CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap #9

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a 'tree peony seeds' in the fridge from last year and they still haven't ger minated, Suzy told me to put in in damp soil for so long and keep it on the counter then put it in the fridge for so long and they still haven't germinated anybody have any tips :) It's been in the firdge since 3-8 last year lol Think I'll get anything out of it lol I just tried to get them started to see if I could, guess not lol

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Couldn't get mine to germiante either. Think alot of them peony seeds are sterile.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I guess I can throw it out then, my butter will miss it lol

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Take this:


1. Harvesting : Collect each pod of seeds when the dark color of the maturing seed coats has developed, but preferably before the natural moisture has dried from them. In Missouri, this stage will be reached during mid-July to September, depending on the species involved. Drought will hasten ripening; humid weather will retard it.

2. Cleaning and water soak period : Put the seeds to soak immediately in tap water and wash them clean. I usually allow them to soak for several days, especially if they had become dry, but the water should be changed daily so that it does not become foul. Remove any "mushy" or rotting seeds as their condition becomes evident.

3. Packaging to retain moisture : Any time after the seeds have become fully plump and are no longer taking up water, they should be transferred to a plastic bag containing a small amount of moistened sterile medium, such as horticultural grade vermiculite. Avoid prepared potting mixes that contain added fertilizer nutrients. It may be desirable to disinfect seeds before bagging by dipping them for several minutes in a solution made of one part household bleach in nine parts water.
Tightly close the seed bag to preserve moisture, using a paper-covered wire closure that is durably made so that it will survive repeated openings. Attach a tag on which may be written the identification of the seed lot and inspection notes as germination progresses.

4. Incubation period : Place the bags of moist seeds in a warm area, preferably not less than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Holding the seeds moist at this temperature will permit the necessary internal changes to go forward, yet permit the control of the date at which root development gets underway. If held in the 60's (degrees F.), the internal changes will still go forward but many seeds will initiate root growth at random times, confronting the handler with the necessity of repeated transfers of the rooted seeds to the cold period. Place a thermometer with the seed bags and read it regularly to be sure that the chosen area remains warm enough. I find the garage to be satisfactory during hot weather. Later, when outside temperatures are cooler, I move the bags to a shelf above the hot water heater. Allow the moist seeds to incubate as much as four months if time permits. When seeds fail to root at the next step it is probably due to the insufficient warm incubation.
Every two or three weeks during the incubation period, open the bags and inspect the seeds. Some seeds will be dead and will eventually rot, whereupon they should be promptly removed. If mold appears on the coats of seemingly sound seeds, this may also signal that they are dead. Also, it may be that either the mold or I eventually destroyed their ability to germinate, for I've tried washing them carefully and treating them with Captan, but cannot specifically recall germination from any seeds that had become moldy.

5. Rooting period : Not later than four or five months ahead of the local time for spring planting, move the bagged seeds to a cooler temperature, ranging from 50 to 60 degrees. In Missouri, this should be no later than mid-November. After one week of the lower temperature, some seeds should be found swelled with growth at the hilum (the scar left by separation from the pod) and may have a tiny white root protruding. Some seeds will respond faster than others, and this perhaps is a sign of inherently greater vigor.

6. Repackaging rooted seeds : Leave the rooted seeds in the bag with their slower mates for up to another month. However, when rooted seeds have been inspected and are being repackaged, I prefer to place them so that there is three inches or more of medium under them in the bag so that the root has space to grow straight down. While experience does not show this to be necessary for the plant, it cuts down on root tangling and permits easier separation of the small plants when next handled.

7. Cold period : Most of the seeds which have become ready to root during the foregoing sequence will do so within a month after the first roots have appeared. It is now necessary to give the rooted seedlings a period of temperatures around 40 degrees which will overcome winter dormancy and release the ability to grow the above-ground portion of the plant, just as is necessary for mature peonies. A household electric refrigerator, cave, cold corner of the garage or possibly a covered window well may provide the desired temperature. Again, keep a thermometer with the seedling bags so that you know what the temperature is.
When the winter dormancy has been diminished for a particular seedling, it will signal its readiness by commencing the extension of its plumule or leaf, comparable to the late winter stretching of peony buds underground. A few seedlings will show this readiness within eight weeks after root growth started, in which case colder temperature down to near freezing may be given to hold them back. Others may take much longer, some requiring twelve weeks or more. If planted in warm soil before this readiness has developed, a seedling is likely to fail. While the soil remains cold, however, the reduction of dormancy can go forward and the seedling may eventually develop. Very slow seedlings may sometimes be brought into planthood by leaving them in a refrigerator until the plumule shows, after which they can be brought out and planted to grow.

