part II on basic how to propagation based on my experience

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I will do

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I was looking through some posts in propagation and they had a nice site for propagation thought I would share.

Oh yea.. some of you might want to check lowes home improvement stores this time of year. here they do a closeout and dump what stock they have left for about $1.00 per gallon. I picked up 3 nice #1 hostas and $ #3 hicks yew spent $15.00 for them all sweet...
anyone else get a good deal from them?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

The only thing I buy from Lowes is plants off of their "dead and dying" rack. I got a 1gal Heuchera and 2 1qt chocolate Ajuga for $6.

They put things on that rack if they've forgotten to water them, if the pot is damaged, etc. I've gotten some really nice plants for a few bucks and a couple days of watering.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I do that too but they blow out the inventory when the weather gets too cold.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah ....

Can I ask a question? Totally off topic?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I finally got to unpack a couple of boxes last weekend and it hit me to go check them out this morning. I found a lot of my old notes from all my horticulture classes. I have some very specific info on different plants. It covers timing seed germination, optimum soil temps & air temps, number of days to germinate lots of great stuff. So if anyone wants specifics on a plant nows your chance. Benjamin franklin once said the wise man does not know everything, he just knows where to find the answers.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

And *that's* why I have this dang computer, lol!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, have we moved, where are we. I have a question about particular plants. Like all of them.!!! lol Can't find you guys.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Which ones, Lorraine?

BTW, I can't believe how easily Coleus roots in soil. I'm doing the big-plastic-box method and in a couple of weeks have had success on Coleus (I knew it would be fairly easy, that's why I tried them first!) Artemisia 'Powis Castle', Iresine (Bloodleaf) and I think some of the peach flowering Verbena.

I've also got some different types of Chrysanthemum, Juniper, more Verbena and some Santolina cooking. I've only lost Persian Shielld (Strobilanthes) and some New Guinea Impatiens - I think it was because I didn't get enough stem on either ... maybe that's it .... oh, and Nandina, which is a mystery, might be bad timing?

But there's nothing like a little success to fire you up. I'm walking around with a pair of clippers, so beware!

Edited to ask - so, the soil I was given second hand (from a nursery out of plants that were dead/ dying) needless to say has a lot of seed in it. I'm using Critterologist's recipe for sterilizing soil - do I need to add non-sterile soil near the rootzone for microbial activity?

This message was edited Oct 25, 2008 1:58 PM

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Nope not moved just resting. I think everyone iseither busy doing other things or out of questions. So what is the question(s)? I think I ran everyone off .. LOL

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Look up - I have a question I just added to my previous post...

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Pagancat: Most of what you are trying is usually easy. The juniper needs to be a midpoint between the green softwood and the really woody hardwood. Nandina I have no experience with, but everything I have read on nandina says best to grow from seed. I know from experence that moving them can be difficult. I am curious to know how you do with everything. Congratulations on your success.
Varvbeana is quite easy, as well as mums. I have mixed success with artamesia. Watch the overwatering on them. I believe the new guinea's are difficult at best and succectable to soil borne diseases. Just keep going I admire your zest and tenacity.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Lorraine I don't think you need to add to the soil except for nutrient requirements. I personally like to mix 50% to 50% old to new. Just a personal thought.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ya'll scared me. This is where I go when I need to know something and it has to be kindergarden level. Whew!!!

Is it possible for something in the water to affect cuttings when you are rooting them in water. I'vme tried to root brugs twice in water, and both times, the bottoms rotted and it smelled awful. EVeryone else can just stick them in water and it works. Just wondering why I seem to be the only one having trouble.

I'm with you Pagan, my clippers are always at my side, kind of like a six gun. See a cutting I want, I'm quick on the draw. And think about it like this, you are grooming those plants. Makes them prettier, so you are an angel of mercy, not a cuttiing thief!!!

I didn't know salvia was so easy to root, but all I've tried have rooted. Also succulents.!!! Got crown of thorns coming out my ears!!

Another question, David, I have Jacob's ladder in a pot outside, should I plant it or will it be ok to bring in. Is it perennial? Told you kindergarden.!!!

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

I was having the same problem with rooting plants in water. Two weeks ago I used some bottled water. So far, it is working. The cutting had a bud on it and it opened up. So far there is no rot. I will let you know if this succeeds.


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Lorraine (aka 6 shooter momma) are you using a bubbler with your Brugs? Is it a cutting with a green stem or a tan stem?

Thanks (as always!) Dave!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

One other thing Lorraine, on the brugs, some folks stick tooth picks up the bottom of the stem to keep them off of the bottom of the container. I thought you were using a bubbler??

Pagan (Sheryl) has a good question: green or woody stalk? It makes a difference. Either way, it might help if you plant them in soil or soiless mix when you get nubbies rather than waiting for roots.

