CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap # 10

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

La, Bloodflower is an annual but they reseed in the middle of the summer and on till frost. The pink and orange are perennial for you :) Those silky golds that you got from someone else will reseed for you too or they should they do for me.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, would a few of each be ok? Or just a couple of your choosing is fine too :-)

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, up for grabs...

1 pack of ornamental pepper seeds. It's a mix of two similar varieties both having sort of gumdrop sized peppers but one was colored lemon yellow and the other was citrus orange. Green leaves.

Who wants 'em?

They've been claimed!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2008 7:07 PM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal, You sure can have some of each :) I've got a couple of new ones this year to plant, the Cinderella and Purple but I get excited with butterfly weeds, it doesn't take much to make me happy lol I tend to plant a lot of 'weeds' lol But they are pretty ones lol Gotta keep the butterflies happy too!

La, I did put you down for the pink and bloodflower :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Me!!!!!!!!!!! Waves at Danita!!!!!!!!!

LeBug.. If nobody else claims them petunias, send em this way please. : )

Busy piggies today I see. Just gettign in and tryign to catch up.

Gemini sage yoru box arrived today!!!!!!! : ) All ready got it sorted out even before I got my cup of coffee when I hit the door. Lol fun watchign these piggy piles, pile up. : )

Hav to laugh. Can tell all of us who were the big pigs last year are somewhat slim diets this year and all our new pifgy buddies are gonan be surprised when they see all the seed s they oinked and got coming. LOL

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

They are your's Starlight! :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- the Monarch "cats" LOVED my Butterfly Weed last year... no blooms, but munched them to nubbs.
I am hoping for blooms next year.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'll do that Star but I've got a lot of petunia seeds in your envelope :) I'll send all the extra ones I have for you :) Did you see this on my have list:

Starlight ~ purple petunia, pink petunia, lavender petunia, red petunia, old fashion looking pink petunia, and a pack that I think is red but forgot to put the color on them :)

It isn't just a few, you got first pick lol I knew you wanted them, of course it wasn't the putting them on your want list twice that tipped me off lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, which one did you have that didn't bloom?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

the butterfly weed is a second year bloomer... i just WS'ed them in march... so i didnt expect flowers yet.

The Scarlets and Silky bloom profusely for me.... but then, they are annuals up here.
I do winter sown them, i find they bloomer earlier than the ones that germinate on their own from fallen seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

heheheheheh : ) I was so happy today. I finally got some seed for me. Not peakign yet. Have no idea what I oinked, but want mien to be a surprise. ; )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh yes, I go ahead and plant some annuals too until I get all of my perennials to going that will take a couple of years I guess then I'll just let my annuals reseed from year to year and won't plant them anymore. I want one of each of all of the perennial milkweeds, I plan on planting all of these milkweeds for this year and I haven't been able to make my leaf garden yet I'm getting nervous lol It's either too cold or raining! Darn! I never have the perennial ones reseed for me but I don't have a lot of them so I'm always taking the seeds, last year I thought I planted a bunch of the pink and orange and they were the annuals :(

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

LeBug, are your lavender petunias the same as the ones from last year? Mine never went to seed, yet they bloomed right up until frost and the plant isn't even dead yet, but no seeds.

I've been packing up seeds all day in between studying :))) When you open your seed pkgs, If for some reason I missed someones request(s), please don't hesitate to dmail me and I'll mail you them direct. I hope I didn't goof, but I may have.

SingingWolf, I hope you are feeling better

Today was a super mild day here in NJ

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Wind, they are those big flowered lavender petunias that we got from Tuink last year, I just loved those! They were hard to collect seeds from, didn't get any until the last of the summer close to fall. I'll put some in your envy :) I was sweating them too lol

SingingWolf, I'm sorry you're sick, I hope you're feeling better 8-)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

try this for the Asarina Barclayana. there is also a picture. It is very pretty.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Okay my piggy friends. : )
Last oinker at the trough at least for me. I plan on sealing the box tomorrow for shipping everyones' requests and am about out of everything, except the morning glories. Don't worry, they have a home at my friends' place. We're going to do some commando seeding around her condo! : )
Still feeling kind of puny so I've been entertaining myself putting together every ones Piggy Packages. DH wants me to move all that stuff off the bed so he can nap! LOL! : ) He deserves his naps. I just peeked and he is perched on the edge of the bed, snoozing away, he has been working too hard. What a guy!
Lala_Jane, last piggy request, I'd still like to try the Georgia Blue Veronica. As you said. We can try it and see how it does. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Thanks for the well wishes. Today was much better.
Walk In Beauty!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love to have any of the butterfly weed that anyone has extras of - (as long as it isn't the kind that is considered very invasive). I would love to have more butterflies - haven't had a lot of luck attracting them like I have the hummingbirds......


Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sorry about the link guys. Here is my dilema....

This is the pack that they came in.....

I looked up a photo of mine because I thought I remembered them being more purplish. I found it and it does. My picture was taken darker because I was having an issue with light that day and I was using manual settings and the white in the picture was all out of wack, but I don't see the yellow spots on the flower and It is definately not "pink". So, I don't know.... I've never grown any Asarina but this. And this is what this pack says. What do ya'll think? Thanks, Andea

Thumbnail by mygypsyrose
Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

OMG They sent the wrong cultiver in the packet! The link to the Magicgardenplants up a few has 2 of the Asarina's on there. There you can clearly see the leaves. Mine look just like the Joan one. I can't believe it. Now I'm mad! Gonna make a phone call tomarrow. I thought mine looked like that one at first, but then I found the packet. So I assumed.... Sorry for all the confusion folks. I've been duped.

Here's the link that Robynsnest put up:

edited to put the link

This message was edited Dec 10, 2008 10:39 PM

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh shoot SW I thought you had already requested the veronica when you asked me about it today. I'm afraid you'll have to wait til next year unless I can still go out and rattle the bushes. I sent all I had off to Star already and I'm afraid I was rather limited on how many packs of those I had.

Thanks Lea. I've just started getting into the butterfly gardening, and I'm sure we'll all be thrilled with something new.

Oh-ho Star just wait 'til you open the envie from me. I think you had one of the thicker baggies inside there. ;-)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Oh Great...Not only 2 Hurricanes in 3 yrs and now was supposed to be 39 tonight. NOPE 31 wind chill 23. My Hoop House was smashed during Ike and just by myself can not fix. It was laying on my epis and Bromiliads. Here is a picture of what Ike did.
now check out the next post to kill I don't know how many tropicals that are exposed and nothing I could or can do. way too late now!! Plus insurance does not cover it when damages by Ike.

Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

It was to be 39 tonight. Oh no it is 31 with 23 degrees wind chill. I cried because I could only get in plants I could get on driveway and front porch. 4 plumerias and all my beautiful bromiliads and epis.

it started out freezing rain now look.

Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

no more zone envy I bet. Look at the sago in last picture and this one. It is beautiful but not at this loss.

I should give up. :o(

The elephant ears may be alright and sago, But not the other I mentioned. Not exposed to this.

Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry! I've been caught by early frosts, and it's awful to be running around trying to drag stuff in and finally having to admit you just can't save it all so some will have to take their chances.

I don't know if this is any answer for actual snow, but I have successfully limited damage from frost by going out at dawn before the sun comes over the horizon and spraying down plants with my hose.

Some plants are tougher than we think and will sprout back up even if the tops get frozen. Snow can actually be an insulator... trying to think positive... and crossing my fingers!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I wish I could but we had freezing rain for several hours before the snow. I got all in I could bit where the hoop house's side by the house caved in I could not get to the Broms or epi's. Not tall enough to cover.

Praying for a miracle. I have had them for years and they are so big and cost so much. :o(

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

If you happen to have a cold hardy sago palm them it should bounce back. I found this on the web.

For Sago Palm temperature range is from 15 to 110 degrees F (-11 to 42 C).

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

They may be OK as long as the temps come back up-I think it is more prelonged exposeure to those temps-and you soil where the roots are is probably warmer...I will think hapy thoughts that not all are lost...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

ilovejesus99, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope the damage is minimal, you've got m ore now there than we have had yet :( I sure hope they bounce back for you!

I'm giving last call on my seeds for today, I hope to get them out either this evening or in the morning :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning. tried to get here, but as soon as I go ton this mornign we had still 4 inche sof rain and high tornadoe liek winds that sent pots and plants flying and next door lost th eplastic all of his new gh he built.

ILoveJesus.. have heart. even though the tops may look ba dnow if yoru able to stil get out there and try and put them in some sort of shelter, yu may be able to save them. The tops may freeze but takes abit fo rthe roots too and a slong a syou have roots, you may get new growth.

It always heartbreakign when you lose the plants ya love and you have ha dit doubley rough with all the storm damage and tryng to work littl ebit by littl ebit by yourself, but cheer up sweetie. You gonan have a box full of new seeds to plant and bring some color and sunshine back into yoru life.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

It is very sad to see our hard work and loved plants perish - however it is a reminder that we do not live in a perfect world. I find weather amazing and helps me put in perspective of how big God is that he can not only control the weather, but he created all these little seeds that will burst forth life. I imagine heaven as a big garden that is perfect - without weeds. :-)

the kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer God's heart in a garden,
than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy F.B. Gurney

With that said - my box is packaged up and on the way to the po right now! Very exciting!! I think I'm as excited about this as the girls are about Christmas. LOL!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I can hardly wait - this seed swap is my Christmas. Poor DH - he'll probably buy me a sweater . . .