8. Planting out : Germinated seedlings produced by the foregoing method are properly thought of as transplants. When they are ready to grow they may be transferred to pots, greenhouse flats, cold frame or open ground in a well-lighted area. The soil should be free of grubs or other root-feeding soil insects and the area protected from animals by wire mesh or other guard. Squirrels will dig the seeds and pets may break off the shoots. In the Missouri climate some shading from intense sunlight is necessary to avoid sun-burning of the leaves in late June. A shade made of ordinary fly screen has served well for this purpose.

9. Seeds remaining ungerminated : Seeds that did not root during Step Five, above, may be returned to warm incubation and held for another attempt at rooting in early fall. Unless you are curious to see first hands whether germination takes place, these will be about as well provided for outdoors in a protected site where they are to grow as you can do for them indoors.

Of course, you could also throw them out!

This message was edited Dec 4, 2008 2:56 PM

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Holy book Tuink!!LOL Good info though;)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Lynn someone had wallflowers on their 'wish list',

It was Neal that wanted Siberian Wallflowers.

They are pretty. I had some in a "Mix" and never thought to gather seeds. And now knowing they are Bi-Annuals, not sure if they will be coming back from fallen seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Bitta shun Tuink. : ) Maybe I will try again. I hadn't soaked mine before, so maybe will give that part a try.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

OMG you all have been busy! It took me a while just to scan through the posts! : ) Oh STARLIGHT I beleive I may have wannabe's addy because I offered to send seeds. I need to check d-mail but if you haven't gotten it yet I'll d-mail it to ya. : ) LMK

By the way love the kitty pic! I just got some good ones of my old man Simba. He's at least 10 years old maybe 11? I am having a hard time remembering if I got him in June 97 or 98 my memory is not what it used to be since having babies - I think it's true what I heard of having babies killing brain cells lol.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I sent her a dmail yesterday, and she sent me her addy. So go tthat all taken care of , but thank you!!!!!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh good : ) I didn't mean to shout at ya - I didn't preview before I sent and I wasn't sure when you'd be on soon again. : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Earlier there was discussion of seed storage, and I wanted to add that I've had great luck keeping most seeds in the freezer, double bagged and sealed in zip lock freezer bags. I've done this for years with good results. The only ones I don't store frozen are tropicals, but I've even experimented with a few of those and they've remained viable.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOl. I didn't even notice. : ) I not supposed to be on. Need to concentrate on this research paper, but Dg so much more fun. ; )

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Ok, heres the momma in me...... GET THAT PAPER DONE ...THEN play on the computer .... ^_^ (MY oldest son is in college and I am always on him about procrastinating - his FAVORITE pastime,......)


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

And speaking of priorities.... break is over - back to work for me!



Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>(MY oldest son is in college and I am always on him about procrastinating - his FAVORITE pastime,...)

Oh Genna -- i have one of those too. Waits til the last moment to do anything.
After ragging on him all thru HS and the first year of college, i told him, if you fail, you pay for the class, and you have to retake it. He's done a bit better... but i have my sanity and i dont yell as much.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Starlight, I'll dmail you also, but I had time this morning and was going to the post office to send off some of my Christmas cards ... so ... I got my seeds together, reread your directions on what to do and They are on their way to your house.

At the last minute I shoved in a couple more dollars for you, and I'm glad I did ! With what the post office charged me to send to you, you'll need it to send it back to me, and I wanted to include a few bucks for your extra expenditures. Yikes!

I love the kitty pictures! I could just hug that simba!

