part II on basic how to propagation based on my experience

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Pic is coming. never had any dealings with ken somebody. I run into the same issue with my seedlings they all get snaped up in trades. not this year I am holding on to them to grow up.
Oh yea a note to all the grow bag buyers. I went to move a couple of forsythias and the have pushed roots into the ground so be sure to move your plants every now and again.

Pawleys Island, SC

Dave, Thanks for the info. That sounds like a great plan. I have sold a few things on ebay and here on DG marketplace. Mostly seeds, but last spring I did sell some daylilies.I had fun doing it, but this summer, I started having problems again with the spinal nerves and I really slowed down alot.
I think I will try it again in the spring. Mostly I grow tropical things. Plumeria and passiflora, brugmansia and epiphyllums are my favorites. I love camellias too though. Basically if it blooms I want to grow it. Truthfully, if I can just make enough to "support my habbit" I am happy. I am planning to wintersow a few things soon and probably follow your example. if I just do a little each day, I will have a bunch going in spring.

Are you planting your dogwoods from seed? I have lots of magnolia seeds I should get planted soon.

Pawleys Island, SC

My brugmansias and tamarillos did that through their pots too.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Better watch it guys, I'm from Texas!! And you know what a lovely person I am. I hope you mentioned this was a thread you started Dave.

Let me go away for a couple days and already ya'll are in trouble. my my. he h e.

I've spent the last couple days helping with the brug cutting co op, so been out of pocket, now I have to go back up and read all the post and see what we're up to!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave and you too ibartoo, are we going to get first crack at buying from you guys? I think the drs call that "professional courtesy" isn't it? LOL, I really am serious. Actually, I think if you put your selling documents together and let us critique them, that would be fair right??


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

oh oh, sshhhhh. erase, erase my last post quick. lol


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Ok I found it... the old photo of my JM I got a bunch of seeds from today. Also 4 pounds of yaupon holly berries.

ibartoo: Yuck spinal nerves are the worst. Luckily The past week has let up a bit. Thank the lord! Good news though we have had great weather the last few days and it headed your way.
Oh well too many seeds not enough flats to sow in. I have been trying to stick to woody ornamentals. some unusual ones to make it more apealing. Yes I started the dogwoods from seed and have a few to pot up. we had a wacky summer and some did not survive the rains. I should have a nice selection to sell next spring. To cover expenses would be great. Thats a fine first goal then a vacation to the islands.... A nice cold margarita cool waters of the Caribbean... Oh take ma away calgon...LOL

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Lemme see - I bought 3 JMs, non-grafted, that were about 18" tall, for $16 off of ebay. Of course, then I systematically killed them... *sigh*. At least it took me over a year!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I had one in a whiskey barrel for many years that was about 4 feet tall and that much of a spread. That was in Seattle. But when we moved to Eastern Washington I brought it with me and the first winter it froze.

It would have been good in the ground, but plants do not do well in containers here in the winter. Zone 5.

I had 2 real nice Blood Goods (I think that is the way it is) in Seattle that were about the size of yours Dave. They were nice trees too.

When you get ready to put them together to sell let us look at the pictures and the sizes etc. Now are you going to sell seeds too, or did you say you weren't going to do that this year?


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I really have not given seed selling much thought. Maybe I should, at least on the items I have a lot of. Hmmmm I will roll that one around in my brain for a bit. At the moment things are a bit warm and fuzzy in there so today is not the day to decide anything.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Know what Dave? You've got all winter to make decisions. So there is certainly no hurry. Those are some nice vacations you want. Where do you get such lofty plans??


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Well mostly fromtravel, living in south florida gave me the Margaritaville attitude, at least while on vacation. I have to have the sand beteewn my toes at least every other year or I start to get antsy.
I have been to The Virgin Islands, Grand Camen, CanCun and Cozemel. The worst beach but best place to hang out is Key West. Its kind of hard to explain but once you get the feel of the slow pace and laid back vacation attitude it never goes away. Some people make it a way of life, but it does not mesh well with reality and the consumer way of life.
In florida I perfer the west coast beaches to the east coast beaches. Beautiful snow white sand against beautiful blue waters. One day I hope to visit Barbados, swim with sea turtles and see both black sand beaches and the pink sand beaches in the bahamas. of course the pink and black sand beaches are a bit tougher to find. I guess I am trying not to have any regrets. So far its been a blast all in all.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Okay what are your hopes & dreams. Places to visit, things to do, goals in life.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

I've been very fortunate to travel to a lot of different countries - but I still would like to see much more of the Southern hemisphere - New Zealand, parts of Africa. Actually, there's very few places I wouldn't like to see, as long as being blue eyed and blonde won't get you in trouble. Maybe in a few years the Middle East won't be as dangerous, I'd love to see some places there.

I would love to participate in some humanitarian work. I did a lot of volunteer work earlier in my life and would like to do it again. Being in such a rural area means that I have to travel quite a ways to get anywhere, and that I don't like, although I wouldn't mind traveling to a place to work for a while.

