What's Happening in YOUR Neighborhood # 12.

Victoria Harbour, ON

So do you think you will let them have the dog?

Now I will have to go back and look at the car..didn't know it was suppose to be a 'must'..hmmm now where to check? you know, I'll call the dealership and ask....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Fancy, just called the dealership, Larry who is manager is a friend of my son's..he says mine should as per his computer info lol have one...thanks 'sweetie' I just thought I didn't..he did say it might be difficult to find because it would be tied up and pushed in somewhere...oh happy days, not to worry if we find one tonight...

See now, what great info you've given me...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We have at 3 other people interested in Tango so I am just waiting to see all the application s and evaluations before giving my opinion to Helen who makes the final decision - unfortunately some are out of town/province but whoever is picked will have to be willing to come get the dog .
I had to be fasting for 10-12 hours this past evening for a blood test and silly me booked it for 915! Next time I will book it for 730 and just haul my a+s out and into the car.
Sure was ready for my coffee when I got home. Didnt walk the dogs but they have been having a good chase out in the back yard to that will have to do. It gets very noisy - Bailey just barks constantly when he chases - so I can only permit it when the neighbors are not home!
Library books due today, was a good girl - usually I just leave it and pay the fine if I am not finished. ( I probably buy a couple of books a year for the librarby with my fines!) I took back the ones I had read and renewed the others! Of course I could have just called and renewed everything! But I also took all the recycling stuff as there is a depot just down from the library.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Carol .. I just had an email from my bud in Calgary .. she is luvin the CHINOOK .. lucky you gals :-)

My gosh .. it must be quite a feat to try and decide who gets the Sheltie .. I am too much of a pragmatist .. I am not a fan of clutter (even though I have it) .. since I have had Lilly .. well .. clutter is a NO NO as she can go from 'angel to shredder' in a matter of seconds !!! That said .. if those folks hearts are in the right place .. what can ya do ..

BETTY!!!!!!!!!!! Huggin ya gurl !!! I couldn't find the bloc heater on my Ford the first winter .. look at the front right corner when you lift the hood .. as the sales guy says .. the cord is in there .. WEAR GLOVES :-)

"THINKING" about going down for the mail .. it's just so cold .. the sun is deceiving !!!!!

Hang tough people .. January is almost half done !!!


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Maybe if we all blow from the west, some warm air will make it east.

Our snow is all gone, the creeks are leveling off, the fields are returning to a muddy mess after the runoff runs off, and I picked off the head of 3 dandelions today.

When I bought a SUV in Yellowknife, it had a block heater and battery blanket already installed. Buying a car in NB, I had to get the block heater installed. Having a car checked here in Victoria, some young faced oil jockey didn't know what the plug hanging out my grill was for. To be so innocent...

Victoria Harbour, ON

It's blizzard time out there..chinook winds would be so appreciated...1/2 hr. left here at work, boss just left, had hoped he'd call to say roads are bad leave early but NOT...

Fancy, I'm not good with library books either..rather buy them/spend my $$$ and not worry about returning them..life always gets in the way..so don't rent movies either for that reason...
Yep, best make those test appts. as early as you can..long time to be hungry...

Talking of dogs, got my notice last night from the municipality telling me that dog tags are in and I have 14 days to purchase mine..with working it's difficult so will leave $$$ with friend to pick it up..

OMG dandellions? As hateful as they are what I wouldn't give to be picking the heads off..remind me that this spring when they pop up..probably won't have to, I'll see them smile and think of this blizzard day...

Son Greg will drop in this evening to look at my car..barring that Paul said to get an extension and a light and drape it inside the engine area and it would do same thing????? worth a try I guess...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

GOOD GRIEF !!!!! It's a horrifying -45 this morning .. don't even ask if that is WITH or WITHOUT the windchill !!
I went out to the garage to plug in one of the cars and the aluminum backdoor just CRASHED shut .. skeered the bejeebers outta me !! I guess the ?hydraulics? don't work when it gets this cold.

Betty, yes, I have heard that you can place a trouble light under the hood near the battery to keep it warm. One of those ' in a pinch ' scenarios.