I keep my seeds in plastic bags in plastic Nestles Quick containers with dessicant in my basement fridge which is used only for beverages. Seems to work for me. :o)

A couple seeds I've never been able to germinate are hosta and Heuchera. I've tried seeds from trades and from my own garden. Maybe I will try winter sowing them this year.
I'm not into peonies, but a couple years ago, I had 2 come up in my garden! It took them 3 years to bloom, I showed them to friends who were more than happy to take them off of my hands. They turned out to have single cream colored blooms about 2-3 ft tall.

Well, back to finishing the rest of the Christmas Cards.

edited to correct spelling ...

This message was edited Dec 4, 2008 12:56 PM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Too few - I am totally jealous..... I do have my tree up and MOST gifts bought - but none wrapped and haven't even CONSIDERED Christmas cards!! LOL

Oh, I know what you mean about the kids stressing you out. But mine has actually done MUCH BETTER in college than I expected.... He was so bad to forget stuff, unorganized, procrastinator - and he still procrastinates - but nothing like he did!! He learned he can't survive that way! He is majoring in biology and taking some pretty demanding courses so he has to stay up.

But the very best lesson he got came the year before he graduated HS - a friend that had graduated the year before had gone off to college. The boy had done so well on his ACT that his school was fully paid for, and they were actually giving him a small monthly "allowance" or stipend to be a part of a special honors college. At semester, the boy came home after FLUNKING PE. He had all A's in the "real" courses, but hadn't bothered to attend the PE course because he didn't want to get up early for it......and he LOST all of his scholarships and ended up attending a jr college here at home for the rest of the year. THAT really got my son's attention. In fact, there were 3 kids that came home at semester unable to return to college - he was bound and determined he would NOT let that happen to him the next year. Best motivation I could have acquired for him..... ^_^


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I know SHaron is putting us to shame:(

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey gang, sorry not to have been around but my router went out and I just got this blasted thing working again. If you have requested seeds from me on the threads please come back and dmail me. I have not been able to catch up with all the reading. To all of you that did request by dmail I am going to go check on those seeds now.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Kids don't cause you to loose brain cells unless they drive you to drink! LOL! I used to feel the same way, but discovered it was because the lil ones distract you, which causes you to forget. The big ones frustrate you which causes you to forget. By the time you get my age you are just used to it! LOL! : )
For all of us who have kids in college, it is a problem getting them to manage their time properly. Drives me nuts! : )
Tuink I thought you were well organized, but now I am bummed that toofewanimals and gen2026 have gotten so much done with preparing for Christmas. I'm still working on Santa's Sleigh, and cleaning the house again. I have thought about getting a tree, I haven't received any Christmas Cards yet, so I haven't even thought about writing any. I am so far behind! : (
Tuink thanks for the step by step description of how to germinate peonies. I've never had much luck and wrote them off as ungrowable in my area. I'll have to rethink that now.
Starlight & LeBug you keep making me laugh.
I'd better start or I'll never get any thing done!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

But goofing off on the computer is so much more fun than dealing with the mountain of christmas decoration boxes that has taken over my living room.... Can't I just ignore them? ;-)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Simba is adorable. I showed his picture to my old cat (a calico) and threatened her that she could be replaced with a prettier kitty who will not pee on things when she is mad.

About the wallflowers, I do not know what they are. I planted these at my other house about 15 years ago, and they just keep spreading. I dug up some of the little guys and planted them here last spring. The seeds came from the mama's, so they might germinate. The mama's were loaded with pods just bursting all over the place. I went over there to rake leaves (ugh), but got distracted by the sight of ripe seed pods!
I bought a Bowles Mauve, Fragrant Sunshine and a variegated Wallflower this past year, cut off the seed pods (that was before DG, didn't know any better!). They probably won't come true to seed, but I don't care as they are pretty and I am not picky. As long as they give me pretty fragrant flowers I will be happy as a little piggy.
I will go through the want lists and dmail Neal to see if there is any interest in my seeds.

What a tutorial on the peony seeds. You are brilliant Ms. Tuink, as well as organized. You would put Martha Stewart to shame.

Critter, I have been meaning to tell you that I really enjoyed the link to your articles. You, too, have an enormous amount of knowledge, as well as good writing skills! Thank you for taking the time to write your articles.

