CLOSED: Fall Piggy Seed Sawap #12

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

the thing that worries me about the Manilla is that they can tear. I've had that happen before [contents spewing] so i quite using them for anything but paper being mailed.

>>That size is on sale now, 250 for $30 (12 cents each). :-)

Jill -- that sounds like a good find

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

12 cents each - yowza, don't know that you can get it much better than that!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone;
Pyromomma, I felt stupid, but I had to ask for Star's addy too. Bless her heart, she answered her dmail right away despite the impending ice/snow storm. Dad always said that there were no stupid questions, but there are stupid people who won't ask.
Fairy and Seandor,first, welcome back, second, thanks for the compliment, but TCS beat you to it. : ( Although you can still take a shot at my first and second names which mean Young, and Youthful. No one has guessed those yet. And no peeking!
Dryad I'm not at all surprised we are both Sputnik babies. There has to be more of us around. Personally, I think that the reason I look so much younger than I am is in part because I am trying to live up to my name, and in part, because (up until recently) I've always worked really hard on the farm. I had muscles! Partly it is attitude and enthusiasm. Good genes help of course. About the hair, it probably leads people to think I'm younger, but with the exception of about 15 silver hairs, they are mostly brown/auburn still. Mom still has mostly dark brown hair, but my sister has to dye hers now to hide the silver. Like Chele, I am glad to be getting older. Among the NAI people age is revered, and respected. I want to be a beautifully wrinkled (all from smiles of course) lady with long white hair when it is my time to walk the Great Mystery Trail.
For those of you who are interested, I made my first blog yesterday, about My Favorite Christmas Story. You need to go to the members page, plug in my name, and look at my blog. Let me know if you like it.
Feeling puny again and starting out slower than ever today. Still have a ton of chores to get done.
I'll check in later if I'm not sleeping.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

SW - I couldn't agree more - attitude has SO MUCH to do with not only one's health, but also how you deal with the daily things that life tosses at you. There's the tired old adage of it taking more muscles to smile than frown, but also plain evidence on how much healthier you can be if you keep humor in your life! Hope you get to feeling better soon - if you're not a vegan, don't forget chicken soup! I swear it has antibiotics!

I remember when I hit 30 - I, too, was happy that I was "old enough" for people to take me seriously - LOL! I have since discovered that it doesn't matter what age I am, some folks are never gonna take me seriously :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Howdy folks!!!!!! Miss me?????? Hek no. LOL. Had to go to store and get a heater today while they stil had some and on sale. Gona need heat here again real quick.

Figures I been hoem everyday waitign for mail and today I leave and maillady brings me all kind sof mail and 4 packages from Piggies.

Todays arrival....


Later I wil go to first page and update evrybody that here.

I looke din walmart today too fo rfor more baggie sand they out. They must be out at warehouse. So when I use the rest of the ones i have up, gonna put seeds in coin envelopes. I have like 500 of them white ones.

Critter. ya aint gona get any cheaper than 12 cent each especially if it includes shipping too.

Drad.. addign maters to your trough.

I so mad at me cuz I wante dto get baggies and batteries. Don't worry wil be taking pics and postign them closer to mailign time. Don't want to wreak peoples surprises for ya all, but can tell ya. Have three big kitchen tables full of piggie piles. Boxes and envies of extras all in livingroom gettign ready to spread them all out on the bed and start sortign through and flinging into evrybodys pots.

My coffee table is covered with my seed. And just brought home some more seed from a friend for a couple of surprises for some folsk wants lists.

SW how very true. That me gettign old and wrinkly and white haired. Ain't got time to worry how I look anymore to many things to be doing and folks to be tryign to help. I either just a couple years older or younger than you, but look about 80.

I sitting here laughing cuz the shoe box the other day was think and heavy material and ha dthat hole punche din it. Today open one of the boxes up and Maozamom. how very clever you are. Never would have thought of what you did and still tryign to figure out how you got it so perfect that ya couldn't tell, she made a box out of a ceral box. Ya open it up and the whoel cereal box outside is what ya see on the inside. What a way to say on havign to buy some of them smaller boxes. neat idea. Thanks for it! : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I ordered that case of bubble envies. If I'd just ordered 100, it would have been 20 cents each (still cheaper than WM). So now I'll have enough to share!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Ok, I don't know if this will work, but this is where I get my tiny jewelry/craft baggies. They have a bunch of different sizes and of course bulk is less.
Rats, I was hoping it would turn into a hyperlink. They also have a phone no. I don't know if it is too late to get them for this year, but since they are such a nice deal you may want to plan ahead for next year.
I recycle everything I can. Drives my family nuts until they "need" something, and I "improvise".
dryad: Attitude is everything! Humor is good for you! Releases endorphines into your body. Just like exercising or dancing. Wrinkles are beautiful, they show you've participated in your life! : )
Am not a vegan. Been eating a lot of Chicken Soup, and it does help break up mucous. For people our age it is a comfort food when we get the cold. Lastly, thank you for making me LOL! Some people (mostly family) are never going to take me seriously. That is when I do something outrageous, just to yank their chain! LOL! : )
Star, I don't care what anyone says, true beauty is inside of you and is shown in not only how you treat others, but also when you care more about the well being of others more than yourself. I think you are beautiful! : )
And I am very serious. : |

