CLOSED: Fall Piggy Seed Sawap #12

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

If I remember correctly our trade last year morphed into a "how do I start these" conversation, and then onto pics of the babies :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone, we are snowed in this morning. I probably won't be on much today, I have a busy day. We have a christmas party tonight and my mom needs me to color her hair. Plus I have to get this house picked up, laundry to do etc. etc. Then I have to try and get all my wrapping done because I don't want to be up until 3am on christmas like I usually am!
Star I am hoping you get my package today, but if not you should definitely have it by Monday. : )

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

That time of the day again. Mail call. LOl

Piggy Boxes that arrived today. : )


Them buckets and my bed just a bit fuller. heheheheh

Dryad.. I had thought about it. Been asked to write an article for a local magazine. Thing is I write the way I talk. Not sure how that would fit with the more formal writings on Dg. I don't mind the writing. Love to write. Hate the proof reading, makign sure especially all the words my dyslexia really bad at are right.

Can tell ya all now with the amount of individual seed baggies I making up, ya get the seed name and that it. Just like last year and my name on the outside of the envelope or baggie.

Dryad... Yep and that was so much fun. The asking how do we, gathering evrybody advice and forming the friendship and gardening bonds , that was the bestest part. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - I think your words are in perfect order! And if I were an editor (which I've been) I wouldn't change your "voice" at all, it's part and parcel of the whole message.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Star, I agree with Robin, but if you did decide to try some articles, I'd be happy to proof read/ edit for you.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Yeah Lynn, we got 8.5 inches of snow Friday. I had to work ... hospitals are open 24 hrs ya know. Surpisingly everyone showed up for work. I think that is a first. I began my Friday morning journey at 5:10 am. Picked up my car pooler friend, and we got to work by 6:15, we start work at 6:30am. I have to work this weekend also. the roads were terrible this morning, but pretty good coming home from work. It is supposed to snow tomorrow again.

All this talk of envelopes ... are we having a envelope co-op? LOL

Star, loved the pictures.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Is there any piggies that grow violets? Not the outside kind , but the inside kind, or somebody who would really...really love to try adn grow some from seed?

I have two tiny packets of the real grow in the house kind of violet seeds. The seeds are worse than the tinest dust ya ever saw. I don't have time to germinate them, plus they don't like me. wahhhhh evry one I have had I have killed off.

One packet has pink flowers and not sure of the color on the other.

If anbody into growing violets and wants them, will give a packet of what I have two the first two people who damil me.

Meridith.. that snow sure looks pretty. Just liek a post card. Glad it at your house and not mine though. Have fun at your party!

Thanks for the offers of help and votes of confidence. Til I get the seed swap all out and done, not startign any other projects.

Gemini.. Here what that plant stand will look like in a few weeks.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I just ordered a box of 1,000 1-3/4 x 2-3/4 glassine envelopes. Shipping is included and cost me $33.25. This was the cheapest I have found anywhere and this is the third year I've ordered from them. One box lasts me a year. Quick shipping...only 3 days. I ordered online at

They have different size envelopes, too.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Morning all,

Haven't been here for a while (knocked down by a terrible flue)! Still have a lot of catching up to do....

Star, did you ever get my little box?
Saw my big box on the picture. Maybe you should open it, you just may be in for a little surprise!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Morning Tuink, glad you are feeling better, they say we have a really bad flu around this year I plan on staying away from everyone which won't be hard for me cause I never see anyone hardly anyway unless I go shopping lol I hope it's just a cold that you have :)

Star I miss read your post and dmailed you lol Never mind :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tuink, I'm sorry you've been so sick. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and back online!

The seeds I was waiting for arrived yesterday. I packed up my box... looks like about 130 packs, plus 75 "extras." It's not sealed yet, though. :-)

Thanks for that link, JoAnn... I've considered switching to the glassine envelopes, but now I've got such a system worked out for label slips in the 2x3 zip-tops... Glassine would definitely be better for some seeds. Probably I need to start putting those seeds in wax paper inside the zip baggies. Hmm.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

critter, that's what I was thinking- enclose the tiny seeds in a glassine envie and drop it with a label in a ziplock. I've got a bunch of zipper envies that are a little too big for lots of seeds and those would make them more usable.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Tuink... Sorry your sick. Hoep ya get to feelign better too. Think Fairy stil down with the crude too herself.

had posted back that got yoru small box. Ya probably didn't see it and yep I go tthe goodie.

I have gotten sevral goodies. Which I thanks everybody for. I took em and didn't get into them. Havign them hiding on the bed under the seeds with lists til I get my piggy bucket too. Then it wil be like Christmas. Ya I weird. Will send dmails when I open em up, but til then know they arrived and appreciated.

