What weird weather we're having #3

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/899543/#postreply

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm here! Can you believe the beautiful, perfect weather we had today?!?!?! Sunshine and in the 80's...are you sure it is the end of September? Finally am getting some wonderful ripe tomatoes...time for pizza....cheese, tomatoes and basil, nothing could be better. I had one for lunch in Vegas on Friday...it was good but fresh out of my very own garden, heavy on the tomato and basil, light on the cheese....oh, yuuummm!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I was sitting in the office all day today wishing I was out getting dirty in my yard. *sigh* I did get a chance to push around a sod cutter for about 2 hours on Sunday. So I'm still good and tired from that. ha!

Eugene, OR

Beautiful here too. Supposed to be hot tomorrow, don't want to say too much, might jinx it. LOL

Pizza sounds good!!

Eugene, OR

Hurray!!!! The leaky pipe is going to be fixed tomorrow and we don't have to pay for it. The park handyman dug it up (not hard, the ground was soupy) and found the leak, says it's their problem and it will be fixed tomorrow. All I had to do (actually I offered) was call all the people on our block to let them know the water will be shut off for a couple of hours. Yeah!!!

And I got most of my painting done. Supposed to rain Thursday so I'm in a rush to get finished.

Perfect day today. Just right for working outside.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

thanks for being here everyone! I can't get on for long as i'm fading quickly, had some very long days and more to come (but only a few more according to the weather).

Sally... No, I didn't make it home before the accident unfortunately. I was actually going to be home at a reasonable time too :-( Instead I got home at 11pm, after waiting in the line way too long before deciding to take one of the gravel/mountain rds home. that's such a strange and unfortunate story.

Katie59 I love chocolate cosmos and have tended to hoard them for 9 or 10 years now
;-p I had heard that they don't overwinter well and the moles/gophers like them. So, just trying some old wives/gardeners tale of how to plant to detour the critters, I planted them surrounded by tons of gravel, sand, and just a little dirt and figured that I would have to water like crazy in order to keep them alive. and I don't lift things in the winter, so I decided to chance it. crazily enough, those silly things are still coming back every year and doing well. I know others that have had them and lost them. the only difference is what they were planted in. ANyhow, long story short, I read something a year or two ago saying that the only way that they will consistently overwinter is if they sit in soil that dries out quickly in the winter. I think that's why mine survive the winters. If you do decided to bring it in, I don't think I'd let them sit out bare. In a pot with soil that draines and a little water occasionally I think is what they might like. Maybe others have other experiences different than mine. I would love to know!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Redchic. It sound like they're like salvia and dahlias - they don't like to sit in freezing wet soil (who does?). I'll put them and bring them into the garage - that way they'll get, for the most part, natural light through the window. I'll water them lightly every so often and then see what happens.

This is one plant that I like so much (I have it paired with an heirloom zinnia and nicotiana langsdorfii, among other things) that I'm sure I'll do it every year.

Hope you are finished with this horrendous summer (for fires, I mean) before too long. Sounds like you need some down time.

Eugene, OR

We're supposed to get 3 inches of rain in next three days, that should do it!

Yes that accident was strange. Sorry you got stuck in it.

Finished painting the house trim today. Now we're fixing our pretties to go back on the porch, etc. Looks like I'll be working in the garage for a while. I have way too many wind chimes that need to be cleaned up and restrung.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

OHHH, I love the sound of wind chimes. Something about it is so soothing, even in the middle of the night. lol Don't know if the neighbors would agree, though.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sally - when do we get to see pictures? It must look fabulous about now, windchimes or no.

I've been trying to fix my garage door. For seom reason, I can open it with the remote, but can't close it. I've tried resetting it, turning the power off and on. Mornings are quite a pain - I have to open the door, get in the car and back it out, go back in the house and close the door, then go out the front door. And the funny part is that I seem to forget to close the door when I go back in the house, so sometimes that takes two trips. What's up with that?

Yes, Jan, LOL. Windchimes are so personal. There are some that I like most of the time. There are some I don't ever like. And there are days when I don't want the sound at all. But, then, I don't wear earphones and music, either. LOL

How are things in NJ?

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I am lucky...I love wind chimes and have several......my neighbor in the other half of the duplex is my mom and she has even more than I do, so she can't complain too much!!!

