Chicken portraits and pictures- lets see 'em

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

The lighter colored Serama hen is Millie. We should have named her MRS. Tweak as she literally TWEAKS when she finds out Gibson is somewhere besides RIGHT next to her! She and her sister (picture to follow of Sister Myrtle) are have layed 6 eggs over the last week and are taking turns on the nest :)
The vanilla colored Fleur Serama is the most layed back hen you will ever meet. She and Gibson love to lay on their back in our laps and get their belly rubbed!! No Joke :) They were born end of Jan 2008.

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Gibson is a hunka chunka burnin' chicken love! I think he should have been named after Mel, not the guitar.

Harmony is truly an enabler extraordinaire, BUT, then she helps you with all the questions you might have about your babies, so that makes up for the enabling part!

Your serama babies are adorable. Mine, of course, are slightly more adorable, but yours are very close. (giggle)


Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Finally...Sushi. My son's Serama. Who has turned out to be Mr. Tweak and the odd ball after a month of living with us. The girls pick on him, take any food away from him, shoosh him, and elbow him. He just started crowing up on a chair next to the coop to show that he is indeed a rooster (even w/ his half wanna-be-cock-a-doodle-dock!) And he will ZIP from one corner to the next and back again like he's running relays! He's a trip.
Last pic I posted was Sushi on my son's shoulder. His poop smells, now, so Kevin doesn't put him up there anymore! haha.
Here is pic 1 of 3 of Sushi.

Picture 1 - tweak mode #1

This message was edited Oct 2, 2008 8:56 PM

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

pictrue 2 - tweak mode #2

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Pic 3 - it's obvious that the hen's are busy up on the steps (it looks like the camera really does add 10 pounds!)
Thanks for letting me vent :)
And ALL yer ALL birds are just lovely. Lovely enough for me to NOT JUST WANT Seramas. (whaaaaa!)

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh, yes, Claire...laugh. You and Harmony are a great pair! I see how busy you 2 are on the other threads. JK. I am so bad!
When did chickens go from "I want the leg!" at dinner, to "I want the 7 different colored ones with the feathered legs!".
Mother Earth help me!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Mother Earth is another ultimate enabler - she gives us so many wonderful choices! I have many long conversations with Mother Earth. :-)

Sushi is so cute - and such a character. Love him! Does he (or Gibson) ever do the stompy dance? Flame the frizzle does the stompy dance around the hens. He looks sort of like he is doing the football shuffle, but slower. Just in place. What is up with that?

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Ummm...yes. In fact, Sushi did that stompy dance on a big purple towel his 2nd day here. We had him inside trying to train him with oats (another ha!) and he started doing it on the towel. I got a video but it didn't turn out because the towel was too dark underneath him. It's the funniest thing, though. I have never seen Gibson do it, though. He's much to cool for that.
I couldn't resist putting up these next 2 pics.
The first is how they ALWAYS treat Sushi...odd bird out.

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Then, when night falls, it's a WHOLE other story. We found this out when we were building the coop. We were still at it when the dark just swooped in. The birds were foraging, but once the sun went down, that was it...they had to find a perch and it didn't matter who perched with who!
This is the (soon-to-be-replaced) railing on the side of our back porch. They all jumped up on the tackle box, then up into that little square!
It was hilarious. Sushi and Gibson on the end and Millie, sardine style, in the middle.

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OK chicken experts....somebody tell us what's what with the roo doing the chicken stompy dance. Inquiring minds want to know....

(that's an adorable pic Music - looks like the girls getting together for coffee and a guy walks by and they all just stare at him...)

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

I wish it was like that, but it's actually like, "Ew...I hope that pullet doesn't come over here-he's soooo immature"; "yeah"; "Yeah".

I already loved taking pictures, but it's so fun to try and capture their personality in the shots.
Yes...please...someone tell us what the "stomp" is.

Ok...last pic...promise ;) (this one is called "love is in the air" (although it looks like conjugal visits behind bars!). Then, it's bed time. Gotta get better so I can clerk the antique auction on Sunday!
GOODNIGHT EVERYONE! Hope to be back to look at lotsa cutesy pics tomorrow!

Thumbnail by musicnotes
(Zone 7b)

That Roo Gibson looks exactly like my mille fluer roo he right up there on this thread.

