Some thoughts and prayers for Java please

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hart - hugs and lots & lots of cuddles to the patient from all of us - Becky & the kids ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know Java is getting loads of TLC and the best possible care! I'm glad the procedure is behind her, and I'll hope for good news from pathology. Pamper yourself... playing critter-nurse takes more out of you than you realize sometimes.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sweet too!!! Goodness...makes my belly/chest hurt...poor thing...thank you, Jesus for pain meds!!! Very glad to hear she has an appetite already!! You both should rest...naps are a good thing. What a good mom you are, Diane...such a blessing to that sweet girl!!!
Hugs and prayers!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm hoping for all good news!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, everyone. She's had a good day. She seems to be enjoying her spot on the big ottoman. She's looking a lot more bright eyed this evening, even moreso than this afternoon. She's still eating and drinking little bits at a time. I gave her a piece of turkey a while ago and she gobbled that down.

Critter, I hope I get a good night's sleep tonight. Two nights with not enough sleep just turns me into a zombie. I'll be giving her the pain medicine in a few hours and she'll probably sleep through the rest of the night after that. Then I can conk out.

Chantell, I hope I didn't make the incisions sound worse than they are. Most are pretty small where he cut out one or two lumps. The bigger ones are down near her legs. It's just that there are oodles of them and I'm sure it pulls on the ones near her legs when she walks. Thank heavens he didn't have to do the mammary strip, which would have meant two incisions along the entire length of her belly not to mention much deeper surgery than most of the lumps involved.

Hugs back at you, Bec and kids. And lots of kisses from Java.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have to laugh whenever anybody mentions "gobbling" turkey.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm sure hart is sound asleep by now. Java too.
happy to hear the good news. and hoping for more.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I was. LOL I went upstairs and crashed in the bed after Marshall got up early this morning.

She got up and walked around a bit and went outside to pee a couple of times last night. After she pooped, she was seeping some blood. Doesn't look like it bled a lot but I'm going to call the doctor about it this afternoon. The stitches and staples all look like they're in place and she continues to be good about not licking or pulling at them.

When I came downstairs a while ago, she had gotten up and was laying under my desk here in the den. Not crazy about her laying on the dirty floor. She's sleeping now but I'll get her up in a few minutes and see if I can coax her out of there. I'll put a blanket down so if she goes back she'll be laying on something cleaner and warmer than the floor.

LOL on the gobbling, Critter. She sure does like the leftover turkey. It has to be good for her too with the anemia, it's high in iron.

She just woke up. Going to see if I can get her off the floor.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

So glad to hear she continues to do well...cutie pie that she is!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

That's encouraging news!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Well, I found out what happened yesterday. When I was upstairs asleep, Marshall left Java and Jello alone together while he went out to feed the rabbits. I'm sure Jello was bugging Java and that's why she went and hid, probably why she was seeping a little blood too. She may have pulled at something trying to get away from Jello. Jello has been really good about not bothering her but she's such a rascal, I'm sure the minute she was alone with her she just had to go visit with Java.

I'd like to fuss at Marshall about it but he's feeling pretty bad about doing something so dumb. No sense in both of us beating up on him, he does such a good job of beating up on himself.

I finally coaxed her out from under the desk yesterday. She wasn't seeping any more and she had a little dinner, went out for a pee and I got her comfortably ensconced back on the sofa. She slept a good bit after and was definitely feeling better after she woke. She's all stretched out on the sofa today, queen of the living room and looks like she's feeling pretty perky. She was trying to lick at her tummy a while ago but stopped when I told her not to lick. She's so good.

Looks like the swelling has gone down a lot around the incisions. She's walking better too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good girl! I'm glad she's doing better. *HUGS* to you & Marshall!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes big hugs all around!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's been a rough few days around here. First, we had to take Java back to the doctor on Saturday because she was seeping so much serum. They put a pressure bandage on her.

Today, her back legs and feet were very swollen. I called earlier today and planned to take her to the doctor tomorrow if it wasn't better. Later this afternoon, I saw that some of her stitches had opened. I couldn't see it very well because she doesn't want to stand up or roll over to let us get a good look but I could see enough to see raw edges that were open. We rushed her back to the doctor. They think the pressure from all that fluid buildup made the stitches pop. They cleaned it up and stitched her up again. They also installed a couple of drains so the fluid can drain.

