CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap #9

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

critter, I'd love some of those spicy sweet peppers too! Your description of the flavor sold me :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - hope all is well! Thats ok with the achillea - I have pink. I'll bite on the Love in a puff vine. I have two fences that I'm going to grow vines up and it sounds interesting.......ok, I really want to see the little heart on the seeds. LOL! My girls will love it. :-) Oh and a wild tomato too - I grew a cherry tomato and got almost none of them because the girls would run out every morning and harvest them. Maybe I'll throw it along the fence with the vines. hhhhmmmmm......

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Gotcha Lynn :)

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh the pimping is working!
Critter, If you still have some of that fish pepper left, may I request some please?

I had to read alot of posts and I wanted to add a comment/question to the above topic on sending in baggies to star...

I thought I read somewhere that she said it would be a great help to her if we wrote the # of packets that were in each baggie on the paper/card so that she wouldn't have to go into it to count them. Is that right?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

mgr -- i do think that carried over from last years when Suzy [Iloquin] did it. I think she wanted to make sure we got back about the same amount of packages that were sent in.

I have put the number on the index card [i put all the info on a large index card, which happens to fit inside the ziploc]
but the number helped me make sure i had the correct seeds in each persons bag.

so - jmho - i dont think Star needs that ... only if you want the same about back as you sent.
[i know i certainly dont need another 300 packs back]

but -- we can always wait for Star's reply to make sure... that was just my take on it.


Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOL! Doesn't everybody need 300 packs back? ;-)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Jill if you have any of the fish peppers and cherry tomatoes left I would like a few, it doesn't have to be very many either.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL! I see I've started a run on the Fish Peppers and Wild Cherry tomatoes. I'll count up requests and do what I can. :-)

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Jill, 5 seeds of the tomato are enough for me to try. :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Taking a quickie break. Maillady just arrived and got toofewanimals package today and got it sorted out. The piggy piles grow. ho-ho-ho.

The reason for putting how many on the outside of thepackage for that person is cuz thes eboxes get throwed all around, and I had one where one of the baggies wasnt sealed all the way and when i picked it up out slipped the seeds, so had to make sure I had emall back in the package.

As the packages come in will be markign them received next to the names.

Whohoooo. Finally got apackage that had a pack of seeds for me. : ) This piggy must be on a diet this year. Either that or I just oinked in my head. Maybe this year I can find room to put some food in fridge. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL@ "I just oinked in my head"

I did a lot of oinking in my head also, then considered whether I really, truly would have a place for the plant and time/space to start the seeds... and tried to restrain my oinking aloud! Still, I think I've requested over 50 packets... *OINK!* (oh, sorry, was that out loud?)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Critter, I could make do with only 5 or so of the cherry tomato also, if that helps you to "spread the love"!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok, make that putting the recieved on the swap guiline pages instead of the lists. Couldn't figure out why the edit button wouldn't work. Dahhhhhh, give this girl a cookie, done forgot I couldn't edit there cuz critter had started that thread for me. ; )

Gonan start a new thread here too while I here.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i too can do with just a few tomato seeds.

and -- i think i'm at about 43 or 44 seed packs coming to me... I was aiming for only 20.... so i see i went way over that.

Star -- toatlly makes sense about the number on the baggie thing... never thought about that. If any of mine happen to open... on the index card, i have listed what should be in the bag... with the exception of 2 or 3 people... those bags i was just 'stuffin with stuff' [Pull Tab's mostly]

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh, oinky oiny oinity oink, critter, please please, some 'Wild Cherry' tomato, some Love in a Puff (Cardiospermum) and possibly some Black pepper if you have a few seeds of that?
Snort snort oink oink

Say, does anyone have lemon cucumbers or other round yellow ones? My grandmother had them when I was a kid. Loved them.

snorty snort snort oink!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Wish I did. They make great semf gerkins.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Fudge.. forgot again. ... Ok we over here now. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pyro, no worries... you had already oinked for the pepper & tomato seeds before I started pimping them! Everybody else, I think I've got enough seeds to go around but will have to make more labels. As with the Torenia wait-list, it'll be first come first served but I'll do my best. :-)

I know we're moving to a new thread... but had to close this one with a photo of that Helianthus I was talking about (aka NOT Chocolate Daisy)... Second year blooms. It was even bigger and fuller this year -- and a butterfly favorite!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

May I please try some of the Knautia macedonia (deep red-burgundy blooms). It looks interesting.....


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