What's Happening in YOUR Neighborhood # 12.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Quick post, been in bed since Thursday night, finally headed to emerg last night about 9:30, by 2:30 and still about 4 ahead of me, throughout the next few hours, a young lady having a miscarriage, young girl with broken arm (at least) snowmobile accident, heart attach so when we spoke with triage they said not likely any of us would be seen till morning...

Well back home I came, more meds, cuddled into my own bed...

Sailor woke me up for her outdoor constitution..snowing, blowing..a storm day..had been registered for a card class in Barrie..no go, it's meds, hot drink and back to bed I go..

Waving to all, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to sit and go through the posts...
back to bed I go.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!! We DO live in CANADA right ?? I find the fact that you were NOT seen to be totally tragic !!! Incomprehensible .. AWFUL and shameful !!!
Where has our health care system gone, and WHO is going to FIND it and bring it back ??
Sometimes the ONLY way to ensure be seeing immediately, is to say you have chest pain .. that puts a BIG red flag up .. and you are at least triaged in a different way. That said .. I doubt I would do that .. but .. know it is done.
I have a bud who's Mom is frail .. when she needs to see a doc (theirs retired and left them high and dry) she calls an ambulance and pays the fee because her Mom is at least seen to in a timely fashion. There is no way her Mom can sit for hours in an Emerg or a Walk In clinic.
I wish you the best Betty .. but .. you really should be on an antibiotic. Stay hydrated fer sure.

The Brass Monkey went by .. along with his marching band .. this all happened when I was out feeding the wildlife .. dressed to the hilt and still finding it hard to breathe in the cold air .. DAWG .. the frigid temps are making me hallucinate LoL



Ann - just saw your Thursday post - guess you've flown over us and back home by now lol Hope you had a good flight.

Well, our 1st handbell practice is on Thursday the 29th, and I'm hoping to go to the Workshop our teacher is putting on, on Friday the 30th! I'm going to ask my boss for the day off (no, I can't tell him I'm sick........), and hopefully he'll appreciate why I need it off - I'm the new Handbell Director after all, and I really need to learn how to play 'em LOL

Cindy - fabuloso picture! I wonder how the Vancouverites felt in that? They musta noticed LOL

February is just around the corner, and that's when I usually start getting "antsy" about spring & planting!!!! I guess between making curtains for the church (17 short sets), sewing up foam covers and table skirting for our handbells, directing handbells, the Robbie Burns dinner committee (we just had our dinner on Friday - phew, all over, and very successful), being in our vocal choir, making cushions for our coffee time chairs, and bowling league (oh yeah - I work full-time, too), MAYBE I can slow down the hunger pangs for gardening a bit.... NOT! lol I want to be a full-time gardener LOL


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Yeah, folks. We were back home a bit before 1 am this morning. My suitcase came down the chute on the luggage carousel about 12:10 am. But had difficulty getting to sleep. I doubt I will tonight. I'm just in from a LONG orchestra rehearsal. One orchestra has a concert of Chinese music next Saturday.

You could definitely notice the fog in Vancouver though much lighter yesterday - it seemed sunny, but we could see a thin layer of fog from the plane as we left.

Good luck with the first handbell practice on the 29th and with getting the time off for the workshop.



My boss is Wonderful! I got Friday off to attend the workshop!! :-)

He congratulated me on being the Handbell Director, and when I asked for time off Friday for the workshop he said Yup! :-)
I am sooooooooo looking forward to it!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good news, Susan.

Had Chinese lunch with my Red Hat group. Then cancelled snow shoeing because it's pretty cold here. I DID take a trip into downtown Ottawa well before rush hour (day 48 of the bus strike) to pick up my next set of Ottawa Symphony music for their Feb. 23 concert. The rest of the day has been finalizing and separating the parts for a Handel Aria that the other orchestra will do with a soprano in March. We had only a piano score and I orchestrated it for strings.

Off to practice a bit.


Victoria Harbour, ON

My goodness you guys have busy lives...congrats Susan and welcome home Ann..

"M" you got that new car of yours??? Was listening to an add from Hyundi (?) I believe, they are advertising that anyone who purchases one of their vehicles and finds themselves during the 5 year contract without a job, they'll take the vehicle back without penalties or markings on their credit bureau report...that might help...

"M"..when I was in triage she asked what my problems were, told her the cold (near - or pneumonia) then the several neuralgia not being able to hold my head up off the pillow for pain and commented that as I only have partial kidney's - 1/8th of one and 1/4 of the other that I could feel a throb which I get when I start with an infection, she kindly told me to pick "1" of my ailments didn't need to know each and every pain....OK... guess I thought it was important...lol..

Now I understand quite a few of our Dr's have banded together and formed a clinic of sorts..if you telephone other than Fri. and Sun. exactly at 9am you might be able to get in an evening appt. as they work from 5:00 to 10:00...so hopefully next time I'm not well, it will fit within their schedule..not being nasty..but, when you call your doctor you have to make appt. at least a week in advance if not longer, if you need assistance before then go to emerge...OK, that's fun.. vicious circle if you ask me...aren't I a complainer..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The Eagle has landed .. brought the new car home this afternoon and am thrilled .. pics to come as it is SO cold here I think my digital might break were I to stand out there too long !!!!!!

Off to visit my Hospice client


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - please show us a larger picture that isn't almost obscured by the DG copyright stuff. It looks nice, but ....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Will be taking more pics probably tomorrow .. today was just toooooooooooooo frigid to stand outside and do that .. I put 'LOLA COROLLA' directly into the garage and that is where she stays til tomorrow :-)
Hopefully that STAMP deal will go bye bye !!