Everyone here has shared a lot of good info, and I want to thank all of you! And thanks to DG for making this possible.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I still have to get someone to help me get my Christmas Decoration boxes down from storage! AARGH! You are right and it is more fun to goof on the computer. You can ignore anything if you put your mind to it. Get creative, and stack those boxes into a Christmas tree shape! Giggles!
Break time almost over, and me still running around in my p.j.'s! : 0

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I wanted to make labels to put on my seed packets, but I have no clue how to do this. I was trying to open PF and copy/paste the picture and info. Obviously, I failed and I am now I am frustrated ! Any ideas, or am I forced to just handwrite the info?
Thanks in advance.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Lynn, I use address labels from Avery......print them up in MS Word and even add the picture to it. But then again, you'd have to have MS Word.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I dont print labels ... i just print them on paper and shove that lil piece into the lil packet.

BUT - i use the lil craft size zip-locs

i'd think if you are using 'wax paper-like' baggies.. the labels will work better.

Lynn -- do you ever print your Christmas card labels? it's the same way.

this is basically what mine look like... then i snip them down and put them in the baggie.

you can do the same thing for labels.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Tuink for those great instructions on the Peony Tree, someone sent me seeds and I just wanted to see if I coud get them to germinate for me lol I'll check those seeds out a little later I bet they are rotted they've been in the fridge forever since 3-08-08. Now I may be on the look out for more to try just to see if I can get them to going, I love a challange! Even better for me if they germinate :)

Do you have a book you go by Tuink or do you store al of that in your head lol Thank you :)

I've been going thru more seeds yesterday and today, gosh I had no idea I had this many seeds, I'll try and post them tomorrow it will probably be tomorrow before I'm finish, I do seeds a while then I go to my list of requests and make sure I have them all in their envelopes and I have found some that were short and I thought I was doing such a good job this year! I'm adding to some of the ones that were out on my list too after I clean them, I'm having a seedy time! May as well have fun can't go out and play lol

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, don't feel bad because I am ahead ..... December is a ROUGH month for me and so I was bound and determined to have my tree up at the first of NOVEMBER - which I have never even TRIED to do before, but, of course, I didn't make it and it just got up this past weekend. My oldest son's bday is Nov 24, and then of course Thanksgiving is either just before or just after his bday. Then my second son turned 16 yesterday on Dec 3rd and my daughter will be 15 NEXT Wednesday (yes 53 weeks apart) on the 10th. Then my bday is the 20th (not that we celebrate that one of course!) and then you add bday parties, church fellowships, basketball games, usually at least one bb tourney, and end of year at work and I am about ready to snap! So at least this year (other than the cards) I am doing pretty well. Had to clean house for house guests over thanksgiving, have a party scheduled for my 16 yr old this Saturday -(motivation to KEEP it clean) and I think I have all the decorations up that I am going to bother with except maybe some lights on the front porch before the party IF it warms up. I refuse to try to put up lights when it is in the 40s and the wind is blowing!! Of course, my lonely tree doesn't have a SINGLE gift wrapped and under it yet.............. ^_^ I can't let my family think that someone has done a mommy swap or anything!!!


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Geez! Your December sounds like my April, except you've got Christmas on top of it all! I think I'd be committed! (come to think of it, that sounds like a good way to escape April....)

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is TOTALLY crazy every year - and every year I have thought, I will do better next year and not be so stressed, but just like the tree issue, I usually still end up way way behind. I don't like NOT enjoying the holidays and feeliing stressed the whole time so this year I did quite a bit of shopping early and at least had intentions to decorate early....but I did manage to get lots of it up and decorated before Thanksgiving....and for me that was a first. Then I went shopping on Friday after Thanksgiving (another first) for me and came close to finishing.... of course, it may be Christmas Eve before the others are finished!!! ^_^ But I can tell that it is more peaceful than in years past so next year the tree may be scheduled to go up in October.....(wonder if I could put some spider webs or something on it and place a couple of pumkins under it and make it LOOK like a Halloween decoration...)

