Parte Tres: Breathe deep and tell us what smells wonderful..

Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

I found mine at the BX on Base here, I don't think they knew what they were so they had them in gallon pots all marked down to $4 each....The lady at checkout looked at me strange because I felt like I'd won lotto!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

$4!?!?!? Wowzers!!! Ours at Lowes re generally in the teens...but I think they're 3 gal size

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Random picture.

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Bad jasmine. Bad. Not too fragrant....but why are you so pretty?

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Which jasmine is that F4F?

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

It is Jasminum pubescens.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Bought my 1st Orchic the other day. I love the fragrance and wold love direction to sites for great orchid info. Heres a pic

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

Delicious.....I love Cattelya's BirdieBlue.....good choice. Enjoy! Sorry I can't suggest any sites on looking after them, I'm pretty hopeless at Orchids....hopefully someone will chime in with some good info.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

The pink Cattelya is in my little bathroom with the blooming Hoyas.
My nose goes from 1 scent to another and back again trying to decide which is best......mmmmmm!!
Now, I Know there must be orchids and Hoyas in Heaven!
Nite scent buddies ;-)

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Since I recently got some orchids too I asked someone on another forum about caring for them:

Scroll down to Jnana's reponse on orchids and enjoy her pictures!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I want to try orchids but I'm still too new at gardening for that...if they weren't so expensive I woulnd't mind maybe loosing a couple! I'll check the link you guys leave your orchids outdoor?

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Outside- yes.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

OMG, I'm drooling over her collage...gorgeous.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Check HD and Lowes - I see orchids clearanced on a regular basis...don't feel bad I've never owned one...they scare me!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Now that Birdie's question is answered, check out my newest ginger--still waiting on a verdict if it's Daniel Weeks, Pink V or some other--but MY what a beautiful scent! Unlike the Butterfly Ginger, this one is intoxicatingly jasmine-like--wow!

Thumbnail by violabird
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I know what you mean about the fragrance Vi, it's delicious! Here is mine. I have no idea about id either...

Thumbnail by robcorreia
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Doesn't it make you mad that our info in PlantFiles is so bad? Did you ask on ginger forum also? I've gotten so many plants thru the GA-RU's over the years that I have no clue as to who gave me which! (Please remember that I was the sole coordinator of those for 3-4 years--my brains are really scrambled!)

Kannapolis, NC

No, no, no. No orchids! Roses, daylilies, hydrangeas and dahlias are enough :-) No orchids. Yours are quite lovely and quite enough for me to experience secondhand! My madness has to end somewhere.

That ginger (whatever it is) is stunning. I have a cultivar from a friend, NOID. The fragrance is heavenly.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I got an answer for my ginger on the ginger forum, it's Pink V!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

A little more of my Ginger bed, alas, 'Disney' (the orange) has no scent, but White Butterfly and others are making up for it.

Thumbnail by violabird
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

And finally a shot of my M. Skinneria (Banana Shrub) it's been raining finally but did manage to have about 6 more blooms this fall. And I finally remembered the other scent it reminds me of in the mornings--Juicyfruit Gum!

Thumbnail by violabird
Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Hello Robbie and Viola. What beautiful gingers. I especially visually like that mass planting, Viola.

So, I've been making night blooming arrangements again. Can't help myself......

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

My stepson was home last weekend and it was a delight. I got to show him these brugs which were in their glory. He smelled one the beauties and I could tell from his expression that he was hooked. I have no doubt that when he has his own home he will have a brug, just like his ole stepmom used to have.

To make things even better, there was a NBJ nearby also in bloom, which he also smelled. All of a sudden, plant-obsessed stepmom didn't seem as crazy after all with these beauties.

I love pairing plants. In this instance, I have a noid pink and a noid white planted together. Now that they're blooming, it looks like one plant w/ two color blooms. I love that look!

This message was edited Oct 15, 2008 6:31 PM

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

another view

Thumbnail by vossner
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Nery, what a delightfull combo you've got there! Is the pink brug the same one you sent me cuttings from?
I also have brugs and NBJ close to each other. Nbj USED to be my favorite fragrance....until I met Brugs! Now I think it's unfair to the Nbj to be so close to my versi-peach, the poor thing, hehehe....
I can just picture your stepson's face when he smelled that brug for the first time, I think I must make that face every time I smell mine, lol!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

howdy rob, yes, that's the one. some people have speculated that it is a frosty pink or frosty pink wannabe, whatever that means, lol. The white has the velvety leaves and it is supposed to be double, but I don't see double blooms. it is beautiful though.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Awesome! I told you it's got a bud, right? I'm SO excited! The bloom will be the size of the plant, lol!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Agree with ya'll.....I'm in utter heaven with the brugs....I have two with blooms currently....ahhhh the scent tonight when i came home...and approached the house....then a few more steps and the blooming tuberoses hit is good!!!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Forget the brugs, I love your barn! JK ;

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Double Tuberose...ahhhhhh

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Miami Rose - God love her...still doin' her thang

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Xena....faint but pleasant

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

CG - now THIS is what I'm talking about - the scent....VERY nice!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

What a really lovely tuberose picture. I am stunned. What is CG? Your Zena "looks" like my pink noid, but my pink is very fragrant.....funny how Brugs vary that way.

Well, here is my very first Moonflower.

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

charles grimaldi brug

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Vossner. Are you into the Brug addiction, too? After getting into Brugs just this year.....finally, I have a 'named bloom.' My very first named Brug- Ludger's Summer Song.

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't cha just love those beauties?!?!? Someone on the Brug forum (I think) brought up a good point...I wasn't checking Xena's scent in the evening...that's when they're most fragrant. Our temps are nose diving much too quick for me?? Going to have to give mine trims (so sad esp when in bloom) and bring them in this week. I have a micro climate in my front...between the brick front and my TH facing south it stays warmer out there then what the weather report calls for.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

F4F, not totally addicted, not like w/ roses, but definitely enthusiastic about them. What is so great about brugs is that they can get pretty tall and have provided much needed height in my landscape. Add to that incredible blooms and frag, and wow. And though I have bought a couple (seedsprout), the rest of my brugs are gifts from garden friends so for me it is a personal kinda plant. So easy to share w/o hurting the plant.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I've been growing brugs for at least 7 years and have tried at least 52 varieties-now down to about 30. Ludger came to our plant swap years ago and has done some very nice crosses--me, I stick to the fragrant tried and true ones--less heartache that way! I put up a website devoted to them and their care years ago when I was helping the UofGa Garden sell them, I had given them many different ones to grow.

Chantell, I can't believe you didn't know about their night fragrance!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

when I first started considering this plant, I went to the "what is your fave brug" threads. I checked it out and that has been sort of my guideline to getting plants. Figured I couldn't go wrong with the tried-and-trues.

yeah, C, re: evening frag. where have you been?

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