Happy New Year...Ti for Thee

Keaau, HI

Grind the leaves into a poultice.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, my goodness...something that invasive being a good luck charm and ensuring money in people's wallets can't be a BAD thing!!!! And it cures skin rashes to boot! Sounds like a people-friendly kind of thing to me...ha ha. Thanks for that info Dave, I like to keep that sort of helpful information in a notebook. The medicinal values of native plants is always fascinating to me.

Carol, look what you've started...your beautiful ti's have taken us all over the world with tons of info ...How did I stay away from this place for so long?!?!?!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

And a fun trip it was.
I wonder if most of the Ti's have about the same hardiness. The two I have seem to do well during the winter here.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I don't know about Texas, but around here, those puppies just don't give up. I have seen them flooded, bone dry, sitting in a pot with next to no soil, in a pot 5 sizes to big, in the ground (we are talking coral here)...but for the best LOOKING ti's, well now that is another story. I was wondering if some of the tinier ones are as hardy as the ones out here. Do you have any idea, Carol? Randy, I don't think there is anything you can't grow. You must just hypnotize your plants into believing that they are in whatever zone they prefer! I was going to tell you that I can easily send you a wooden tiki...but the ones from Micronesia are not the totem pole type tiki's that most people think of. More just heads with larger or smaller piles of hair...some even have myths carved into the hairdo! I'll try to send you a picture....


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, at least that one pink Ti, takes some fierce mistreating. It too has been in next to nothing soil, and each time I pulled it out of that spot, a new one grew back.
LOL, Wayne thinks the same thing about the hypnotizing. He always quips...that will die during the winter...and I say..oh you mean this one here in the corner...so now he gives me plants to test. I did loose a jade vine a couple of weeks ago, but still have 3 others that are doing okay.

Those Tikis sound similar to some of the African ones I have.

Keaau, HI

The wild Hawaiian Ti survives at up to 4,000 ft. and handles mild frosts alright. I have seen it cultivated at over 5,000 ft.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good, think I will focus on adding more Ti's to the garden this year.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey...and just to confuse things...this is totally OT...check out this website. It is the first thing I open in the morning....

http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html and it changes every day!


Thanks, Dave...good to know about the ageratum. It is noxious around here...AND sold in Home Depot!!! Go figger!!

Keaau, HI

Out of this World website Carol!

I remember seeing strawberry guava for sale in home depot. Plants considered to be noxious weeds by the USDA are illegal to sell, trade, or transport in the US. This is not enforced in Hawai'i, and Hawai'i has no legislation to keep people from spreading known noxious weeds around the State. Funny coincidence for the endangered species capitol of the Planet!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You have that straight!!! There is NO notice given publicly as to the invasive stuff we suffer.... The frogs, the little fire ants...half the population have never heard of them!!! They worry more about what WE send to the mainland than what goes in....and this, of course, is because...

....don't get me started!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh i love that site! Many of the pictures are ones that we have downloaded for wall paper...my DH is in the right business for this sort of thing...ha ha.

I understand perfectly Carol....it is soooooo agravating!

Randy, I would love to see pics of the African masks you have...I don't remember them. I am working on pics of our masks.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Shari, how is JB's shoulder?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful Ti.... Willi'is Gold. The leaves make a lovely indoor 'flower' arrangement too!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya

That is Absolutely Stunning....

el arish, FNQ, Australia

I love Willy's Gold as well. Such a beautiful array of colors and great growth habit.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol, that really is gorgeous. No wonder you walk your property every morning...I bet you find things you didn't even know you had while you are soaking in all the beauty and life surrounding you.

Christi - JB is coming along nicely. The therapy is ahead of schedule and he gets to take his brace off in just a couple more weeks. They are pretty sure he will have 100% use of his arm back which amazes them considering the damage that was done. It will be nice to get that second arm included in my hugs again. I miss it!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It's the first thing you want to do in the morning, is go wander and get lost viewing the botanicals.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well I do wander...but can hardly get lost...ha ha ha.

Hey friends...check this out for me if you get a chance. I suddenly thought - Heck I should ask my friends instead of strangers...you'll see what I mean...


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thankyou Carol very much for being my first guest blogger at the Houston Chronicle for me at Jungle Heights! This will be published tomorrow Friday 23rd, sneak preview until then.

Ti For Two


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Lovely article with beautiful pictures - well done!

Keaau, HI

Thanks Rjudd, the link with Carol & Bob is well done! They are the best of neighbors!
They are akamai with plants, and ingenious with growing and utilizing many rare, unusual, and useful species.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

For some reason, I couldn't comment on the Chron. so I will post here...Carol! What a great job! So many beautiful pictures, and such good info. Love the first picture of the two of you. Don't mean to gush, but I really loved it!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

WOW - blush blush blush... thank goodness for difused light when my picture is taken!!!