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

SW -- is this the page?

this one here.... 1,000 2 x 3" baggies for $7.96

i'll see what the s/h will be

handling = 2.65
shipping = 5.00

these are 1.5 x 1.5 bags
1,000 for 4.96 for the first 14 and 3.46 for 15 packs or more

This message was edited Dec 19, 2008 6:47 PM

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes. How do you do that? You did it and people didn't have to sort through stuff they might not be interested in. I am so impressed. : )
I often find that ordering online is a great way to find items I need that aren't available locally. I find lots of uses for those baggies. The sizes work out just as well for seed collections as they do for other small objects like beads, jewelry, special coins, seashells. You get the idea.
They do have specials at various times, and they not only came highly recommended to me, but I have had great service with them, also the baggies don't rip as easily as some others have.
Thanks tcs for making it easier for everyone else.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Did any of you get hit by the latest storms today, and this weekend? We are still in the teens, and we are expecting another major storm this weekend, 70 mph winds and higher gusts. Yuk, hang on to your hats! If there is a power outage, what can I do to help keep my little babies in the GH warm? I guess this means I still cannot go to the Post Office. Heck, I haven't even done any Christmas shopping.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i just went to that one page, copied the link then pasted it.

for next year.... i'd be willing to buy a bunch [if others were interested in a certain size] and ship them out.
if we'd get 15 people, it's pretty reasonable, and i'm only out 100 bucks max - until i'm paid back.

they do have great pricing.... i just looked for the ones that said 0.01 per bag... and at that 15 lot price... it's a great deal.
I doubt we could get into the lot of 50 to drop the price even more.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

we got it last night into this morning....
much less than they 'guestimated' but this week we got about 6.5"
North of us got a lot more... and south, like my sister - got ICE.

yesterday ... the storm hit about 7 hours later than they originally 'guessed'
and first they were saying 6-9" for our area, and we got 2.5"
West and North of us, like Rockford and into Southern Wisc got a lot more... 13"+ i think for the Milwaukee area.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

The storm didn't make it down to us - but we did get a rush of water from the thaw and the rain, so we had a bit of backing up in the basement. A bit of a mess, but mostly just water. I just told Nora it was "kinda wet" down in the basement (she rarely goes down there) so she doesn't freak about it. Turned a fan on and am hoping it dries out some overnight so I can do a bit more cleaning up. Is it me, or is the weather just so freakish anymore that all bets seem to be off permanently?? I've had basement water issues before, but not when it's freezing outside - yeesh!

Terese, good to hear you didn't get nailed really hard. Hope your sister is OK. Nora and I have friends (other than DG folk) in NY and NH, and they are STILL without power. I don't know how they handle that kinda stuff. The friend of mine who's the new blogger for Horticulture mag. lives in Valparaiso and she posted pics on Facebook of the damage in her yard from yesterday's storm - she'll have some serious rehabbing to do with some of her trees, poor girl.

Lynn - hang in there! Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get nailed with any more nasty weather. You may want to consider putting black plastic bags underneath your GH babies - I'm thinking the black will retain whatever heat may come through from the sun. Same for water containers - if you've got a larger barrel that you can put water in it won't freeze and may help regulate the heat a bit - but that's all W.A.Guessing on my part. Bubble wrapping some of the pots may help too - I've heard that helps insulate the plants/pot as well.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ah yes... i think Valpo was along the "ice" line... my sister is almost due west from there... way west, but west. they are fine... just a lot of ice removal off their vehicles.

and now the freezing temps are coming... they are saying for Sat night into Sun morning... with the wind... 20-30 below zero... well, that will be winter solstice. [dec 21st] so -- longest and coldest day of the year. oh yippy.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Critter.... I was going to buy the 4x4.5" or the mini from this place. I haven't placed the order yet but bookmarked it because I haven't seen them that small anywhere else. I waned to get a bunch too just to have them on hand. They seem a perfect size and I was wondering if shipping would be less.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

You can get 200 there w/ shipping for about $30.00. If a few people wanted to go in to split up the shipping. The shipping fro 50 is $10.21. The shipping for 200 is $11.56. You could split it up between 4 people and 50 would cost $7.50 each plus cost shipping to home. Or buy the bigger packages.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Terese, I'd sure be interested in a pack of 1000 of the little envelopes. I've got plenty of bigger ones, but those would be perfect for most seeds.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Snow sounds wonderful. My daughter wakes up every morning, looks out the window and says "Rats, no snow!" ... never mind that it's been in the 60's so there's no chance of it, she's determined that we're going to get some! We're lucky if we get some in January or February :( That's possibly the only thing I miss about being further north.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

GypsyRose, I'd go with the 4x8 rather than the square ones... you want to have a little room to spread the packets out so you don't end up with a fat "package rate" envelope. Looks like that size is 300 for $30 there. With shipping costs figured in, I think ordering 250 from is a slightly better deal ($30 during their sale with shipping included).