It's raining.......the dog isn't too happy about it. They were abandoned in the Capitol Forest during the rainy season.....she is 11 now and still won't go out if it is raining or windy.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for asking, we are doing okay. Mom's RN heard fluid in both lungs on Monday, so upped her water pill dosage and by yesterday she had lost 1 lb. Hopefully that will clear the fluid out. She did recertify her to stay on hospice care for 60 more days. Mom sees her cardiologist next Tuesday to check her pacemaker. Her spirits are good. We had a birthday party for my twins on Sat. so she got out of the house for that for a couple of hours. They were 30. Where does the time go?

Has the cat left your mom's lap, Sally?

I heard about a peanut butter bush on another forum(don't remember where though lol) so maybe I'll have to check out chocolate cosmos and the PB bush. That might be a good combination. It is to eat, so why not in a garden?

I've been collecting some seeds, and doing a little planting. Now I need to figure out where to plant the bulbs from a co-op.

Hope you are gettting your rest, redchic.

Eugene, OR

Pictures later..it's not quite presentable. Still have stacks with ugly blue tarps. And I put up a tarp on the porch swing today, need to fix the winter cover. At least the hole is filled in on the front lawn, where the leak was repaired.

Jan...glad your Mom can get out, being around people is good in small doses. And no, that cat hasn't left Mom's lap yet, she's doing more sitting than before and the cat is taking every opportunity. We've got home health coming for a while to check up on her. Don't know if that will be a help or hindrence, time will tell.

What in the world is a peanut butter bush? Never heard of that one, I'll have to try old friend Google.

Had one BIG rain spell today, didn't last but 10 min. but I thought it was going to dump the whole 3 in at once! LOL
Then I had to clean gutters. arrgghh! Of course there was one that was clogged, took a while to get that cleaned out.

Luckily we're on a corner lot and most people can't hear my chimes, just the ones on either side and one of them is Mom. The other side loves them too. It's a good thing, cause some of them are really noisey. I love the really deep sounds, we bought one at a fair that is actually a large metal bell, very heavy, very mellow that everyone says they want to steal. Then there's the wooden ones, and the one my Dad made for me with the 3 ft pipes....you get the picture.

Lost power once last night, don't know where that came from. Off just long enough to need to reset everything, DH's oxygen concentrator beeper went off, the cat's don't know what to make of that...they just sit and stare at it. Changed out back up batteries that didn't back up, so it probably won't go out again. Hahaha

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Harlequin glorybower (Clerodendron/clerodedrum trichotomum) leaves smell like peanut butter when they're crushed . . . I saw a mature one in Corvallis and then bought one, but it didn't survive the winter here.



Jan, hope your mom's feeling better, too, with that fluid removed. It's always nice to get out and see family. I know my mom loves it even if it tires her out.

Sally, it sounds like you are headed toward having everything beautiful. You are probably just wanting everything done!!

Eugene, OR

Wouldn't make a winter here either, but what a gorgeous tree! And smells good too!

Yes, I want it all done, but these other things keep getting in the way....water leaks, dishes, dinner, laundry, doctor appts., grocery shopping....seems like it never ends. Then DH gets cabin fever, or needs something for a project and wants to head to town. Once we're there we hit all the necessary places and it ends up taking most of the day. Tomorrow we need to head to the hardware store, so we'll go to Costco, Walmart and the grocery and be back by 2:30 cause the home health lady is coming. Noticed tonight the bird feeders are empty again, so Mom's probably are too, etc., etc., etc. Not complaining really, that's just the way it goes. Never a chance to get bored around here!

Eugene, OR

Hey redchic....Are you rested up yet? This rain should have put the fires out.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

nope. definitely not rested up. But thanks! Ummmm... fires will probably be out mid week sometime. I've been trying to read along with the thread. I think that it's going to take at least a couple of weeks to rest up! well, ok, hopefully not That long :-p Actually I don't mind the long days at all (they are actually much more reasonable hours now), it has been some of the co-workers that have been making the days far longer and more unnerving than they need be. anyhow.... sounds as if your place has made a lot of progress though Sally! Even if you do have to go to costco tomorrow! Good luck at Costco...weekends are always sooo busy. But, I can think of worse things to do on a Sunday.