Glad to hear BC is thawing out Linda .. but DANDELIONS .. goodness ... right now I actually wouldn't mind a BOUQUET of them ^_^

Was going to go into town to look at cars today .. but .. am unsure right now. AWwwwwww what the heck .. after all .. I AM a CANADIAN !!!!
As well .. my sour dough starter should be ready to use today .. hope it works out, have been babying the 'goop' for 5 days .. we'll see ..

Take care all


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

The bitter cold has hit us - though not as bad as TB and not as bad as it will be on Friday. Accidents all over the place. When will people learn that if they get too close the exhaust blinds them?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, late getting in as well...it was -29 when I left...woke up during the night and started my car brrrrr...then again when I woke just before 5am so by the time I left at 7:45am I knew the car would start..

Went shopping in that blizzard last night so was late when I got home..didn't go to Greg's to use his garage to look for the heating cord but I'll tell you I will tonight..that way I can sleep and not worry..much the same temps for tonight..

So much ice on the roads mega accidents, they even set up a trailer in Barrie to come in and report their accidents after the tow trucks removed them from guardrails/ditches and other cars...

So sad, 2 teacher who were coming back last night from a teaching upgrade seminar were killed in a collision..prayers for their family...

Well, boss will be out of the office today and tomorrow and most likely Friday..have some painting here with me, might as well get busy..panel would look so pretty in my cupboard downstairs...

Stay inside with a good book..enjoy the day...for those who can't...be safe!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well, it seems that staying home isn't such a BAD deal .. I did clear SOME of the clutter in the computer room, as we have all mentioned time and again .. computers DO NOT make for a paperless society. In fact ..a few bills I get monthly .. have gone from ONE piece of paper to THREE .. what fries me is the last page is, for the most part, pretty much a blank page .. go figger.

Used my sourdough starter today to make a loaf of bread .. will get the low down on how it did at supper time ..

Am pretty much keeping a watch out the kitchen window for birds .. gosh .. so many .. Grossbeaks, Blue and Gray Jays, Red Poles and Chic a Dees .. little Finches and Sparrows and Wrens .. feel so bad for them .. but .. they seem to like the fact the feeders are IN the sun .. however .. the peanut butter and bread crumbs up in the containers is as hard as cement .. but .. they still peck away at them .. Betty .. the squirrels here are very annoying as well .. I dare not put up suet with seeds in it coz they just rip it down, eat the seeds and leave !!! Cheeky devils LoL

The temps are atrocious .. not even going to go there .. my friend had to work at the cemetery today .. a rather large interment .. her boss was going to be on his own as his helper was at an appointment .. he could never have acheived what needed to be done on his own .. anyone working outside today HAD to be dressed to the hilt .. problem with that is .. you can hardly MOVE once you get all those clothes on ..

Guess I'll go see what kinda mischeif I can get into ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Snowing here again. As though the side streets were not bad enough already!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just a few flurries but temps are dropping even more....bbbrrrr...hard to imagine it get colder but it is...I know I'm planning a Friday afternoon to Monday morning 'stay in your nightie' and play weekend for sure...lot's that can keep me busy..


2nd day home sick - but still got some excitement!

So busy here - I'm the new Handbell Director! Have a teacher who will be here the end of Jan to show us how to ring bells, and I picked up bells that we can borrow for 3 months (for free!) I'm so excited!
Our teacher has volunteered her time, and that's wonderful too! She told me that I got the best bells too - didn't realize they would vary between companies, but apparently they do.

It's thrilling time for our church, you bet!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Susan - We have Malmark bells too and I think they are very good, but I also enjoyed using the Schulmerich bells at the International Music Camp. I think both are very good, but it is a HOTLY debated subject. The Malmark are easier for you to adjust once you know how. Schulmerich people will refer to them as "Walmark" bells. The actual castings for both are done at the same foundry in Pennsylvania and the founders of Malmark, at one time, worked for Schulmerich.

Who is your teacher?


Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm impressed with both your talents...don't think I've ever heard of a church in our local area that has bells...

"M" went to Greg's and he couldn't find the plug in..brrrr it's so cold, I'll be up again most of the night wondering if my vehicle will start..

Got home and thanks to Carol (Starzz) went and got out my manual..of course it says
"your vehicle MAY have" the MAY for me probably means no...have to wait till daylight now...

