CLOSED: Fall Piggy Swap #9

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


If you have added new stuff to your have list since dec 3, please dmail me and let me know. I have already printed out all the information above to that date, so I can go back and make adjustments to my master lists. Thanks.

Star ... mine is complete. I'm wrapping things up to send in on Monday.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

When ya send your seeds in, please make sure ya let me know how many seed packs ya want back. #5 , even if ya don't have tiem to do number 9. With it being the holidays, know number 9 may be hard. I know some are sending extra seed, but need to know for sure if you want that many different seed packets back too or if they just donated into the pile seeds. Thanks bunches!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

For those late comers still looking, if the person you want to stil ask has sent their seed sin already, don't worry, dmail with the request and who had the seed, if it was included in their box as extras, I cna pul it out and pop it in your box.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I will try to have a list of what is coming back to me... though aside from that, i do not need any extra seeds.

All the extras i am sending to you... to do with what you want... are in a bag that says "Extras". any and all can be donated.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- and the reason i'm sending in early... all the "good stuff" was picked quickly. I really only have more common seeds left.

Here is a link to my "Haves"

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Star, when would you like the seeds to be in by? I've been packing up but still have some more to go and I have a final exam coming...yikes...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm shooting for having mine in the mail the week of the 15-20th -- and there's a lot going on between now & then, so please don't move up the deadline! :-)

I've got a lot of labeling, bagging, and packing into baggies to do yet. I'll be adding a few more seeds from my stash yet also, probably tomorrow (these had to be divided up into labeled trade packets, so I didn't want to add them until I finished bagging them).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

wind -- seeds are due at Star's by the 20th.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm planning on sending mine in on Monday. Lots going on here in the next few weeks, so I thought I'd better get it done before I got distracted. My list hasn't changed in a while anyway, so I'd imagine everyone's had a chance to oink for what they want! Let me know if there's anything I can add to your trough tomorrow :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm running out of bags so I think I will quit lol It's getting slim pickins by now anyway from the seeds I have to offer :) When I get down to the trades and commercial packs you know I'm about out of seeds to offer. Thanks everyone for all those lovelies! It's sure been fun meeting at the trough! Oink Oink!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

OK, exam is on the 19th....I better get moving!!!!!!!!!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

I've added a few things to my list. Dmail me if interested. :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I updated my list to show all the tagged seeds that I am sending and the seeds I requested. I need to go through my seed box and see what I will be sending in loose and post that as well. I should have that up before I go to bed tonight. If anyone sees something isn't on there that they requested please d-mail me and let me know. I had too many different lists going and I might have missed something. Also if I requested something from you and you don't see it there let me know so I can fix that too. Although that isn't as important to me as making sure I send everyone everything they requested. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I gave the lists another going-over last night and found a few more things I'd love to "oink!" for... My apologies if any of these are repeated requests, as I don't mean to double-oink, LOL. I know some folks may already have finished packing, so they should feel free to ignore this. Thanks!

Starlight, do you by chance have any Nicotiana 'Tinkerbell' left?

Chelesgarden, if you have enough, I'd love just a pinch of 'Flamingo Feather Celosia' in case my seeds are too old this year

Robynznest, I'd love to try your Eyeball/Toothache Plant (Spillanthes oleracea) if you have some left.

Frausnow, I can't remember if I've already asked for your burgundy Wheatstraw Celosia, but it sounds so pretty!

SingingWolf, if you have any Strawberry Popcorn left, I think my nieces and nephew would get a total kick out of it (my brother has promised them garden space this year).

Dryad, if that packet of Radish 'Easter Egg' is still available, I'd love it.

I also saw some wish list items that I thought I could help with

Wind, I know you want the basil and the Chocolate Daisy (Berlandiera lyrata)

Gemini_Sage, I think I've got some Linaria, probably mixed... will check

Maragan, did you ever find your must-have Scarlet Runner Bean? I only got a few seeds this year and am not sure of their viability (had to finish ripening inside), but I have a couple of seeds left from last year also, and I can split my seeds with you. LMK!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wind. Make sure ya take care of yoru exam. That important. I put the 20th, but if ya need a few extra days don't panic.

LOL Critter. Don't worry, I not gonna move it up. Think last year we ended up what runnign about a week or late.