I'd like to be an excellent horsewoman.

I've already come much further than I had hoped.

How about you?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Unfortunately I have been pushed into a different direction in my life. I think its for good reasons and way beyond my controll. I feel fortunate to be able to help those that need my time to get through tough times.
I would have liked to take my horticulture carrer further but its out of my hands and can only do so much on any given day. I am content in where I am at in life. some days are better than others but all in all its a great life.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone:
I stumbled across this out of a thread in the communities which reminded me that a couple of you asked what the orangeola JM was. here is the DG page

I was surprised by the fact that I did not remember which maple it was and what it looked like, but now I am feeling pretty lucky to have sown so many of this type of seed, of course there will be some differences from the pollenation mixes and other genetics , but what a plant to call momma?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave I really like that. But, here is what I copied from the link you posted:

plant does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or plants will not come true from seed.

So, does this mean that cuttings are the only way to propagate this tree?


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, Dave, now you have me wanting to get out west again and see the Pacific. You are so right about how pretty it is.
When I moved out there, we drove through the night pretty much after we left Texas. When the sun came up we were driving right down HWY 101 and had to stop the car and just stare. Couldn't believe the water. It was so beautiful I was used to Galveston cause I'm from Houston. So, if you've ever seen the difference in the two, nuff said.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

How long ago was that Lorraine? Long enough that you are a true Texan? Or were you a born Texan on a visit out west?


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I failed to read the bio on the tree so the facts you stated make the seeds I bought either sterile or off another tree. It shows we all must do our homework on what seeds we buy. Yes cuttings are the only way to be sure you get an exact clone of the tree (any plant for that matter). all seeds have the possability of cross polination thus giving us anew varity some good ones some not so nice. But who knows which one of us will come up with the next prized seedling. Thats part of the fun of growing from seed. This is exactly how the big seed companies come up with their hot new flowers. White swan echenacea, all the wonderful dahlia's, Crepe myrtles, marigolds, heuchera's and so on. At least thats my take on how its done with the few exceptions of those that mutate from the original plant. Please correct me if I am wrong. Here is a pic of the seeds I amanged to harvest.

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Check this thread out. It looks like johnnyvino knows a few things about growing Japanese Maples.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Thank you for the link. I would say they know their JM's. I realize my seeds will not be true but like I said thats half the fun of growing from seed.

Pawleys Island, SC

That orangeola is beautiful. I usually am not a fan of JM's, but that one is really pretty. This week has really flown by for me. It seems like I have been away for a week and it's only been a couple of days.

All of my brug cuttings are now happily rooting in water with peroxide and an aquarium bubble stone. They are at the point that they need to be potted up. I just don;t know where I will put them when I get them potted. I have run out of space.

Did anyone make the cloning box? I keep planning to do it, but haven't actually accomplished it yet. If you have made it, how is it working for you?
I am trying a heat box for seed germination using a rope light and 35 qt. sterlite container filled with sand.

Dave, I have sold some seeds on ebay as well as the daylilies. My suggestion is, Don't make it your only product. After the ebay fees and paypal fees your packaging time and postage, you really are barely breaking even. I found it was much better to grow the seeds and sell the seedlings. I have to say, I met some great people doing it and I had a really good time, but I certainly didn't make any money until I started selling the daylilies.

As for my hopes and dreams and goals, I would love to be able to Share the things I love, Jesus' love for us, plants, seeds and then I would love to travel. I would really love to see more of America, Ireland ( because it is so green) Scotland, New Zealand and Austrailia. I have much to do.........

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Jeanette, I was a born Texan who went to live in San Diego while my husband was in the Marine Corp stationed there. Gee, how long ago that was!!!!! lol

This will tell my age, but I use to go sit on my car on the beach and listen to Otis Reding sing "Sittin on the dock of the bay" lol Love that Otis Reding.

Ain't it the truth, Ib. Me too. Too much to do and so lilttle time left. Ireland is on my list. My great grandfather came here from there, so I'd like to look up a "Creel" or two. Could spend forever seeing America.
But would really like to go to Russia. My degree is in Russian History
and I've never gotten to go there. Oh well, I 'll just have to cook some Borst and pretend.

Some one tell me what a cloner is please. lol

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

a misting form of the bubbler. Aeroponics system that mists the cuttings root area. promotes root production.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I think you are going to end up doing the same thing I did ibartoo. Get too many brugs with not enough room then start having trouble with them. I did have a lot. Ended up with spider mites and aphids. A real pain.

Now I put them in dormancy and hope they do ok. The problem with that is that my winters are so long that plants don't like to stop growing that long. So, I suppose I will have to put lights on them in Feb. or March.


Pawleys Island, SC

I am wondering about that in my aviary. I have so many plants in there right now and an infestation could wipe those out. I need to check them closely.