Katie59. Why won't clerodendrons make it for you? There'ss a variegated one that I've seen that I just love. Maybe one day I'll get one. But, they are hardy here. Aren't they there?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the kind thoughts about mom.

OHHH, those dreaded co-workers. They'll do it every time and usually have no clue that they are stressors.

In the first link- one of the nurseries that offer it for sale is in Salem, OR.
Whenever, someone mentions a plant that sounds intriguing I always covet it until the next one that is mentioned. lol Decisions, decisions.

Have a good day.

Eugene, OR

Jan...at least nursery decisions are fun ones.LOL

redchic....can relate to problems with co-workers. I was a working lead, which meant I got paid more but had a lot more work to do, including dealing with petty problems among my kids (I had a young crew). Big problems I got to pass on to the boss......teeheehee Glad you're getting some well deserved rest. Here's hoping the fires are over for now.

Costco was a riot....so many more kids on Sunday, it was kind of neat really. We miss having little ones around.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm back! But now I'm sick and having to get up at 6am :o(

(Judi)Portland, OR

I have been out of touch for a while - busy moving.
Does anyone have an acacia tree? I got one at a garden club sale and they gentleman told me I could put it indoors but the leaves started dropping. I moved it outside but I'm not sure acacia are suited to Portland. Anybody know?
Redchic my sister works for Dr Griffith in Oakridge.
Hope everyone is well...

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Some of the DGer's or over on the Tree Forum could probably help you out....

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

RC - I don't know. Maybe it's too wet and shady up in the foothills? Don't think I've given up yet, though!! I'm partial to things with unique smells.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

portland1... We had an acacia tree in our yard in California when I was a child. It was beautiful when in bloom but a nasty one to have if you have allergies. (which all 8 kids in the family did when this tree was in bloom!! )

I would not recommend keeping it indoors. Pehaps a green house
or some other winter shelter may help it survive.
Only have been in OR for two years. Not sure how they would like the cooler/wetter weather. They do well in CA.

Good Luck...Ahhhh Chew!

Eugene, OR

Too funny beahive!

portland1....can you check with your local Extension Office. Their master gardners should know.

Eugene, OR

I just had a treat!!! Motion light came on and I looked out to see two deer in my yard! Came to munch the flowers on one of the shrubs. Tried to take a picture, but I spooked them and they left. :-( They always come to the apple tree in the back, I leave apples on the ground for them, but this time they were right up by the deck. Such beautiful creatures.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey all, I'm still hanging out, my hours at work its hard to keep up with just about anything anymore now that the weather is changing and getting things ready for all mighty winter. So hope spring is better next year.
I not the greatest on Acacia's, But I do know the zones vary by species
and are native to the tropics or warm regions. Do very well in Calif. and Arizona. Do not do well in are areas unless you have a climate controled GH. Zone 8 to 24

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow Sally, to cool
I don't get to see them, my yard is on the border of a wetland and they don't tread there.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I hate having to be up at 6am. I had a scale for having to get up; before 4am is ungodly, 5-6am is unreasonable, 6-7am is unpleasant, 7-8am is uncivilized.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

A friend of ours out by the bay threw an apple at a deer that was eating his garden....the deer ran of a little way, then came back and ate the apple!!!!! Corey was not happy..!!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sally - it sounds like they are getting tired of apples and looking for any other good stuff you might have. I have deer that peruse by regularly and eat out of the front yard (they leave the fenced back yard to the dogs, even though the dogs are in during the day). My neighbor's oak leafed hydrangeas get mowed down to the ground, even though the deer don't touch the others.

They are lovely, though.

I have raccoons that come right up to the house - last night they chewed up an empty cat food bag that I had set out on the front porch to remind me to take it so the garbage. It's weird to think of them right up by the front door. The dogs have gotten used to it - didn't hear a peep from them.

Eugene, OR

Raccoons was what I thought I would see when the lights came on. They usually wash up in my fountain. There really isn't much left for the deer, probably why they came so close. Their blackberries are about all gone. LOL Could be they were tired of them too, didn't bother my hydrangeas. Must like the shrub flowers better, I forget what they are. I used to feed an outside stray cat on the deck, stopped because of the raccoons. Now she has a kitty door into the garage and I leave her food in there. Those pesky raccoons can do some real damage to my garden, but on the other hand, when they dig I start looking for grubs.

