CLOSED: Fall Piggy Seed Sawap #12

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

WOW-am I the baby here??

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Fairy, you just may be the baby. lol

Is just the price of shipping going up, or is the price of stamps going up too?
I guess I'm out of the loop on this one.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Our bestest fairy - Meredith is tell us, are you the baby? I am laughing at the whole look of milk jugs in the yard. I too have fretted over how they will "look". I like everything nice and neat. I am going to attempt to line them up nicely along the back deck - and we have a privacy fence so it'll just be me looking at it. ^_^ My neighbor is a young bachelor and his back deck is up high enough that he can see into my back yard - last year I found him showing my garden off to his "buddies" as they leaned over the edge to get a full view of the yard. Made me chuckle. They loved it when DH threw frew tomatoes over to them to eat with their grilled burgers. So gals, I can tell you that bachelors may not "like" to garden themselves, but they sure enjoy the visual and yummy benefits of our hard labor. Also, my DH would never dig in the dirt himself but loves helping me do anything I ask. In fact we argue over who mows the yard. Hee hee. It is so relaxing for me to do.

Neal!! You just shattered my whole "youthful" image. You called yourself middle age at 42. Aaahhhhh! I turn 40 this coming year - does that mean I'm headed for a mid-life crisis? I think I'll just WS 300 plants and that will keep me too busy all year. No crisis can happen while in the garden. Ha! You are so right on the patience thing and preferring to start plants from seed.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I am 32, so nope-not the baby now:) It seems on almost every thread I am in I am the baby-noce to not be the youngest for once..

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, I figure I'll be happy if I make it to 84, so that puts me in the middle, LOL. For us gardeners a mid life crisis is usually dropping $50 on a special peony instead of a sports car, LOL. I love having a railed in back deck for my wintersown jugs. They stay put and I'm not out there in winter, so not such an eyesore. Geez, it got hard to walk out there last year, and will be even worse this year. Wintersowing has become an addiction!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Neal - I hate to be the bearer of bad news but being a life actuary in my past life and studying mortality rates/life expectancies.............your life expectancy right now at age 42 is only 77. :-) Go buy that peony - you are over the hill. HA!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, that's why I'll be happy if I make it to 84, LOL!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yrs ago, i did one of those 'how long will you live' calculators... i think is was on MSN
it said "107" for me. while i do not think i will live THAT long ... only if i still have all my faculties... If i'm still functioning in my mid-upper 80's that would be nice.

my gram is 92 ... but she is just existing... which is so sad.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

My gpa turns 101 in Jan:)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

star, I just noticed this is the Piggy "Sawap" thread- you type with a Southern accent, LOL. We southerners add extra syllables to most words :-)

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I had my 35th Bday on the 14th so Fairy, you may be the baby but not by that much lol!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Now now yung'ins we'll have no fighting over who is the baby. ^_^ And if ya'll start saying that someone is touching you, I'll have to pull this thread over. Hee hee! Heavinscent, Happy Birthday a couple days late! Meredith has you all beat, she's still in her 20's. Hugs!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Speaking of where to put containers... I've got a railed in deck on the back of my house. I was thinking it might be too warm, as it faces south, but I really want to put them there. Do you think the partial shade provided by the railing would be good enough, or do I need to make a spot on the east side of the house and not be so lazy?

Off to do a little yard cleanup. It's getting up to 65 today! First sunny, warm day in I can't remember how long. We need the rain though, the lake in Clemson was 17 feet down in October, and has gotten worse since.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

KL, you could always throw a layer of row cover over your containers (weighted by bricks) or put them under a bench or something for a little extra shade. My deck faces south, and one of my best places for WS containers is under the long bench that's built into my landing.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

