What's Happening in YOUR Neighborhood # 12.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

NASA Science News for January 8, 2009
The biggest full Moon of 2009 is coming this weekend. It's a 'perigee Moon' as much as 30% brighter than lesser Moons we'll see in the months ahead. Get ready for moonlight!



If you're 'into astronomy' ( I am a little bit) you might want to mark Jan.10th on your calendar .. it's going to be a "PERIGEE Full Moon' bigger and brighter .. here's hoping for CLEAR skies ^_^


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OH! Wanted to thank Ann re the support for the 'proliferation' of my newly planted Christmas Cactus. I am so going to baby it .. coddle it .. give it the proper light and soil .. I'll try anything !! It's so odd as I have African Violets that NEVER stop blooming .. and some of them are so OLD !!!

Betty, My Moms Xmas Cactus was totally irreverant it was so nice LoL .. funny thing was .. as she and my Dad were in Florida at their winter home at Xmas, and that plant would BUST .. I would send them PICTURES of it !!! My Mom would call me and tell me NOT to water it until she said so !!!!

Something to look forward to ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Was supposed to warm up yesterday but never did and cold again today and about an hour ago it started snowing. I had Tango at the vets for his neuter today so I phoned them to get him early so I could get off the roads ASAP. Looks like another ' nice' dump. Well only thing I need to do tomorrow is go to Curves which is not far. Went to Safeway today to get stocked up.

I lost all my old Xmas cactus last winter and the year before -including a gorgeous huge one that was my Mums they just shattered so all I had left were the ones I had bought the year before and some new ones - a couple more new ones this year too . So I still have about 15 but all fairly small. Most have already flowered but not much of a show this year.

Ann mine pretty much always bloomed twice - Nov/.Dec and again Feb/Mar. I had a white one in my south bathroom window that used to bloom intermittantly all year!

Victoria Harbour, ON

lol, ought to go look to see if there is any signs of the dead cactus amongst the plastic ivy to show you just how lucky I am at cactus..envy you indoor plant keepers..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Here's a day brightener. But not a current pic.

Back to handbells tonight and then I've sat and watched TV although I got all the loose ends tied in on 3 small pairs of mitts.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann here is the old one of my Moms that I lost 2 yrs ago. The last couple of years it flowered by halves!

It was almost 30 inches across.

This message was edited Jan 8, 2009 9:29 PM

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Ok/ok you've convinced me to show you mine as it was found this morning..hanging my head in SHAME..know if I keep showing my indoor plants as they are I'm bound to get the boot from Daves Garden..yep, I deserve it..I should post what indoor plants I do have, give you each a name of each and have you remind me IF I should water or IF I should not...

Sad state of affairs..I'll never be a master gardener...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Never mind Betty Ive had that happen too!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Moi aussi Betty :-( discouraging huh?

I am having a rather fun time watching the Wandering Jew and the Cactus .. REACH for the light as it travels across the house .. one minute they are facing east, then south, then north .. to me .. that bodes a successful planting ^_^
Course I do tend to be rather a Pollyanna ..

Have a GREAT weekend everyone


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAHahahahahahahahah .. I was making dinner .. looked out the window, which faces NORTH EAST .. and there is the ALMOST full perigee moon .. all of a sudden I thought .. 'Dis I post that my 2 new plants search east. south and NORTH for the sun as the day goes by' ? Flipped on the computer .. and YES I DID LoL .. I of course meant WEST !!!

Back to dinner


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Well we've got a small Christmas cactus and in December it dropped all sorts of green branches. Not a bud in sight and it's now grown replacement branches but they are small and round. We finally had our family Christmas get together last evening. It was all delayed mostly because of the weather, but partly due to ill health. We didn't bother with a traditional dinner but played Scattergories. We sure had a good time with lots of laughter. Today after the folks left to head home again, I decided it was a day for rest. I've had a good snooze, and I've been reading a novel I got for my birthday. Our snow if all gone, finally. Today and yesterday were dry and cool so no weather concerns here on our hill.