I still got oddles to sort and clean, but gotta get my finals finished first too.

Starting in between breaks to lay out seeds to get ready for folks boxes. Looky little piggies. : )

And this just the very first start, soon the troughs wil be overflowing.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I am feeling a bit like santa - making my lists and checking them twice - gonna find out who's a piggy and who's not - lol okay the end didn't really work but I gave it a shot ; )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- someones got a 'gallon' sized already. I have one or two that are pretty well stuffed at "sandwich" sized.

Star ... I've been typing up the "lettter" with all the details... i do NOT have to list all the seeds that are tagged for someone, right? I've only listed what is coming back to me... but even at that... that is not necessary, right? You only wanted a list of all "loose" [extra] baggies that you can give away... right?

oh --This is for everyone ....

since so much of this was done 'fast and furious' i have found a very nifty way of tracking what you may have asked for, but never wrote down ... i pull up the LISTS page
then i pull up the "find box" [Ctrl + F] and i do a search for my user ID. I only used "tcs" because some folks sometimes shorten your userID. Make sure you click the Highlight button ... so you can quickly scroll thru and look for the highlighted name... then you can see what every one has 'promised' you.

I used that feature plus going thru all my Dmails ... so i think i've got all my trades down. Though... I do recall some early trading going on in the Cottage Garden thread a day or so early..... I should go and check that too.

Just getting all my "T"'s crossed and "I"s dotted......

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

That just part of one table. Have three table sset up right now and a fourth ready. Have 35 piles going already.

Nope ya don't have to list what evrybody else got if ya don't have time. Just make sure the baggies or if individuals paackages for somebody that they have their name on it. Liek somebody had alot of single packets for alot of people and they put who it to go to on the outside at the bottom of the packet. was real easy to red and just pass out.

Only thing I really , really need is from extras ya send in how many extras from other folks ya want back. And your wish list and dont wants. The rest I can get through and figure out.

tcs. neat idea. : ) I just learned how to find dmail without having to go back through page after page after page.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

My thought is that we should make this as easy as possbile for Star. I agree with Terese that we should be able to keep track of the tagged packets ourselves. Star has graciously agreed to be our distribution center, but (speaking for myself) she needn't be my book keeper or my personal shopper. Even though Suzy was ultra organized last year I've got to think we can improve on the system and make it easier for the hostess this year.

I've seen a few pictures of outgoing seeds so I'll add mine too. Each person's seeds are wrapped up their own bundle and Star ought to be able to just toss them into that participant's pile and be done with it. Yes? If we've all paid attention she shouldn't need to reference and cross-reference. We should have done that ourselves before we sent them out.

Just my thoughts.

Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

SingingWolf, I would love Strawberry Popcorn you have any left. I can't remember if you offered a whole one or not. LOL I would love one if you have it and a few extra seeds. I would like to keep the whole one like it is. It is very interesting.

Critter...May I have some chocolate daisy?

I bet in the end I am the bigger pig of the bunch..... (:@) hehe

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Only thing I really , really need is from extras ya send in how many extras from other folks ya want back. And your wish list and dont wants.
This will be easy for me. basically nothing. Unless ya got some cool Agastaches laying around.

>>single packets for alot of people

as i showed in the pic above... mine are stapled to an index card with the persons name and what the seed is.

But YES -- keep it simple... for Star.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I think we are on the same wave length Terese.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - saw your request and added some Flamingo Feather's for you. :-) Do you have any Campanula persicafolia left? I would love to try it!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - can I add Torenia fourneri, Wishbone Flower as well? Found a couple great "Ohio" gardening books at the library and one of them showcased Torenia - I have not seen it before. :-)

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Critter , Is the red perellia the type you can eat?
I read somewhere it was eatable but do not know what type. I had some here the last couple years but I think it was the ornamental because the leaves were rather fuzzy.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sandy, I'll see what I can do, but I didn't get many seeds of the Chocolate Daisy this year (they make plenty, but they blow away fast once they're ripe). If it's high on your list, I can probably find a few... :-)

Chele, I think I'm out of the Campanula persicafolia but will note your request in case I find more. I've been doing a running "wait list" for the Torenia, and we'll see how many packets I can put together. Sorry to be so "maybe-ish" on you!

