CLOSED: Fall Piggy Seed Sawap #12

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn, I turn 60 in April yikes! I don't like it either I would much rather be one of those young whipper snapers LOL You just stay in and be careful that's the most important thing seeds aren't worth risking an accident for sure :) We want you to be able to plant those seeds once you get them! I love watching it snow like that.

I have never been able to track my packages until they are there, don't have much faith in this post office thang, this is the first time ever it has even showed close for me and I have sent a lot of priority packages out :) If they are going to advertise you are able to track your packages they should make good on it, after all what is all of our expensive postage going for. From what I understand by working around a UPS truck soon as they are scanned they go into the system? Just like taking inventory.

Star, like SingingWolf said we are laughing WITH you lol We probably would have done the same thing lol

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Star for both kinds of tomatoes. Mom still loves 'em.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

I was just working on a Christmas present for my MIL - each year it is a project with pictures. So I came across some photos of this past summer I thought I'd share. :-)

First is this creeping phlox. Critter and a few people were talking about it. I have it everywhere and since I just started gathering seeds this year - didn't know you could gather these. It is obviously beautiful in the spring - a blanket of blooms. So do they go to seed in the spring after blooming? I ask because my hostas don't ripen until fall even though they bloom in the spring. But these guys I never noticed seeds. Anyone know?

Thumbnail by cheles_garden
Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

This picture shows the OSU horticulture display over the summer. DH and I go down there a couple times a month for a lunch "date" picnic - as their gardens are spectacular. Plus I am an alumni and it's just special to me. Thought it was fun!

Thumbnail by cheles_garden
Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

This one shows the display from the other direction.

Thumbnail by cheles_garden

hi ella
i would like a few seed of each tomato please
ultra sweet

hi seemed that nearly all of western oregon has shut down...our well pump did shut down also..we installed a new part but our water line is still frozen. I am having a rough time without running water, but hanging in there

pam sue

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chele, you've got Dmail. Do you want cherry tomatoes? I've got various ones in my stash, and I can pull out something for you (or do a quick mix if you'd rather).

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Chele, your little girl is so cute! It's nice to know she enjoys the simple things in life lol

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - Didn't you send your box in already? If not, I'm looking for some sweet little tomatoes for the girls. They love them!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm still packing and packaging! LOL Hopefully my box will go out tomorrow or Saturday, along with Christmas gift boxes that should also have been mailed earlier. :-) I'm waiting on some seeds to be delivered from a recent order so I can share them with Starlight.

On the other hand, the longer I fiddle with these, the more seeds end up in the box... I was going through the columbines from the fridge that I'd forgotten about... I think I'll throw in a few "mega mix" packs that should have a good assortment. The seeds have been in the fridge, so even the older ones should be fine I think.

Is anybody looking for particular colors of columbines? I've especially got a lot of a "double pink" seed that's probably a clematis-flowered variety.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, all
Last call for piggies!
I am closing my box tonight to mail tomorrow.

Check the list and make sure that I have you down, especially if you requested something in the past week.
Or if you have a request, please Dmail me tonight!

Starlight, look for a Thank You gift in with my box, it is for you, use it in good health.

oinky snorty snort

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hang in there pamsue! Been there done that, and survived to tell the tale. So can you. How much longer do they think before anything will be done? Not hearing much in So. Cal about Oregon, but do have family up that way.
Great photos chele! Aren't they wonderful when they are young! Also liked the Horticulture Dept.s take on modern life! : )
Critter, I'm looking for any blue columbine and the pink sound intriguing too, May I oink a package of each, if you have them to share?
Oink you very much!

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

cheles, I have pink phlox (drummundii)

I do not know if this is the creeping kind, but I am including a packet with your oinks. It evidently reseeds

Anyone else want any? Dmail me tonihgt

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Starlight, I've got some seeds on their way to my house (email says they hit the mail yesterday morning). Do you mind if I wait for them, or do you need my seed box sooner rather than later?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Tomato Gals,

Do either of you have seeds for what my folks call "sandwich tomatoes?" They are naming these tomatoes as much for their size and shape as for their flavor. They like a tomato that is just the perfect size to slice up and slap onto a sandwich. I usually start most of their mators for them, but they always end up buying a few Marvels (I think) because they make such good "sandwich tomatoes." If you have anything you think would fit their bill it would be fun to give them a surprise this year. Just a few seeds are all I'd need as 1/2 dozen plants would be plenty for them.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pam Sue.. Sure wil add them to yoru box.

