited with Bullwinkle and the lads for Greg's 40th birthday...now it's off to bed and glad to see the end of the day...made it without tears..well almost..Jeff telephone to wish me Happy New Years, talked a little about his dad and I could feel myself breakdown so quickly changed the subject to Greg's birthday...

So, tired/tired, and it's off to bed...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

And the furkids look so handsome in their New Year's finery, Carol.

I noticed your pretty kitty in the picture with your son, Betty. I'm curious of what kitty thought of "the lads" during their visit with you?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the new thread. I wasn't sure about the protocol of someone other than Betty starting the new one. I'll be back in the morning.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol the festive puppies look oustanding!!!!!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Looks as though Thunder Bay is heading for some bad weather .. here's hoping the meteorologists are wrong !!!

The holidays have most certainly 'turned around' my grasp of what the heck DAY of the week it is !! I got up today convinced it was Saturday .. even gave Smokey his Saturday treat of Sardines ..when I turned the computer on I realized it's FRIDAY ..

Think I may start to 'dress down' the house today .. finding the 'clutter' to be a bit oppressive ..

Take care all


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Fresh snow last evening! I think we have enough now - apparently we got 3 times normal in December. But it is great to have god snow cover on the flower beds - I usually lose several perennials if we have little or no snow. Probably not this year.

Think I will take down the Xmas tree today. I usually leave things up until 6 Jan ( 12th Night) but not having a party this year and the greens are getting really dry.

I have a dog coming tonight or tomorrow morning for a sleepover until Sunday afternoon and a new foster coming in tomorrow afternoon . He is only 10 months old - not sure whether he is the lively type or not - if he is I will have to ship him to another foster home - my dogs dont like likely young pups!

I am starting to get cabin fever in reverse - it has been so cold for so long that I dont want to go out to do anything! Ive been spending hours at the computor every day or reading Today I need to get out to Curves and a bit of shopping and get the 'rescue room' ready for the incoming dogs .That is also my computor/den/guest room! Talk about multitasking!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sometimes the most relaxing Fancy is staying in and just playing with things you enjoy..

It's cold here this morning, not sure what the weatherman says, not going to listen, was able to purchase wallpaper in town this a.m. so will play at decorating and sewing on my quilt...

Let's be homey...

Calgary, Canada

Happy new year everybody! I have been away form DG for a long time. Good to see we have all been surviving the snow and bitter cold temperatures. Last night when I was driving home at midnight the car thermometer said minus 27......

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi Theresa, nice to hear from you! Happy New Year. Did you do a lot of music during the holidays? I'm still feeling the Vienna Concert we did on New Year's Day. I think I'm getting too old to subject my back to holding up the viola that long and to hold the right arm for extended periods for the Strauss waltzes and polkas.

I DID check in yesterday, but I didn't post much anywhere. Tomorrow is my Epiphany Open House and at last count I'm projecting that I could have 80 people dropping by. The food is nearly done though I have to cut up a lot of veggies for trays and I've hired a young girl from my church to help with filling up trays of crackers, etc.

Still to do is getting rid of several wayward piles of paper in the room where I teach but also where the punch bowls and wine will be. The paperless society hasn't made it to my house yet and these same piles seem to get moved from one place to another because I never seem to find time to sit down and sort through them properly. And I need to do a fast clean of the bathrooms and a bit of vacuuming though I'll leave the big clean-up for AFTER the party.

The weather is supposed to hold pretty well. Maybe a touch colder than I'd like, but actually better than too warm because I have ice lanterns that will line the driveway and my screened porch will be a freezer but as long as we watch the length of time, it can also serve to keep things cool.

I'd better get back to work. I'll probably not be back until tomorrow evening.

I hope you all enjoy the last bit of the holiday season before everyone's back at work on Monday.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Warming up here - day started about -29 plus wind chill factor - now apparently it is about -18 ,no wind chill - supposed to be above 0 by Monday! Then I suppose it will start melting!

Shadow arrived this morning for his sleepover while his owners party at a Ukainian Xmas (?New Year) function in Edmonton, Teddy my new foster should be here in an hour or two - another foster mom was driving to Lethbridge this morning to get him.

Took down the Xmas Tree and some of the ornaments this morning, will finish this afternoon or tomorrow - have to pack all the angels away.

