Chat-a-Doodle doo #5

Clarkson, KY

Here's a Gold Legbar roo which I covet horribly and a shorter thread. We'd got to Tia's bantams and cresteds

Thumbnail by grownut
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh wow, that is a gorgeous roo.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oooh! beautiful!

Hey Maybe if everyone here on the DG Poulty threads will send a letter to my city demanding that they allow roosters..... hmmm....

Lodi, United States

Hey Anjl--did you hear where one of the candidates for mayor in Sacramento had allowing/encouraging urban chickens as part of her platform? Sadly she did not make it to the run-off. The people get what they deserve!

(Zone 7b)

Oh My goodness sakes alive I got my arm up waveing Hellooooooo I want one I'm just overwhelmed that is one gorgeous rooster!!!!!!!!!!I can't even tyoprk typr TYPE!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Whoa! That IS a gorgeous roo!!!!! Wow!

Clarkson, KY

Found 'em on a UK site. Developed as a cross in the forties I think -true sex-linked green egger, so they say. Not available here, so they say. I covet.

I WANT ONE, CF. If I get 2 Embdens and a couple of silkies can I have 3 Legbars pleeeease??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well if they could breed them in the UK, they ought to be able to do the same here. What's up with that?

(Zone 7b)

I will get 2 turkeys and a goose if i could just stand next to the coop and admire him.

Clarkson, KY

I'll up your turkeys 1 emu!!

Claire, it was something about stabilizing the breed and repeating the breeding pattern long enough to do it. I should look all that up again but I'm too busy chatting...

(Zone 7b)

I'll see your emu and raise you a swan make it 2

Clarkson, KY

DD wants to raise you 3 Dodos. Not sure that's kosher. 2 swans and a peacock - what if CF HEARS this before we calm down?!!Ulp.

(Zone 7b)

I'll raise you 2 alpacas 8 geese 4turkeys 1 peacock and a pot bellied pig now do you fold or what??

Clarkson, KY

Just saw that bit of yak twixt you and Cats, Claire maybe you guys could russle us up some Legbars. You'd be far better at keeping track of the genetics than I would.

Clarkson, KY

Heck no. See that and raise you 6 goats and a parade horse.

(Zone 7b)

I would love to give it a try I'm good with the Genetics By the name could it be a leg horn crossed with a barred rock????????

(Zone 7b)

Darn Grownut all i got left is a mule and a circus elephant but i'll raise it!!!!

Clarkson, KY

If yer non talkin' tangerine yer jes not talkin'

Lemme see if I can find that info -it was definitely something like that + a little green egg genes

(Zone 7b)

Was it the mule or the elephant that had to be tangerine??????????????

(Zone 7b)

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM Sounds like Barred Rock + Leg Horn + Americana i Believe you could cross a Barred rock with an americana and could come to something similar too that. I definately see the familar barred rock bars in his tail and chest. I know a man who raises only americanas and the color without the bars is similar to some roos he has i could get a barred rock hen and he would give me a roo and we could see????????

(Zone 7b)

WOW i was writeing my post and came back to find the link and i was right about the breeding and i hadn't even seen the link my knowledge has officialy scared me............i may actually know more than i need to know about chickens.......

Lodi, United States

Can you recreate the Blue Foot Chicken too?

(Zone 7b)

First tell me what it is and i'll tell you.

Hey Grownut was it the elephant or the mule this elephant is gettin tired of standing here and i may have a cleanup real soon.

Clarkson, KY

Bird......tangerine biiiird. Sorry bout that. I was just getting ready to pull out the camel when DH came home...

Maybe if 3-4 of us got together -y'know -systematic like, and each worked on similar strains in combination we could jumpstart a Legbar thing over here.

I'm pullin out do what you will with the elephant CLEANUP ON ISLE 9!!

(Zone 7b)

Well i guess most folks have turned in GOOD NIGHT and thanks alot Grownut i bet this elephant is going to take up over half the bed. Those trunks are just so hard to sleep with and the snoreing i bet i don't sleep a wink.

Lodi, United States

Out West and in Australia we are just warming up!

Blue Foot Chicken! You heard her, she ask about the Blue Foot Chicken!

Gao, Mali, listening, and taking notes. TAKING NAMES TOO!

Emus, Elephants, Tangerines, Parade Horses, Geese, Turkeys, Swans, Peacocks, Dodos, Alpacas, Goats, Mule, AND A POT BELLIED PIG!!!???

You'll have no space for Silkies, I'll scratch those.

And all for a chicken you could make yourself. You people can be so vain. Sigh. I better see some more roos adopted out, or some of you folks will no longer be on my Route.

Thou Shalt not covet they neighboring countries' fowl.

Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy
Clarkson, KY

It was the heat of the moment. And if I'm getting 14 more roos I'll need to adopt out or something..

ps. CF I did ask about getting together to set up a breeding program...not all lazy, just covetous.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 8:05 AM

Gao, Mali

Permission granted to fatten them up and eat them. Just do so humanely.
Never type in the heat. You cannot take it back.

(Zone 7b)

So Grow nut your still here i can't sleep because THIS ELEPHANT won't stop snoreing.
I see you have made peace with the CF just going to leave me with this tangerine elephant and the potbellied pig too hey CF is that fair????

Gao, Mali

YOU asked for it.

I will get 2 turkeys and a goose if i could just stand next to the coop and admire him. I'll see your emu and raise you a swan make it 2 2 alpacas 8 geese 4turkeys 1 peacock and a pot bellied pig a mule and a circus elephant

...and still you only get to stand and admire him...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

If there's no room for silkies, does that mean I get em?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

NO, i want them!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Dang... LOL

Lodi, United States

CF--if tf can't have Barnevelders, how come she gets Silkies? Its not fair.

(Zone 7b)

I got a tangerine elephant can i get a bid!!!!! 1 potbellied pig 2 swans 2 alpacas 8 geese 4 turkeys 1 mule and a partridge in a pear tree..........................

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

shhhh! she didn't say i couldn't have them!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

waht partirdge?

Lodi, United States

The one in the pear tree. Aren't you paying attention?

CF! CF! Tf says she can have a Silkie!

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