CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap #4

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

We came from here:

There are still a couple of regular spots open in the swap, so please post if you're interested in joining us at the "trough." A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread.

Swap guidelines can be found on this post:

Here's the thread for posting/editing seed lists:

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Welcome LynnWeidman to the group. Just jumpin and have some fun.

When you get a chance put your have list on the seed have list thread. Don't worry about how much or little you have. It all good. : )

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, made it here!

Selling really seems to work...hmmm.

So, for the Celosia Chief Red I have down Mamawk, Gemini Sage and Toofewanimals. One more left ;)

Singingwolf, I've got you down for the Yellow morning glory.

Now, anyone want some Texas Star Hibiscus? Big, tall, and beautiful hardy hibiscus :) (to 6a) Perfect for the back of anything!

Wee...wee wee wee wee!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've been surprised no one has asked for these Blue Grass Pea:

Blue is usually in demand. Oh, and these continue blooming in the heat of summer, unlike regular sweet peas.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm debating. I have a bunch of clematis seed that I collected from Nelly Moser, and a purple one that looks like Jackmanii (still trying to id). After collecting I read about it, and it looks like they don't come true from seed, so I haven't bagged or listed them. (or even tested for viability I'm afraid)

If anyone's up for a mystery clematis, I'd be happy to send them along! I'll begin a test now to see if they're at least viable...

Also have Sweet Autumn clematis seeds, which do come true, that I haven't tested.

This message was edited Nov 16, 2008 9:36 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Careful with that Sweet Autumn Clematis... mine is turning out to be a thug, and I think it can be invasive in some areas if you don't deadhead. I'm going to start pruning mine to 6 inches before spring growth starts and see if that helps keep it in bounds. :-)

Starlight, thanks for the new thread! I just closed #3.

Gemini, I've got a few blue grass pea left from last year that plan to sow this year... figured they'd still do OK, and that's why I haven't hit you up from more... it's a delightful little flower, and I definitely want it in my garden! :-)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I've had the Sweet Autumn Clematis for years now. Planted it somewhere dumb (by mailbox), then moved it to a fence. Did my best to kill the thing, but it didn't work. Thug… maybe? Tough… definitely!

It's beautiful, and smells fantastic, but it needs the right place to grow. I've never had trouble with it self seeding, at least! I keep wanting to cut it back, but some bunnies have moved in under it, so I feel bad... maybe later :) Anyone with a big fence or trellis to cover...

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I agree with Gemini, blue grass pea is HOT! And edible as well.....

I'm sorry Gemini, but I've already got bunches of them!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm here!!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Fairy -- you have not posted a seeds LIST over in the LIST Tread.

so -- we don't know what goodies ya got.

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Danita- may I have some of your sweet basil?


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I will, I plan on getting my list ready today:)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Tuink said "I agree with Gemini, blue grass pea is HOT! And edible as well..."

Gemini - I'm hooked please send me some.. anything hot, beautiful and EDIBLE - I love. I'm always picking flowers to add to our food - so much fun and my girls love it. I'm just learning about edibles though - fairly new concept for me but not afraid to try new things.

Didn't think to put that on my "want" list - any edible flower. I've got ton's of nasturtiums and my tastebuds are ready to explore new flavors.

All that to say - Gemini, please put some blue grass pea in my trough! Oink

im pretty behind on reading the threads but ill post an updated list soon . i
am so busy with stuff outside while the weather is nice..mowing, raking, moving firewood. it rains alot here this time of the year and during nice days it is a frenzy trying to get things done.
id love some sweet autumn clematis if anyone has some. i need to cover a 50 foot fence in part shade..i cant garden with the neighbor dogs barking their heads off..and theres three of them there. thanks

pam sue

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

RatherBdigging - got you down for some Salvia viridas as well. It seems my marble arch rose is becoming a hot commodity. You all are Salvia lovers.....surprise!

Since it's a BIG want, I harvested some more seeds and just need to clean them. There will be plenty for everyone and I can offer 5-6 more so don't be shy to ask. This little beauty has bloomed her heart out - all summer and still going into the snow flurries we got yesterday. Once everything died around it and fall brown colors came out....her pink colors glow in comparison. I will keep it in my garden - required no attention from me.

Here is what she looks like

Anyone have the blue or purple salvia viridis - she would love a companion! Oink oink

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Pamsue, I'm putting the Sweet Autumn Clematis in your trough! If you want, remind me in the spring and I can send you a volunteer plant I've got growing still by the mailbox too! Apparently I didn't get all the roots, and 2 years later it's popped back up there.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, you convinced me too, gotta try S.viridis- love that! Got your blue peas in your baggie. This was my first year growing blue grass pea, and I otherwise know little about them. But I did see this in Plantfiles about them: "Danger:Seed is poisonous if ingested"

Could be misinformation in Plantfiles or confusion of species, but best err on the side of caution, and get plenty of info before eating. I was scarred by a story told in an Herbs class about an elderly couple who were learning about herbs and identifying them. They took a walk and found what they thought was Comfrey, and made tea from it. It was actually Digitalis, and while one was able to call 911, both died before the ambulance arrived. I can't attest to the accuracy of the account, although it did come from a professor I trust, but it left a lasting impression.

klstuart...many thanks !

for all of you i have posted a few more seeds to update my list..i will try to update every day or two with new seeds

i will work on the promised and requested seeds list later after i read all the threads. i prefer you to dmail me with requests as it is getting too hard to follow the threads..its obvious i am behind :((

pam sue

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Gemini - I completely understand and always research before tasting! :-) Adding you to my list! your Savia viridis a mix? Can you add some to my list? Please. I only have the rose. Wagging that pink tail at you! hee hee!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Tuink, if you have enough, I'd love to try the mix of S.viridis too. I've been eying these plants in catalogs for years, just hadn't seen them grown here.