Discovered I've had a mouse in the cupboard where I store all the Xmas decorations so had to clean that out and set up a mousetrap. Pretty much always happens when it gets so cold.

Making another batch of sugar cookies - my favorite!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy New Year Everyone!
Thanks for your kind words about my nephew.
We too are frozen the the bone here in Edmonton. We had a 3 degree respite so long ago I've forgotten what day it was.
Carol the "kids" look great in the bright collars!
Linda that dinner sounds very tasty.
Did anyone else notice that the days are getting longer? It's almost time to check on my overwintered Canna and begonia corms, Yippie!
Ann Edmonton.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Can anyone say 'I TOLD YA SO MARILYNNE' .. fer cryin out loud we are getting a nice big dump of snow .. you may query the use of my word 'Nice' .. well folks .. we have NOT had a geuine snowstorm of this magnitude for several years .. this is a snowblowers worst nightmare !!!!
Am extremely happy I do NOT have to 'GO TO WORK' !!! Makes retirement well worth the loss of THAT stressor !!

Makin a pot of steeped tea .. bread is baking .. and Lilly is trying her darndest to chew her rawhide in half .. much to Smokey's disgust ^_^

Take care


cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Marilynne-I won't say it, but I did chuckle- we have tons of snow even after all that rain there is still lots of snow. I got home at 0600 hours on Mon. the 29th and before I had gotten out of bed they had to blow my driveway. Just about every day my driveway is being done!!! I finished work at 0630 on New Years day to go out to a vehicle that wouldn't start -yuk! Went out today and bought a new battery. Just what everyone wants is an unexpected $100.00 bill right after the holidays. Hopefully, that will be the end of it for this winter, since I just spent $500.00 on new tires also. With all the snow we are getting though, that is one expense that I'm glad I went ahead with.

Be safe.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone, no signs of snow but is it
C O L D....wow, even with fireplace on in the basement and the one upstairs turned on I've a chill..best put up that thermostat...

Guess we're all having this freeze...can't understand it, mom and Jim said they were leaving the cottage to go home yesterday because they were calling for 'freezing rain'..can't possibly happen if it's this cold...

Melanie had a 40th birthday party for my eldest son Greg yesterday..so much fun seeing his childhood friends now that they've grown...truly enjoyed it...

With returning to work tomorrow I thought I'd just STAY in my jammies today, think I've earned a day of rest...well not really, know I want to sew on that rag quilt I want to warm me up when laying on the couch..lol...you know me, can't stay still for 10 minutes at a time...

Waving to all of you...do hope you enjoy your day...

Wanted to post the following on New Years' Day but with Bullwinkle and the lads visiting I plum forgot..lol...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Where did the year go?

Suddenly it is December ...again - and we realize that with giant strides we started in January and within a blink of an eye, 2008 is on its back!

A big "Thank You" to each and everyone of you, for the huge impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the support on the threads,the d-mails and e-mails I received...without you, I'm sure that 2008 would have been extremely different.

From my side I wish you all the best for 2009..thoughts filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts.

May 2009 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures.

And to those who need someone special, may you find that true love.

To those who need money, may your finances overflow

To those who need caring, may you find a good heart

To those who need friends, I am still here for you .

To those who need life, may you find GOD .

Thanks for being MY friend!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

And all the very best to you Betty ^_^
Great poem !!

Have taken a few photos of the snow we got .. seems we shovel and/or blow snow every 90 minutes or so .. happily .. it's FLUFFY ..


FIRST pic would of course HAVE to be our Lilly :-)

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The next 2 pics just show the snow from different angles .. it's actually quite pretty around the property .. and moreso since the temps are in the 20's F


The driveway going away from the house

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

A pic of one of Lilly's trails in her compound .. I can imagine the grass is going to be pretty sad looking in the spring :-(


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Last one .. this pic is oe of those 'it just happened' pics .. I hadn't noticed Lilly watching me so intently as I walked about taking photos ... ^_^


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Must be the day for those 'cute' poems/verses for New Years .. I just got this one .... and I pass it along to each of you !!



May peace break into your house.

May thieves come to steal your debts.

May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.

May laughter always be on your lips!

May happiness beam across the face.

May your tears be that of joy.

May all problems forget your home address!

In simple words...........

May 2009 become the best year of your life!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful poem as well..tks...

