Photo by Melody

Soulja's Member Page


  Soulja wants you to know:  

  A note from Soulja:  
"What I grow: Clematis, Japanese Morning Glories, Tall Bearded Irises, Daylilies, Exotic Vines, Herbs. I began reading the forums in winter '06-07 and ended up with hardly any grass left in my yard, as well as many good friends. "

  Photo from Soulja  
"I began to garden after a trip in 2006 to England. I was inspired by the charming and fragrant herb gardens in Stratford-Upon-Avon. I love Vines, in particular I love Clematis and Japanese Morning Glories. I also have a nice collection of Tall Bearded Irises and Daylilies. I trained as an artist and have tried to apply that training to planning my beds and approaching them as small art installations. My garden has elements of Japanese influence in the entry area and progresses to more of a cottage garden where butterflies, moths and birds enjoy their hosts for a vibrant and colorful Louisville Spring and Summer. This picture is of the garden this summer as it turned two. "

Picture of Soulja

Soulja signed up on Jun 29, 2007