I. jalapa

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

I thought I ought to bring this subject up again and see if anyone here can add to this subject.
Recently I tried googling the Jalap mg again. I had seen it for sale in season , but only sporadically so far. Never found it available during any season. In desperation, I googled for someone selling the roots, what could I loose. Low and behold I wound up at a witchcraft supply site. They even give you the spells that go with these botanicals. They didn't have any spells for diabetes or heart failure, but for gambling and fornication they had plenty.

I emailed mogo somebody, to find out what was the condition of the roots of Jalap that they had whole, but they never answered. Maybe I should have purchased a communication spell to put on them.
Nonetheless, for those of us who sometimes take long shots at something, (e**a) you know who your are, this could in good time become productive.

If you have any thoughts or input about this illusive beautiful specie, please share it here. Frank

szarvas, Hungary

In Germany
Schling u.Kletterpflanzen > letter I > Ipomoea Purga > 10 seeds for 2,50€

I hope it can help

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Dany, thanks for the link, I followed right to it, and saw the same old illustration that many people go back to. I just wish it were a photo, that would give me more confidence. Nonetheless, this link does have many unusual species, not generally available. Unfortunately, for the enthusiasts, there are people out there
selling something else as Jalap seeds. Australia comes to mind. If the guy in Australia sells to someone in Germany some seeds and they don't get grown out along the way, mis-identification can do a lot of damage

Have you purchased seeds from this vendor and grown them out yourself before?


hi dany and fchilders...

the seeds i bought from a german site (not sunshine seeds) have turned out to be ipomoea turbinata....
so if you order keep that in mind...

i have also purchased seeds of ebay recently and they have turned out to be ipomoea turbinata.... (see pic)

the roots for sale from witchcraft sites/shops are dried and will not grow...

i keep looking at this site and hope thay get a supply soon .....

hope that helps

keep looking :-)

Thumbnail by ceej1963
szarvas, Hungary

In France there is a place , an " arboretum " where they have an Ipomoea collection of 300 Morning Glories in 20 differents specie.
I will ask them in January.

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

I and others have purchased seeds that were described as Ipomoea purga from many suppliers in the US (including Banana Tree and ebay), Europe and Australia...and in every single instance the seeds have turned out to be Ipomoea turbinata...

Here are previous threads related to the topic




can anyone read spanish?

i think it is a mexican ebay type site...
and unlike the other sites and places selling ipomoea purga... i haven't seen these pics before... ron?

This message was edited Dec 26, 2008 7:40 PM

szarvas, Hungary

You have 5 day and 10 hours to learn this language !
60 $ for 4 seeds

szarvas, Hungary

Ipomoea purga , the flower open during the night ?
They say 18.30 pm to 2 am

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I wonder if that is 60 pesos not dollars?

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Dany and Ceej, thanks so much for the fresh contributions. This quest has, as Ron has stated, stopped or frustrated nearly all of us here in this quest.

We need more info on that French Botanical garden, this could in time turn into a lucrative lead, for many species.

That last lead to a mexican auction site, could be the key to breaking this jamb.
Beth can read in spanish, and she is no doubt watching the thread , so we might be hearing from her shortly.ldn't it be nice if that Mexican site had a choice of languages, like so many European sites.

If we were a society, we would have the clout to put those wholesalers out of business who are not qualified to label seeds. Sir John the Conqueror is a name that can be put on a can of tobacco. Latin names are the only rule, but that takes some oversight and enforcement. Frank

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

The photo displayed by the Mexican vendor is definitely
Ipomoea turbinata...



(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

So where is a photo of I. jalapa? Now I am really curious to see what this plant looks like!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Yes I can't believe that it is dollars either. Especially in Spanish where they us an upside down question mark in front of a sentence. We need to hear from Beth on this. Frank

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Becky - Here you go...

Ipomoea purga



P.S. - I will re-emphasize that the plant posted by the vendor in Mexico is NOT Ipomoea purga,but IS Ipomoea turbinata...so if the sales photo is accurately portraying the product...you have been advised appropriately as to what it is that you will be getting...

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Thanks Ron, we needed that right now. The excitement of a possible Mexican source is still an exciting prospect. Frank

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Ron! Big leaves, small blooms, and unusual looking seeds!

So ... no one here has grown this vine?

