Some thoughts and prayers for Java please

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We found another lump on Java last week and she's going in for surgery again tomorrow. It's been 17 months since her first cancer surgery. This one actually turned out to be two lumps on her mammary gland. She's been doing very well up until this came up again.

Here she is in happier days.

Thumbnail by hart
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Hart! She's a trooper; here's hoping she pulls through with flying colors.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I hope Java pulls through the surgery. My thoughts & prayers are with you both.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I hope Java comes through with flying colors. I hate it when pets get sick you feel so helpless.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Good luck tomorrow, Hart.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, everybody. I'm kind of a mess about this whole thing today.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart, how long will the surgery take and how long will Java have to stay at the vets?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

An update - no surgery today. Last night, SO found one more lump on her. This morning, I found oodles of lumps all up and down her belly, one even up on her chest a bit.

After they got her sedated, the vet started feeling the new lumps and long story short, he thinks they are some kind of infection. He said tumors wouldn't pop up that many that fast. He opened one to be sure. So, they sent her home with antibiotics to clear up the infection and to make those new lumps are all just an infection. The surgery will be done either next Tuesday or the Tuesday after. Otherwise, they would have to do what he called a "mammary strip" - remove all of the mammary glands all along both sides of her underside. He doesn't want to do that unless it's absolutely necessary.

The original tumors do have to be removed. He said he doesn't like the feel of those at all.

Happy, I guess how long it will take will depend on what exactly they have to do. Usually they don't keep her overnight but we pick her up late in the day after the anesthetic has worn off.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So maybe this is good news? My fingers are crossed that the antibiotic will take care of most of those darned lumps.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Happy, I was just devastated when I found all those lumps this morning. I was sure it had to be some kind of mega-virulent cancer because I know they weren't there last night.

I think this is good news. Won't know for sure until we see what happens with the antibiotic to make sure there aren't more bad lumps. Worst case scenario would be he has to do the mammary strip. He said the main issue with that is it's a more painful recovery for the animal because they have two very long incisions along the length of their belly.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Sending best wishes, your way, Hart. Healing thoughts to Java!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Keeping fingers crossed that all goes well. Dogs have an inner sense, they know when we are trying to help them.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks everyone. I hope the antibiotics do the trick. She got a pretty good spoiling today after we left the vet's office - two McDonalds ice cream cones and a cheesburger then lots of snuggles and ear scratching after we got home.

BTW, this vet has the most gorgeous, huge, bright eyed Maine Coon cats you've ever seen. One of them was at the office today. He just about covered the entire top of the counter where the receptionist sits, a nice high spot that apparently fits with his view of his role in the universe - ie King of. He's almost as big as Java.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

BTW, this vet has the most gorgeous, huge, bright eyed

Whew! For a minute I thought Hart had a crush on the vet. LOL

Maine Coon's are beautiful, I had one that had some Maine Coon in him, named him Skipper, cause he use to skip across the back of the couch when he was a kitten. Actually it was a full out high speed run!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, I hope Java is doing well on the medication. Any updates?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Just found this, and hoping to hear good news too.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOL Chris. If he keeps making my babies better, maybe I should have a crush on him.

My big kitty Gus is either Maine Coon or has a lot in him. I'm attaching a photo of him with Java when Java was a little puppy. Gus is a really big cat but the vet's cats make him look like a kitten.

No real updates. I felt around last night and I can't tell if the new lumps are fewer or smaller. Guess I can't expect the medicine to work that fast. I guess we'll know by Tuesday whether it's worked enough to go ahead with the surgery or we have to wait until the next week.

Thumbnail by hart
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

What a cute picture, wonder if you can submit it for the Caption of the week on DG?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hart, I am nearly back in the swing of things since coming back - and am now reading threads again - hugs and more hugs to you and Java!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you & Java.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.

I think this picture is even cuter, Chris. I call it "gimme a kiss." It was love at first sight for Java and Gus and they still adore each other. Except now it's Gus who comes up to get his face washed by Java.

Thumbnail by hart
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

What a Hoot! Keep us posted on Java, meds take time to work. Keeping fingers crossed.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just saw this, Diane...goodness that pup gives you a run for the money, doesn't she...sweet baby girl - first eating electronics now this. Sending prayers both of your way!!! Hugs!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart: That photo is wonderful! With Gus pulling for her, what else could Java need?! Any sign that the lumps have diminished?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just saw this tonight, and I'm adding my prayers in the hope that the antibiotics take care of every one of those lumps!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Any updates, my friend?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The lumps are definitely better but there are still some there. I called this morning and he's going to keep her on the antibiotic for another week. The surgery is now set for next Tuesday - a week from tomorrow. I'm glad it's been put off another week. The forecast is calling for possible snow and ice tonight and our country road usually isn't cleared that early in the morning.

Jello is the one who eats electronics, Chantell. LOL Java is thank goodness well past her chewing stage.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh Diane...sorry about that....ugh....course I've been known to call one of the kids by the dog's name as well.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No problem. Two dogs, both names start with J and both are named for food items. LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls the kids by the dog names and the dogs by the kids' names.