Turning cold tonight, they say it will get down to 38. Brrrrrr. It was pleasant today though, took Mom to the doctor and just had to grab a vest. Even that was too warm in the car.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ditto to the vest and taking mom to the doctor's. lol I have even turned the heat to come on when it gets down to 70 in the house. Just to take the chill off in the morning especially. I'd have it lower, but mom freezes. We've already gone to her winter undershirts and probably soon to longjohns. lol. Current temp is 44 outside, but supposed to get to 70.

When we had our cat her dish was on the deck until it would be visited at night by oppossums. Strange noises they made.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My DB and DSIL had raccoons coming into the garage where the cat food was. Then they put a true cat door in the window and the raccoons would "send in" the littlest one while he could still fit through. There's no problem now because they're so big.

Female raccoons are okay, but my vet says the males travel in pairs and can never be tame enough to be safe around. They eat small cats and do great damage to dogs. Even their urine on the grass is toxic to animals (as is the urine of oppossums). They are so handsome and cool to watch, but they can be trouble. My neighbors up the road were losing barn cats to them and trapped and released (in a remote location) several, as I understand it.

Oppossums are not carnovores and are pretty gentle, unless scared, so at least they're a little safer. And their coats are beautiful, if you can get past their tails and mouths.

It was cold at my place last night, too. This weekend will be all about digging up my tender perennials and finding space for some potted stuff in the house. It looks like I'll be doing that in the rain . . .

Jan, I'm so with you on the plant selection. My neighbor refers to it as "pretty, shiny" syndrome. I'm like a bird, changing focus from one cool plant to another.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey, could someone warn me if we're going to have a freeze? I have been trying to keep an eye on the weather, but I'm afraid I'll miss it. I have spider plants (that I'll leave out for one freeze, they seem to do better that way, but prolonged freezes will kill them back to roots), geraniums, Christmas cactus, and a couple others that need to be brought in, but I want to leave them out as long as possible.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Laura it is getting cold enough now that we really need toi bring in the Christmas Cactus, they don't take the cold as well as the others.....I need to get my Avocado Trees in soon too!

(Judi)Portland, OR

It is cold here in Portland as well. The next few days should be sunny and nice so everyone will be outside enjoying the weather before the rains become long and frequent. I am planning to work in the garden and take out the tomato, cucumber and pepper plants. Are there any plants that could stay on a covered porch for the winter? It looks so nice with the plants around that I don't want to have it bare!
My parents had a deer in their backyard that during a really hot spell made his bed in their garden. My 92 year old father was carrying big buckets of water to the deer - he is so sweet and kind hearted. I wish I had seen that side of him when I was young but I was not paying attention.....isn't it remarkable how much more we understand about our parents as get older ourselves.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Zhinu, i think that it would be a good plan to start bringing things in as soon as possible. Darn this weather. Are we going to get a "fall season"? We skipped spring, so it only seems fitting to not have fall I guess. The National Weather Service has issued an "early winter storm warning" for all of the Central and Western Washington and Oregon starting Thursday and going through at least Sat evening. The warning is for snow levels down to as low as 3000' and the freezing level at 2500 to 2800' feet. But, it is supposed to be sunny during the day!! So, I would say that there's potential for frost to at least 1500 feet. That weather report was given over the radio yesterday. I will see if I can find a written version of it or if they have revised it today. Ohhh... just to add to the conversation, I can't stand raccoons! They're cute, but I lost a cat to one many years ago. So now they're just varmits to me.

Eugene, OR

Darn!!! It's getting cold too fast. We're back to weird weather again. We may have to put off some of our deck work til next spring. Had too many delays. Oh well, I'm tired anyway. lol

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Well, it could be good for you then..... and maybe not so good. This thing is only supposed to last until sat or sunday and then back to normal again..... whatever that is!!!! I do agree, way too cold and way too soon.

here's a revised statement by the national weather service. It looks as though they've upgraded from a winter storm warning to a special weather statement. That's very good!! and they've changed the areas a little. don't blame me for the typeset.... I'm just cut and pasting here.

Issued by The National Weather Service
Portland, OR
2:58 pm PDT, Wed., Oct. 8, 2008



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