Chat-a-Doodle doo #5

(Zone 7b)

The partridge thats sittin in the pear tree where the 8 geese are laying with the 2 swans and the turkeys while the pot bellied pig is eating pears and the trained tangerine elephant is combing out the alpacas and I'm sittin here on this mule wondering how i got myself into this.
Oh yea it was a chicken that started all this i think i need a therapist and a big shovel.

Gao, Mali

tf must have a concussion if she thinks she can have anything more! tamarafaye, please send a Dave's Garden email to the Chicken Fairy, we need to have a talk...

Sorry folks, all Silkies are spoken for. Going to NE United States.
...and I don't handle Partridges either!

londonderry, Australia

thought i would put this here for any new people who come by it is the link to the old thread

a want a meerkat can any one raise that I THINK NOT

Lodi, United States

Josh, I call your bluff. I am bringing home a capybara! Yes I am.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


(Zone 7b)

A capybara! Do you think it would get along with the potbellied pig i could raise capypigs.
JUST KIDDING CF sshhhhh the tangerine elephant is still sleeping,,,,,,,

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I cannot believe I slept through all this..
I would have crossed the seas and grabbed that little dude for you had I known there was an alpaca in the offerings..

and a tangerine WHAT??

Clarkson, KY

Ooooooh help, I should not have gone to bed (DH stole my 'puter) Visions of tangerine Dumbo fleetly flitting from one DG flower to the next.... Londonderry Is in Ohio, right? Dropping silkies everywhere.

Are we going to make us some Legbars? Or maybe a Chantecler?-Barred Rock- Araucana baby?

Clarkson, KY

Sorry Fran, I think it was a dove? One of Harmony's, but she's stuck with a tangerine elephant now...

(Zone 7b)

Tangerine Dove yes I have those i have pearled and pied varieties and of course a tangerine elephant that won't GET UP!!

(Zone 7b)

It happened like this i wanted to just look at that beautiful rooster Grownut tried to be slick and brib the CF and as i love a challenge it kinda got out of hand. G said tangerine i got all excited and thought one thing and she meant another. I tell you tangerine circus elephants are not easy to come by. It cost me alot to have it flown in then grownut backed out and CF wouldn't let me take it all back. Now when i got up the pair tree was empty cause the pig ate them all and all these birds need a pen and this elephant is still in the bed!!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OMG, what a night y'all have had. i am going back to bed...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh boy did I do good, got some of the banny's all separated yesterday and no squished bird this morning. Also I had to put some of them on the roosts last night, they all go up the ramp and stop there and then none can get up there with out a fight, gotta make a few more ramps.

Clarkson, KY

Way to go, Luvs. Sounds like you were up to better things than the rest of us. We (I, and possibly Harmony and her tangerine elephant) did get a little out of hand...

Harmony hows about a proverb -A Gold Legbar in the bush is worth two tangerine elephants in the hand?!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LMAO I laughed my butt off this morning reading all that.

Clarkson, KY

DH could NOT figure out why I was sitting looking at a wall and laughing...He didn't see anything funny. lol.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lmao yea same thing here when yall get to going. he just shakes his head.

Clarkson, KY

Seriously, now. If there were about 4 different triads of little crossing birdies, at separate CF designated (or volunteer) locations we could theoretically get the sex-linked blue/green-eggers going, couldn't we? Anybody? I have 9 young healthy Barred Rock pullets, that's a start...

Lodi, United States

I'm listening, grownut. Tell me more.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

How do we get our birdies to visit each other?

(Zone 7b)

I was thinking i could try a Bantam variety there are all the breeds in bantam and i just think i'm gonna try this.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Lodi, United States

The birdies don't have to--the eggs can. Although this might make it a far longer process.

Harmony--you are still holding out. Those are not tangerine, more mauve.

(Zone 7b)

Well i put them out cause there wasn't enough room in here and i guess they got sun burned

Clarkson, KY

All three of you know more than I do, but the sex-linked birds happen by crossing your favorite dominant roo with a barred hen, right? The blue egg trait I heard somewhere (not reliable as I don't remember it) was male dominant. So if we got together a breeding plan to produce the blue passing dominant color (I kinda like buff, but I'm open) and some barred's with recessive same, say in teams of 2? We would have 2 different types of the same cross per hatch, different bloodlines. Then using (mostly y'alls) superior knowledge and our combined notes we could trade eggs, or birds, to continue with different bloodlines and further crosses. This would give reliable variety and quicker turnaround, I think... Any corrections or err...

Harmony, I surPRISED at you trying to pass that off as tangerine.

We could also try 2 different patterns of crossing in pairs to generate info quicker... All of you understand this better than I do...(whimper) am I being silly?

Clarkson, KY

Locate a stable Blue Egger source, not too closely related.
Choose a dominant base color/ bird say -Leghorn RIR BA Chanticler
Get that barred sexlink gene thing to show up more reliably
Each of us purchase 3-4 birds of agreed upon characteristics,
(not more than 3 types out of not more than 16 birds)
(this is where I get fuzzy)
2 of us cross male BE w/ female dominant
2 of us cross male Dominant w/ female BE
2 of us cross male BE w/ female barred
(control cross of male Barred w/ BE, though they say this doesn't give sex-linked offspring)

Hatch out multiple surprise babies.
Mail eggs according to results and next scheme.