I saw the moon yesterday afternoon and it was big then, if the clouds move I'll see it later.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I think Christmas Cactus like quite a bit of water - at least mine seem to do well with regular waterings. One of my newer ones, if it gets too dry, will drop entire large branches. Mine DO get too dry in the summer though because I tend to forget them in the porch.

Well, the bus drivers voted down the last city offer. Rona Ambrose ordered the vote. People are getting really fed up with rush hours that start before 6 am and last until 10 am. At the Food Cupboard, we are getting calls from totally new clients who are using all their money on taxis rather than food.

Hope you all have a good night.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann how very sad..know that those striking thinks its for their families well being but it affects so many..with the economy there just isn't a lot of excess dollars in budgets anymore to negotitate...Suzanne SIL that I travel and work with has gone without so much in order to fully pay for her son to attend university..the strike at the university is now over 2 months old and I would imagine the students will lose their year...so costly to rent in student housing, cost of books and university fee charges let alone even considering this was his last year and now having to find funds to do it all over again next year..tragic...

Bitter cold here today, up goes the furnace and on with fireplaces...not much to do..will be travellling to Barrie this morning with girlfriend Diane..it's registration day at the studio we paint in..been going for almost 20 years, not a whole lot to register for us , more of a friendship club (expensive type) lol but there might be one or two classes I'll take...

Enjoy your day...brrrr

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann .. how awful about the turn down of the transit vote .. and, as Betty has explained, the 'trickle down effects' of the strike are pretty horrendous.
I can well imagine you'd get 'extra' folks needing to access the food bank due to their inability to save any money for nutrition when they're paying DEARLY for transportation !!
It has to be very frstrating to live in such a beautiful city .. and NOT be able to access services .. I guess tourists are also heavily impacted as well.

I watched that MOON last night until people in the house thought I was going to start to HOWL I am sure LoL ... even Lilly was 'sort of' mesmerized by its brightness. I felt I should try and do the looking last night in case tonight is cloudy ..

Off to get the newspaper and feed the deer and the lil Snow Bunny that's living under the Spruce Boughs at the end of the driveway .. such a cutie .. when it's crouched in the snow, all you can see it is BIG dark eyes ^_^

Enjoy your day


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

The Moon was amazing here at 515 am as I headed to work! It was so bright the streetlights paled in comparison.
It seemed you could see the rifts and valleys but I'm sure that was an illusion.
We finally had a decent day and there was some , gasp, melting!
Fill up the washer fluid if you are in Edmonton, it's getting sloppy!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have some pics .. posting 3 of the moon .. darned good thing I went out around 6pm because by 7[m the clouds came in ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

In this pic .. out back where the deer are fed .. the snow is full of their tracks .. kept thinking one of them (or more) would have come out when i was taking the pics ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have a couple more .. but .. pics do NOT do this moon justice .. I SO hope everyone got to see it ^_^


Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne..I tried to capture the moon too..this was early morning two days ago..so bright..
this morning as I just looked ou...it is higher in the sky and quite white..

Thumbnail by Starzz
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well Starzz .. while we got to see it .. it was QUITE a spectacular spectacle. We remain overcast here this morning, but I have NO doubt that were the clouds gone, the front of the property would be shining bright with the moon light reflecting off the snow.
Am going out to feed the animals in a bit, will take my camera 'just in case' ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Carol, you are up early..

Morning everyone, it is a bitter cold morning..could have stayed in bed but had grandson Noah sleeping over and the furries were creating quite a fuss to get outside, didn't want to wake Noah but as I passed his bedroom, he was up watching t.v.-guess the animals had awaken him..opened door, all put their heads out and back in they came...

Thought about going back to bed but hey there are things to do aren't there...

Hope it's a great day for you all..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Not me!

Last night when I looked at the moon it was quite cloudy and there was a haze all round so it didnt look like anything special. This morning when I steppe d out to get the paper it was clear and looked fantastic .

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOO HOOO .. having an absolutely gorgoeus day today .. sunny and not too cool .. even able to put sheets on the line to dry, and they did ^_^

going outside to hang up some suet balls ..

