Parte Tres: Breathe deep and tell us what smells wonderful..

Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

Yes I would say the Sweet Olive would bloom in a 1 may be just a small amount of blooms but it probably would bloom....when I got that small cutting, it even boomed the year I got it....mind you it was only like 3 little blooms but it was enough for me to fall in love with the scent.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Happy birthday to me (yesterday.) I got a sneak peek of her on Friday night, even before the bloom opened. And, as I guessed, my birthday present opened up the very day of my birthday. This is an incredibly fragrant Tabernaemontana, and it may have just surpassed Brunfelsia americana as my favorite fragrant plant. It is fragrant day and night and is, well, ahem.......don't quite know how to say......"releases endorfins." Quite a sensation. First plant ever that sort of "burned" a pathway in my brain. I sometimes smell it out of the blue when it isn't there- in the air and on my clothes. I LOVE this plant!!!!

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday F4F and's wonderful to find a fragrant plant that implants a memory.....I'm still searching for a "scent" I smelled once as a child. Do you know which Tabernaemontana the one you have picture is? I have one that I got off ebay, the leaves look the same, so finger's crossed that I get a lovely/fragrant flower like yours oneday. Also how tall is your plant?

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 5:51 PM

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Thank you for your wishes! It WAS a happy birthday (I love my boys!!!!!)

My best guess would be T. ventricosa. I know it was originally propagated in Hawaii. It started to flower as a very small plant, and that species perhaps has a well published seed pod. Mine is now about 1.5' tall and unfortunately chlorotic with chili thrips. I'll fix that, though- just like I did for my Solandra which is STILL flowering.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 7:50 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Realized earlier that I'd missed your bday and posted a bday thread for you !!!!
Tabernaemontana ventricosa eh? Hmmm, need to look that up. I have 2 others...but haven't experienced and blooms as yet.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Now...share please...where does one find a Tabernaemontana ventricosa - just spend 30 min's online...nadda

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY F4F!!! I'm glad you got a very fragrant present! : )
You have to tell us about this flower, I'm clueless like Chantell and probably as curious as her!

Thumbnail by robcorreia
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Happy late B'day, I'm jealous of your present!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

K, Chantell, fess up, where did you get your Osmanthus fragrans "Fudingzhu"?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Vi...mine's not the "Fudingzhu" - I'm not sure what variety mine is...there's actually 2 in that pot that I got from 2 wonderful DG buddies

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Ummm, and I have a new buddy to teach me to propogate better, look out springtime!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Would their name be Joe or Mike by chance??? ^_^

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Nope, a new fella not from here named Frank--gee I like my men friends, lol.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) that's not fair...bring him on board..."some" of us (read: ME!!!) are so propogationally challenged (hmmm....I think I made that word up) sad, I know.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b) gotta get the "Propagation" book by the American Hort. Society....ANYONE (even me, lol!) can propagate with that book in hand!

Okay, what do y'all feed your repeat bloomers to get them to keep on blooming? Mine just aren't happy? Is it because I have to use plant lights in the winter months? I don't have a good place for indoor plants so have them on a plant stand with plant lights.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...someone step up and correct me if I'm wrong (yeah, like you need encouragement...LOL - hugs)...but don't even the repeat bloomers need a rest period - or no? I don't fertilize a lot during the winter months when they're inside...course this is the first year with a lot of tropicals brought in. Previous years it was Plumies and EE's that I let go semi dormant. I have many tropicals indoors now. Guess that's a good question...should we still be fertilizing - if so with what? I did the Dynamite general time release granulars beginning of fall. If I think about it I add fish emulsion when I water...not everyone in the house appreciates that though...not sure why...ROTFLOL. I've heard good things about the alfalfa tea and also sea kelp (I think) - would either of those be appropriate this time of year inside???? Great question, Susan...makes me wonder if I've been neglecting mine...yikes!!!

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 2:17 PM

Some of my potted jasmines have leaves with thin? spots ... I thought they might be lacking something? I went over to Logee's to check on plant care, and a lot of the info talks about some blooming in the winter? This got me to thinking maybe I'm not a good Mommy?

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Short answer on fertilizing overwintered tropicals- Chantell your instincts are right. The Dynamite is a good "inorganic" plus micronutrients, and as such is "faster" access (albiet time released) than organic fertilizers. Some of the teas, emulsions and extracts, etc. tend to be weak in comparison to the inorganic stuff. In other words (depending on the product) you would use something like Daniel's on a more frequent basis because it doesn't have the kick that "some" inorganic fertilizers do during growth period, but during winterization a bit here and there usually won't hurt.