"M" you sure can keep that snow..today it was bitter cold, as the day progressed temps got higher..then came some freezing rain....not listening to the weather forecast, don't want to worry about my 1st day back to work..I say work when really it's my relaxing time...work is when I'm home...lol..truly will be nice to get back into some type of routine..

Now we'll all be planning our gardens, winter sowing etc. still long way to go though..was thinking, we had snow since beginning of November, still Jan.Feb. and most of March..shucks that's almost 1/2 yr. of winter....must be dreaming, can't be that long...hmmmm

Hope you all enjoyed your day, mine was spent in nightie laying of the couch .. guess my energizer bunny batteries ran out..will have to pick some up tomorrow...

Night all..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

Just a quick drop in. Epiphany Open House is over for another year. As near as we can figure out, we had 60 people. Several had indicated they were coming and didn't. I'll probably here from them in the next day or two. And a few others didn't RSVP and I had projected they would likely show up (based on previous years) - but they didn't. Have enough leftovers that I won't have to cook much for a week. :-)

Thank you for the lovely "wishes" above Betty and Marilynne.

I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!! From snow to COLD temps .. I'll take the snow thanks ^_^

Hope you get energized Betty .. and .. like you .. it does seem such a LONG way til spring doesn't it .. but .. like every year .. it'll be here before you know it.

Ann .. glad your Open House was a success .. have to wonder at folks sometimes .. say their coming and don't .. say they aren't and they do .. ah well .. at least you had lots of food, and leftovers are a bonus !!

Am in the process of making filling for 'conchigliano' .. commonly referred to as SHELLS .. they're a type of pasta .. I was looking up recipes yesterday and found out their REAL name . In essence .. if you have ever seen a Conch shell .. these do resemble it .. but smaller .. you can stuff them with either a seafood mixture .. a mixture of riccotta cheese and spinach .. or (as I am doing) .. a modified beef and tomato sauce .. very much like the filling you would make for lasagna. I tend to be one of those kinds of cooks who 'wings it' when it comes to recipes .. I always add or subtract one or 2 ingredients ..

Lilly is due to get up .. best get some warmer clothing on to take her out ..

Enjoy your day ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" wing and a prayer? that's my kind of cooking except the prayers don't work...First day here at work and already bored...we went out to lunch at 1:30 came back and I've spent most of the time in the washroom..something not agreeing with me..do hope Bullwinkle and the lads don't catch it...giving them a tour of the office...

We had freezing rain last night so roads were a bit of a mess this a.m. until sanders passed...

Imagine, I bought my first "Flower Gardens 2009" Magazine...45 can-do gardens shade to tropical, blueprints 6 showoff borders...going to tell you I'll have my garden planned before I leave for home today...lol

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well my day sure got turned around. The plan was walk dogs, go to Curves, get gas, drive out to Carseland ( about 45 mins) for a 1pm appointment to do a home visit for a potential adopter.
So I take off but decide to go get gas first. Guess what - car wont start after I fill up! Wait about 1 1/2 hrs for AMA to arrive to boost battery - drive straight over to OK Tire ( which is right next door to Curves - too bad I didnt go there first!) maybe can put in new battery this afternoon- prob not until tomorrow! But I dont want to drive out of town without a new one. OK- leave car with them, go to Curves, do my exercise, walk home ( only about 15 mins and thank goodness it is 'warm' today) and finally can call my afternoon appointment to tell her I wont be there - it is now about 1:15pm!
And 15 minutes later OK Tire calls to say the car would be ready in half an hour!
So another walk back to get the car. The guy really laughed when I told him I was walking home - he figured not that many people walked any more! Guess I will take Tango ( new rescue) with me - he needs the excercise.

Ah well the sun is shining!

Here's Tango in case you didnt see him on the Pet Forum. He is a sweetie.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DAWG !!!! Tango is a beautiful name for a beautiful dog .. and he certainly got his exercise today, as did you Carol ..

Batteries make me nuts (any kind) .. I have what I refer to as "BRD" .. Battery Replacement Dyslexia" !! I almost NEVER get the batteries IN right .. put the wrong end up again the springymadoo thing in whatever gadget I am re energizing .. and .. inevitably .. I DROP the replacement on the floor .. and we ALL know where it goes .. UNDER the heaviest piece of furniture !! Ah well .. makes life interesting ^_^
Car batteries are a REAL concern though in the colder temps .. better it happened IN Calgary rather than on the road to Carseland ..