I just got off-line from ordering a bunch of new gladiolas - gosh, I love these. That means I will have more baby corms to share in the future (honestly, the glads I currently have make baby corms like nobody's business!)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My box went to the PO today.... the guy said you should have it in a week.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

star, I'm glad the goodies made it to you quickly :-) Did you find the $ envelope in the bottom? I was going to mail partial post, but priority was just a few cents more so I went that route.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone, I'm still moving slow.
I'm so sorry about your tropicals, ilovejesus. I run around frantically covering my plants with old sheets, and blankets when I hear that we are going to have freezing temps. Ours usually aren't for more than a day or so, and they don't go as low. Perhaps it's not too late to mulch? Can Duct tape help repair some of that damage to your hoop house, ilovejesus? Don't give up! For what you can't reach, maybe you can use a long handled reacher to drape something over the part you can't reach?
Here's something I've done when I can't reach. I tie marbles or small rocks into the corner of the material I plan to use to cover the opening, then I tie a piece of clothes line to the corner where I put the rocks. On the other end I tie something with a bit of weight, then toss that end over the structure. Then I use the clotheslines to adjust the covering and position it where needed. When I put the shade cloth over part of the green house I used this method successfully. I did have to have help, but only because of the amount/ heaviness of the shade cloth. Once positioned properly you tie it down to something that will hold it in place.
The spraying of water does work, I've seen farmers do it with their oranges, also they use smudge pots to help warm the trees. I think that if you cover it, mulch it, and we all pray, that your sago's will come back. : )
Seandor, Christmas is not as barren as you may think right now. All of your DG friends are a treasure, and I at least know that if Christmas is something that you feel in your heart, then you are most blessed this year. I was feeling blue about Christmas myself. It's become just another day. We are usually so tired by then, all we want to do is sleep or veg out. This year, I decided that it's about making my DH and kids feel loved. That is the best gift you can ever give anyone. I don't feel as blue since I made that decision, and I hope it helps you. Not meaning to preach, just felt your loneliness across the miles. You aren't alone.
Chele, that was a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it. So true too!
My package will go out today. Must move faster!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Weather gonan get nasty again here in a bit, btu wanted to let all knwo got KLStuart, Lala.. and Artemiss packages all today. Haven't sorte dem out yet guess wanted ot let ya knwo they here incase I gota get off line again quick and can't back on.

Little piggy troughs are filling up fast . it amazign to see what people picked. so many seeds I stil have no idea of what they are or look like.

Gemini.. yep foudn it in the bottom under the seeds. : ) Thanks.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Starlight, you've got Dmail... need you to make a few picks... :-)

BTW, if anybody likes JMG's, Gerris2 has a great offer over in the Marketplace -- 10 varieties for $10. And all the money goes to a worthwhile translation project. I can't get over the colors on these blooms! Worth clicking just to enjoy his photos...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Actually, my Christmas' are never barren - we love Christmas - fruitcakes, and gingerbread houses, and mince tarts, turkey etc. And my DH buys lots of stuff - but buy things for the garden? He just cannot comprehend that gardening is like an extension of my soul. So he buys sweaters 'cause he thinks women love clothes. If you saw my wardrobe you would know that I am not a slave to fashion. hahahaha

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

So have him buy you a sweater with flowers on it. My DH doesn't pick flowers for me, but he does collect sand dollars with me. Keeps complaining, but I keep collecting. LOL!
Sounds like you put on a feast. I wish I could cook like I used to. No worries, my family is used to foraging and what I can't make in advance, I'll get at the bakery or where ever. Just thought that you were having a touch of the holiday lonelies.
You might tell your DH that you'd rather have a nice plant for the house that will make you think of him! : ) A nice tropical plant perhaps? If you don't tell him what you want, he can't get it for you. I tell my DH what I want, but I draw the line at having to wrap it for myself. LOL!
Be Happy! Almost done!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Sad Christmas here too. No one will be here but me. Didn't buy myself anything. But it is ok. I can sleep and watch old movies on TV and eat a pot pie or ramen noodles. lol

I figure the sago will live. It was my plumerias and bromiliads. They were all under snow. I did better than make lemonade with the lemons...I made a snow Angel. I felt like a little girl. :o)

Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sandy, I love your snow angel -- and your indomitable spirit!

Don't forget about watching the mass broadcast from St Peters... that's one of my favorite, peaceful things to do on Christmas Eve.

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