Yes i'am and enabler i love chickens,pigeons and doves and i intend to populate all your pens with as many as i can with my pics.

I need some pigeon people here i got no body to talk to about those and the doves too.
But i'm really enjoying my grow up thread with the pigeons i love to share and if i lived close to all yall i would fill yalls yards full!

Clarkson, KY

The stompy dance?! I thought that was the one where they sing "I'm a man, a manly, manly man..." Yes I'm back to Monty Python. To impress the babes and get them to join the harem?! Is there another? Or maybe I'm just missing the obvious? Can't see much with this foot in my mouth...

Beautiful pics Music! Love the black streaks in Sushi's feathers. And Gibson is amazing.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

jaye arrived yesterday

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

but billy boy was first. waiting on 5 more

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Yay Jordan! keyyuuutttie petuties!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thank you music. still waiting for more

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

I am sorry if I missed a previous thread, but what are you hatching out all together? Are you hatching out any Seramas?
PS~I've attached a pic of a Buff Brahma from silkiechick. It was a variety I bought. He is so big compared to the Serama. He pipped on Day 18 and hatched about 8 hours later! I'm good! LoL

Thumbnail by musicnotes
kent, WA

Hi karbear!!!!!!!!!! i luv that picture of march and her baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi music, They are black cochins above. My New Hampshire Reds x rescued GameCock started hatching last night.
This is the first one

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

And this is Rickie and Lucy. My hubby bought them for me Saturday

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
San Bruno, CA

They are adorable! What a great husband.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I finally found where Shug has been laying eggs. In my front flower boxes! Saw something from the window and there she sat in the middle of the plants. I couldn't see it from outside. There were 23 eggs in this nest. I think the other girls like this spot also.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

A couple of the other girls. The blonds "Ava" and "Gretta" sneaking through the weeds.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Lodi, United States

Aren't they sneaky, though! My only pullet now laying has made a nest between the garage and fence buried in pokeweed and morning glory. It took me two weeks to find it!

San Bruno, CA

Did you float your eggs to see which ones were still good? I keep meaning to try a couple of different age eggs that way for giggles, but havn't gotten around to it yet.

Lodi, United States

I found eggs that were laid two weeks before I found them were still quite good--although they were in a shady place. And I did cook them.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I froze them all and they looked good.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

How did you freeze them?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I use muffin tins. I line the muffin holes with the paper liners and spray a little cooking spray in each paper liner. Then poke a hole in the yolk and freeze. They slip out of the paper liner and I put them in bags until needed. Pretty cool. You just take out what you need and let thaw. Usually overnight.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry if I'm being dense daylilly, but are you saying you crack the eggs in the muffin tin, then poke the yolk or is the whole egg shell and all in there?

Do they freeze well? I'd never thought of that being a possibility!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I break the egg in the paper liner then poke a hole in the yolk with a tooth pick. They look like a sunny side up egg when they are frozen. They seem to freeze well so far. I asked about it on anther forum as well as freezing milk. Of course you can't really fry them, but scrambled and use in baking they have done well. I live deep in the woods and this has been a life saver when an egg or milk is needed and I don't want to drive 20 miles to town. I have my own chickens and always have an abundance of eggs in the warm months. This should keep me in fresh farm eggs even in the cold months now. The freezing of milk has worked great also. I just buy lots when it's on sale. Then let it thaw in the fridge and give it a good shaking up. Can't tell a bit of difference in taste.

kent, WA

march is some kind of bantom cross. all i no is she's half cochin!

Dighton, MA

My Flock!

Thumbnail by cemba33
(Zone 7b)

Very pretty chickens you can tell they are loved and cared for not a feather out of place^_^

Dighton, MA

Thanks : ) I made a nesting box out of a Tupperware container a week ago. None of them seemed interested until I had a a broody hen! I put her in there with 8 eggs and she loves it! I have always had broodies from time to time, but when ever I moved them out of the nesting box they always run right back in the one Box. This time no movement at all, she loves it! Thanks for the idea!!

Newton, AL

daylillydaddy thanks for the freeze the egg tips! I will give it a try

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

What are the brown hens with the white tails? They look like the rescue ones I just got.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Guess what guys? Check out my thread.... did you hear?


Thumbnail by Lazy_Ladies
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Clever, clever girl! Hooray!!!

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