This was one of the big incisions, it was gaping open. She's doing fine now, a bit sleepy from having had the anesthetic again. We have to take her back on Friday to have the drains removed and in the meantime make sure she moves around as little as possible.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, *big hugs* to all of you! I'm glad you're keeping such a close and loving eye on her. Sounds like the drains should help her heal properly now.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, Critter. I hope so.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Hart, How nerve wracking for you all. Hopefully all will be well soon.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG Diane - goosebumps scary. Sooo glad you're as observant as you are...goodness!! Is she on an antibiotic still?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, she's still on an antibiotic and a 12-hour pain medicine at night that also helps with inflammation. Try to keep her as still as possible, which isn't hard because she hasn't shown much inclination to get up and walk around other than to get up to pee once a day. She doesn't even get down to eat - I bring her food and water to her.

I asked if there was anything I could give her during the day to make her more comfortable. He said give her Benedryl. It will help sedate her a little.

One thing I really like about this doctor is he does everything he can to lessen their pain. His presurgery form used to have an option for pain management, in other words a shot of pain medicine for after the anesthetic, and I saw this time it had been removed. The tech told me that was because some people were choosing not to check that box in order to save money. It was just a few dollars. Now it's not an option because he doesn't want to see the animals suffer unnecessary pain. Good for him.

Chantell, I'm so glad I couldn't see it very well, only enough to see something was pulled loose. I freaked out enough at that, I think I would have passed out if I'd seen how badly it was gaping open.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Your vets an angel - God bless him! I'm with you Diane...if I'd have seen full sight of something like that...well it wouldn't have been good...I cant' even imagine.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm glad I'm not the only wimp around here. LOL

There's a letter on the vet's wall from a lady who had been told by another vet her dog would have to lose his leg. She's reporting how well the dog is doing, with all four legs intact, after being cared for by this vet. We're lucky to have found such a good vet.

Gee willikers Jello is driving me nuts today. She has been so good but getting the short end of the attention stick and having to be calm and quiet around Java is starting to get to her I think. Anybody want to borrow a frisky pit bull for a while? LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ummm actually I was considering lending you a teenager named Makwa!! Michelle's been gone since Friday (stuck up your way, Diane...well kinda your way) and the surrogate mother (aka ME) is weary between him and the 19 month old DGD who also feels deprived of attention with the new baby in the house. I didn't realized Makwa felt the need to be either ON or firmly against your body to sleep....UGGHHHH! Any who if Jello needs someone to play with...I can arrange a drop off...LOL Just what you need eh????

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Too bad we're so spread out. Aunt Addy would love to hostess for a day. Tiring the little ones out is Guar-An-Teed.
Sure hope Java heals fast.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Dear Chantell, Diane is currently hiding under the sofa and is unable to take advantage of your generous offer. LOL

That's so funny about Makwa and sleeping. Java likes to sleep glued to my back on cold nights, my feet if it's not so cold. She doesn't mind at all if you plop on top of her but the only time she gets on me is if there isn't room between the two of us to fit up next to my back. Then she does the best she can by laying on my side. Does wonders for my bad back to have 55 lbs of pit bull on me.

Don't be so sure Aunt Addy wouldn't be the one worn out, Sally. Jello is a maniac when it comes to play.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ROTFLOL - did I mention the little boy wonder can jump vertically at least the height of my face (note: he is not THAT tall to be doing that)?!?! He even wears Baby out (DD's rottie)...and believe me THAT'S saying something.

Dear Grandma Diane - you're hiding under that couch aren't ya??? Don't you know you can run but you can't hide??? Not only can I leap short people in a single bound but I can get under the tiniest of spaces. Did anyone mention me destroying my metal crate?? Thank God an Aunt was home to rescue me since MY head was lodged!!!!

NOTE: Makwa now has a PLASTIC crate (was Wolfie's back in the day)...hopefully he won't EAT that.

Crozet, VA

Oh my gosh - I have missed all of you wonderful people so much. I have been side tracked for many months now and haven't checked out Mid Atlantic Gardening for ages it seems. I just read this thread about Java and want to send my best wishes for a full recovery of this fantastic friend of Diane's. Poor Java is being a real trooper it sounds like though.