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Becky - I'm going to venture that what you are thinking is the 'unusual seeds'
is actually a detached piece of dried secondary root as the part most commonly used and supplied for applications relative to hoodoo (Earth Magic) and in accordance to the doctrine of signatures the dried pieces of secondary roots represent testicles...



This message was edited Dec 26, 2008 1:46 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Whoa! LOL! I guess I didn't read the photo title. Root, huh? I thought it was a seed! LOL! That's what the shape reminded me of. Testicles? So what kind of hoodoo spell is this root used for? Or do I dare even ask that? LOL!

So where exactly is this plant found? Obviously not in the USA. What is it's native country?

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Ipomoea purga is native to Mexico although due to very widespread usage in Hoodoo it is grown throughout the Caribbean,South America and Asia...

The highest quality roots are from the mountains in Vera Cruz,Mexico and it is always preferable to grow your own for Hoodoo purposes...

The conquer roots are considered most potent in getting ones mojo working for matters related to 'prowess'...

Just ask Muddy Waters...
Invisible Man



(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Is viagra made from this plant root? LOL!

So with all this mojo going on ... are seeds for this plant rare? If they are grown in so many places, you'd think they wouldn't be. "Sacred" plant I assume... do we have to contact a mojo doctor (like a voodoo doctor) to get some of these seeds?

Sheesh ... what people don't do to for these weird beliefs. (Which unfortunately... is why so many animals are going extinct. Such as elephants for their tusks and Gorillas for their hands, etc. Sad.) A bit frustrating to say the least to locate some seeds ...

I am still trying to get some of those pretty yellow blooming (unknown) MG vine seeds from China. My son is engaged to a woman who is Chinese. I sent her the website, but she has had no luck trying to locate seeds for me ...

Ahhhh ... the joy is in the journey! :-)

This message was edited Dec 26, 2008 3:19 PM

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Here is a map link to the state of Vera Cruz Mexico. If you look at Mexico as a boot like Italy, it is on the shin or the ankle on the eastern side of Mexico.

Does anyone know if Mexico has a Department of Ag with Extension agents the way we do. If they have any Gov structure, we might infiltrate the Jalap habitat that way. We,re getting warmer. I just read that High John the Conqueror roots includes several species. Acccepting that, and staying with the Latin will probably help in the future. People don't practice the dicipline of Botany everywhere in the world, the way it is practiced in the English speaking world.


Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

The link from Mexico does not come through, it is because it is in their local format, for zooming in, and not in jpeg. Sorry, but you can google it in 2 minits, looking for contour maps of the states of Mexico.

This message was edited Dec 26, 2008 1:54 PM

hi frank...
did it mention if ipomoea turbinata was included as one of the species? as that may explain why those seeds turn up as ipomoea purga!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

What I read very lightly mentioned that several species are referred to as the John the Conqueror root. It didn't mention which species, as it was not specific information. If we could identify the source of the roots, we might find out how many different ones they dry, for the hoodoo crowd. We might even get to them, after harvest and before the roots go into the ovens for drying.

For $600 a week, you get a tutor in spanish, and a Mexican family to live with in the mean time, according to the Spanish Institute web site. And this is in the highlands, Puebla State Mexico, on the west border of Veracruz State.

With all this confusion etc, I just want to go down there myself, and take the bull by the horns. But, oh God the red tape. USDA permits, and the months of back and for that would take. Money. Airfare, etc.

If we had a spanish speaking member of this forum, that goes down around Mexico City or that vicinity on vacation, that would work. Frank

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

My son and daughter both might be going back to Mexico this summer coming up. They do a one week mission trip every year with their respective churches. Maybe I will put a bug in their ears ... neither kid speaks Spanish though, but often they do have an interpretor. So ...

I need to get a really good photo of this vine to print out for them to show around. Of course, I just want seeds. Would that be a customs issue to bring back?

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Becky - I agree that unfortunately many animals are in danger of extinction due to reckless disregard for insuring the continued perpetuation of the species...and if you plant a rhino horn or gorilla hand,it doesn't grow more animals...plants are more easily reproduced via the dispersal of the seeds,secondary roots and by rooting cuttings...

There is only One "High John the Conqueror Root" and it is Ipomoea purga and no other species,...although 'lesser quality' Ipomoea species substitutes are sometimes supplied for HJTCR...e.g., Ipomoea orizabensis...each plant species may have it's own noteworthy particular virtues,but substitution of any plant species is not considered to be a 1st class formulation...

Low John,Little John or other conquer roots are in completely different plant Families...so,accept no substitutes...