Betty .. that 'TRIAGE nightmare' is happening WAY too often .. just NOT right !!! I do NOT know what the answer is .. more docs .. yes .. but .. the cost of education is astronomical .. train nurses more extensively .. well .. that'd be nice .. but .. it sure is not reflected in our pay once we attain a speciality.
Vicious circle about explains it ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, although it was lightly snowing when I left home and -11 I can actually see blue sky and sun trying to come out, oh happy days...of course feeling somewhat better is helping..the boss, he's got that intestinal flu that they are closing hospitals because of..was going to come in today, he was ASKED politely to stay home..lordy, we're not over this bout he gave us..lol

I'm joking so must be feeling better...

Looking forward to photo's "M"

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Glad you're feeling better Betty .. and I sure hope the boss took your suggestion and stayed home with his bugs. Have 2 Long Term Care Facilities here in TBay closed to the public .. one with a Respiratory typa outbreak, and the other the Intestinal one ..

I have PICS ^_^ And I about FROZE taking them .. LORDIE when will it warm up ??

Sharing 3 .. maybe 4 :-)


First one is 'Lolla' on her own ..

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The next 2 are of me and 'Lolla Corolla' ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Have to say .. it was -30C as we took the pics .. and since I do NOT do HATS .. well .. I was just a titch chilly !!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Last pic is of our CAR LOT .. still have my Taurus .. will sell it in the Spring .. have a truck and in the garage is Lorna's Chev .. LOLLA has her side of the garage as well ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

There ya have it .. I was sorta disappointed that the sun didn't allow for better pics .. I tend to think all the Evergreens made the lighting in that particular part of the driveway kind of 'dappled'.
I took the pics at approx 1pm .. so .. if it warms up .. I'll drive the wee beastie down the driveway a bit to get more sun on her .. she kinda sparkles ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

She sure is a beaut "M"..sun or no sun..lol...omg with all this snow/salt I can't even tell the color of my vehicle..would love to get her washed so it isn't a gray dirty salt color...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Woo Hoo! Nice Wheels, Marilynne Love the color; silver right?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Yep .. it's Silver .. course .. it's got some other more fancy name in the Toyota colour scheme .. to me .. silver is silver and silver has got to be a lot easier to keep clean than NAVY ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Don, bet you are not missing our winter are you...enjoying the sunshine, please be kind and send some our way..of course I've a bit of sunshine today but it's still cold..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Nice looking car. Enjoy her. And stay out of the cold if you can.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yeah silver will be easier to keep clean but you'll never find her in the parking lot cause everybody else has the same color! Yu better get one of those flags that fits on a stick over the window so you can see it poking up in the parking lot. Although maybe the TB prking lots are not so big and crowded as Calgary?

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Yes, Betty, we have been enjoying the sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures, although this year the temperatures have been a little higher than normal. You should here the locals grumble. This is when they want the weather to be cool since they get such unbearably hot temperatures in the summer.

Of course, we haven't been complaining... ^_^

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" or a tennis ball slit to fit on your aerial..lol.. with mine being burnt orange not hard to find at all...omg we're having us a storm..expected though when you see the storm mass crossing the USA..do hope all are safe..

Thought because I've been feeling poorly these past few weeks that I'd spoil myself (and Suzanne) and go to the Quilt Shop and purchase a few quilts on sale, Suzanne has been looking at the Christmas one and I would like a new one for my bed...have you ever shopped at one of these..OMG can't believe what they sell them for..next to nothing and if you didn't know it, you'd swear they were handmade...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. found out one thing about the car today .. NO AERIAL .. it's a satellite typa deal .. there's a BUMP thing just above the back window on the roof. I don't have Sirius radio .. just the regular CD and AM/FM radio deal.

Went to town to see my Hospice client .. took her the window overlooking the parking lot so she could see it .. she gave it her blessing .. would have loved to have taken her out for a wee boot .. but the chemo has left her pretty nauseous .. maybe next week ..

Weather here has turned WONDERFUL .. have sheets on the line .. the snow down east is way too depressing !!!

Off to walk Lilly


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

~M~ Lola is a beauty. Be wary of the first scratch, it always hurts the most.

After our dusting of snow yesterday, it's mostly sunny and mild.

So mild in fact, that I found some type of tent caterpillars in the cedar trees. I ended up burning them off then cutting the damaged areas off. I took a photo just because I wasn't sure myself that it could be true, caterpillars in January!


Thumbnail by MG99
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YUK! I read something about Caterpillars today ....


Mind you .. it's in Liberia !!! Good thing you saw them Linda. I have pics of the infestation here a few years ago .. DAWG it was horrifying !!!

Carol .. we have ONE WalMart in TBay .. so .. you can imagine how crowded the parking lot is .. I am gonna have to work on the flag/tennis ball thing. My Ford had a Mothers Against Drunk Driving red ribbon on its aerial ....


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

May I start a new thread or request a new one be started? It's taking me 3 clicks to get to the bottom of this one even with hi-speed.

A glimmer of hope in the bus strike as Rona Ambrose is introducing legislation to send them back to work. The House will debate it tomorrow.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

If I knew how to forward us on to a new page .. I would .. but .. aside from starting a new #13 Neighbourhood Forum .. I think I'll wait for the move ^_^

I have discovered the 'trick' for getting it to snow .. put sheets on the clothesline and leave them out overnight !!!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've put up a new thread. You'll find it at:

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