The red perilla is the edible kind, yes, although I'm not fond of it. You will need to deadhead it, as it will self-sow like mad. The green form is considered invasive in many states. I'm pulling up all mine next year,because I'm tired of having it come up like a small forest -- and also, I just recently found out how invasive it can be. I'd say if you're planning to eat it, go ahead and get it, and just make sure you chop it before it flowers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sandy, I'll see what I can do, but I didn't get many seeds of the Chocolate Daisy this year (they make plenty, but they blow away fast once they're ripe). If it's high on your list, I can probably find a few... :-)

Chele, I think I'm out of the Campanula persicafolia but will note your request in case I find more. I've been doing a running "wait list" for the Torenia, and we'll see how many packets I can put together. Sorry to be so "maybe-ish" on you!

The red perilla is the edible kind, yes, although I'm not fond of it. You will need to deadhead it, as it will self-sow like mad. The green form is considered invasive in many states. I'm pulling up all mine next year,because I'm tired of having it come up like a small forest -- and also, I just recently found out how invasive it can be. I'd say if you're planning to eat it, go ahead and get it, and just make sure you chop it before it flowers.

Oh, and it seems to me that somebody asked me for 'Lemon Gem' marigold... but I can't find who it was! ??

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter - nothing to be sorry about! I'll be the happiest little fat oinking piggy when I get my box. :-)

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

In that case I would like to give it a try . I usually do not mind things that go wild as long as I can eat them . If they are not to my liking I just let the goats have at it.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

HELP!!! I am so embarrassed.
I have been trying and trying to find the seeds in my yarrows and the sedums. I downloaded a picture of the seeds, and I just cannot see the little buggers. I don't want to send only the chaff to anyone.
Yellow yarrow
Red Velvet Yarrow
Walter Funcke Yarrow
Autumn Joy Sedum
Thanks everyone!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Starlight, did you receive the pack of seeds that I sent to you last week?


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn, everyone just sends chaf and all from the yarrow but they are like rudbeckia seeds, I wouldn't worry about them, send chaf and all and from what I have tried to collect on the sedums I gave up lol So I would send chaf and all from them too lol I never have gotten clean yarrow seeds in trade only in commercial packs.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

How in the world do companies get "clean" seeds in packets? Obviously some are easy.....but others - wow!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I've always wondered that too, I sure would like to know their secret! lol I imagine a lot of little elves going thru those seeds lol

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

You just made my day! I was feeling like such a failure over this. Those darn seeds.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

My little girls have asked to help before - they do have little fingers however they tend to be sticky. LOL!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Lynn, I knew I had received trades that included chaff before so you made me go look. I found a trade of yarrow "Goria Jean" with chaff - I have enough to share with 4 little piggies!! LMK - I'll add them to my list!

Edited to correct spelling....

This message was edited Dec 7, 2008 6:41 PM

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I found you!
It's been busy this weekend at the Tree farm. Now I'm going to get some seeds ready for sending out. All the comments are making me feel much better about what I'm able to do about the labeling and packaging. The photos are a huge help too! : )
toofewanimals, you have a great basement area! I love the way you took advantage of the space, and the opportunity to do something for yourself. I'll like to see your sort of tile paint job on the floor too!
Finals are tough, wind. Hang in there girl, pace yourself! My ES is going through the wringer on those too, plus he has to work the farm. He is growing up. : )
I'll be getting my swaps out to the post office this week. Nice to know I'm on time for this one.
Don't forget to Dmail me with any requests. Will go through this evening and catch everything up and post the changes on my list. If you haven't received a dmail from me confirming your request. Then I haven't gotten it.
Thanks for making this a fun break from my usual drudgery!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn is that a garnish on that plate at the bottom on the right lol Just teasing lol That's a lotta seeds :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I actually found the seeds in my yarrow this year... I just wanted to collect a few, as I generally get plenty of volunteer plants of my white one to share, so I shook the seed heads (still on the plant) into a baggie. I spotted the tiniest, roughly circular seeds... thin and papery, with a small hard dark speck in the center. There's still chaff with mine... the packet looks all but empty, LOL, and you'll probably have to cut it open to get the seeds out (sorry).

I just updated my list... added 3 dozen additional packets, including some restocking. The new ones are listed at the top of my post.

Please post on this thread... I tend to lose track of Dmail requests. Thanks!

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