Parte Tres: Breathe deep and tell us what smells wonderful..

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ummm....INside apparently...ROTFLOL!!!! I vow to do a sniffer test on her when I get home tonight...ok? Until then...(OT) lets take a moment to OOOooo and AAaahhhh over my favorite blossom...even when she smells less then fresh...LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

What an adorable little girl Chantell..............I'll add my Ooooo's and Aahhhhh's LOL.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh thank you!!! Since we're discussing Brugs - I came across this one on ebay with a pretty lily like shape. Does anyone know anything about it?? I posted the question over in the Brug forum but thought just in case ya'll knew any thing. Might put that one on my wish list for spring purchasing....

This message was edited Oct 20, 2008 3:05 PM

Thumbnail by Chantell
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh my, what a cute, curley headed, long lashed blossom! What's her name?

That brug, Star Dancer is mine, hoping for a good debut on ebay to get her started. You may ask whatever you like, lol. She just might be available for trade a little later.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

wow, me like too.

The lashes on that child! has she had lash extensions done???????

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Yeah, she's a cutie pie- with curls prettier than my son's! Makes you wonder if there was something good to the betrothal system......... ;-)

Wow, that is your Brug, Viola? OK, for a cutting of that I would buy a one gallon night blooming jasmine and stick it in a box to you.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh F4F I've seen that cutie of yours...little heartbreaker - sweet thing!! How's his plant collection fairing, btw???
Vi!!! You oughta be proud of that gorgeous brug!!! When I was searching ebay and I came upon her ... I thought OMG I've never seen a bloom that looked like that. Figured my fellow DGers might know and LOOK who it ended up belonging to - you!!! How funny is that??!! You done good!!!
Nery - LOL "extensions"...sad isn't it?!? We're entering her in the Gap contest so if she makes the finals I'm gonna be calling on ya'll to cast your daily votes...I have no pride, what can I say????

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

My big confession

Sorry to have kept her from y'all, just trying very hard to survive these days, ya know? I'd been away from DG for too long and this is this particular forum has been a life-saver for me, pretty pathetic huh? This is much better therapy than what counseling does for me--they can't find me a job nor feed me, lol.

Talk about no pride?

Chantell, tell us more about that contest, I need a life!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey therapist encourages my plant and photography hobby!! The psychiatrist I've worked for - for almost 10 years encourages our patient's hobbies as well. Much to be said if you're still interested in your hobbies. It's when patients cease to be interested that we worry.

Okay, here's a pic of some of mine. :)

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Another view ...

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Okay, now why am I showing you those when they have no blooms you ask? Because come spring they're going to be gorgeous! :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Of COURSE they are!!! Esp with such a good plant mommy!!!

Ok now regarding 'Xena' - I sniffed her at night...and still barely any scent. Don't have time for those not fragrant...very, very sad...maybe my nose is broken again...who knows!!!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Susan, what gingers are you growing?

Chantell, I used to be the 'nose' of brugs, lol, my first words were always "How does it smell?" I have tried over 51 varieties and have lost or given away almost as many. I think that we (on this forum) also care how our plant performs and let's face it--sometimes our noses overrule our purse! Most doubles, for instance may give 4 blooms to a flush, 1 turn out right and the rest look hideous--then you're lucky to get a 2nd flush--JMHO here & JMH experience. My advice is to always wait a while on the new brugs, they're cheaper and you get a better feel of how they may do in your zone.

If anyone wants to know about some of the golden oldies, JLMK.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Please share....please, please, please!!!! Golden oldies are fine...I so don't need the latest and greatest...I want the ones that will live and fill my nose with their perfume....

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

I just sniffed my first Audrey Hepburn last night. Just a plain single white bloom, very simple, and smelled very nice.

Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

LOL.....I'll admit, I've never sniffed a brug before, sigh. I bought some cuttings off ebay this year to try but they are just so small still, I guess it will be another year before I'll get to experience their scent.

Please, Please Violabird, do tell of the golden oldies, since I'm starting out, I'd love to skip the disappointments and go straight to the "WOW" ones.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Oh just to stand between the sweet olive & the butterfly ginger when both are in bloom. Heaven!!

Thumbnail by jomoncon
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OOOoooo can't wait for BOTH of those....ahhhhh.....
Samantha - you have mail

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Jo-Ann, is that Murraya paniculata to the left of the ginger? I also like your bird of paradise sticking into the picture and that bench looks so comfy! may still have blooms this year. I think the cool weather makes them flush for us. I just started collecting named Brugs this year, too, and you may know that each variety blooms at it's own height when it forms the "Y." The ones I least expected bloomed first, and my first big monster (triple peach) is very HUGE and still not blooming.

