She's about to... #22

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Morning everyone! Thank you sweet Wolfie, but I have a yard full of all colors of 4'Oclocks, I have moved them from home to home, they were my Grandmammy's. The tubers are probably 5 lbs. each, LOL! I am like Deb though, always looking for some varigated ones...

Sweet Iris, I am so happy you joined our family! I knew you would fit right in~ My husband is a truck driver and we suffer financially because he refuses to take "over the road" jobs and be gone for weeks at a time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. When we were younger he did once, but like you, we were arguing alot at the time and it wasn't so hard. Now I don't know how I could stand it.

Sandra I'm gonna send you a pair of roller skates to keep up with Amiyah, WHEEEEEEEEEE! hahaha! Little tooter is running you ragged.....Hey, what is she going to be for Halloween and trick or treat? Great pictures ahead, I just know it!!!

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

sandra dont get me started on toddlers . thats why im drinking my second cup of coffee i have a 3 y and a 15 mo . and the 8 yr old is in school .

karen , my brother was a truck driver over the road . he gives my dh grief reminding him of all the things he misses . todd, my dh , says ok well ill go ahead and quit and we can sell our stuff and move in with you .. lol actually we broke it down and he spends the same amt of time with us if not more as he would working a 14 hr day .which he would have to do if he dosnt want me to work(im a hairstylist. currently a sahm ) . at least hes not dragging his you know what home tired every night . so it works for us . i think it keeps us together and happy .

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

mornin Hotties and Handsomes..
even though it is starting to sound like some of our "hotties" are fixing to turn into"Coldies" sheesh... I even turned on the heat just a lil to break the chill this am. well you girls that have Dh's working away from home.. I feel for you.. I have worked side by side with my DH for the 17 yrs we have been married... 24/7.. sometimes that does get old.. let me tell

Ty wolfie.. but for reasons of my poor soil.. 4 o'clocks don't like me!

Iris.. we also have a home in Petersburg,TN. I know where you are. Used to have a friend there that raised hogs. See.. that is what we did in TN.

Sandra.. sooo the ol bones are having trouble keeping up..huh??? now you know why I admire you!!

James.. wow that's a nice plumie.. such big leaves.. maybe I better feed mine more!!.. are you tired yet?? or still "so excited.. that you just can't hide it"...LOL

weese.. yes the "other" Becky is a sweetheart and always wanting to enable us dgers... I have a few small brugs that are doing that. I repotted them yesterday, they were getting root bound.. maybe that will help??

Clemie.. you better be lurking

Lu.. that sounds soo relaxing.. mmnn eggs on a chimenia..

aww anjl.. you are still a newlywed... it'll rub off after sometimes you want them to

cat.. I got a DD cutting in the spring, but it seems to be more of a slow grower than some others I started the same time.. is that true of DD??
Kim.. is that a MG pic?? pretty what ever it is!!
Deb.. won't be long now...yay!!
Peg.. no.. I think she'll bloom before the RU.. we still have 2 1/2 weeks!!
Karen.. we have a lil over a week.. and Linda Kay?? where are you??

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Well i edited this morning to add a plant to one of the hotties name.. ;- )

I went back through to # 20 before it kicked me off....LOL

And here's a few more hotties who have not picked their 1 flower yet..

Doe 41-Audrey....Where are you??
Don't know where Billie is either...

If there's more tell me please....

This message was edited Oct 2, 2008 10:11 AM

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

hee hee

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Posy That iris is beautiful it has to be a rebloomer though??
And that sounds sooo chimena..But it's sooo cold out there that I have to force that first step to get there..LOL And that doesn't happen very often...brrrrrr
I'm not partial to fall and winter....that's when I start on the yardwork inside...Nope I didn't cuss....LOL
See Joeswife thats the forbidden word that starts with a "H" and ends with work...LOL

My DH works construction so I know all about a DH MIA...Only home on the weekends..for 20 years..
Then the kids grew up and I started going with him...Now since April he's working 55 miles from home..
He's gotten so much more spoiled by me going with him..getting all my attention....that i'm actually dreading when he retires...LOL

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Okay Clem your up to something you troublemaker..TeeHeeHee

So how many edits do you get a day?? Need to know...

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, are you all done with the cleanup? What about our other Ike hottie victims?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

more hee hee

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Okay it's raining yet again my thermometer says 40 but the WC says it's warmer...
might need a new one.
gotta go out and dig up some Honeysuckle..
in cold and rain....brrrrr

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

OH thanks I am tired now but still excited about moving..........LOL

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Phyllis it is chilly here this AM. I know it must have been in the lower 40's. Don't envy you having to do that in the rain. I am waiting for some warmth to go do garden stuff. Clemen, what ARE you up to now girlie????!!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

James moving in is always fun....right up to the point when you are sick of the process! LOL Cannot wait to see pics of the new place!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Now I have you under suspense. Hi Louise and James, just lurking from work!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

HAHA, I KNEW Clemmie was around somewhere, you ladybug you!

Phyllis, yes you have spoiled him and when he retires you will be busy for sure! Nice to see such love and devotion...James how is the moving going? I'll be thinking of you today and being glad I'm not you, haha! I just moved last October 1 year ago, for the last time in my life, I swear.

Posy Lu, can I come to your house and sit by the Chimenea? will you cook me some eggs too? warm and inviting that sounds....(i don't look so swell in the morning though, LOL!)