Chele, I think if they do well for you, they should be happy here too :-)

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi, I just added feverfew (2007) seeds, I do have '08 seeds outside but with the rain we've had the past few days, I haven't harvested any yet. The '07 seeds should be fine though. I also added a few peaches 'n dream hollyhock :)

Feverfew naturalizes beautifully and makes great cuttings for arrangements

Thumbnail by wind
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Wind - I'd love to try peaches n dream hollyhock! Almost bought them recently, but managed to hold myself back (not sure why?) !

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

About the blue grass pea, it's the pods (when young) and the seeds (when dried) that are edible. Don't know about the flowers, though.

Chele and Gemini, Salvia viridis is yours!

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Wind_ I'd like to try some of that feverfew...


Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

So Tuink, are they like snow peas, since gemini said they were sweet peas?

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Wind, may I have a Peaches n Dream Hollyhock please?
cheles-garden, your Salvia viridas is beautiful. Do you have more? I have a Black & Blue and a Hot Lips Salvia, but stupid me, I do not know where to find their seeds. I have taken cuttings, but I am clueless about their seeds. They are still blooming.
gemini-sage, is there a Blue grass pea still available?
Kistuart, May I please have some of the Celosia Chief Red?

This is my very first seed trade! This is fun....oinky oinky!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

You got it Lynn! I had listed that that is the last one, but I can add as many as needed really. Have tons of them outside just waiting to be shaken into a little baggie :) Been very slack about cleaning up this fall... with good results!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have not put these on my "Haves" list as I don't have a lot.

I went thru what folks are looking for , and 3 peeps are looking for hollyhocks
Robyn, Heavinscent and Frausnow ... any of you interested??

I have 3 packets of Pink Single, seeds harvested this Fall
and i have a few packets of "mix" seeds, that i received in trade last year and never used them.

I did just get an envie of Double Whites - i just have to find them... but the envie can be divided.

lemme know,


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Artemiss and Chele, I got your dmails for feverfew :)

LynnW., I have you down for Peaches 'n Dream!

TCS, I would love to try just a few seeds of the double whites if you can find them :)

Photo of a red okra bloom; I love okra so much it gets planted outside our veggie garden, in a flower bed in front of our porch. I have seeds if anyone wants to try it . It looks really nice with burgundy amaranth, which I also have :)))

Thumbnail by wind
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Kistuart, Thank you! You are my very first trade! Those Red Chiefs will always be special. Not to sound greedy, but do you still have any of the Castle Yellow Celsosia and the Coneflower Magnus left? I don't want the Chiefs to be lonely.

Frausnow, May I please have some Lanceleaf Coreopsis Ianceolata Yellow, Jumbo Stargazer (I have wanted that one for a LONG time), Blanket flower, and yellow Scabiosa? Actually, I will take anything on your list that you have left that no one else wants.

tcs 1366, I am in love with Hollyhocks. I have a white hollyhock, but it would be happier with companions.

This little piggy is happy to stay home.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Lynn - I've got both, I'll put you down!

Wind - did you get my request for Peaches n' dream? Looks like I forgot to dmail, and only posted! Oops!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Lynn, On the Black and Blue, when the black "cone" that holds the blue flower part starts to dry out on the plant. Just before it gets completely brown and falls off. You'll feel the 2 or 3 seeds in the bottom of the "cone" if you squeeze it. You can't pick it too early, but you have to get it before it falls off. So you check them every day. Peel open the cone, and they'll come out. They are brown and maybe 2mm long with rounded ends. I'm guessing the other Salvia might work the same way. If you do get Hot Lips, Can I please request some? They were on my wish list :-) Andrea

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

wind, I'd love some of your feverfew. Mine has doubled blooms, and I really like the simple daisy form. Some Red Okra seed would be great too- nice, authentic Cottage garden plant.

Lynn, you now have your name on a baggie with blue pea seeds :-)

This message was edited Nov 16, 2008 2:30 PM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

If anyone knows anything about prepping japanese anemone seeds or butterfly weed, please see my question on cottage garden sister forum. Esp. if anyone thinks they might want to oink about them later!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

LynnWeidman - I'll put you down for the Salvia viridis!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

klstuart, sorry I must have missed your peaches 'n dream post...I've got it now though :)

Gemini, sure on the feverfew :)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the advice. I am going outside right now to check on Hot Lips and Black & Blue. Will be right back.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

wind, I did a silly thing and edited above to ask for red okra too. I bet that is really dramatic in the garden.

Who was looking for Hollyhocks? I've got a mix of rose, pink, and peach singles, as well as a couple of packs of the black singles.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neal -- when i went thru the Want's list, these 3 had it listed as 'wants'
Robynsnest, Heavinscent and Frausnow

but it does look like others would like HH's too.

wind -- i did just find the Whites.

I have 4 packets of single Pinks [its the image in my Trade thing for Hollyhocks]
Peach, Mix, Yellow - can't recall if these were single or double -- i just got then i trade.
But i'm growing them with the Blacks next year.

Lynn -- i could spare you a few Charters Double Red [that would look FAB with the whites]
and how about some Mix? or Peach more your thing?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Got 'em set aside for ya. See your Dmail.


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