Jeanette Also, don't over water them when you do plant them.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Lorraine I realize bottled water is made for us to think is some how better for us than tap or well water. Each of these sources have their own set of issues.
Bottled water can be nothing more that water coming from a spring coming up from ground water ( I think the 2 are connected) or it can be treated by a number of different processes. I would tend to tell you to try using distilled water. If you can find it reverse osmosis would be a nice added treatment. The other thing that comes into question when we are speaking on water quality is soluble salts in the water it's self. The old water softeners we all grew up hearing the comercial "hey culligan man" use salts in their process and a similar process is most often attached to a well. The county water folks tend to treat the water with a whole slew of chemicals, floride being one of them. I am going to stop here on the salts in the water because it gets relly complicated to wrap ones head arround. I know it took me a while to get it straight in my head.
In a nut shell try distilled water and if you can a distilled water thats been through reverse osmosis. Its a big deal and it will say on the lable that it has.
Temperature can effect the rooting of cuttings. You want some where in the 65 to 80 degrees in your bubler and on your flats with media in them. A fish aquarium heater will help you to get the temp set to where you want it. I would shoot for 75 degrees. Also buy a floating fish thermomiter to help you dial in the temp of the bubbler.
Being its a prized plant I would bring it inside. I am hopeing to get my niece to help me get my banannas and gingers inside. The reason I know its prized is because you have it in a pot.
earlier Pagancat asked about an addative in the soil arround the transplant to lessen the transplant shock in order to make sure the plant survives the used soil to help the plant get established. You may want to think about adding some michorizen to the reused soil. I will do some research to make sure I have my facts straight on this and post either a how 2 grow your own or provide a link from another post that someone has done on the subject.
Anyone have anything to add please help us out.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I was contacted by someone that took issue with the explination I gave from the how to pages I recieved with my bubbler. Personally I do not see what they are talking about but I thought I should at least put the link they provided out here for everyone to look over and draw their own conclusion.

The dmail sounded a bit threatining by implying they would make me out to look like a fool by not knowing how the molecules relate to each other. I believe they failed to read the sentences which states "I have really no experience on this subject except for my failed trial and error method. The literature I am reading makes sense to me and is probably correct on a lot of points. I am also sure a few people will wonder why I am doing a discussion on something I really don’t know that much about.". they also took issue with the oxygen combining with the peroxide to make more oxygen. I believe they were thinking I was saying that the oxygen from the water would combine with the peroxide thus reducing the water to h2. What Istill believe is the mixing of the water with the air from the pump provides enough motion to cause the oxygen to mix with the peroxide to get the oxygen to release from the peroxide and mix with the o2 forminga higher concentration of oxygen molecules.
I did not respond to the email as I think it would just further the debate and I am not a chemist so I don't exactly know all about what they are saying. I believe if they want to put all the indepth info on how molecules relate to each other and how complex molecules are formed they are welcome to start a new thread and post the link to it here.
I believe many of us here on this thread don't really care how a cars engine works. We only care that the car starts and gets us from point a to point b. (Stepping down off my soap box). Please coment on this so that I can see if maybe I am wrong, or am I correct?


Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Dave, You are absolutely right in my case- if that car runs, I'm a happy camper!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Doesn't sound like it was a kind e-mail, which I'm sorry you were subjected to. It's a pity the person couldn't have posted on here their ideas about how it all works in such a way as to share their knowledge as generously as you have instead of complaining. That takes a certain amount of skill in the communication dept., which I hope they practice on us and will post instead of sending you D-mails.

For instance (ha!)... some of the gals on the Mid South forum swear by keeping the brugs in a cooler environment while trying to root them with the bubbler - mine was in the coolest room in the house, probably about 65-67? and did okay.

I'm sure that there's a lot of misinformation that gets posted here, but I *don't* believe anyone is maliciously trying to lead anyone down the wrong path. We're all just doing the best we can.

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

Keep up the good work. Try forwarding the unkind dmail to Dave. Dave does now allow unkind or threatening people.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Just for kicks guys, here is a picture I just took of a couple of tri color sweet potato leaves I stuck in potting soil and put them in a quart zip lock. Out of 4, 2 rooted. Actually, one of them is rooted and the leaf died. Not the stem of the leaf, just the leaf. Now it might die too. It was lying on top of the soil so I stuck some soil on top of the roots that were sticking out. But the other one is looking good.


Just went in and looked again. I was wrong. 2 did good and the third is one that rooted but the leaf died.

Thumbnail by Jnette
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Dave, ignore those blankedy blanks. We are here to learn things the easy way. Kindergarden remember. Tell us who they are, we'll get em., remember I'm from Texas.!! lol Besides I don't want to know why it works, I just want to know it works. That's like not using a fax machine cause you don't understand how all those words go through the air! lol

Yes, it was in a bubbler. Not green. I know it was from one of the older stems, cause it's at least 3/4 inch around. I put it in dirt, so we'll see. Like I said, a friend who lives around here, put hers in water and left it under the carport, forgot it, then went to check on it and had roots. I hate her. lol

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lorraine, maybe hers was a different time of year, different humidity, temperature, who knows. Plants are funny, they definitely have a mind of their own.