I have what I believe to be 3 Hedychium Coronarium?

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Here's a pic of 2 of my Hardy Ginger Lily Hedychium 'Daniel Weeks'  

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Kannapolis, NC

IO1: My ginger lilies don't get nearly that big and I have them in a sheltered spot. Maybe they need a larger brick wall. They get just above the little retaining wall that's about three feet high before they start blooming. Hmmm.

Mine are actually planted in huge urns sitting to the side of my porch, so I get a sniff of that gorgeous fragrance when they are blooming. I got them on sale at Lowes a couple years back. I'm planning to set them out in the spring. :) They die back in the winter but come back every spring and get tall like that with the most fragrant of blooms. grin

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow Susan, where did you get your rain? My did not get as tall this year but at least they bloomed--mine are out in the open with late afternoon shade.

I'm jealous of your Daniel Weeks--I may not get to see mine this year--frost warning tomorrow and Monday nites :(

Hedychium Coronarium= White Butterfly Ginger I believe.

Thanks for the correction ... don't know where I got that from. :) As for rain, not much of that here I'm afraid. That's the result of lots of watering. My Daniels are new, so I've not seen them in bloom yet. That will be a real treat!

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I found an Agastache that smells like licorice recently. Agastache rupestris (Licorice Mint / Sunset Hyssop). Interesting orange/lavender flowers too.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

OH...That pic of the Tuberose,sure brought back fragrant memories. to me, that has to run in the top lest of the ones I've smelled. I don't know if they are hardy for me, maybe the cost has hindered me. I don't really know why I dont have any.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sheri - here's the link to my post on the tuberoses I purchased back in May: Excellent price (1/2 price when I purchased them) - and I had many blooms the very first season...last couple are blooming now.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Chantell- I just checked and they do not have them listed in this catalogue. strange, huh??

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Maybe they're not available until spring. I'd pop them off an email and ask. Tell them you heard great things about them on DG and might be interested come spring in purchasing some.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Where have you been Sheri? I was getting worried about you.

And where is Roberta?

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I'll tell you what smells good--my house! I have Maya blooming in one room and Star Dancer in the other--for some reason she is scenting day and nite--maybe she's confused?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I brought in my NBJ and let me just tell you...between it and my CG main level smells's incredible.

Oh my ... that must be wonderful! Mine is in the yard. I've covered her good with an entire bail of straw and a sheet tent to protect her from our light freeze. I went down to check on her today, and only the outer branches that weren't quite covered look a little burned. I think she's okay! :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh, glad to hear that!!! I'm really hoping mine does ok indoors for the winter. She's easily 7 ft tall now and those blooms last I know why everyone raved about her's amazing...simply amazing. Well worth the patience of trying again and again...hard to believe she arrived to me as 2 baby plants in 2 two inch cups. This is the monster now!! Excuse the mess and dead hanging plant behind it...LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi guys!!! I'm in Brazil on holidays! I haven't been able to login lately. I'm going nuts over the plants here! I went with my son to the botanical gardens the other day and took lots of pictures, but the internet here is so slow I can't post too much. This plant here was INCREDIBLY fragrant....I don't know what it is!

Miss y'all!

Thumbnail by robcorreia
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Lucky you Rob, enjoy your vacation and know that you're missed here.

Chantel, you did good getting Charles G, same scent as Dr. Seuss, but the good Dr is so prone to beasties!

I am so glad I left my favorite brugs out--looks like I get to enjoy them for another week or so. Star Dancer is blooming again and Cypress Gardens has another load of buds as does Dr Seuss. Sadly I had drug Maya into my LR and she dropped most of her buds when I moved her back outside. Grrrrrr!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Vi sorry about Cypress G losing her buds...that would make ME sad!!! Now that you mention it I believe it was Seuss' leaves that looked like they'd been eaten up when the others either weren't touched at all or just "lightly" munched on.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Maya lost her buds. But tis ok, she gave me at least 5 good flushes this year. This is the first year that Cypress Gardens has really bowled me over with her load of blooms--I think she prefers being in a pot.

Yep, Dr Seuss is a bug magnet but I hate to part with him-may try some Bayer systemic on him next year. Charles Grimaldi was not growing well till I dug him up and put him into a pot of composted goat manure. He is usally stronger scented than DS and very hard to distinguish until you look at the foilage!

I must learn how to keep my garden soil well ammended with the brugs in the ground. I think my thick red clay soil is the problem. Think I will go buy some worms next year!

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