Diane, I especially love the earlier photos of Java and the white kitty, whose name I forget and am afraid to scroll back and see for fear of losing this post to cyber space. I think the kitty is Gus?

Anyway, as I read each name as you posted here over the last month, I got so excited to just see your names and to think of you all. I feel as though I have been on a wilderness journey and am headed home now by seeing all of you who a few years ago were so very kind, caring and loving towards me as I was going through some bad times. The kinship comes not only from a love of gardening, but also from everyone's obvious love for our pets.

So good to be back and to see so many of you still here and posting. I realize that I was the prodigal daughter and that you all have been here strengthening your ties while I have been astray. So good to be back. What a wonderful thread I chose to read first after clicking on Mid Atl. Gdns.

Again, wonderful to see you Diane and all good wishes for Java.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Diane -- Ouch! Poor baby with all those splitting stitches. I'm sending lots of healing thoughts your way.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

How's our pup doing this morning? And how is her bestest friend Diane?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Java's trying to get Diane out from under the couch still...LOL
Seriously's that sweet girl doing, Diane?

!!(((Ruby)))!!! Where ya been???? Good to see you!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

She's doing MUCH better today. The swelling in her legs has gone down a lot, they look pretty normal. She's walking better and you can tell just looking at her face she's feeling better.

Thank heavens the doctor told me about giving her the Benedryl, otherwise I think I'd be having trouble today keeping her from wanting to roam around. I've been sleeping on the couch until Marshall gets up - he gets up at about 4 am every day - and then going upstairs to get some real sleep for a while. She wanted so badly to go upstairs with me this morning, poor baby. I finally got her to settle back down on her ottoman. That ottoman has been a lifesaver, btw. It's very large - 4 feet long - so it's been a perfect bed to keep her off the cold floor and in a spot where no one (I'm looking at you Jello) can bother her.

I just called the vet's office to set up the appointment for Friday and they were so glad to hear she's doing so much better.

Chantell, I can't believe Makwa ate a metal crate!! Maybe you could rent him out to one of those places that mash up old cars. LOL I've found I can put Vicks Vaporub on anything and it will keep them from chewing. Works better than the sprays.

And he's a jumping bean too! In my pit bull book there's a line that cracks me up is something along the lines of one of the problems with pit bulls is they get stuck in the trees they climb. Thank goodness none of mine have been prone to climb trees or to leap short people in a single bound.

Ruby, it's so good to hear from you! How are you doing. Yes, the cat is Gus and he and Java have been madly in love with each other from the first day we brought her home.

I'm doing fine. I slept in a little this morning and that helped a lot. I'm so relieved Java is feeling better. I've been fretting about her so much.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm happy to hear such an encouraging report!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh up so you can heal up!!!

Crozet, VA

Great news Hart. Glad that she seems to be doing so much better. She has really been through a lot the last month or so.

I had so much fun reading on MAG this morning. I didn't open some of the threads that had a lot of responses and am saving them until I have some time on my hands. ha-ha Spare time at this time of the year? Not gonna happen. Oh well, I really enjoyed recalling each of you and plan to stick around this time.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart- great news!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy - LOL ^_^

Diane - how's she doin' today?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hope both you and Java (and Jello!) were able to sleep in a bit again this morning. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

She's kind of grouchy. She keeps wanting to lick but she does stop when I tell her. I think she's crabby because she hasn't been able to go out to pee like she wants too because it's been pouring all day. We were in a drought the summer she was born and she was 7 months old before she ever saw rain. As a consequence, she acts like rain is going to make her melt and will only go out when really desperate.

Some sleep, not a lot for me. Thanks to the Benedryl and the pain medicine, she's sleeping a good bit. I woke up early this morning on the sofa and she had gotten off the ottoman and was curled up next to me on the sofa. She wanted some cuddles, poor baby.

I found some photos I took of her and Jello when Jello was a baby.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Another one

Thumbnail by hart
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sweet baby....just look at that face!! I'd forgotten how gorgeous her coloring was - that warm open brindle...know where Makwa got that, for sure. Diane, hoping you get enough rest...can't have you getting sick....hugs!!!!

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