Critter. No problem, we stil have lot sof boxes not out or here yet, no rush.

The reason with starting early was so that those os us in the south cna winter sow. The middle of January to about the middle of Feb is our window for winter sowing temps. After that no way, not enough cold to germinate anything.

Lala... I have some other tomatoe seeds, will through some in. I don't have the " sandwhich" slicer one because to get em that big you have to be out there disbudding all the time. But I have some that are of a bigger size and good to eat too. Think I have Beef Master and Big Boy. Can't remember off hand. They still in the fridge.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

SW-I guess 46

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lala -- I LOVE those types of tomatoes. big giant ones you can make a meal out of.
i'll do thick slices, top them with cooked bacon and a slice of cheddar cheese and nuke it. OH YUM.

the two Star mentioned would do just fine.

I always grow a beef steak type and romas. i do not have a lot of room, so i do just a few plants.. .though some years more germinate than others, and i have to 'stick them somewhere'.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

SW, I guess 33 -'cause I think that I am 33! (hahhahha)

Lala_Jane, I don't have any experience with scrap books, but publishers used to protect images in books by placing tissue paper in front of the image. Perhaps that is the intent - to protect the page.

If I went through a lot of trouble to make a scrapbook, I think I would want the colours, etc. protected.

. . . just a guess though.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Starlight, dumb question:
Where do I mail the box to?
I cannot find an address?

Confused piggy Lorie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

'Potato Top' (pink) and 'German Red Strawberry' (oxheart) are probably the ones I use most in sandwiches... they aren't *always* large enough for a single slice to cover the bread, but I like the fact that they're solid and "meaty" inside (not dry though) rather than being all gel & juice. But they probably wouldn't fill the bill for a "regular big red tomato" like my folks want.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lorie, go to the home page, click on 'Extras' right under 'Cummunities', scroll down to 'DG address exchange' and click on that you should know where to go from there :) Dmail me if you have any problems.

SingingWolf, I think I put some Alpine Blue' ~ Aquilegia in my extras, ask Star to get some out for you :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SW, I packed some double pink (from a friend's garden) and 'Tower Dark Blue' (from trade) columbine for you... I've got a few other blues started and hopefully will get flowers (and seeds!) from them next year. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I Dmailed Lorie Ella's addy after i saw her post.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

whew - I finally found this thread! - thanks to Terese posting on the other thread! Now then, to try to catch up on just a couple things:
Star, I'll take any tomato seeds you want to toss into my packet :)
SW - you and I are Sputnik babies! '57 was a great year for gardeners and cars - LOL!

OK, the ice has finally melted here so I'm off to the PO to get my seeds off to Ella. I'm afraid if I wait even another hour that rain will turn back into ice.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Geez - I was even further behind than I thought! Thanks for catching me up on the previous thread - I still haven't had time to read every single post..... and ya'll discussing age is depressing because i have a bday looming tomorrow.... ^_^

I will just get some of the snack ziplocks - I have looked in the craft dept near the beads in every wal-mart and no luck. The snack ones will definitely be overkill, but at least I can get them in the mail.

By the way SW, I think that American Indian blood is good for keeping you young looking. My great grandfather was full blood - and many people were SHOCKED when my Mom died at 76. They couldn't believe she was that old - and only had a few gray hairs in her head! Of course, I have had the long dark hair - but since my Dad had a lot of black irish in his bloodline - my hair is anything but straight! and I have LOTS more gray than my Mom had!! If only I could prove that Indian heritage - my worries over getting three kids thru college would be over!! :(


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

By the way, it is in the 60s here today.....supposed to be 17 on Monday!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Genna ... it wouldnt work for this swap... but if you need bags... i can pick some up for you and mail them.
though my sales tax is about 8% then add a few more $$ for postage... but it may be worth it for you.
i get them 100 for 0.97

i got thru about 400 bags a year.... give ot take... i do use some of the ones from the link that Critter posted
that's a lot of printing, cutting a gluing/taping

I have one that i downloaded and using a photo editor... adding a lot of the text/data so i dont have to hand write it
[i have terrible hand writing] I could even do that for you and email you the files...

just lemme know if i can help ya out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Speaking of packing materials... Does anybody have a good online source for bubble envelopes? I'm going to need a bunch of them this year I think (pepper seeds swap etc), so I thought it might be cheaper to order a box of 100 than get them 5 or 10 at a time from WM. 6x9" is probably the right size for my purposes. Thanks!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I figured as soon as this swap was over I would find some ... ^_^ that is usually the way things go for me. But, if I don't have any luck, I will take you up on that before Fall for sure. HOPEFULLY, I will have lots of plants to be harvesting seeds from come then!