OH..Randy...I think that mystery Black Ti is called Cobra. No worries...can be called anything...


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thankyou..that's why it's on sneak peak...I can change ...will update the Cobra.

Metrosideros I quite agree, their place is truly one of Magic!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

.....and for special friends, I can levitate...and have been known to walk on water....

Gosh you all...it is just a bunch of plants...!!!! and I glow with your praise and know that it has been worth it!! Sometimes I tell the mosquitos who keep me company I wonder if it will ever make a difference.... and hearing your schmaltz makes me know it does!!!

:))) Alohaaaaa

Working with Randy, I found this fantastic site... http://www.cordyline.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=25

Can you see me drooling?

This message was edited Jan 22, 2009 7:45 PM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Before meeting you wonderful people I didn't even know what a Ti plant was. Not common in my part of the world. All the big box stores carry at least one variety and two pitiful little plants I have are just hanging on. The part about the fluoride in the water gives me a clue about why a lot of my tropicals are distressed. In my next life I am going to live on the islands. Let's see, stay with Carol for awhile, then Jen, then Shari and start all over. Won't that be fun?!

Seriously, I appreciate the knowledge that all of you so freely share. It was 75 here yesterday and supposed to be 35 by tonight. A very challenging climate.


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Greetings! I was never a fan of cordylines UNTIL I came accross this thread! WOW!!! I NEED to get some for my garden!!! Where do I start? !

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes...Ti are a beautiful addition to anything!!! There ARE lots of gorgeous cultivars on the Australian site...and there are 'comparables' in Hawaii...but not all. Some of their cultivars are SO unique.

I am trying to find someone here who wants to take over a little business I started selling Ti. I really don't want to do it... I will let everyone know if I find someone.


David...you know anyone?

I'll do it LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Now you have me started on Ti's! I don't take much notice of the usual ones we have round here, but some of the ones you have posted are gorgeous! I haven't seen any like that for sale, now I am off on another quest. Oh Lord!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm wanting some too! LOL. But I'm not gonna look for them. I will end up buying some then trying to figure out where I can store it for the winter. LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Me too! Those are gorgeous!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well Carol, looks like you've done it again! Now on top of all your Hoya fans, you have created Ti monsters! Ha Ha. Keep us posted on someone taking over the business...I would love to get some of those cultivars.


el arish, FNQ, Australia

Carol, In Qld there are quite a few obsessive collectors and breeders but you guys are way ahead of us. IMO (and you know what they say about opinions lol) We breed more for color and for ability to cope in more difficult/marginal climates like Brisbane and Sydney. While the Hawaiians truly excel at leaf form (your junos are to die for) and minis. Your conditions are so good for cords that you get better color and more lush growth. I've seen Willy's Gold grown "hard" and the colors are bleached, the leaves don't have that sexy slightly undulating droop, nothing like how they grow in optimal conditions.
I'm bidding on a new Hawaiian right now. HeeHee. 'Akala Ahu. Do you know it? These are three I got a few weeks ago. Do you know these guys? More Hawaiians! Ann
Wailua Purple
Ke'anae Purple
Dr. Frank Brown
Here's a little Aussie. Twister.

ps I read the Blog article, very nice! Is there a place where in the future we could find all the blog articles together?

This message was edited Jan 26, 2009 8:14 PM

Thumbnail by pogonantha
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Well...I went on the International Cord. Soc. and it blew me away. Some of your long narrow leafed cvs. are terrific.

I would be delighted to send you seeds if we could get them thru APHIS...I crossed some New Guinea Blacks with some colors... Also crossed Cobra with a bright pink....

let me know....you might get nothing and you might get something cool. I like Twister.

I have found someone to do the business. He has a nursery already and would be keen.


el arish, FNQ, Australia

Carol, I'm pretty sure I can get cord seed in. In return I can send you seed from one of those nifty narrow leaf cords that I happen to have seed on.
I'm glad you found a person to take over the Ti side of your business. I have to admit after heliconias I find cords a breeze!!!
Flag Dancer

Thumbnail by pogonantha
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Re the blogs..I keep links here at DG in my blog here

And...I think all of them are listed here at the News Paper..I haven't been posting them very long so don't have it all down quite right.

If your looking for more Ti articles, You'll have to wait until Carol writes part II !


el arish, FNQ, Australia

Thanks RJ :) Ann

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

WOW...Flag Dancer is BEAUTIFUL. She looks like one of my Feathers but with a winder interesting leaves... THAT is lovely. OH YES....seeds would be fun to grow out from one of those gorgeous ones!!!! Sigh.

Why don't you send me your addy in a Dmail and I will send you some when they ripen and give you names of Mother...


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