You all keep warm and safe..

Victoria Harbour, ON

OOHHH ladies BRRRR out there, frost bite warning time...
If you don't have to go out, please stay in..take no chances...next week calling for high of 2...short/short weather for us Canadians right?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOO HOO Betty .. seems we'll all be brekin out the fur lined ' BEE KEE KNEES' and insulated FLIP FLOPS next week LoL
Our cold snap continues but, with a promise of ?warmer? temps arriving overnite .. by warm we're talking -20 to -17C .. but .. that's so much 'balmier' than what is is right now .. -42C ...

Giving myself a PEP talk to motivate myself to dress and go for the paper .. Smokey is finding it quite amusing .. the motivational spiel will be moot though if Lilly decides to get up .. she doesn't like going outside without me !! Fraid of the dark .. I think it's the deer that scare her .. they tend to hang about in the shadows .. you can hear them moving about .. but it's difficult to see them.

Susan .. congrats .. you'll have your work cut out for fer sure .. but .. I'm sure it'll be enjoyable .. Ann can give you some helpful tips :-)

Venturing out into town today .. gott prove my WORTH as a REAL CANADIAN (as if goin for the paper isn;t good enough)
Ann .. you are SO correct re tailgating and exhaust fumes .. I won't move the car until I can see ahead of me .. some folks just tend to 'wing it' .. that's so scary !!!

Take care all



ViolaAnn - our teacher is Emmy Bourtolini - past pres of Ab English Handbell Ringers. (her hubby is not current pres! lol)
Do you know her?


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)


No. I've not met her. I see from the list of the Alberta Guild members that she directs a community choir in SW Calgary.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Bit by bit .. slowly and steadily Thunder Bay is emerging from the deep freeze !! In fact, as we continue to 'heat up' we are looking at temps in the minus SINGLE digits ALL next week !!!!!! Time to get the X Country Skis back out !!

The 'car shopping' is moving along slowly. At this point I am totally confused. I looked at a very nice Toyota yesterday .. right colour, right engine size yadda yadda .. but .. and do NOT laugh .. it's a hatchback, and, as such, there is NO trunk opener .. I'm sure yer rolling yer eyes .. but .. that is just something I have become accustomed to .. leaving a store with a cart full of 'stuff' .. blinging the button on the gaget and POOF .. trunk is open .. my last 3 vehicles have had that option. As well ... and i am trying not to be paranoid here .. it seems to me that 'cruise control' which my other 3 cars had as standard equipment, is now a $400. option. If you want cruise some obscure other option like a cargo net comes along with it . So .. in the scheme of things, an extra $400. really isn't that much when you are going to be forking over so much money .. and .. like the trunk do ma thingy .. I use cruise all the time on my drive in to the city, and when I do any highway driving.
2 more stops today .. just so I can become TWICE as confused .. Honda and Mazda !!

TGIF .. hope everyone has an awesome weekend !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" it's a buyers market right now...it's amazing just how much you can negotiate with 'add ons' and lesser 'SSS's and don't blame you, when you are paying you want what you want...the right car is out there for you..

OMG at lunch I got an oil change next door to work...$39.99...done in seconds but don't know why when I usually get the oil changes this amount sounds high..oh well it's done....Did find the plug in for cold winter nights, it was all wrapped in, had a coil look to it SO I conned these young men giving them the old lady story to run it through ..lol..so last night I plugged the girl in...oh happy days...

Extremely cold here today, still in deep freeze and snowing..I'm driving myself in as Suzanne is quite ill but insisting on going in that way if she has to leave early she can and not worry about how I'll get home...

Talk later..
Stay warm/stay safe

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

The deep freeze has also hit Ottawa. -30 this morning with a prediction of a high of about -25. As yesterday, people are sliding into each other all over the city. (Yesterday afternoon around 4, they were saying over 200 accidents in the city and it no doubt went up during the rush hour.) Day 38 of the bus strike and nobody's in a very good mood on the roads.

Stay warm and drive safely.


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG needed kleenex on my way to work..tummy churning, white nuckles, shaking , brought snacks and ate them as I travelling

Going along, misty snow, ice roads, trucks skimming by for seconds but what seems like minutes, you have no clue what's in front, where the road is etc. then the good part came, couldn't see at all for almost 15 miles, prayed the Lord that at least we were only moving a foot a minute so no chance of getting killed...

