Happy New Year...Ti for Thee

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

and this one is Bolero...I think. Shortish fat leaves , not a rampant grower.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I think this is called either Maui Rose or Kauai Rose...'think' is operative here!!

Hetty...one of the FUN things about the cordylines is that they are so crossed and recrossed, they tend to sport fairly easily...guess some of the crosses are not that stable.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Carol, you getting rained on? We will get rain this weekend which will freeze...again, and a dusting of snow on top of that. By the end of the week we should be back into the high 40s again. lol. Since it's January I'm really wishing I could just reach thru the screen and grab some of the plants and stick them outside and have them thrive. LOL

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This one i use a lot for backgrounds to plantings...the 'kahili' - or area covered by leaves - is very long...almost 5-6' so if you don't let them get too tall, you can have almost a solid wall behind other plantings. The name is Hawaiian Boy or Cemetary Red (because it thrives in full sun and always looks great so it is often planted in the old cemetaries...in fact, mine came from a very very old cemetary in Onomea).

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yeah...we complain while you guys really have the awful stuff!!! We have had over 2 feet of rain since Christmas!!!

This is a tiny Ti called Baby Doll (I think)...

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, 2ft of rain is plenty to complain about!! LOL

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

HAHA..this is one I got one day, driving down one of the main streets and I saw it growing in a yard. So....as is typical here and done all the time...I stopped and asked for a cutting and drove away with a car full of canes, aloes and some hibiscus!! Everyone is really generous and giving... I need to get in there and weed!! They are in too much shade and have become much lighter colored in the lower light...I am going to move them out into more light and see if the color won't come up....they were growing in full sun when I saw them!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here is another New Guinea Black...dunno why they all have the same names... This one is really tall...maybe 6'.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Do they tolerate a light frost now and again? Love the different colors.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Before my trip to the island this last February I had no idea what my little "houseplant" was. In fact many of the plants seen in the tropical areas of the nurseries are a far cry from how they should really look. With five months of cold weather I don't expect they will get that big without the comfort of a large covered area. My favorite is the "rose" ti.

Carol, do you sell these as well or are they just for your own enjoyment? Wish I were there would be glad to help you weed.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Nah...I used to sell them but am getting out of commerce and becoming just a glutton for my own enjoyment-with hoyas as well.!!! There is NOTHING more carefree and gorgeous except perhaps Crotons...but I find the Cordylines much more diverse and fun with all their sporting and changes....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You have earned working for your own pleasure. I highly recommend it.


I need that Maui/Kauai Rose!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I like the New Guinea dark..it's cool. I don't see Ti's for sale here all that much. I did get a new one from Caldwells last summer, it is doing pretty good. Some colorful ti's and crotons would be a nice addition in the front garden.
I thought about you yesterday Carol, I did my first seaweed spray of the year. Needed to get a head start on the bugs.

LouC, why don't you guys sell and move to the Heights! We'll have a grand time!

Ann, I love your garden, my style..over the top! (I smiled when you said those familiar words!)

Miss Shari, how ya doing? I bet your daughter really misses you in Denver, and those other people along the way before you get to Denver miss you too!

I spent all day gardening yesterday. Repotting, trimming, and planting seeds. Like LouC said, it is pretty warm, even the buggary mosquitos are out. My Solandra Maxima bloomed for the first time..woo hoo. All the brugs are in bloom too.

Carol.....I have an idea....alohahoyti lol. Is there a good internet place to buy ti's?


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

The Ti on the right was rescued by my brother at a garage sale. It was fried, too much sun.