I worry about putting them in dormancy because we have so little winter that last year they never even went dormant in the green house. The problem is if they are just rootlings, they might not be strong enough to stand the winter in the gh.

Today, I am planting christmas cactus. I have about 8 that I received in the mail. I am also planning to start some daylily seeds.

I guess I'd better log off and get busy right?

Have a great day everyone, Linda

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi Linda: What are the parents of your DL's. I started last year with some crosses I bought. I had a few more to do this year along with some NOID's. I am trying to have some coming on every year so I get a new surprise each year. I am looking forward to seeing them flower. I have been told it takes 3 years to get a bloom from a seedling.
How close are your burgs to your birds? The reason I ask is you can treat with a systemic to keep the little buggers at bay. The one issue I can think of is the odor and the birds breathing in the fumes. But I think that could be bypassed by pulling everyone out for the duration of the reentry time wich should be only a few days and I would think you could see a cold front 4 or 5 days out. Like our temps are diving tonight and going to stay mild through next Sat. Just a thought.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Linda, I guess you apparently don't have any kind of birds that eat the little bug like aphids and mites huh? Sounds like you just have the big ones?

How cold does it get in the gh? And for how long?

It was 24 degrees last night and it snowed most of the day. Ever since I got this satellite computer system it goes down whenever it doesn't like the weather so it's been down most of the day.

I don't think we will have the snow long, but you never know this time of year. We could have it until April. Ugh!


Pawleys Island, SC

Dave, Right now the daylilies I am starting are mostly mixed or noid's. I do have some crosses that will be coming in soon and I will continue to start them through january and february. Have you ever started your seedlings in ziplock baggies? it is so easy..... Right now the brugs are in the house and the plants in the aviary are my epis and various tender vines, such as clerodendron thomsonai, pandorea, candy corn vine etc.

the aviary building itself is only 8' wide x 30' long . the indoor flights are 3.5'w x 6'l and the outdoor flights are 8'l x6'w each. I have 4 flights that the birds can go into and out of as they please and the quakers are separate from the budgies and tiels. etc. The plants are well away from all of the birds.

To answer your question, I don't like to use any chemicals around the birds. I buy something from the vet to clean with and when I can't get that, I try to use vinegar or just very hot water. I am hoping for one of those steam cleaners for Christmas.

I believe I can pull every thing out for a few days, our coldest temperatures for the next 10 days should only be 44 and that only twice, we still haven't had a frost.

Jnette, I am sorry you have snow. My son would love it, but I am sorry you are stuck.

It is really hard to say how cold it will get in the gh, our cold never lasts too long but today it may be 70 and tomorrow it can drop to the 30's.

my birds eat bugs! not in this lifetime! LOL they are scared of anything that moves except squirrels. those they befriend.

gotta take the dogs to the beach so I can get something done today. I'll check in later. Linda

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

There is a safe way to combat the aphids. its dawn dish detergent. just mix some up in a sprayer and spay the plants with it. I would test it on one of the burgs to make sure it does not burn it before using it on all of them. I have seen this work on aphids and oleander caterpillars. the caterpillars really hate the stuff. It clogs the pores on their skin and causes them to suffocate. Is everyone aware that aphids can and most of the time are born pregnant and can spawn someyhing like 40,000 babies at a time. I can look up the exact figuire if you would like me to. here is a pic of the seeds off my JM in front

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You guys are a world of information. I didn't know that about Dawn soap and aphids Dave.

I normally use oil. I thought that suffocated them. The best way I have ever had was a strong blast with the hose. Kind of hard to do that this time of year tho.

Gotta get busy.


Pawleys Island, SC

Thanks, I will definitely try the dawn dish detergent. I know the birds can withstand that. I wish I had known that it would suffocate the caterpillars when they were eating all of my passies, but then I wouldn;t have butterflies.....

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

TI've heard the Dawn thing, but am glad to see it's actually true. The brugs here seem to get attacked by catterpillars and grassjhoppers. Good thing the blooms are so pretty, no one would have them.

Does anyone know the name of a bug that just eats sunflowers?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, nope, none so picky.

Big hoopla going on over on the coop forum. That's why the computer is acting so funny today. A lot of people on it I guess.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Oh, hey Lorraine, yeah, squirrels, blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, pine siskins, and I am sure there are more. lol


Pawleys Island, SC

I feel better now about not killing the little caterpillars. I went to take pictures yesterday of what is blooming and my bottlebrush plant was covered in monarch butterflies and sulfur cloud butterflies too. I just stood there in awe and kept snapping photos of all the butterflies fighting over the nectar. it was incredible........... I will post a picture later tho. Linda

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Looking forward to that. Are the sulfur cloud the bright yellow-green flutterbyes?

Pawleys Island, SC

Yes, One bloom had 5 or 6 flutterbys on it....... I am using a different computer so I don't have access to the pics right now. It is just gorgous tho.

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