I think (bad me) I used every bad word in the dictionary..why I'm on the road in that kind of weather is beyond me...sure was smilling when I was saw my cut-off, almost missed it for not seeing...

still snowing, winds are suppose to pick up later...Paul was in the city and called in, spoke to his girls, Cindy said the drive wasn't bad so guess we are here until 1:00..wouldn't you know, I'd forgotten my cel telephone..going to do a 'winter checklist' of what NOT to leave home without..that most certainly should be the 1st thing on my list..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - I'm glad you are SAFELY at a computer. Your check list sounds like a good idea and I hope that conditions will be better when you return home.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Seems as though they might Ann...thank you..
Here I'm complaining and part of Toronto in this deep freeze is without hydro for possibly another day..now that's traggic..will be a lot of damage as well if the water lines freeze..they are asking for help to contact seniors or housebound residents making sure they can get to the shelters they've set up with heat..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Bad news from you gals out east .. glad you made it to work Betty .. I hope the ride home will be easier, and that Suzanne is feeling better.

Took Lilly in to be groomed this morning .. we left at about 8:15am .. -30C .. I go 25km before I have to stop at a stop light (which is ALWAYS red for me) I was behind 2 vehicles .. when the light went green and we stared moving .. WELL .. just a veil of fumes .. and .. as odd as this sounds .. something in my head went .. BLINK BLINK .. light is coming on .. these emissions we SEE in the winter, are there in the warm weather as well, but, invisible to us .. every winter I realize that, and, as spring progresses to summer it is far far from my mind ..

Plan to lay out all the car brochures this aft and try and CULL THE HERD !!! LoL ...
Betty .. I am so NOT a price negotiator ..

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" best you take someone with you who is...great deals to be found..

Sun shinning, took my time coming home..you know those roads that once snow has hardpacked and with frigit temps are glare/shinny like ice, well decided to enjoy my ride..took me almost double the time but hey, no stress enjoyed the trip..

Ann...mega accidents around here as well..people just don't seem to drive accordingly do they..to me if speed is 100kl on the best day and we're in a blizzard, don't think 95 or 100 is called for..

Have a homamade soup on, chicken in the oven, going to quickly sweep/dust then into my nightie till Monday...that's how I'm feeling today lol
so in a safe warm house, enough to keep me busy for a century, jammies on, is there anything more a lady could want?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAHAhahahahahahahhah .. that'd work Carol !!!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

WOW Marilynne has a chocolate stash!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

I'm dying for some chocolate here. I've managed all evening to eat healthy, popcorn, orange after a chicken ceasar we had for dinner. I'm trying to lose weight, of course, it's January. I was close to opening the chocolate chips but have managed so far to avoid them.

"M" when we got our new to us van last year, we took my dad because I'm like you, not into dickering at all. He was able to get the price from 18K down to 13K. Sure worked for us.

I don't envy any of you back east, here's wishing you get some warming your way.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I'll SHARE my stash ^_^
We actually have lots left from Xmas .. keep thinking the grands will take them, but they seem to be cheese and fruit kids.

It snowed last night .. and we are at 9F !!! I am SO looking forward to getting BACK outside and ENJOYING the season instead of dreading it.

Linda .. I hear ya .. and I plan to try that tactic with my brother ....

Off to get the paper and feed the bunnies and deer .. and .. I am SMILING !!!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Pass the chocolates 'M'

I'm smilling as well, although I promised myself NOT to get out of my nightie this weekend and just enjoy making my 'mystery swap' and work on stain glass I knew I couldn't go outside half dressed, so dressed I am to do the snowblowing and the shovelling in sub zero weather and the telephone rings, it's grandson Kyle, tells me he's coming over to do it all including the roof on back shed...doing the happy dance, although I'll probably feel guilty and go out and help ..more hands/quickly done...

Yes Linda, heard of a man in our area..spent all day dickering with salesman but $8,000 less he was walking away with new vehicle..his was a sabaru...so there is plented of room for dickering, I'M just not good at it..