We also have a super wal-mart that is under construction and will be open by then - so I am hoping they have a better selection. But then, one of the three that I have been in, was a super one and they had less in the craft section than our local store!! Go figure....

Thanks so much for your offer.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

You might try Quill - and maybe watch them for a sale. I believe I have seen them on there. Not sure about prices or anything......


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Jill -- i did a quick search [since i was looking for baggies anyways.... ]
and came across this
they show 'cost per unit'
have no idea what their s/h is though.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I get my bubble envies through - which has a monthly fee, but it's a luxury that Nora provides me so I don't have to stand in line at our Neanderthal Post Office.

I think I'm the last one - but I finally got my stuff in the mail to you Star!

The weather here is wild - for the past few days it's been in the mid 20's - and now it's sunny (we almost forgot what that was like) and 50! Windy too, but I've not looked at our weather to see what that wind might be blowing in. The chihuahuas are so happy there's sunlight - I called them to send them outside for their "noonsies" and got, essentially, the big finger from one of them - she was busy sun bathing - LOL! And the one with short fur we put booties on for really cold weather, and she stopped on the step and sniffed her boots as if to ask me if I'd forgotten something.

I'm not sure what genetics my Dad had, I think it was Irish/German, but from the day her turned 50 he never seemed to age. We were looking at pics a week or so ago, and Nora was stunned to see him at 50 (he passed a few years ago at 81, with Parkinson's) and she said he looked exactly the same - except for a bit more weight around that middle section. Fortunately, for that part, I take after him...slow on the grey hair, and laugh lines but not much more. Genetics can really spoil a girl :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You're not last, dryad... that might be me! I do have my baggies pretty much packed and organized for everybody, just waiting on a couple more goodies. Need to bag some more Torenia seeds... if you didn't oink for them and want them, just LMK, and I'll do my best to spread them around! :-)

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh, dryad, you are not last -
I am still putting the seed list together for mine, but hope to get it out today Priority so that it does not hold anyone up.

Re.Bags, baggies and envelopes - y'all remind me after the swap - I have some links in my stamping bookmarks for good place to find those.

I also watch at Staples and Office Max/Depot - sometimes they have the bubble mailers on sale/clearance. Got 1-/packs for $.50 once, bought 20 of them - still using a few.

And I recycle them too, carefully peel off the label of ones that I get, and cut into smaller pieces the ones that are too ratty: then cushion the seeds/etc. in the envelope. When I make cards I often have an embellishment that needs a bit of extra padding to make it through the mail, so I have been doing that for a while.

And I save all of my Styrofoam packing/bubble wrap in my garage on top of my shlves in garbage bags- use them for mulch, in the bottom of oversized pots, etc.

Lorie in SC

This message was edited Dec 19, 2008 1:11 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I recycle a lot of them, too... but I've been sending out more than receiving lately, so even with cutting up bigger ones that come with other stuff, my stash is diminishing. And I've got that pepper seed co-op, so I want some nice new envies for that... buying in bulk will save folks a few cents there, too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lorie -- with all the shipping and receiving DH does... i always have peanuts, bubble wrap and that foam wrap. I also save any bubble envies i get, that are not too ratty... as it seems most re-use them.

When this is said and done... we should probably have a thread for goodies like, best places to get baggies, envies and the sort. that would be a useful thread.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Office Depot is closing a lot of stores I think - they may be a good place to check.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Papermart is out, but if anybody else is looking... I noticed my poly bubble bag from Summer Hill came from, and they seem to have good prices... they include shipping in the price, which helps with calculations.

Looking at my BE stash, I remembered that my favorites were actually the slightly smaller ones (4 inches wide), because seed packets didn't tend to slide around, so I could put 10 or 20 packets in them without securing them so they wouldn't bunch up (that's important, because if they bunch up and make the envelope more than 3/4 inches thick, it's then a package, requiring more postage). That size is on sale now, 250 for $30 (12 cents each). :-)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I recycle all that stuff. Lately I've even been re-using the ratty bubble envelopes and enclosing them in a new manila envelope, and those are cheap. I just found a box of bubble wrap in the attic, so I'll probably use it in manila folders too. I've lived in this house for a year and a half now, and am still finding things my pack rat friend who lived here before me had! She was an ebay-er, so I inherited all kinds of packing materials. Come to think of it, the manila envelopes were hers too, lol.

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