Take care


Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I find that the woodpeckers and starlings love the suet cakes I put in the wire baskets.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Victoria Harbour, ON

Love your photo's Carol of the birds...maybe I'd get to take photo of some if the #$%^ squirrels would leave...
Not sure what it want to do here today, bitter cold, stormy earlier this morning, now there are a few fluff's floating around here in Barrie...omg calling for -28 to -31 this week..breaking records if it happens..brrrr...

Stay in, enjoy...I'm going back into my photo's and summer threads to look at everyone's gardens (including my own) but especially yours Carol...

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

LOL ..Betty..look at the garden under snow..

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

a little further in

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

closer to the gazebo

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

another angle

Thumbnail by Starzz
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG girls, you haven't seen a garden until you've seen Carol's...I visited last year and had to get meds for my jaw...it stayed open all the time I walked the acreage, mouth open in awe...
wow...set up to look as though you are entering room after room, art in each area set in an apple orchard...

Although all are seeing snow, I'm seeing the beauty of this fall Carol...can't wait to get back for another visit, but ONLY after you've come to visit with me...lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning folks,

It's a wonderful sunny winter day here and I've been running around. Had coffee at the pool and then got to the NAC to exchange Wednesday tickets for Thursday. Then to Rona where they gave me 4 blocks of 2 x 4 so I can make new sand blocks for the bell choir to use. We've probably got sand paper around, but I bought a pack anyway for less than $4. figured it was good insurance.

Then to Sunoco to verify that the car wash coupon I've had since the end of November is still valid. I'll wash the car later this afternoon as it looks salt coloured with red peeking through in spots.

Had planned to finish up the leftover Brie cheese. Warm it on a cracker in the microwave and add a slice of left-over smoked salmon, but I see DH (who won't eat butter because of cholesterol), beat me to it. On to plan B for lunch. And then, out snow-shoeing. Have to be at a friend's house for 1:15.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

A busy weekend here. Saturday another ASR foster mom and I had a table set up at an agility trial. A local group does a trial once a year where the profits go to a rescue designated by the judge. They also invite rescues to set up tables if they wish. It was mainly just an information table ( way less stuff to load in the car and cart around) but I made up one raffle basket and we made 125.00 on that so it was worth the time. Since it is basically the same people both days we just were there on Saturday.
I didnt want to leave Tango gated in the 'rescue room' all day so a friend came over in the afternoon and kept him company for a few hours. She had back surgery 2 months ago and has had to have her dog boarding with friends - she cant have the dog back until she has Xrays done end of Jan ( because she cannot risk being jumped on or knocked down when walking) so she got a 'fur fix' at my house!
Yesterday I did a volunteer stint at Lougheed House and had 3 tours which pretty much fills up my afternoon.
Went over to Curves a bit ago but there were so many there I walked out. This afternoon driving out of town to do a home visit and taking Tango with me. I crate him in the car which he does not much like but taking him means I get a dog visit done with the home visit. It is about 45 minutes outside town so works better . We have two more youngsters coming in to rescue in a few days. Warm here this week for a change. Probably lots of melt too! So streets really messy now.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Busy gals..just you be careful on the roads...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Calm before the storm of 'frigidity' here .. Betty and all the Southern Davers, ya'd best hunker down and throw a few logs on the fire, or, turn up the thermostat. We will go from a BALMY 18F today .. to a horrendous -35C by tomorrow morning !!!!

Ont Carol .. love your pics .. snow is wonderful in it's own way .. softens pics and makes you think of what's under it sleeping in anticipation of blooming. I guess that's why I like Bette Midlers song "The Rose' so much ^_^

Went 'new car shopping' today .. this is gonna take me FOREVER and a day .. and, so be it. I drive a 6 cylinder right now .. a FORD .. and am making the change to a 4 cylinder and an IMPORT .. looking at Honda,Toyota, Mazda,Nissan and Mitsubishi .. and perhaps Hyundai and Kia .. after ONE dealership visit I had a headache !!!
Would NOT buy a car at this very moment in time .. the roads are a MESS .. and driving is hazardous. The saleslady wanted me to take the car for a test drive .. I calmly refused and used the weather as my excuse .. she agreed .. here in TBay the city works tends NOT to do much snow REMOVAL .. so .. when the banks at intersections get tall and you can't see around'em .. you do what is referred to as the 'BUMPER PEEK' .. you sneak out an inch at a time and PRAY the guy on the thoroughfare you're turning onto .. can SEE you !!