Started to snow, my plowman waited till 9 before coming in hopes that the municipality would have done main road as not to plow and 10 minutes later I be driveway bound because of the snowbank it's created..he's plowed the main roadway so that when the plow does go by I'll not have the big bank...so between Kyle doing the walkways life's not so bad!

Hey, even got domesticated..cook homemade soup last night enough to feed 10 (snowmobilers always welcome), some baked chicken, Ruby's applesauce cake so between crafting and eating and no need to be outside, what a picture perfect day I'll have...

Be carefull out there..

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thought I'd share...some of you may recall I did a workshop with DG friends, sent them pkgs and we all got together and did Victorian Santa's...

I'll post a photo..some of the 1st you'll view are the beginnings...some have done numerous and as each one was created more ideas were sharred ..imagine, still making them and we're almost through Jan.2009...lol hope you enjoy..

Now to come up with something for our 3rd Annual on-line DG workshop...might be difficult to match this year!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Gosh Betty .. hard to pick ONE that I like the best .. they are ALL wonderful .. congrats on a successful workshop .. I know you poured your heart and soul into it ... the results speak for themselves.
Have you ever done a Wreath ? Would imagine you have ..

Kyle deserves a HUGE hug .. what a nice gesture :-) we have snow here .. but wonderful temps .. AND .. as I type this .. the sun is trying to poke out !!!!

I'm not to shovel snow .. but I do and deal with the consequences .. I just love being outside is all .. find it hard NOT to DO something ..

Wanted to tell anyone who looks for or has need for KING sized bed sheets .. that if you go online to the sears.ca site and go under bed sheets, there is a fabulous deal on them .. I bought 2 sets and am VERY pleased. Most sets have cost me upwards of $120. !!! These are priced at $65. by the time the taxes and dleivery are added it comes to about $75.00 .. the colours are wonderful ... I have a buttery yellow pair, and an aqua pair .. they are 200 count.

I thing I may be spending my afternoon packaging dog food .. and likely going over the car brochures AGAIN .. I am thinking that I might just be assertive, put my offer forward at the one dealership .. if it's poo pooed .. I'll be outta there ..

Toodles :-)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Good luck with the car M. Someday I'll tell you the story of how I bought my car!

Most of you are dog owners. The Band Aid group which is fighting the BSL legislation in Ontario is despirately in need of dollars to carry the fight to the Supreme Court. Please go to this site:

and read and help if you can on behalf of all the dogs in Canada.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - what WONDERFUL Santas. I would enjoy a workshop like that.

Had DGD over night and she and I went to the "Family Adventures" concert at the NAC this afternoon. She's now at home. Busy day tomorrow. My bells play in the morning. social action committee meets right after church and I'm volunteering at a concert of the Borodin Quartet in the afternoon. And one orchestra in which I play is having extended rehearsals for a few weeks as a couple of rehearsals were cancelled. I will be late as it starts at 4:30 and at 6 they take an hour dinner break before continuing in the evening.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wouldn't you know, just after grandson Kyle came and did all the snowblowing and taking snow off back shed roof I started with the chills, can't swallow, headache..now I just knew I'd catch what Paul and Suzanne had all week..theirs turne dinto pneumonia so I'll go back to the couch and hope tomorrow is a better day...

DRATS, wanted to finish my Mystery swap and stained glass piece..oh well always another day right..

Thanks for the nice words re our workshop...open to everyone..must say they all enjoyed it..

So long since I used the breadmachine I was worried it would not come out ok, but lordy I have a nice hot bread to go with that homemade soup..

Monday "M" is the day you'll get at a discount that new vehicle.

Good Lord willing we'll talk tomorrow..

Here's Kyle putting the blower away...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Betty if I could afford it, you'd be on the next plane out to Victoria where we hit +10C and finally had a day of sun. You need some TLC for whatever's got you ailing. Take care of yourself.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

are you doing the car the shopping alone? I am interested in which car you choose and why.

Fancy..would love to hear your car buying story..

I drive an 11 year old car..and sometime in the next year I expect to need to buy a new one.
The last two times I have gone to buy a car..it is because my old one broke down and I needed a new car in a hurry so I don't think I got the best deal.

I hope Betty is feeling better this morning..

ViolaAnn..are you dreaming of Hostas???


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