CLOSED: Fall Piggy Seed Sawap #12

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

We came from here:

While all our regular spots are filled up, we still have room for any storm surviors up until the day I mail the boxes out.

A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread. We have lots of seeds we would share with our storm victim gardens. All you need to do is ask for anything you see.

Seed Swap Lists can be found here:

With holding this swap between two major holidays, alot of folks be will be traveling and doing things to get ready for the holidays and sending their seeds in early.

To save from havign to go all the way back to the first post, when you get ready to send your seeds in, here is what to do. If you have questions, please ask or dmail me.

1. Your seeds. added: Since I need to send back as many packs as people send in, I need some help counting. LOL! On the baggies that are tagged for certain people, I would like the number of packs you've enclosed for that person written on the slip of paper with their name so that I don't have to go rooting through to count them.

2. Return address label (or piece of paper I can tape) to use on bubble mailer you send to me. I have plenty of labels, just make sure I have your mailing address.

3. Postage to return your mailer to you. If you have 100 packs, use postage for 13 oz. and consider sending me a little box instead of an envie.) added: If you want extra packs back, really, really consider that box! And pay attention to the postage amount you send me as it will cost more than what you sent in. Do not be stingy on this postage. I have plenty of small boxes, for those that will need their seeds going back in one

4. A sheet of paper with your:
1. name,
2. address,
3. email,
4. DG name,
5. Number of seed packs sent, and number of seed packs wanted back
6. Description of your garden, and yourself as a gardener and grower from seed (new, middle, experienced.)

7. 10 things you want (no limit for IKE / GUSTAV folks, though can't guarantee how many will be sent back),

8. 10 things you don't want, and

9. a list of the seeds you are sending of all the loose packs that are not earmarked for another player.

5. Addendum: Due to the sheer volume, these envelopes or boxes will need to be sent back to you with delivery confirmations. Also, since postage & confirmation costs have gone up, and since I may also need a few extra bucks for more postage either for storm survivors or for other participants who may unwittingly not have sent in enough; or for larger envies or boxes than folks send, let's each send in $1.50 in addition to return postage. I will return any extra postage that isn't needed in each person's box or envie.

SPECIAL NOTE: Any of those participants listed on the Storm Victims List.. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY POSTAGE. No postage is needed from you. We hope you enjoy our gift to you and may you once again have a nice garden.


Adding an EDIT UPDATE HERE Critter I think was checking out postage prices and made this suggetion:
"Starlight, you might want to suggest in the top post that people send postage for a 13 oz package, currently $3.21."

If you have a whole lot of seeds comign back to ya, if your a regular participant, please make sure ya have enough postage or as close to it as ya can get.

Most folks will be goign back in envies and bubblers , but a few of ya may need some boxes. Wil do my best to cram everythign back into these large bubble envies and addinga conifrmation sticker to them.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2008 4:27 PM

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok piggies. Some of ya are goan be looking liek pot bellied piggies when ya get your stuff. LOL

This is gonna be the last thread I make on the seed trading forum. We're gettign down to the last of the trading and oinking . This way we won't be takign up more space so other seed trders can now have a chance at being on the top of the seed forum. : )

When it gets time to switch to a new thread I will post the link to our on going Cottage Gardenign thread and then we can chat and share while we wait for al the boxes to get to everybody.

Til then if ya got something to throw out into the trough or want to oink for, go for it. Get down and dirty little pink piggies. heheheheh

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Starlight, you might want to suggest in the top post that people send postage for a 13 oz package, currently $3.21.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Jill.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Critter. Hope I got it right now or close to it. LOL

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I made the jump-phew-my little legs are TIRED-need a rest now;)

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Rats, while I was posting to the last thread you started another! : ) If you haven't read it, I was verbose.
And no doubt will be again! : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Snort.. hehehehehheeh

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

what is a sawap Ella??

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh .. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Lets just say I made a boo-boo. Goofed on the first page going up so might as well goof on the last page too.

Singing Wolf.. I say 39. Do I win the smiley? ???? : )

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I MAILED MINE today :))))))) I found one error already....

Pyromomma, I forgot to include your white stokes aster seeds. I can mail them directly to you if you had your heart set on them, JLMK. The aster was the first in your list and it had a space before the rest of the list and somehow I missed it, sorry.