How often do you water if they're covered?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just a quickie here, cuz busy working on seed, but just wanted to let Tuink know that yoru second package arrived safe and sound. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

kl, rain can still get through row cover. I also try to put all my containers into open cardboard boxes or trays with a little leak in them, so whether I'm watering with the hose or they're getting rain, they'll have a chance to soak up a nice drink from the bottom (without sitting in water for days). How often to water if you don't get rain varies a lot with temp... I just keep an eye on them, and I can usually tell by picking up the container if it's too light and has dried out enough to need watering. Once seedlings sprout and start growing, I usually need to water from time to time, usually not more than every 2 or 3 days.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Toofew still wrong age! : |
Gemini_sage. Having been sick myself, I welcome you back into the world of the living. I missed you! : )
Patience comes to gardeners and farmers. Our Christmas trees take from 4-6 years to achieve a harvestable height (6'-7' tall). Some varieties of firs take 10--12 years. If you have pets or kids, you have to cultivate patience. I admit, it is a lot easier with plants because they don't talk back! : )
tcs, a very good try, but still wrong! : |
I'm not surprised, about your hairdresser's lineage. Lots of Indian tribes, or individuals went south (or north), instead of into the reservations. They don't see borders the way the whites did. The land is the land. It belongs to all. We are just the custodians, and caretakers. Totally different world view from the European settlers.
You all are cracking me up. I now know everyone else's ages but no one has gotten mine yet. Tee Hee!
tcs, I am going through some of the same problems with my Mom. She started having mini-strokes a couple of years ago. This year she has had to have two carotid artery rechannelings, and cataract surgery. Since she is a retired nurse, she is a difficult patient. I've noticed that she is loosing a lot of her memories, and in some ways regressing to the past. It is hard to cope with a parents' mental acuity diminishing. I know it frustrates me at times, and I should be more patient with her. I try but I don't always succeed. If ever you want to talk, I'm here for you!
Fairies are old souls, and ageless!
Clue for the day, I was born in the year of Sputnik. That should be a dead give away for some of you. The rest had better google it. LOL! : )
I want to get some photos today, and I have a teenager willing to do housework for $$. Goody!
Be back in a bit.
Walk In Beauty!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK SW... 51

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

tcs, You win a smiley face : ). I knew I made the clue too easy. : )
Appearances can be deceiving can't they.
My parents named me Young and Youthful, what are my first and middle names? You folks with baby name books have a edge to win this smiley face contest. : )
By the way, I've always tried to live up to all my names. I'm terribly flattered that you all guessed on the young side, so maybe I am living up to my names. Mostly I think it has to do with attitude. When you are inexperienced you aren't as assured about voicing experiences and opinions.
If you can rub two thoughts together you can have an opinion. My 6 year old nephew has opinions, and they should be treated as seriously as an adult's. He also has some interesting observations. Kids! : )
Some chores are done, still more to do. I'll be back later to check in on you!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

You all are so amusing. My LOL for the day is "Settle down or I'll pull this thread over."

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Star, you should get mine tomorrow I guess, I sent it out priority and it was the 15th, I did do a confirmation on it and it says it's in MONTGOMERY, AL 36119 right now, so much for three day delivery :) Of course it is Christmas time :)

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

OK you guys I really apologize. I'm going WAY off topic here but I'm in a time bind so I just came where I knew I'd find a big group of people in hopes that some one can help me. I'm putting together a scrapbook as a Christmas gift (my first endeavor in even using a photo album) and I have what I imagine to be a very question. I posted this on the Paper Craft Forum ( but I don't think they get a lot of traffic over there and the clock is ticking. All I need to know is why there's tissue paper glued to the fronts of the pages....or should it be on the backs of the pages?....or should it be removed?

If any of you have scrapbook experience or have any suggestions at all please send me a D-Mail. This is a giant SOS here. And again my apologies for taking the thread so far OT.

Edited to say that thanks to a lot of great folks out there I think I've got it figured out now. Thanks!

This message was edited Dec 18, 2008 6:21 PM

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Starlight, I haven't been able to go to the Post office yet to mail my box . I did check with the post office last week, and she said Priority Mail would get it there in 3 days. . hmm, now I wonder. I have been sick all week, and we are having severe weather (for us). News keeps saying not to go out, lots of accidents, schools have been closed or late starts all week. It is snowing right now, it looks like a snowball scene .Very pretty!

I am waiting to package the box because I don't want your cuttings to kaputz. With all the snow we have, I cannot find which Pieris is Valley Valentine and I forgot where I planted it. I will send you a cutting of that later.

You guys are all so young. I am 56, going on 27.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

from what i understand... priority is "guaranteed" in 3 days.