My mom gave us all names that start with D and she was constantly calling one of us by the other's name.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hope you and Java will enjoy thanksgiving without having to be on surgery recovery, I bet I know a pup who's getting extra turkey this year.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

How did you guess? LOL She wolfed down two McDonalds ice cream cones and a cheeseburger after we had that long wait at the vet's Thursday. She was pretty hungry after not being allowed any food the night before because of the surgery.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Bless her heart for being so patient...Amber would've been through the drive through window, I'm sure...LOL How's she doing today, Diane?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Any time she's going to haver surgery, they give her a tranquilizer when she first gets there because she's so scared. Poor Java, every time she goes they're either operating or sticking needles in her. Anyway, she was pretty good about waiting although she kept whining and going to the door of the exam room they had us in.

Eventually she conked out. I was sitting on the floor and she laid her head on my legs and went to sleep. She was just woozy, she woke up every time anyone came in the room.

She's doing fine. Still lots of lumps but I think they're getting smaller every day, except for the bad one the vet says he's sure isn't simply an infection.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ah, sorry to hear there's still a "bad one," Hart... hoping for good news from the pathology report!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, he told us that from the first. We know at least one of those lumps doesn't look good, maybe two.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*crossing fingers* and saying a prayer that our sweet Java will be OK!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks so much, everyone. An update - Java had her surgery yesterday and is doing fine but very sore and still a little dopey from pain medicine today.

While some of the new lumps disappeared after she was put on the antibiotic, new ones were popping up in other spots. He didn't have to do the mammary strip, thank goodness, but she was in surgery for about 2.5 hours because there were so many lumps that had to be removed. He's sending both the new ones and the one he really suspects is cancer off for biopsies.

We had a rough night the night before. Java wasn't feeling well and we were both up almost all night. When I told him her symptoms, he did some more blood work. She's a bit anemic and her platelets are a little low too. He tested her for a couple of tick borne diseases that can cause this but both of those came up negative. He said whatever was causing the lumps could have caused the blood problems too but he wanted to be on the safe side.

She's really sore because she has incisions all up and down her belly and chest, a lot of them down by her back legs so she's limping a little because of that. In addition to the pain medicine they gave her, they sent some home with me and had me give her a double dose last night once the anesthetics finally wore off. She's a lot more alert than she was yesterday evening but still sleeping a lot thanks to that medicine. At least she doesn't have that glazed eyed, flying high look she does from the anesthetic. LOL

She is drinking a lot of water, eating a little bit but not much appetite yet. I recall from her earlier surgery she didn't eat much the first couple of days so I'm not alarmed about that.

I'm pretty tired. Only a couple of hours of sleep Monday night and I slept on the couch with Java last night so she wouldn't be upset about not being upstairs and to keep an eye on her. I'm a little reluctant to carry her since she has so many staples and stitches on her belly and is so sore.

I think that's about it. I sure do appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts from you all. Every little bit helps. :>)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, I know that she's in good hands with you and should recover quite well.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Java & your family have been through quite an ordeal! The surgery is now behind Java and all her energy & focus should be on her complete recovery. I know the pain meds will keep her comfortable, but sleeping downstairs with her was very thoughtful and considerate of you. Yes, carrying her upstairs with a recent incision is not a good idea. Keep her as still as possible. She'll walk around when she feels better. Also, her appetite will return in a couple of days. No one feels like eating after surgery due to the anesthetics. Drinking water is okay in small quantities. You might offer her a couple of ice cubes in a bowl to lick. My Vet suggested ice cubes because they help to control the nausea that too much water may cause. Using ice chips works too. Does Java have to wear an Elizabethean collar? The collar prevents the dog from licking & pulling out the stitches/staples. It's just so pathetic to see dogs wearing this collar because their peripheral vision is diminished and they are bumping into walls constantly. I know that she is receiving the very best care and my thoughts & prayers are with your family & Java.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks for the tips, Shirley. I'll crush her some ice.

She has only gotten up once - to go out and pee this morning. She's sleeping now on a large ottoman that I've pushed off to the side of the room so she's not disturbed when anyone walks through the room. It's too cold to leave her on the floor.

I was surprised, she woke up from her latest nap a little while ago and ate a little more. The last time she didn't have much interest in food until a couple of days later. She looked a lot more bright eyed too. I've just been putting the food and water in bowls and bringing them to her so she can relax and not have to get up and down.

So far she hasn't shown any interest in licking or picking at her incisions, thank goodness. I have an Elizabethan collar but the vet said see if we can do without it. She was utterly miserable when we used it after the first surgery.

I'll stay downstairs with her until she can comfortably be carried or make it up the stairs on her own. I want to be close by in case she has any pain or other problems anyway. Thank goodness we have a new sofa with reclining. It was pretty comfortable to sleep on. I put down a bunch of nice soft throws and blankets because she was still seeping a little last night - that's seeping not sleeping - and it would be warm and comfortable for her.

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