Sorry for the unfortunate d mail you got from that jerk Dave. Some people have absolutely no class.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

l thought I would see if they will post a thread and a link for those who what to see what it is they are talking about. The dmail was just enough to get me riled up but just a small step away from threatening completely. I think it hit me just the wrong way. I think they should have just posted the link and let everyone learn from it instead of flexing their ego.
Did anyone see where the hydrogen peroxide would not combine with the oxygen from the pump and provide more oxygen for the roots to use?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I got to the bottom of the dmail I recieved and it was all a big misunderstanding. In the explination of disolved oxygen I stated that dissolved oxygen can be part of the water molecules. What I ment to say was that disolved oxygen is what happens when the aquarium pump adds water to the resevoir. The air mixes with the water and creates dissolved oxygen as part of the air that is introduced to the water. The more o2 thats introduced the more dissolved oxygen is available, up to the point of saturation. We all know saturation as when we add sugar to out drink the particles that fail to mix into the drink are left behind because of the sugar mixing in has saturated the drink and can't be absorbed by the drink.
The person that dmailed me was not trying to tech up the thread they were just worried we might misunderstand the princaples behind dissolved oxygen. I apreciate the suport, It helped me to keep from spiraling downward. I think it ook it so hard because i do try to be as acurate as I can with out putting everyone to sleep. The thread will stay the same and I will do my best to keep it simple because thats the way I like it... simple
Sorry for the confusion

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ah yes, simple instructions for simple people! Well one simple people anyway, me!!

Jeanette, We got the brug cuttings the same day from the same place.
I think I will boil up some water, let it cool, etc. and use it. Maybe it's something in the water. What do you think?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a plan to me. The cities add clorine, floride and who knows what else to the water. I think that may be something that is causing the cuttings to fail. I know when I set up aquariums I would have to let the water run for at least a day to get rid of the clorine. Just my humble opinion

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Or, if you have a dehumidifier? Boiling might get rid of microbes, but if you have chlorine added (way too much, usually) that won't be your problem - more the chlorine, IMO.

Edited to add: I'm glad to hear it was a misunderstanding, Dave. I'm sure you feel better, too. E-mail can be so tough sometimes - I've seen some of the strangest e-mails - and probably have sent them, too!

This message was edited Oct 27, 2008 6:51 PM

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Me too. I kind of felt like it was a your so wrong here is how its done, but it shows how what we think we are saying comes across totally differently. I am constantly covering my butt on stuff I think is coming out wierd.
pagancat is it getting cold?? they are calling for 22 to 28 degrees tonight BRRRRR all the babbies are chattering their teeth together. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hey Lorraine I'll sell you a case of well water!! Best stuff you'll ever drink. Your plants too.

Don't make me cry Dave. It has been in the low 20s every night for the last month here.


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah, first freeze warning here, and possible flurries all in one night! Brought in the rest of the plantz, threw the ponies some extra hay and am now sitting on the couch with my feet up and a hot drink. Life is good, but when they deliver my hoop house, it'll be even better. Get my family off my back about all the plants on the kitchen, lol.

My kitchen this morning... well, part of it, lol!

Thumbnail by Pagancat
Pawleys Island, SC

Sheryl, your kitchen looks like most of my house. it dropped to 37 last night which is by far the coldest night we have had. My normally covered porch has been taken over by my DS' weight set and my green house was torn to shreds by one of the tropical storms that came through and hasn't been repaired yet. I moved alot of really tender things into the aviary with the birds and the others I just covered. I know some of you would like to have my temps, but for us, it is really cold......

I have a question too... I have been looking for the supplies to build my cloner box. Does anyone have a preference between the neoprene disks and the cups. I can't seem to find a supplier except on ebay. Thanks, Linda

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi Linda: I did a search for neoprene discs and found the following sites. This site stood out to me as it also sells black 3 and 5 gallon buckets and lids as well as the discs and mesh basket. Sort of a one stop shoping site
The oters below may have a better deal for you I do not know. Like you I found it difficult to locate specific parts for a home made system but dilagence pays off. I hope this helps.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Aw, Linda - sorry to hear that. Darned hurricanes.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi Linda:
I reread your last post and I am real sorry you lost your GH to the tropical storms/hurricanes. I hope they can be rebuilt and better.
I do understand what you say about the cold on the beach. anyone who has not experienced it will not understand it. It has to be something with the humidity salt air and cold temps. Its like the cold cuts right through you. I know when I was working grounds maintence on a golf course in sw florida I had to pull out my heavy coat from Oklahoma. Everyone gave me a hard time but when I cahllenged them to take a golf cart ride in the cold no one was brave enough. Even as cold as it gets here its nothing like a real chilly morning along the coast.
So what are your plans for replacement? a kit or home made out of triple to 5 cell plastic sheets 4' x 12'? I have been tossing around the idea of riping the roof off my patio and replacing it with the sheets. Its a great product and has some of the best results, At least thats my toughts. Please send before and after pics of the new one.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

We had originally planned on taking the roof off of our detached garage and putting the polycarbonate sheeting up - found out it cheaper to do a 12x24 hoop house, than polycarb just the roof.... sheesh.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Yep those hoop houses are cheep even more if you build your own frame from fence posts. The problem I have is wifey is a bit perticular on what she will tolerate in the back yard so I have some restrictions. "If momma aint happy no one's happy" LOL

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