CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap #9

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Oh Cheles, May I have some of your pink Gloria Jean yarrow? Thank you so much!!!

The "garnish" on the sedum plate is a little bit of the plant. I wanted to try to ID it, just haven't had the time yet.

Critter, thanks for the encouragement. Next year I will try to shake their little pea pickin heads into a baggie.
Singing Wolf, we missed you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I wouldn't bother with the baggie thing for the achillea seeds... I think chaff and all is fine (and makes for easier sowing). I just figured you'd like to know that I really could (barely) see their seeds!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

BTW, for all you Japanese Morning Glory afficienados (or wannabes like me), Gerris2 has a great offer going on over in Marketplace that I just found. Profits go to a very useful translation project.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Lynn, I'll put you down. I can see the tiny seeds in the yarrow as well - and she's not kidding....they are tiny! No way I'd be seperating them either - it's either with chaff or none. :-)

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I was just packing up my seeds, and feeling sorry for my poor little Tashkent Marigolds, when I realized they somehow never made my list I posted!!!

If anyone wants any, I have 10 packs of them:

I am waiting another day to send these out anyway, so just dmail me if anyone is interested..

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- those are cute.... Toss me a pack.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, me please! Oink! They are cute as a button... and I'm usually not much of a one for marigolds. I love the foliage! I think I'll plant them with my 'Lemon Gem'. :-)

So... am I missing requests? Am I failing to pimp my seeds? Why do I have so many unclaimed packets? A lot of the one or two packet items are from trades, but most should germinate fine.

The Sea Holly (Eryngium) is newly listed and might be of interest... I winter sowed some last year and figure with luck they'll get big and bloom for me this coming summer.

Well, you've got plenty of time, because I'll probably be right up against the deadline finishing my seed packaging and box packing! :-)

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Can I give some of your homeless Tashkents a new home?

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

They really are cute lil marigolds, so I was surprised that no one wanted any..guess it would have helped to have listed them, lol

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

could I have a few of your Tashkent Marigolds seeds? Hope I am not too late. They are adorable!
Many thanks!

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Got ya down for a pack!


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would check in. So far they have determined that I have had a mild stroke and blood chemistry is off. 3 more tests this week and I am done....I'm a human pincushion!!!lol.
I sure have enjoyed all of you and I will be in the swap next year with lots of seeds. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas....

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Cindy, Merry Christmas to you. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Merry Christmas Cindy.... wishing you the very best.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I have a lot of seeds coming to me that I can share with you when you are feeling better.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Ok, My inner piggy voice has been oinking loudly, and I cannot ignore it anymore. If you have already mailed in your baggies, then just ignore this last (?) request.

Critter, Are any of these still available? Agastache Honey Bee White, Brachyscombe iberidifolia (I cannot ready my writing for the correct spelling) Salvia with bright red blooms and the Black Pearl Pepper?

Starlight, Coleus Mixed Rainbow and Sweet William double mixed?

Fairy, Tidy Tips (oooh, say yes please!!!) and the Dianthus mix

LeBug, Victoria Blue Salvia

Robynznest, Agastache Licorice Mint, Plumbago Blue, any of your red or purple Salvia's, Scabiosa Stellata

Gardengus, Blackberry lily

I am only asking because I am such a piggie. But seriously, if you are out, or want any of these to go somewhere else, then it is ok with me. I have the room to plant a large variety, and since I am new to this, I do not know what I really like and don't like. As if there is a pretty plant that I wouldn't like.

I hate to see any little seed feel unwanted.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Glad that you are keeping us posted, they've made a lot of advances in stroke treatments, and I know you'll be back at the trough next year shouldering us aside better than ever! : )
Be keeping you in my prayers!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lynn, you squeaked in on the Black Pearl Peppers, I think, and I made a note in case I find another pack of 'Honey Bee White'. The others have already been claimed; sorry.

LOL @ "I hate to see any little seed feel unwanted."


Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

chele may I have pink Gloria Jean yarrow?

I would love some Tashkent Marigolds, They are cute.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

ilovejesus2 - I've got you down for the pink yarrow.

Critter - maybe the little piggies are sleeping early tonight? :-) I'll take the Digitalis mix, canna mix and the penstimon smalli. Are the newer listed smalli different than your other ones? I thought I missed out on them but couldn't tell. If they are different, I'll take them both. :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - Do you have any of your Achillea, white heirloom left? 2 with two people listed? I think I've been up too early this morning. :-) Also, please throw in two packs of the mixed Aquilegia vulgare from 2007 & 2008. Thanks!

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I got ya down for the Tashkent Marigolds!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Nice to see ya post Maxine. Yep your packet arrived and posted the day it cam ein the mail , but it a about a page back or so. : )

Atemiss. Me too! Me too! wanna some marigolds if ya have some yet.

Lynn. Got ya. : )

Will probably not be aroudn to much today or tommorrow. Big grunch time for finals this week. Almost done!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Then it play with seed time, big time!!!!!!!!!!! The fun stuff!!!!!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Just a quick skim through the posts.... Critter were you looking for seeds from your "Not Chocolate Daisies" for some one? Somehow after the swap last year I ended up with 3 packs of them. I winter sowed 1/2 of a pack (they did beautifully TYVM) and I think I included the rest as "extras" in my envie to Star.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

gotcha Lynn:)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lala, those "Not Chocolate Daisies" are a couple years old... I sent them out the first year even though I didn't know their ID, just because they are such a wonderful plant. Their actual name is Orange Sunflower or Oxeye (Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra). Mine bloomed their first year from winter sown seed (rare for a perennial) and grew 2-3 feet tall. This summer, they were more like 4-5 feet tall and bloomed absolutely nonstop from June through September.