OINK OINK Critter,
Hi, if you still have your box open and have the Eschschoizia californica, I'd love to try it :) I have just the sunny spot down in what I call our 'pine corner' and what I plant there needs to be drought tolerant and it looks like that fits the bill. Also, THANK YOU for the Ital. basil...I never did find any. I can't imagine I would have planted ALL the seeds though...strange. I'll have to look again this weekend.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

SW, you could be my sister!! I wear glasses also. My guess is .........45

Thumbnail by cheles_garden
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Star, Nope, but thanks for the laugh! : |
Chelle, thanks for the complement, but you are actually photogenic. I'm used to my glasses, wouldn't recognize myself without them. Still not right age! : |
Tee Hee!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wind, the poppies are yours (there are lots, probably a tablespoon of seed in that packet). If you find your extra Italian basil seeds, just pass them along. I'm guessing you probably didn't plant them all, as I think I was sending out fairly fat packs last year, but who knows... maybe you got a later, skinny pack! :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SW, I'm terrible at guessing ages, so not going to try... but what I want to know is... How tall is that tree?? And does anybody ever buy trees that huge for their home, or is that one destined for a shopping mall somewhere? LOL

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone, the school delay really threw me off today I ended up stopping at the PO and by the time I got home I had just enough time to get the girls fed and ready to go back out! The traffic was crazy – you would think all the people that live here never drove in snow before. It wasn’t even that bad but the traffic was killer! Back to mailing my seeds - So I ended up having to pay for new postage – the old postage would not stick to the envelope even with glue (after my babe got a hold of them) So I thought if I just tape the top there would be stamp left to cancel... well the postman said they’d just return it to me. Now that the deadline is so close, I couldn’t take that chance. So I ended up sending it priority. It cost over $5 but it’s not so bad because I decided I needed a new envelope - because after trying to salvage the stamps on the one I had - it was completely destroyed – it was pretty sad to start. So I was going to have to pay for an envelope and with the cost of the new stamps it would have cost that anyway. So at least I know Star will be getting the envelope sooner now, ‘hopefully’ anyway. : ) Now Singingwolf - I would love to guess your age but after working as a hairdresser for 10 years and being asked to guess ages all the time I am going to guess 29 lol. ; ) My girls have a teeny tiny bit of Native American, my husbands grandmother was 100% native american and I think that is what gives my husband his ‘extra’ good looks : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I can reach 6 foot high, the tree is probably between 8-9 feet. Yes, people do buy them that large. Especially if they have Cathedral ceilings. Most popular Christmas tree size is 6-7 feet tall. We do sell and provide fire retarding for businesses, etc. But they have to pick out their own tree. The tallest we have out there (maybe, could be gone by now) growing this year is a 13 footer. No one picked it yet because it is so far out to get to it. Not that far of a walk for a farmer. We'd send the helper/cutter out with the little hayride to bring it in. Those trees get heavy! : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Meredith the diplomat.
Go on, I dare ya! I really think once you achieve a certain maturity, age is irrelevant. You won't hurt my feeling so, go on guess away!
That is horrible about the stamps. I remember once Mom told me I had inferior saliva because I couldn't get a stamp to stick. I was going to suggest superglue, but figured you'd already left for the P.O.
Most people in this country if they have been in this country for more than a couple of generations do have some kind of Native American Indian Blood in there someplace. You'd be surprised.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Now I want a cathedral ceiling...

Actually, we do have slightly higher peaked ceilings in the morning room and in a little nook of the master bedroom (alcove over the garage, but there's still no room for a 9 foot tree (the morning room is full of "jungle" LOL).

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Singing wolf -LOL you really gave me a chuckle about that inferior salvia!! Maybe that is my problem. And okay you twisted my arm into guessing... 30! lol ; )

I meant saliva! lol

This message was edited Dec 17, 2008 7:04 PM

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Critter I agree with dryads post on the old thread : ) I knew I forgot something I wanted to say! : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Nice play on words salvia/saliva. Oh drool! : )
Still wrong age! : |

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok, I goign crazy here. Did anybody send me a single package of Pink baby's breath to go into somebodys box?

I been back through 17 pages of dmails and can' find so far whee I traded for it. Now I knwo folsk tell ya to put your dg name somewhere on package. I usually don't do it, but am gonna start.

Thing is I know the senders name soudn sfamilar, but I just can't place who it is.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- i did a quick search and found

>>Gypsophlia repens Rosea – Creeping Babys Breath – 1)frausnow;2)cannagirl
from TooFew....

but i did not find anything for singles....

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I had sent out before the swap all kinds of seed to folks and had said I didn't need anythign back , had told a few if they evry got some seed of somethign fine, but wasn't neccessary and think that might be what this is, but want to make sure.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- have you been keeping track of who has sent in packages and how many are left to be mailed?
Just thinking how you stated the next thread will be back in the CG forum.