Take care


Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Ohhh..bumper peek ..yikes..sounds stressful.
Nice that you are not in a big hurry for a new car.
You can take your time and get really confused..LOL.

Victoria Harbour, ON

LOL...you are too funny Carol...good luck in the car hunting "M"...was asked on the weekend what kind of car I had....well it's burnt orange, 4 wheels and I know I purchased it at a GM dealer....that's about as much as I know..

Not sure I'd be wanting to test drive their vehicle either..wow...sounds like Midland..can't imagine why they plow the snow to the middle of the road..guess it still enable parking at each side but it's so difficult driving through what I would call a pathway...

Best get ready for work..they said we could break temps in the minus department but it doesn't feel that cold this morning..guess I'll know when I go outside and start my car...

Talk later..

Waving to all...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Waving back atcha Betty ..

Actually .. what I meant re the snow plowing, is that they do plow to the sides of the roads .. but .. because we had such a large amount there one day last week .. when the plow gets to the corner of an intersection .. he leaves a HUGE snowbank .. so .. when you get to an intersection like that .. trying to see if the way is clear, means you have to keep poking forward to see around the mass of snow. SLOWLY they are removing the hazards .. tooooo slowly for me .. as I said .. I am fortunate to be able to take my time with this vehicle purchase .. it's been a while and this is a HUGE learning curve .. seems 'GREEN CARS' are the BUZZ of the industry. Environmentaly friendly, low emissions yadda yadda .. no doubt I will have a look at a Hybrid or 2 ...

AS expected, it's COLD here .. -29C .. that's not quite as cold as what was forecast .. which is GREAT !

Waiting on my eggs to arrive. One of my colleagues has a coop and we get our eggs from her .. wonderful eggs .. she babies her chickens and keeps the surroundings so clean !!!

Hope everyone has an awesome day


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I digress ... WITH the wind chill factored in .. our temp here in TBay is -40C .. and i can attest to the validity of that because I about froze up my lungs when I walked down to get the paper and then fed the deer. I always feel bad for the Does .. they have such skinny legs and they stand in the snow with their fawns watching me .. 2 of them are VERY pregnant .. this weather has got to be hard on them ..

There ya have it from the Great white North West ^_^


This message was edited Jan 13, 2009 11:08 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG know they are calling for -31 for tomorrow..it's fairly mild...lol..-7 but they say it will drop this aft and go into same..deep freeze..warning of possible municipal water lines breaking etc. also an alert to those with vehicles that have bad batteries, not likely to start...although my car is new think what I will do is set alarm for sometimes during the night - start vehicle, let it run a bit just so it doesn't have to work so hard to start..thought all new cars have block heaters...read my instruction manual but nothing says I do..oh well, call a towtruck right if I have to...

You are so 'kind' to be feeding the deer...poor expectant moms...

Every time I put the birdfeed out, squirrels eat most of it, rather than shooing them off I let them eat..poor things need food

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh I hate to rub it in guys but it is someting like +7 here! Melt in progress!

Know how you are feeling in that deep freeze however as we had it for several weks before Xmas.

Betty I think all vehicles sold in Canada are supposed to have block heaters - open the hood - you'll probably find the cord inside!

When my car was new I never had to plug it in even in -20 but for the past few years ( it is 10 yrs old now) if have plugged it in. Otherwise I would not have been going anywhere in December!

Yes terday Tango and I ventured outside the city to do a home evalualation -since it was an hour out of town I took the dog so they could meet . Old farm property - big old bungalow - and she is a packrat - I think the only flat surface that had not much on it was the kitchen counter!
And I think I have too much stuff stored in the basement! Dont know how people can live like that - everytime you look for something you have to move a dozen things! But good people. Dogs, cats, horses and stuff! the basement and garage were full, the quonset was packed - wow!

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