Speaking of sale, Wayne and I were shopping last weekend and found a couple of Tiki totems. He must have noticed my wistful look ( a little drool perhaps) but a resisted impulse buy. I was working away in the garden when Wayne popped through the gate carrying the Totem! So nice of him. I wasted no time putting it the first of many spots in the garden. It's a PolyResin.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

Oh I love the Tiki totems. I bougth one a few years ago handmade out of sabal palm, but it's starting to rot from the bottom in spite of the fact that I placed it on a tile. It's now leaning against the fence.
The poly resin would seem to be a good option. It looks great there RJ.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, I do want one carved from wood though...

el arish, FNQ, Australia

Boy I really loving all this ti talk! Carol, your New Guinea Black is gorgeous. They don't do very well here in the lowlands, seem happier with a bit of altitude. We call that sport of Miss Andrea Pink Champion and CTC Pink. I just picked up a CTC Chocolate (another Miss Andrea sport) but so far it's not too interesting. There's also another sport of her called Rainbow Red.
RJ , thanks for the compliment. Our garden didn't used to be so Lairy. But after a bad catagory 5 we decided to brighten things up.
Earlier in the thread you guys talked about green Ti keeping evil spirits away. Is there any spiritual significance to the Cemetery Red? I know frangipani is planted in Hawaiian cemeteries as well and supposedly represents rebirth.
This one is probably familiar to you guys, it's Peter Buck. Photos don't do it justice as it gets an almost metallic sheen to it in the sun. One of my absolute favorites!

Thumbnail by pogonantha
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

There is a plumeria called Cemetary Yellow because the flower lasts so long!!!

I think there IS a website called TiTime - they are from here on the Big Island. Their stuff IS expensive but correctly named. I am always up for trades and such... I tried looking up the website...will call the owners.

The NG Black makes a wonderful focal point!!! I am thinking of planting an area with it in the BG and some Willis Gold in front.... OH...I shall have to post that photo!!!

A fellow here who introduced Miss Andrea to Hawaii has named all the sports after his daughters... See, everyplace has a personal name for the Ti. On another island it might be called Auntie Sally because that's where they found it!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Randy!!!! I like "AlohaHoytiToyti" Can you think of anything more completely opposite than hoiti-toyti to describe our wonderful comfortable friend at Chez Noel?

I'm not sure which I enjoyed more Carol, all the variety in the ti's at your place, or the brom's. And I do love my crotons...I have a great deal of variety in the crotons - but not much in the reds/pinks like you get with the ti's.

Prospero Ano Nuevo Bignonia! Would love to see a pic of the "present" plant.

Okay, here is a question for you all. I have a "Dragon Tree" out front, which for those of you who don't know is like the epitome of "me". I collect dragons so.... Anyway, in descriptions of the dragon tree it is called a cordyline - but not a ti. So my dumb question is are all cord's ti's or is it that all ti's are cords but not viceversa? Hetty?? Ann? Carol??
Dave?? This is a quesiton in honor of miss PK - she of the "red flower", "Yellow flower"... see darlin, I call all my variegated leafy thingys "variegated leafy thingy". Ha Ha.

Yokwe all,

Atenas, Costa Rica

Saludos Islandshari. I used to live in Heliotrope Street 472b.!!
A picture of our good luck plant

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I'm on the corner of Heliotrope and Poinsettia...457B! Last time we talked you didn't tell me we would have been neighbors!!!

I told you about my friend Maria finding her bothers and her father in Costa Rica after 37 years, didn't I???

What is the significance of that pretty plant? Why is it considered lucky??


Keaau, HI

The Dragon Tree is Dracaena draco. Many botanists have placed Dracaenas in the Pleomele Genus. Some Dracaenas have been placed in the Cordyline Genus.

Ti's are all considered Cordylines, mostly Cordyline fruticosa. A cultivar of Cordyline australis, 'Purple Towers' has leaves like a Ti plant, it forms a large suckering bush.

Dracaena type plants from Pacific Islands are now placed in Pleomele. Dracaena type plants from Australia and New Zealand are placed in Cordyline.

Dracaena type plants from the Old World are still placed in Dracaena.

Dracaena draco is the plant to the left of the picture.

Aloha, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

I just love this forum; there is an answer to any question you care to ask.
Thanks Dave, I have learned something today.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yes, Dave, thank you! Boy, did I have that wrong! It is all so confusing, I think I may stick with Christi - "red flower", "yellow flower". I always want to know everything I can about my plants, but some answers just leave one with more questions! It is a constant quest...and I guess that is why we love it. If it were easy, there would be no challenge and we would all get bored!