Betty ... I have been peeking at some online gardening sites .. dontcha love the ones that give you the 'blueprint' and will send you the bulbs and seeds in a kit .. have always wondered if they work. Has anyone tried them ?

Remained cold here all day .. getting dark now .. have the conchigliano ready to go .. gawd what a fussy job !!!

Hope you feel better Betty .. a 'loose Moose' would be NO fun at all !!!!! LoL


Victoria Harbour, ON

Walking...hmmm...I live next door to a variety store and I have to stop and think about takig the car...honest! lol...

Next step although I know it's early is bath time then cuddle in with favorite house magazines and call it a night..not sure I have have anything to take but chilled to the bone...


Victoria Harbour, ON

Blizzard going on here and now they say we might just get some freezing rain, what a mess that will be..storm is heading east..hope you are all inside and safe..no taking chances..

Sad to find out this morning that Balvanie (found on stained glass thread) passed away..oh my goodness he was no only a true gentleman but an fantastic artist as well..he will be missed...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sorry to hear of your chums passing Betty .. cherish all you shared with him.

It's snowing here .. looks like it may last all day .. not stoo sure .. the roads are NOT good in this neck of the woods.

Going to my Aunties for tea this afternoon .. she's 94 and a WONDER !! Very active and so BRIGHT ..

If anyone in BC would like our canoe .. let me know .. good grief .. 130mm of rain is NOT nice on TOP of the snow you got !!!!!

Keep smilin


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes that is very sad about Robert! I knew him more as a sheltie lover - he had two cuties!
His art work, not just stained glass but wood carving too and other things was incredible. If you check out some of his threads you will see pictures.

A bit cooler yesterday but supposed to be above zero today and they are predicting up into low teens by the weekend

Ca.Gardening thread:http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/940447/
Memory thread:http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/940739/

This message was edited Jan 7, 2009 8:17 AM

This message was edited Jan 7, 2009 8:18 AM

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I was fortunate enough to have had some seed trades with Robert (Balvenie) and you are right Betty, he was a kind and generous man; a real gentleman. He will be missed.

This message was edited Jan 7, 2009 8:30 AM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I didn't know Robert, but, from the comments I am reading about him .. I can certainly see that he was a man of integrity and a gentleman. He oviously enriched many lives, and I hope that those who were acquainted with him will carry his legacy forward.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, with weather patterns changing daily or hourly for some I do hope you are safe and not taking chances travelling in this weather...plowman hasn't been and if municipal plow passes by I'll not be getting to work and I do want to go in..lol..with Paul off ill all week I get to play even more..almost done painting a floral design for my downstairs cupboard while earning my keep..lol..

Must rush off, if it weren't soooo cold, think I'd get my snowblower out..

Talk from the office

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Not much happening here in the GREAT WHITE NORTH (West) .. we have had a skiff of snow .. and there is a wind from the west out there this morning that is making the temps a bit cooler than yesterday .. but .. all in all we're making out fine for January.

I FINALLY potted some 'slips' I have had rooting in a glass since before Xmas .. 'Zebrina Wandering Jew' and a Christmas Cactus .. I have NO doubt the Wandering Jew will do well .. but .. my track record with Chritmas Cactus is very poor. They seem to grow bigger and greener and they NEVER flower. These cuttings were taken from a BLOOMING Cactus .. be interesting to watch.

Hope all turns out well weather wise your way Betty .. be careful ^_^

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

My grandmother "M" had such luck with Christmas Cactus..a zillion flowers, I know I overwater mine but the last one I had I put it on the fireplace shelf along with immitation ivy, well, never watered it, not dead..time to replace it again..lol... good luck with yours....

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I have a screened porch and my Christmas cactus plants summer out there. When I bring them in near the end of September they are invariably covered with buds. I think it's because it gets dark AND cool there in September. But once inside, I have them next to windows and they still bloom again, usually in early spring although one is covered with buds now. I think it's because it's quite cool next to the window and my thermostat also goes down during the day. Whatever it is, it works.

I have one large plant which is a real old-fashioned cactus and I have to be careful with orientation to light with it or the buds will twist off. I took cuttings from a distant cousin's huge plants in Boston in 1970 and smuggled them home. The others are larger blooms and newer varieties and they are a bit easier.

Try also keeping them rootbound as that seems to help promote flowering.


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