Oh yeah, and I need to get the "happy fall" decoration off my porch now that all my Christmas stuff is out..... LOL


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lynn, I'd love some of your Wallflower- thanks so much!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

oh gen,
You are too funny! : ) My February's are like that with back to back birthdays and anniversaries. Holidays are stressful, and we end up doing way too much to add to our stress. The house doesn't need to be perfectly clean as long as it's full of love. Gift bags are easier than wrapping paper and can be recycled for next year!
I too intend to use appropriate sized hobby baggies. Indelible ink markers stay on them, so I'll probably write what is inside the baggie, (even if I have first wrapped it in wax paper), and then put the little baggies in a big baggie with the recipient's name on the outside of the big baggie. I'm following the KISS principle. Keeping It Simple Silly. (Because sometimes I get downright forgetful.)
tcs, I've used your method too, the good old cut and paste. It's a good one if your printer can't handle the label pages. Some don't do as good a job, especially some of the older printers. They get "gummed" up.
Good advice 'chele on how to create labels if you haven't had to do them before, and your printer can do the job. I've always used Office Publisher, but needed to know how to use MS Word. Thanks! : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

one reason i dont write on the baggie is so it can be re-used.
I've re-used most of the seed baggie i've received.... though some of the markers will 'scrub' off.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

The wallflowers are yours. They are so pretty, and very forgiving. These were at my house that I have been trying to sell for over a year. They received no water, no love, and how did they repay me? They gave me seeds. What a nice plant.

I have been trying to download OpenOffice all day long. Hopefully it will be successful tonight. I want to print something informative to put with the seeds if I can.

Thanks for advice for the labels. My printer jams all the time, so I am going to try Tcs's method if I get the program downloaded. I might have to go buy Microsoft Office, but not now.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


you have to have another word processor on your computer.
When does your Office trial end?

I'd think that Word Pad would work too.... as long as you can do columns, it will work.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

It's either Indelible ink markers or cut & tape for me.
tcs1366 you are the best! Thanks for helping us computer illerate folks out!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Morning Folks,

This year we decided to escape from the Christmas flurry and take refuge in some other country where we can't be reached!

At least that gives me time to finish all your baggies and pack them up. They go out today. Somewhat later than planned and they may be late. But that's what you get from all this oinking.

As promised, this is a list of all piggies that get seeds from me. Arranged in order of oinkishness! Let's start with the most modest piggy and then build up the suspense!

First of all there are the very modest piggies, who only get 10 packages or less:
Perenniallyme (1 lonely packet)
Bluespiral (3 packets)
LynnWeidman (2 packets)
LeBug (3 packets)
Dryad (4 packets)
Maozamom (4 packets)
Gardengus (4 packets)
Seandor (5 packets)
Wind (5 packets)
Pamsue (5 packets)
KLstuart (8 packets)
Margaran (9 packets)
Gen2026 (9 packets)
Fairy1004 (10 packets)
Gemini_sage (10 packets)

Then there are piggies with a slightly larger appetite:
Critterologist (11 packets)
MamaWK (13 packets)
MyGypsyRose (13 packets)
Meredith79 (14 packets)
Cheles_garden (16 packets)
NBGard (18 packets)
Danita (19 packets)

These piggies almost let themselves go:
Heavinscent (28 packets)
Lala_Jane (38 packets)
Cannagirl (39 packets)
RatherBeDigging (40 packets)

And this ones really did:
Frausnow (45 packets)
IloveJesus99 (50 packets)
Trishann (66 packets)

But, as always, there can only be one winner. This piggy is the oinkiest of them all, so let's all clap our little hoofs and wiggle our curly tails for:


She hit the jackpot and no less than 76 packets are almost on their way to her!

BTW, did you notice what I noticed? Who's missing on this list? It's Starlight! Someone ought to tell her that you NEVER have enough seeds!

I'm off to the post office!

Have a nice day!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>This year we decided to escape from the Christmas flurry and take refuge in some other country where we can't be reached!

Lucky you , Tuink... this is something i hope to do one day.... at least in another state.... somewhere WARM.

it is currently 3°

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Brrrrr...but do you have snow? I do miss snow being down here. Sometimes we get a little, but not much, and it never sticks around. As much as the weather is perfect 3/4 of the year, I'd love a REAL winter! (the grass is always greener... or whiter as the case may be :)

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Somewhere warm, not this year. We'll be going to Iceland!

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