CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap # 10

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Andrea --yes, WORKS will do. I'd think any word processor where you can do columns and do minor formatting [bold, italics, and various font sizes.]

hi all
we are getting the first snow of the season and it is piling up fast..also we are getting frigid weather conditions for a week
i am hoping i can get out and mail the package tomorrow, weather permitting.
also i found a bunch of pepper seeds commercial bell pepper fat and sassy DMAIL me if you wish to have ten or so seeds to a plenty
lots to share so im still packing until tomorrow am


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lift them hoofs little piggies. Time to trot on over to new thread. : )

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, hanging my head in shame here. My baggies and labels are a mess. I did manage to get my name on there, in case you have any questions, and the seed names. Sad part is, no computer excuses here, I'm a graphic designer!

Didn't really know what to expect. Started out making little paper envies so seeds could stay dry, then learned about the plastic baggies from the craft store...Next year I will know what to expect and be better prepared (and more consistent) with labels ready ahead of time to print out and go with everything! Of course, I should have a lot more seeds to offer next year... so that could be interesting.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

KL... Lol. Last year I was a mess. We learn a little more each year as we do stuff. Whe I run out of seed baggies, little an dbig then it on to paper envies.

Waxpaper works good to fo rmakign a seed envie if ya have any of that around. : )

Just don't strees it. Seeds come more ways than imaginable.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

What I learned this year was that making my own, when I could buy 100 nice craft ziplocs for $2 or so, didn't really seem worth my time ;) ...Though my currently being an unemployed graphic designer could mean that you all will be getting my cute little brown paper baggies that I started out with again next year... we'll see! Here's hoping the economy starts picking up and people start advertising again.

At least my seed habit hasn't been eliminated from the budget, since most of it is free. lol, and now there's even free worm poop to look forward too!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>100 nice craft ziplocs for $2

i get the 1.5"x 3 [i think is the size] for 0.97 at WallyWorld
the bigger 2x4 [or so] are about 1.50 for 100

KL -- dont forget to move on over to the next thread... link is a few posts up.


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