Anyway, as I believe the discussion was about extending successive bloom periods of tropicals in my experience there is usually one thing that does that- living in the tropics(sorry.) I think blooming is more phototropic and temperature related than anything. I.E., when I was in Gainesville, my NBJ only bloomed twice a year. At that time, coming "back" as a teenager from up north (where most things bloom once a year), I was surprised that such a plant would bloom twice a year. That's when I was studying Botany and first learned of how photoperiods trigger blooming in general. In Orlando (depending on the year), NBJ would bloom 4 times or so a year. My first year in THIS zone- my NBJ bloomed in January. I was stunned.

Back to the Tabernaemontana. It smelled spicy like Brunflesia, but not totally clove-esque. Balanced with a bit of sweet heavy a little like a Gardenia, but not excessively "heady." Thick and carried by humid air, but not necessary to smell it. You could stick your nose in it day or night and smell it, or often in the air as well. Today the bloom dropped, but there is a swelling in the ovary that is not there in the other previously spent calyx.......let's all hope for seeds! Another reason I couldn't wait to get this plant away from work and to my house- I support habitat for pollinators!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

"one thing that does that- living in the tropics" *sniffle, sniffle* Guess I'll just be thankful for my spring/summer include my lilacs that I love ^_^ as well as the fall foliage and yes even the snow...I'm odd what can I say? I love the crisp "smell" of autumn and winter....whaaa whooo!!! I'll just live through the plants that are blooming a bit here and there (orange jasmine and Sweet Olive) and that Hoya I was referring to...mean while just keep talking plants w/me till spring arrives. F4F thanks, as always, for the plant help...glad I didn't end up doing something wrong...I learn as I go what works what doesn't and of course you all, my DG family, supply me with more plant smarts then I could've gathered in a lifetime going "solo." And because you know i have no shame - keep me in mind should you root any of your Tabernaemontana. I'm sure that I can work on some of the Hoya for you. ^_^

Thanks for the info. :) I can't help but be just a wee bit jealous of that gorgeous bloom and all your other lovelies, though. LOL

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

You guys reminded me of much I miss "home." I LOVE the change of seasons up north, and the smells that are associated with it. Heck, I love the smell of being in the country when I go home, and we aren't talking about flowers......

Chantell, one of my sweetest pictures of my son is of sniffing lilacs at 2 years old on a Mother's Day trip home. His Oma taught him what a "sniffy flower" was. To this day if I mention sniffy flower he automatically comes right up to stick his nose in it.

Oh yes, and my mom calls me every first snow of the year. Now, if only I could get here down here to put up my lights for me..........

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

f4f, happy belated b/day. I need to study the tabernaemontana you are all raving about. Never heard of it before, or maybe I do know it by its common name, dunno.

I still have brugs blooming and I am noticing buds on sweet olive. Oh, and a couple of roses. Pizzazz and Sweet Chariot, both minis.

And my 2 cents about NBJ, at first mine would not bloom. Over time it seems to be blooming more. I'm up to twice. Maybe I'll catch up to you, fauna. I have found nothing to increase blooming on any plant, except sun. Oh, and perhaps bloom booster for my annuals but I try not to overdo that. Except for chocolate, puppies and shoes, too much of anything can't be good.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL, Nery...would be plants, puppies and chocolate for me....Mmm-mm!
F4F - "sniffy flower" - how sweet is that? Chloe thinks anything that resembles anything Memee (that would be me) has - is made for sniffing...sadly to include the silk flowers at Michael's craft store...LOL

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Memee, how could I forget plants???? I stand corrected: chocolate, puppies, shoes AND plants, lol

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

If it serves to make you guys feel good about being in a cold climate....I've never smelled a lilac! They don't grow in warm places...

My brugs are totally having a flush too! And the gardenias....they refuse to notice it's winter!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I can't wait for the brug scents this summer...I got a late start on that particular addiction...but you just wait this year!!!
Roberta - you still saving me a piece of yours that smells like an exotic perfume???? So subtle, aren't I???

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hey Chantell! Gosh so sorry, you went away on that trip and then I totally forgot! oops! I'm going to send you a healthy rooted brug on Monday ok? I gotta tell you...this is THE MOST fragrant of all Brugs I've ever smelled, you''l love it! : )

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Goodness, Roberta - please, please don't apologize ~ after all YOU'RE the one being so gracious and sharing with me. I'm sorry for bugging you about it...just couldn't get your description out of my know I hears something like that and it "haunts" me till I have it in my hands.
Hugs, my friend!!!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

lol, hugs!

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