The roots as used in hoodoo are considered to be much more potent if personally grown and attended to by the 'aspirant' and so although there may be many roots generally available,if too many people grew the roots 1st hand that would dilute the relative potency due to too many people having their own home grown roots...so it may be that the highly 'coveted' seeds are intentionally withheld by practitioners...

The usage of Ipomoea purga in the area of New Orleans seems to be relatively common place and it is almost certain that some people in that area are growing their own...

I may be able to supply some specific GPS coordinates for those willing to go trekking into the Mexican Andes to locate Ipomoea purga...

Seeds are not legal to carry over the border or to mail and would be subject to confiscation if detected...although historically as a simple matter of fact, seeds of many types often somehow manage to find their way past the various confabulations and red tape of customs...



This message was edited Dec 27, 2008 7:34 AM

Louisville, KY


"I may be able to supply some specific GPS coordinates for those willing to go trekking into the Mexican Andes to locate Ipomoea purga..."

maybe it would be worth the return in growing one's own mojo...

((( carry on then.

szarvas, Hungary

Here on DG there is 394 Mexican gardeners.
The usename : bajarad, alpen, Katiebear ...... etc.... are active .
To throw a bottle in the sea - sending Dmail here and there !
It cost nothing and perhaps you find sympathic person who can help you.

ps : I'm looking for partener to make the same thing with the 170 Japanese Davee'sGarden members.

Put a little " split " in your live

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - I like your thinking and strategy ... :-)

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Ok Ron, I will bite on that one, lets have those coordinates now, and tell us what they are to. The coordinates would tell us where they are known in fact, etc.
A good end of the trail spot for a dream vacation. Of course after obtaining the necessary permits to cross the border with live roots and seeds. Frank

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL! Go get em Frank!!!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Ron, I don't need the coordinates. I just came across something saying that this specie abounds at Xalapa, aka Jalapa, for whom supposedly the specie was named, along with the Jalapeno. Xalapa has a good number of American expats living there, that speak spanish, and if we could identify some of them, have correspondants down there. Eyes and ears on the ground in the neighborhood. Frank

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Expatriate info at the following link



Mesilla Park, NM

I didn't finish reading this post, but got a good laugh at the witchcraft comment.. I'll go check it out. You all be careful regarding bringing in stuff that is not legal from Mexico and other countries. Some people here smuggle plants and cuttings in their suit cases (they know who they are), but when they get caught, it will be one heavy fine to pay.

Just a reminder!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Gourd, If you know you are going down there, and you seek out the appropriate permits, you should be through customs in no time. If you can negotiate the
IQ test type of registration on the USDA site, then you can download the info.
My file is getting fatter all the time.

I am going to try getting the appropriate permits, regardless of the time it may take. Unfortunately, the USDA has so many categories, and different regimens for different categories. The small seed packs, are categorized as plants, but exempt from the quarantine. Commercial lots of seeds must go through quarantine, due to the number of seed destroying insect hitch hikers. The info is out there if we want it. Frank

Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, there are permits out there, but, there are those frequent vacationers that go to MX and bring in cuttings and plants without permits, Per their own admission. Hopefully, this person changes the attitude and gets permits from now on.


Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Yeah and no more seeds smuggled in from Japan without official permits...so,everybody destroy all of your seeds (and resultant plants) that you can not be absolutely sure of that weren't brought into this country to the Letter of the Law...make no mistake about it these postings are Patrolled and you are being Watched...you never know until it's too late...the days of the Gestapo and the KGB aren't over,...

Amerika...better be quiet,...they're listening (Et tu Brute ?!)....

To Every 'thing' There is a Season (and you can't tell a book until it blows it's cover...or flips it's wig all in a day's Fun of course), so better Beware the Ides of March....sssshhhhh (!!!)

Waving Happy New Year (!!!) to Everyone...

This message was edited Jan 5, 2009 3:32 AM

Mesilla Park, NM

Happy New Year Ron,
Glad you agree! But I think Frank is talking about roots and plants, not seeds.

This message was edited Jan 5, 2009 8:45 AM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Gee ... I am always amazed at all the seeds that seem to jump into my pockets when I visit the garden centers! LOL! I feel they are fair game when I find them on the ground! Hee, hee ... Nothing better than a spent bloom on the ground. They are just begging for a new home! And I am a sympathic person and can't leave the poor seeds laying there to get trampled, so I adopt alot of rescues ... :-)

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