Now there was some company that was sellign glasine bags pretty cheap. If ya search some how in the seed form, think it was last year or year before. Can't think of her DG name right now, from S. America I think she is. She was lookign for them for trade of seed, and folsk had put a bunch of links up.

I had a few of em hear and tried to cut em in haf and used all what I had, then the rest of the teeny tiny seed just had to go into the baggy.

It hard to tell with some that seed eve in there. What wors e is the pelleted seed. When the coatign breaks off when weight put on the seeds. Ya need to take those pelleted ya see out and then swish a bit of sand or vermiculite in the baggy to get the teeny tiny seeds ya can't see out of there. Microscopic seeds should not even be alowed. Have to have a talk with the Man upstairs about going blind tryign to find some of these seeds.

The violet seeds spoken for.

Was it Tcs that has the cottage garden thread going? When ya get ready to start the next one, let me know, cuz I ready to move us all over there.

Soon as the new CG thread made wil come back and post a link here, so we can have discussions now, and any other seeds that need oinked for or whatver can be foudn on that thread.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


If you haven't mailed yoru packages yet. Wait til the day or couple days after Christmas. They not gonna get here any sooner cuz mail is backed up with the bad weather. And with this new artic blast and peopel last minute Christmas shopping woudl rather know ya tucked home safe and sound and not on the streets where some fool can slip and slide into ya.

be safe and warm everybody I knwo some of ya have sub artic temps.

Came back to edit. Tcs. Has the new threa dup, so everybody follow over to it now. The rest of oru seed trading and gabbing gona be there. Sign in on that htread so it wil be on thread watcher for now. : ) See ya over there!!!!

This message was edited Dec 21, 2008 11:48 AM

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Star, you know what's funny? I sent out a couple of envelopes for trades and one of them already arrived and I sent it reg. mail. Yet, the one I sent you 'priority' hasn't! Isn't that crazy? At least I know you should have it Mon. unless the weather holds it up longer.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's the Fall Frenzy Piggy Seed Swap CHAT Thread #20

**edited to add the word "CHAT"

This message was edited Dec 22, 2008 10:02 AM

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

wow, how did we go from #12 to # 20?

Here is the newer Thread #21

This message was edited Dec 29, 2008 11:13 PM

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I was just wondering the same thing??

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOl.. Cuz we in a different forum. Last year after we went all the major part of the swapping and oinking we move d over to the cottage garden thread area to continue on any last swpapaign questions and stuff and start discussions of what we was gon aplant and how and stuff cuz this is the seed tradign forum and we have tied up the numebr one and two spots on it for over a month and need to let other folsk with trades let there s be seen and this way w e cna chat not onyl abotu plants but other stuff on the CG thread.

If you go back through thos ethreds you wil see how folks grew stuff last year adn what they did and we had the questiosn for sure and then folsk started showing pics of what they grew.

So til the all the swaps are seprated and delivered, and discussions til next years swap, will be on the CG threads. :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just an update for thos eof you who have not been followign on the cottage garden forum where we jumped to.

All the piggy boxes and evnies went out today. if ya want to follow the journey go here and down to about 5pm today post is where it starts.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Piggies, if ya wil pease report in either on here or in our cottage garden forum, our thread is labled piggy fal swap with pig so ya cant miss us, so I know they got their if ya would please.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

got mine today... thanks everyone.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

yippee! got mine too ^_^ Thanks to everyone!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

aw man-I made so many stops on the way home I forgotted to check-guess I will check tomorrow-no sense dring down the street to the mailbox ....

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

How cold of temps will seeds take when exposed?
I'd be afraid to leave them out over night with such cold temps.

Thanks everyone for all the great seed! Wow, Some people packed some very full packs of seed and made such cute cards and seed collecting baggies! :)

Thanks again Star for all the hard work! ^_^

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I guess if some don't make it better them than me....I pumped gas and $10 later had to stop and get in the car-ears felt like they'f fall right off!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Fairy.. go to your mailbox. your piggies are there. youw ere delivered today

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Ella-it is just toooooo cold to walk all the way there-mine isn't at the end of my driveway.....I will get them tomorrow-proimise

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

It was like Christmas here today! My seeds are here! Thank you so much everybody!!! You guys were so generous, I am just amazed to see how generous and thoughtful and creative you all are. Thanks again!!! HAPPY SOWING.


Ella, How is your dad?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Since this is marked as a closed thread, here is the link to the current one:

I'm getting confused where I read what with two threads going! :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Oh my Gosh. Was I the biggest piggy aka HOG. Got mine and it is better than Christmas.

Thanks everyone so very much.
Love you all.

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