I was thinking - that in a few days to start a new thread ... #19 is currently at 162 replies

so -- i can hold off until you are ready to start the new CG Piggy Chat thread #20, or if you want to rename it to the Fall Frenzy Thread #1 ... either way... but just link from #19 to the new one... how ever you name it.... just so we dont lose anyone.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Terese... If ya can hold off for a day or two, shoudn't be longer than that to fill this piggy page up, then we wil just link to on the thread that going now , was what I figured anyways if it ok. Keep us all together for another year. Liek the name ya have for it as is, no nee dto change it.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Star you have so much work ahead of you! Thank you so much! I think I might have missed adding something to my package so please let me know if I need to send you anything. Same to everyone - if I missed something I promised you let me know and I can get it out to you or IOU : ) I don't think I missed any tagged seeds though - I quadruple checked them. : )

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Meredith - Salvia - I know ya'll drool over them. Ain't no inferior saliva when there's salvia to be oinked!

Oh forgot to mention that SW - that's why I said you could be my sister - I have Cherokee a couple generations back. My grandmother used to call me her little indian girl when I was little. Long black straight hair. ^_^

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I got my box off today! Thank you all again!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL @ inferior saliva.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

La_La, I don't know why I took that inferior saliva remark to be an insult. It's been a family joke for years. I really like the self-sealing envelopes better anyway. I don't have to taste 'em. Yuck and paper cuts! OUch!
Beats being called a rotten little heathen Indian, Chele! LOL! : ) Could be where you get your good looks from! : )
I was born with black hair, about ten days later it all fell out. When it grew back I had blond hair, then auburn, and I don't know what to call it now, except a nuisance. LOL!
What a relief, Heavinscent, now you can sit back and get silly with the rest of us!
Come on folks, do I need to give you a hint about my age? (See thread 11)
Walk In Beauty!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Good guess Toofewanimals, but still wrong! : |
I did like your use of logic. It shows you are thinking about it! LOL! : )

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

SW, I guess I guessed too old. I'll go younger this time ... 42?
I'd die for your hair ... I got my first grey hair at 13, had to start dying my hair at age 20 because of the grey. I've already had a lifetime of dying my hair, if it wasn't the yucky steel grey I'd stop.

Who was afraid of worms??? My Mom used to take us and then the Grandkids out for walks after the rain and and have us save the worms on the roads or sidewalks. Gosh how I miss her. Can you believe I was in my 30's before I knew she was very afraid of snakes! She never showed her fear, just smiled and said "they can't come in the house ", when we brought them home.

I put out 3 winter sowing containers Monday. Can't do too many, hubby doesn't like it. We live in the suburbs and he likes things to look neat. But hey, my neighbors are NEVER in their yards except to cut their grass. One woman, who is really never in the yard, she was on her deck when she talked to me ... said,'I love to look out the windows at your gardens.' LOL

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Sharon-I just keep my mess in the backyard!!LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Soudns liek an opportunity to maybe winter sow on her place, maybe ya cna exchange a few plants for some growign space. ; )

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Fairy, I've seen your yard ... no mess there as far as I'm concerned!
Star, LOL, she plants a row of inpatiens every spring in the front of her house ... that's her extent of gardening. She's an inside gal.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I feel like I'm in the Twilight zone. Somehow missed a whole thread! Been sick the last week and had 2 funerals to attend, so I've been extra dingy.

Such lovely family photos y'all! Thanks for sharing, its good to put faces with names :-)

I'm 42 and am enjoying the patience that has come with middle age. Funny how when I was young I was too impatient to work with seeds much, now its my preferred way to get new plants. Waiting 2 years for something to bloom used to seem like so long, now its no big deal. And I enjoy getting to know a plant as it matures. Kind of like enjoying the journey as much as the destination :-)

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I miss the Twlight zone series on TV. I miss Rod Sterling. LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neal -- you and i are the same age... though i add a year in less than a month.

for me, hitting 30 was HARD. I do not recall anything traumatic when i hit 40. DH hits 50 next month... and i do not think he's looking forward to that.

SW -- the age of 52 jumps out at me for you. and you certainly do not look it... on looks, i'd put you at lower 40's if that.
the gal that used to cut my hair... you look very similar and i think she;s 53 now.

I'm not sure if she has american indian in her, but i do know her grandmother is from Mexico ... though she really does look like she has indian in her.

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