If Lea's still shows Montgomery - it could be there, or they have not updated yet.
DH ships USPS all the time, and they are not good about updating the tracking stuff ... though i do believe once it's delivered, that shows up right away, as it is scanned into the system.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sorry Can't help ya Lala. Wish I could.

Lynn. That fine. Ya don't need ot be out on road in this freaky storm.

OK, folks I have a problem. I ummmmmmmmmmmmm kinda made a big goof. I sittign here workign on the veggie seeds and made a startling discovery. I had packages of PAQUET and another and another and another and....

Now why am I mentioning them at all since I have so many???????


Some of you folks asked me for the Paquet tomatoe seeds. Some of ya even asked me what they was like because ya couldn't find them on the internet when ya googled and I couldn't help ya at the time, but added em to yoru trough.

You could google til the cows come home and you would never find em because..........

I am hiding my head under the keyboard as I type this cuz my face is as red as these tomatoe seeds gonna turn once they planted. leave it to me to pull the all time dumb and dummer thing.

I grabbed the package s that said PAQUET on them to dump into a big pile and start seperating. Well, what did my eyes spot as I went to rip the corner of the package???????

PAQUET means PACKET in french. LOL

Under neath is what the cultivar names are.

So I need to know which PAQUET/PACKET of these tomatoe seeds do you want.

I have
Ultra Sweet VFT
Vendor VFT
Florida 47R VFF
Scarlet red VFF
Hy-Beef 9904 VFT

Ok, now does anybody wanna top my "oh-oh what did I do " for the day. hehehehehhe

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug. Even with thre days they don't guarentee em. I just had a package come from Texas and it took seven days to get here. Wil either be tommorrow or saturday if it in Montgomery cuz the driver from Montgomery likes to stop and have breakfast and coffee alogn his route and if he too late the mail gets delivered and package s may be held up another day til they get sorted. Soemtiems livign in the backwoods is the pits.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Star- LOLR all over. This little piggy is giggling so hard I might pee! Snort!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well a guy has to have his coffee lol At least it's close!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh Star!
Baby girl, I told you this job would make ya go dingy! LOL and have a huge smile on my face! Now we all know that Star has French tomatoes! Go ahead girl, pull your head out from between your knees and quit taking those big, gulping breaths! We are all laughing WITH you, not at you! : )
I think you get the oops prize for today, unless somebody else out there wants to 'fess up! And a gold star for Honesty too!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey when I do something wrong, hehehheeh I sure do it big time. I say gonan be another one of them storie s for my book I need to write.

The day not over yet, wonder what other dumb things I wil fidn I have done .

You all can laugh with me, cuz I laughign away at myself too.

If anybody else wants some of the above mentioned PAQUET?PACKet tomtoes just oink. This little piggy gona go weee wee weee all the way home. LOL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Star - still laughing because I think you're such a cute piggy! If any of those paquet's are mini's/cherry I'll take one. Hee hee. I can grow the French tomatoes with my Italian tomatoes - shoot forgot what Critter called them. LOL!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

I did some googling and most of the paquet tomatoes appear to be commercial varieties from Stokes seed.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, that was just too funny!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you ALL OT help. I think I'm back in control again. Phew.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Danita.. yes they are commercial variteies from Stokes. Stokes grows in Canada and New York.

Cheles. No cherry size ones in the bunch. 6 oz is about the smallest siz eon the Vendor VFT.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Warning: Cherry tomatoes make great ammunition for kids and their Cherry Tomato fights. Mom only had one bush but boy, was it prolific. I've often wondered if she noticed all those tomato seeds all over the front yard and driveway after one of our neighborhood tomato fights. LOL! and thanks for bringing back that memory! : )
Star, I'll oink for a paquet of them fancy French Cherry 'maters if you still have one!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh rats, I just crossed with your post to Chele, and realized you don't have Cherry tomatoes. How about that Hy Beef 9904 VFT, instead.
Thanks, Sweetie. I guess that's my oops for today, so you aren't alone!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cheles and Sw. I have other cherry tomatoes too. So will toss em in your troughs.

Sw will add the Hy - Beef to yours too : )

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Too Funny starlight... thanks for my laugh for the day! I needed that! I'm perfectly capable of doing something just as flaky on even my best days.

... still chuckling...

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