I've got plenty of fresh seeds of the Helianthus on my list! :-) It's the "real" Chocolate Daisy seeds (Berlandiera lyrata) that proved fairly elusive... papery little things, they ripen and then poof! they're gone.

Chele, I didn't collect much of the white achillea, so I think it's gone. I'll put you on the list in case I find a bit more. Or make a note and get in touch this spring... there are any number of volunteer seedlings out there. Fair warning -- it's quite hardy, which means it's a bit of a thug, but it's pretty! I'm not sure if the Columbine mixes varied much between those two years, but if you're direct sowing and want more seeds, I'll be glad to include both... and this year's mix might have some extra varieties in it (more of my new ones started blooming). The penstemon smallii did get listed twice, but it's just packets from different years, collected from the same plants.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Wind and Star - Good Luck on the Finals!!

Star - loved the picture of the table with the seeds! You look so organized.

tcs - the information on the 'find' was very helpful. Found a couple Oinks that I had missed. :o)
I will use that information in the next years Piggy Swap .... maybe I won't request soooo many seeds!

Cindy - Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian). Sorry to hear you are a 'pin cushion'. Hope all goes well in the next 3 weeks.

cheles_garden - I'm glad you guys talked about the chaff with the tiny yarrow seeds. I've never saved the seeds from my Paprika Yarrow which I just love and would love to share, cause I was never sure if there were seeds, and if people would be upset with just receiving the flower heads. Next year I will save a few.

It's been cold, but I have my stinky paperwhites blooming, so I'm a happy gardener!
Hubby is making me light plenty of fragrant candles to cover the paperwhite (formaldehyde) smell. lol

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, pimping a few seeds this morning, LOL.

If anybody wants the leftover blue balloon flower seeds, they did well for me when I winter sowed them. (The extras are listed because I don't need more than half a dozen plants out there!)

I know I'll find plenty of takers for the 'Fish Pepper' seeds this winter, but I wanted to point out what a pretty plant it is (cream variegated leaves, striped little peppers)... and the flavor is outstanding, both sweet like a red pepper and spicy like a cayenne.

Another fun veggie is 'Wild Cherry' tomato. I let it reseed and ramble around one edge of my lily bed. The currant type tomatoes are tiny but packed with wonderful flavor. It's more of a snacking tomato than a harvesting tomato, as you'd never have the patience to pick enough for sauce. Don't plant it with your other tomatoes if you plan to save seeds from them (it crosses readily), but do put one out in your flower bed!

Love in a Puff (Cardiospermum) is a great vine for mixing with other vines... it's got lovely delicate foliage, and you've got to see the seeds to believe them -- black, with little white "hearts" on them! Winter sows and reseeds, although it's not been invasive for me.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I would like to try your 'Fish Pepper' . Sounds pretty!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Is pretty!


Thumbnail by critterologist
Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Howdy, howdy,

Critter, I would like to try the wild cherry tomato and the fish pepper.

Thanks, Tab

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

That is very nice! Are the peppers variegated too?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Artemis, I don't know how I missed them, but I'd love some of your Tash Kent Marigold, too.

I'm packing up my box today and shipping it.


This message was edited Dec 8, 2008 10:24 AM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok Critter, I said I was done, but sweet and spicy sounds great. Oinking for some "fish pepper" seeds! (and yes, I also said I didn't want veggies...but there's got to be room for one or two extra pepper plants somewhere!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The peppers are striped, darker green and cream/pale green changing to a more subtle red and deeper red. The only veggies I included on my list were ones I thought would be wonderful additions to a mixed border... :-)

I'll edit my list again later... got to get ready to head to the doc's now. DH made me an appointment, and I didn't argue much because I've had no voice since Thursday! LOL It's just a bug, but maybe there's something that needs antibiotics since it's moving down into my chest. Mind you, this same guy who makes me go to the doctor's any time he thinks it might be necessary has to be practically dragged there half dead himself. I'll remind him of my willingness the next time he thinks he shouldn't get seen!

Even if you don't go with a tiny currant variety, I'd encourage everybody to put a cherry tomato plant somewhere in their garden... don't stake or cage it, just let it ramble around... sun-warmed cherry tomatoes are fabulous garden snacks!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>It's the "real" Chocolate Daisy seeds (Berlandiera lyrata)

I may have some of these... Got them from Jan [gram] last year. I think i have one out in the garden.. but not sure what it will do in `09.

if anyone is interested... i can look for the seeds... but later...i have to run errands.

Kitty is taking a bit of my time ... i didnt even get my box completely packed up yet.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>veggie is 'Wild Cherry' tomato.

Jill - -i'd love to try them. so, you let them "ramble" and not stake them up?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)


I'd like to try your Wild Cherry tomato too. The photos of the clusters on the current types are just so pretty!


New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Okay Critter "I'll bite" on some of the wild cherry tomatoes, if you have any left! You're a good salesman!


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