Here's to diversity!!!

Thanks again,

Keaau, HI

In Nature, diversity equals stability!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

To the left in the picture? the one that looks like an agave?

...Boy...I have been all confused!!! I thought Cordylines were in the Dracena family...t'other way around. one I understand they change or the devils try to make me think I am crazy!!! Who, me???


Keaau, HI

Both Cordyline and Dracaena are in the Agave Family. They were both formerly in the Lily Family.

To add to the confusion, Agave was formerly placed in the Amaryllis Family. Now Amaryllis in in the Lily Family.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Lordy Mercy! Shari never would you want to be like PK. She loves every single plant, tropical or no, but could never tell anyone what they are. I have worked my tail off these last three days as we have had spring weather...by tomorrow night it will be cold, cold again. Mike keeps saying...you shouldn't be doing that. Your going to hurt your back. He's right but I'm tired of sitting around thinking of everything that needs to be done....outside. The inside no longer calls my name. I have probably wasted a lot of time and energy but I am working on propagating anything that must be pruned. In that we have already had a dozen or more days below freezing, lots of things needed pruning...if it had any green, I soaked in Root Tone and then stuck in rich potting soil. The weather man is talking in the back ground...72 right now, 39 by morning. uggggh! Ha! He's saying freezing precipitation by Monday.

In my fantasy life: Princess Kilikina

Thumbnail by LouC
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh, I don't know...I think there are much worse things to be than you my dear!

Another bit of confusion...Amaryllis vs. Crinim vs. Hippeastrum. One day a plant is in this family, then the next day it is in the other... So much fun! NOT!!!

JB can't use his arm, so I have been the "muscle" in the family for a while now. Just got all the Christmas decorations down, and packed up...haven't got the energy to put it all away though. Another day. My back was so sore last night I wanted someone to shoot me and put me out of my misery. He feels bad, so I try not to complain to loudly.

Gotta go watch the game....


Keaau, HI

Crinums haven't changed.

Amaryllis is a monotypic Genus from South Africa (Amaryllis belladonna,the Resurrection Lily).

Hippeastrum species are from Central and South America.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Dave, last winter when Mitch was preparing to move to Oklahoma he gave me plants than a girl deserves. 6 of them are crinum lilies. They did absolutely nothing this spring and summer. A couple of them are showing just the slightest of green today. I would like to move them but afraid I would put off blooming for yet again another year. Any suggestions?

Princess Kilikina aka Christi

Keaau, HI

Hi Christi, this should be the time of year that Crinums are safe to move. If you can move them to a place with a deep humus rich soil they will feel at home.
Most Crinums bloom in spring or summer. Are your plants deciduous this time of year?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, they are only inches above soil level. Everything is covered in native red oak leaves from my own trees. We have a blower that also is a vacuum and shreds as it picks up, has made really good compost this year. Last year we had a truck load of soil brought in that is a mix of lava sand, Texas green sand, and native hardwood mulch. We also added mushroom compost and dried molasses. It was like Jack and the Beanstalk for many of our plants.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Ann...Yes, I love Peter Buck too...they look so 'rich' in the bright sun!!!!


My Crinums bloom year round.

Atenas, Costa Rica

Hi Islandshari, finally I found the story behing the luck plant. The more common version is that you have to give this flower to another person during the 31 st of December. So if you keep it in your billfold then you will have money the whole year. This tradition is almost not known nowadays, About Maria hopefully she could find her family. We had guests from Kwajalein, Bob Fore; Sherry Olson and her exhusband. The doors of my house will be always open to those Kwaj people. Next time maybe Maria can contact me when he comes to visit Costa Rica. I still waiting for Shigeko and Nate (Now in Hawaii) to come to visit us

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

That old addage that one man's treasure is another man's junk...your good luck plant, ageratum, is one of the worst weeds here!!! It lives thru ANYthing and continues to invade everything!!! Smells good when you pull it out, tho"


Keaau, HI

Ageratum conyzoides does provide a good treatment for skin rashes.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Really? How do you 'fix it'? Just rub it on?

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