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

You miss me Karen??????? Phillis is really awful here, way too cold for this tropical girl!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

yeah man well i just moved here a year ago in august and I found a better place and I am still tired from moving but I am ok

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

lets see if i had one more flower it would probably be plumeria silver lace black . mine died and the place i got it from dosnt have it any more . it came from wayside ... big surprise that it died . they really went downhill fast

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I admire anyone that takes on Plumies...they are scarey! I killed one right off years ago and have been afraid of them ever since. If I lived in Florida I would have em all over the place!

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

lol they sent me a tiny one and it bloomed for me once . maby it was my fault but my ego would be hurt if i said i killed it lol .my mom got one from them too and hers died before mine .

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Are you sure it died...??
Beck said she got one and thought it was dead but planted it anyway and it came back..
I'm getting some seeds for
Texas Aggie
Pink Ruffles and a special mixture...No black though...didn't know they had them...
They say they grow easy from seed but takes along time to mature...

Will put you down for that as soon as someone tells me how many edits you get per day??
I've used 2 already today...

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

OH well I just got this last fall and it was a cutting from another DG'er I love it that it has grown so well for me.......................James

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Yep you suredo Clem...

It's wet and cold out there but managed to get a rootball and some cuttings 9 hardwood pieces and 7 vine pieces (put them in water)off the Honeysuckle before it frosts worse.
Some of the vines on the ground were rooting themselves so it looks like it'll be easy to root...

If the DH comes home (Rain day??) we'll probably go cut some wood so i'll probably be off till tonight then..

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

i ll go check to see if there are still roots .... whats that if you had one more plant all about :) i tried to go find the origional post but i got lost in a sea of pretty pictures im easily distracted

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

phylis I'm confused...what do you mean pick a flower?

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

lol Iris! I get lost on DG ALL the time because there are so many interesting threads. By the time I browse myself silly I forgot what I was originally looking for!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Anjl...pick one plant you want the most. We hotties are trying to fulfill wishes this winter.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

I posted it again near the top....
Pegs idea go read it....

Still waiting Clem watcha up to...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

well, sheesh! thats a hard one! LOL...okay thinking now ....tee hee

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Phillis i am reading, I am on the phone at work with technical support, have computer issues, be back

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Yes lav,you can come,I'll fix some bacon too, just for you if you help me get that heavy stove pipe off so I can cook on the little grill in there. It's cast iron pipe and boy,it is heavy☺Phyllis,this is my fav time of year. I have a swing and chairs inside octagon tenting which I am in the process of making into a wood structure and I line the sides of the "teepee" with blankets for insulation during the winter months. So I am out there just about every day,ice and snow,sleet and rain,that is where I will be. I have an electric oil heater too just in case I get too cold. And Oh, I forgot one of the best parts,a thermos of HOT CHOCOLATE☺

I was so surprised Phyllis when the Iris bloomed again yesterday. Last year I had no blooms and then in October of last year one started to bloom,but it died. So I have had a wonderful Iris year and plan on geting more planted soon☺then iris28 showed up to be a Hottie, a good omen for my Iris Garden☺

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

I'll probably be looking into some come spring...
All mine bloom once in spring then their done...If their leaves would die back like daffs and tulips
I wouldn't mind them but they don't and want to take over everything...

Well i'm gonna go try and do some indoor yardwork..teeheehee

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hello Hottie and Handsomes!!! :o)

Wolfie- do you have certain colors of the 4 oclocks?? I love anything white, purple, or yellow., though I would take any colors, they are so pretty. If I'm too late for your offer, I understand. LMK if they are still available, I will send a SASE.... don't have much to trade at the moment :o( I've become addicted (how did that happen) to these brugs!!!

Plus I'm waiting on all my Fall bulb orders to start arriving. If this weather doesn't cool down soon, I will be gardening out front under spot lights!! hee hee

Have a wonderful day all... TTYaL ~melissa :o)

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

aw thanks posy ;) hey if you want to add more iris i just added a bunch more named ones .. we can trade next year

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

I would love to trade next year with you iris28☼um, I'm old so you might have to give me a big Hottie reminder☻

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

what? what 1 flower? DO i GET TO HAVE ONE? lol I guess I am slow.. sneeking in from work.. shhhhhh ;D

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Posy...I will be officially over the hill in January. I have the computer program my sis sent me called stickies. It is little stickie notes for your desktop...LOVE IT!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

yep you are on the list Deb for needing to choose too. Scroll upwards through the thread and look for the list of names. Any hotties not on it need to get on it!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Iris... I only got 2 cottings this past July 28th at a RU I attended. I had read you wanted it to heal over so I left them on the table for 3 days. When I went back to check.. they were shriveled and kinda had some black spots on them. I planted them anyway. There were no leaves at all cept 2 tiny ones. I do know they love sun.. and more sun. One girl said she even put them on concrete, to absorb more heat.Here's a pic.

Gotta run ya'll.. I'll TTYL!!

Wheres Donna????????????

This message was edited Oct 2, 2008 1:16 PM

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Goodness Hotties, chatterboxes, aren't we??

On MIA DH, when we first got married Keith worked out of state most of the time. I hated those years Now, he works local and sometimes I wish he was out of state (OH!!) but not for long. He is my buddy first most. When 4:00 rolls around, I want to see him walking through that door.

Now, on the list, I thought we were going to do this in the spring. If I misunderstood something, I certainly do not want to cheat Cathy and Donna by misunderstanding. So what is the agreement? Do it now or in the spring? Or go by whatever is best for the plant??

Phyllis, I cannot remember how many edits a day you get. And I cannot find it stated anywhere.

Okay, its errand day again. Got to get busy and do some running around. I try to get everything done during the week, so weekends are fairly freed up. TTYL Peg

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