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Hope evrybody is safe and warm and startign to enjoy the holidays. Just finished seperatign the seeds that came in yesterday and found two batteries stil with a littl ebit of power to take a couple of pics.

Got most things hiding in buckets, so ok to take a pic now.

We got about half the folks stuff here, so I think we doign pretty good so far.

The piles went from little piles to the two gallon black pots. Here the first of three sets of pics before i lost batteries again.

Two kitchen tables with over 40 big black pots on them. Sorry light not so goo d in the trailer even with both kitchen lights on.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My bedroom. Lining boxes all the side of the bed to reuse.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My bed covered with the papers and extras and stuff from those envies and boxes already in waitign to be sorted soon as the rest get here.

Waitign til they all get here, cuz don't want to just put stuff in piggy toughs adn then discover down the line somebody had a big want and have to go hunting for it from where I just threw it as an extra into somebody elses bucket. : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

opps forgot pic. dah...

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL! That looks SO familiar! By now though, I bet you know exactly where your "piles" of stuff are...and even though it's a lot of work, it is kinda fun to put together the packages for each person and imagine them sitting and oinking through the seeds when they get them :-)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Dryad. Ya, for the buckets. Dummy me didn't think to put them in alphabetical order when I started so I walk round and round tossing packets.

Now I know why Suzie had said about 20 folks with ya too. I got double and one of me, but ya wil be fun for sure. Just thinking of the day I go to PO and that womanhas to stand there nd scan all the confirmation stickers and attach the labels and she not gonan be happy when her little cubile fills up, just hope i dont get her right before she due for lunch break. heheheheheh

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Alphabetical?? Good heavens, I never even thought of putting the containers in any sort of other order than what Suzy had them in, as she knew exactly where everyone was - and was a very good shot at tossing seed packets into them!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

What fun images! Millions of future flowers right there! Did you make that lighting set up? That is so very clever using the PVC!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh goodness, I can't imagine doing it without alphabetizing them. But I'm rather scatter brained, and must always compensate, LOL. I even put everybody's baggies in alphabetical order so I could just grab em and add packs.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya doesn' take long to memorize who on what table and in what position. But when I made tags put them in order and wsa easier to fidn to tape to buckets.

Suzie was miracle woman. She knows her seeds too. I gonan have to google some . Soem things here have no ide a what they are.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal, I wasn't even paying attention to the light shelves! Star, I bet you sleep real cozy at night with little babies growing right next to you!

And I'll admit right up front to not following the Suzy Rules on labeling the seed packs. I didn't have information on all the seeds I had so in many instances I was just able to give the name - if anyone's got questions about the seeds they get from me feel free to contact me once you get settled in with all your new packs. (I'm actually referring to the labeling guidelines that were provided right after our last piggy swap, which are wonderful....but I just flat didn't have the time to look up all the information and still get the seeds out in time.)
Doccat did the article:

This message was edited Dec 20, 2008 11:19 AM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya I built that. Have built lots of them, but that oen with the light son it right now.

You canget the pattern from off of T's seeds. She has a link on her wensite on how to make them. real easy. I used small pcv pipe. had mine going on secnd or third year now. I use them indoors in winter and outside to hold flats in spring and summer.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks for sharing some photos Star :)

WOW is right!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

That's fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

The more I read your posts on various threads Star, the more I wonder why Dave doesn't have you writing articles...maybe now that school is completely done you might have time to share your wisdom and experience with us?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got some info on packets where I collected the seed myself, but it's not exhaustive. I figure if people have the name (common and botanical if possible), they can look it up in PF, and if my name is on the seed, they can contact me. If it's a passalong from a trade packet, I might not know anything else about it!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've just put botanical name, common name/ cultivar, harvest year, notation if its commercial seed, and my user name on each packet. Mine are all neatly hand written, so I figured thats enough info :-)

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

yeah, I'm not so worried about the lack of information - y'all know where to find me :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sounds good to me! I hand wrote a few misc. ones, and I hope they're legible, LOL.

I've got my baggies for everybody in an alphabetized row... it's the only way I can put my hand on the one I need to add another goodie to it.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I am one of ''those '' with good intentions of labeling everything with all the information then time creeps up and I am lucky to get things mailed in time.
As for receiving seeds I don't mind just a name I learn better when I have to look things up, seems to stick in my brain better.
I even have a couple packs of seed here that came with no label (from another swap) I will winter sow half and see what I get . I do like surprises too.

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