Chat-a-Doodle doo #5

(Zone 7b)

Beautiful colors ZZ OOOOOOOOOOH must control urge to get some going to livestock sale saturday and they sometimes have them OH NO!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Oh OH.... just keep saying that when I look at the pics.. Oh how cute!

I wish I could get better pics.. The flash washes out the color.. I'll play photo shop today with the new kids.. LOL

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah.. I can relate.. I don't even care if they are all roos.. the colors are great on these.. The lil puffy cheeks are darling.. I'm about at capacity though... I can't handle too many more.. at least.. that's what I'm saying.. LOL A real demonstration of control huh? We'll see how long it lasts..

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

my husband keeps telling me no more, but i don't hear him

(Zone 7b)

Jordan it's close to Fort Payne and they sell all kinds of Chickens i really want to go this fall i use to go with my sister 3 or 4 times a year i didn't have chicks back then. I lost my sister in 98 and we had just came back from there and i cherish those last memory's of us at trade day.
It's hard going back without her and ive only been a couple times since she passed. But i'm going to try and go this fall if my heart will let me.

(Zone 7b)

Oh let me tell you about my husband and what he told me. I started 6 years ago with 2 little peeping roos. I needed hens and found some i got 4 from a man who told me i had old english bantams and he had OOOOOOOOOOH the colors and feathers and i was HOOKED. I told hubby i wanted some of the crelle ones and he said i don't want a bunch of chickens in the yard. SO 6 going on 7 years later i have 12 breeding pens 4 wire pens each with 6 to twelve holes and allready have the lumber to build 10 more and just got some chain length wire for a song and will have turkeys, possible pheasents, peacocks,
and maybe a few cornish for eating and this don't include the pigeons/Doves and ocasional Rabbit.
So do we listen to hubby no i didn't think so.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

harmony, that is too funny.
sorry about your sister. maybe we can meet at the flea market? PLMK

(Zone 7b)

Text Idiot Here I should join a text for dummys forum. {RED FACE} Whats PLMK?
And thanks i Miss her so much she was like me and she was always funny.
My other sister raised milk goats and she had togenbergs and nubians but she was killed in and automobile crash in 87.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Please let me know = PLMK.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Please Let Me Know

(Zone 7b)


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

you guys.. I'm sitting here thinking please let me know too... lmbo!

Harmony.. would you care to share your name???


(Zone 7b)

As the old folks said call me what you want just don't call me late for supper.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow.. I never realized I didn't share my name either! I'm Joyce.. I just felt like I've been here so long ya'all would know that already. :)
Everyone refers to me as ZZ cause there were some other Joyces here and it got confusing.

Yeah Harmony.. what IS your name?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think she's a secret agent of the CF and doesn't want to say her real name.

Clarkson, KY

Shoot, she might be married to the CF....

She's too much fun to keep teasing though, 'least without reply.

(Zone 7b)

I have reached my limit on Dmails i do have a reason for not revealing my name and i will have to decide who i wish to reveal that secret too.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I didn't even know we had a limit on dmails! Is it cause you haven't registered yet? I don't think I've ever hit a limit ^_^


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I understand. I used to have a stalker and have been reluctant about using my name for years. That is why I am not in the address exchange. I don't show my correct city on my posts either. It's been over 12 years since I last heard from him, but based on the threats he made that last time, I don't ever want to hear from him again. He also threatened my friends and family. Just a mean person. Mean people suck.

(Zone 7b)

My subscription check went out today and yes theres a limit on Dmail for nonsubscribers.
Claire now you know why i'm "nobody special" i hope i can stay too ive allways wanted a way to share what i know. It's a blast *Harmony*

This message was edited Sep 11, 2008 12:14 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That's a crummy situation too Harmony. I feel bad for you on that, but I think your reasoning is sound. I think it would be really sad though if that person made you leave the DG community. Then they would "win" and you would "lose" and that is no good for anybody. I hope it doesn't come to that.

(Zone 7b)

Grow will have to get back with you on that PH issue.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Umm, no, I meant the colour buff. It is a variety for many breeds. I guess we haven't really mentioned what breed your birds are (oops, yes you did--OEGB--way back when we started talking about how to breed porcelain). Your best bet is to stay within the breed so that once you get the colour you don't have to go back and start working on correcting type, comb, size, etc.

BTW, Twitch looks buff to me--red is darker. I had a red roo whose comb looked a whole lot like Twitch's, and I agree, it is very gnarley looking. But other than his comb he looks quite nice :)


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

oops.. sorry.. didnt mean to bring anything up.. so sorry.. now I feel as if I opened a can of worms..

OK next subject..

How often do you totally clean out your pens?

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Suze, Twitch can be anything you want him to be... if fact he has a twin.. Hailey.. (?he?) has a smaller comb but same color.. they were purchased as red silkies.. but hey who knows..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Fran - worms? Where? I want them for my chickens!! LOL!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

hey claire didn't read my thread about worms... LOL.. I AM a worm farmer you know???

(Zone 7b)

Hey Suze:)So do you think the combination i listed above would work want to make sure before i start it's a long process.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I didn't know! A vermicomposter in our midst! Ah hah!!! The secrets you keep!!!!

(Zone 7b)

Fran no worms if you were refering to me My identity is not important it's what i can bring here to help people or have them help me or just throw a tangerine elephant in the ring.

Clarkson, KY

Ummm, any thrower of tangerine elephants has a place in my heart...

(Zone 7b)

I have worms in my rabbit manure.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I would imagine there might even be worms in the tangerine elephant manure...

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

cool, I have mealworms in a shoe box.. and now a few thousand in a bucket.. need to start refridging them.. so they will slow down.. think I have enough for winter treats

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Harmony--I think so. It's getting late and my brain is tired.

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