(Zone 7b)

I'm totally lost i was just going to cross a bantam barred rock hen with a americana roo the color pattern of the roo picture and see what transpired. A crelle is nomore than a bb red crossed with a barred rock..........Just as a blue is simply a black bird crossed with a Splash........I cross Brown Red with A Blue sport and get lemon blue..................So i see no reason why a simple combination of male americana and barred wouldn't work.
What am i missing?????

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 9:38 PM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so confused BE and such. I have blue legged critters. Well slate blue is that the same?

Lodi, United States

I'll just sit here tapping my pencil on the keyboard while you guys work out the details. I'll be gone next week--when I get back--let the breeding begin! (Of course you can go one without me--but I know the secret of the Blue Footed Chicken--and Moxon can help break the patent--Right ol' Canadian buddy? Remember--I said you were civilized......)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

sounds like the orange oops, tangerine elephant was much easier

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 3:14 PM

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Black + white does not = blue

Chickens have only two pigments: eumelanin (black) and pheomelanin (red). All the colour varitions are made by differing amounts of these two pigments. The genes a chicken carries determines which colours in present in the chicken on different parts of the body and on different parts of individual feathers.

The black gene has at least 8 and possibly as many as 11 or more variations (alleles). A black bird is carries E and/or E^R.

There are 2 white genes: one recessive, one dominant. The dominant gene is leaky. White completely removes eumelanin, resulting in a completely white bird in the case of a double dose of recessive white or a bird with white on parts of its body in the case of at least one dominant white gene. White dilutes completely.

The blue gene, however dilutes the eumelanin to a far lesser extent, rendering the black into blue. If the white bird carries blue, then blue offspring are possible, but if that parent doesn't, then blue offspring cannot occur. By definition, the black bird cannot carry blue, or it would already be blue.

As for crossing a barred rock hen with an ameraucana roo, do you mean a bbr roo or a crele roo? I came across a genetics calculator yesterday that is really cool. Unfortunately, it isn't in English :(


Clarkson, KY

I was looking up araucana and ameraucana and got gobbledy-gook.

The legbars are supposedly, capable of reproducing themselves so you can have a flock of only legbar chickens from crossing a legbar with a legbar -an actual breed rather than a cross. They are leghorn for size and egg production, barred for sexing and egg production, and blue egg araucana-ish something to get the blue eggs. The blue eggs are the kicker. Everybody has been crossing for blue eggs (that BE thing) in every kind of way and it sounds to me like getting a stable color pattern would be well nigh impossible first try. I was trying to figure how to get a repeatable something in a standard color.

If we each started with a predictable, limited number of colors and sizes we could work together to standardize. If everybody goes and gets an araucana and crosses it with a barred rock there's no telling what kind of stock we'd each end up with because hardly anyone knows what has gone into their araucana. Maybe Cats could pick up 3-4 of the original blue eggers from Brazil....

Ok, maybe I'm still wild from last night....

Clarkson, KY

Cool link, don't think I'm ready for it, quite. I should read more just to figure out why I get all the wild lovely colors on my black birds.

The blue egg gene and the sex-linked feathering are what I'm curious about now. There should be plenty written, maybe even some simple enough for my simple self.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

If you go to feathersite, work through to legbars, and then follow links, only the cream legbars lay the blue eggs. Apparently they were crossed with some of the south american chickens that were also used to create araucanas and later ameraucanas. However, this crossing was not involved in creating the gold and silver legbars.

And yes, they are an autosexing breed, not a sex-link cross (which must be done for each generation).

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That site appears to be bilingual - Dutch and English - all the Dutch is repeated in English after each line. Busy at work, more later.

Lodi, United States

I HAVE been wondering what would happen if eggs went through the x-ray. Maybe I would have to carry them on my body--under each arm like a broody?

Clarkson, KY

The cream were what I had my eye on. So they did go back to the original S American to get it? Caaats! You going to South America anytime soon?

ps I cheated and posted a gold because he was so handsome and virile...the crean pics weren't nearly so clear. Off to feathersite.

Lodi, United States

Why yes, grownut, I am leaving for Brazil tomorrow. What can I get you?

Tf has already requested a few items--none I think legal to bring into the country. (Actually all she mentioned was chocolate).

I have a nasty suspicion that the blue egg gene came from fowl on the Peruvian side of the Andes--but I will ask around:0)

Clarkson, KY

Collonca, that's what it was -the blue egger. Originated in Chile, same continent as Brazil. That's close...

Checked out FeatherSite. They're where I found it in the first place. Kitaline?Farm in Scotland. Anybody going to Scotland?

Clarkson, KY

Wow. Cross posted and we actually made sense. It was meant to be...

Lodi, United States

Okay--I do go to Chile every spring. Santiago area--but maybe I can claim rare tomato germplasm among the tribes that have the ancient blue-egg breeds and do a side trip.

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