What weird weather we're having #2

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Katie, I actually have a family friend up from Corvallis. She works in one of the nursing homes down there. I actually lived there for a summer when I was a kid; it’s one of the places I’d consider moving to.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I love. It certainly would be a good choice. My uncle was in a nursing home there, as was my mom for several months when she was recuperating from surgery. I really like the people who worked in that place.

And you're only 45 minutes from the ocean - bonus!!

Eugene, OR

Yeah, it's rough thinking she won't be here much longer and I'm just so glad we've had this time since I retired (10yrs). We've talked about her passing, she realizes it's coming and not actually afraid of dying, just wants to go to sleep and not wake up. I think we would all like that way to go. I moved up here to look after both of them. Lost my dad 4 yrs ago, mom and I have just gotten closer and closer since then. Dh lost his mom when he was a teenager and looks to mine as his, if you know what I mean.

It was good to see her up and about today, she said they worked her hard in therapy. ha,ha,ha. We feel confident enough to go on a bus trip to the Salmon Bake in Depoe Bay tomorrow. We've had it planned for months and I almost cancelled it, but DH said to wait, glad I did, I need a break.

Sounds like we all have things to deal with, glad we can share.

And Eugene is close to the ocean too! I've been to Corvallis a few times, it is really lovely.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Sally your mother sounds great and isn't it wonderful to have the time together that the two of you have enjoyed. I am anxious for my parents to be closer when they move to Oregon. I also like seeing my kids with my parents. When my mom was ill and in the hospital a few years ago I took 2 weeks off of work to stay with my dad. When I had to go back to work my kids took turns staying with them and my parents loved it. I have 7 kids so this went on for a long time. They got to know each kids individually and that was great because we usually descended on them in groups. The kids drove and cooked and did errands and held hands and entertained.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Seven kids. OMG. I am in awe.

(Judi)Portland, OR

No awe involved - just a lot of groceries. They are all grown now - the youngest graduated in June from UC Berkeley. A few boys are married with their own children - I have 7 grandchildren so far and I'm sure there will be more. People think we are a Mormon or Catholic family - my ex husband is Catholic but I am not at all religious, unless you count a flirtation with Buddhism. We had so many kids because we like kids.
My parents had 5 children and only my sister and I are left. Two died in a train accident many years ago and another of an illness. That is why I feel so strongly about being around them at this point in their lives. In fact I retired early to have more time to spend with them. I can't imagine losing three kids and being as well adjusted as they are. They have been married for 1000 years and they still like each other!

Eugene, OR

My hat is off to anyone who raised 7 kids, I had three and three steps part time, I know how rough that was at times.

My parents were married 67 yrs when dad died. We lost my brother and SIL 12 yrs ago in a plane crash, that was the hardest for mom. They are still 3 of us, but I'm the only one with kids, unfornately they all live in CA. But they come to visit and 1 wants to move up here.

We had such a lovely day at the coast. Salmon Bake was wonderful!!! Watched the salmon being cooked the Native American way, everyone was getting pointers on filleting from the experts. Salmon, straight from the fire pit on a cedar stick is wonderful!! Then we went walking around Depot Bay, full of old shops, lots of nooks and crannies. Best of all we were standing on the sea wall and saw WHALES, lots of them. It was so fun!! I called mom from the sea wall and she said tell the whales hi from her, she was so excited we got to see them. Our next door neighbors and a few other people we know really well were with us on the bus, so it was a very good day.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

My parents also were married 67 years (my mother just died 8 days ago) - I only had 41 years of marriage . . . and that was two husbands!!! LOL

I adore Depot Bay - went whale watching once on one of those boats and it was so exciting I almost cried!!! Gosh, that's about 20 years ago I think.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

For you dolphin lovers . . . check this out


The attached video is of ?dolphins playing with silver colored rings which they have the ability to make under water to play with. ?It isn't known how they learn this, or if it's an inbred ability.
As if by magic the dolphin does a quick flip of its head and a silver ring appears ?in front of its pointed beak. The ring is a solid, donut shaped bubble about 2-ft across, yet it doesn't rise to the surface of the water! ?It stands upright in the water like a magic doorway to an unseen dimension. The dolphin then pulls a small silver donut from the larger one. ?Looking at ?the twisting ring for one last time a bite is taken from it, causing the small ring to collapse into a thousands of tiny bubbles which head upward towards the water's surface. ?After a few moments the dolphin creates another ring to play with. ?There also seems to be a separate mechanism for producing small ring s, which a dolphin can accomplish by a quick flip of its head.

An explanation of how dolphins make these silver rings is that they are 'air-core vortex rings'. ?Invisible, spinning vortices in the water are generated from the tip of a dolphin's dorsal fin when it is moving rapidly and turning. When dolphins break the line, the ends are drawn together into a closed ?ring. ?The higher velocity fluid around the core of the vortex is at a lower pressure than the fluid circulating farther away. Air is injected into the rings via bubbles released from the dolphin's blowhole. The energy of the water vortex is enough to keep the bubbles from rising for a reasonably few seconds of play time.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Murmur so sorry for the loss of your mother.........my mom will be 80 a week from tomorrow...we lost my dad to cancer in '92. My DH and I will celebrate our 40th next year!

I love Depot Bay!

Kids!!!!...I have two.....29 and 36.......my grandmothers comment on her kids....wouldn't take a million dollars for either one, and wouldn't give two cents for two more just like them!!! (It's okay Laura you know we love you!!!!)

(Judi)Portland, OR

Murmur - I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. It must be a difficult time for you. If you want to express your feelings I am more than willing to listen, and I suspect the rest would be as well.

Zhinusmom - 40 years of marriage is a lot more challenging that raising a bunch of kids! My hat is definitely off to you! I was married for 28 years before divorcing. 40 years is a great accomplishment.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, P1 - a number of people on DG have been supporting me through the loss of my husband July 21st and now the loss of my mother on September 12th. Very strange year, but I am doing well. That's not to say I'm not lonely at times, but there is so much joy to be found and to experience that I want to go down that road as much as possible. (I saw Katie59 at a plant swap yesterday - now there's a person who can uplift you in a heartbeat!)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Carole. I'm blushing. That's a very kind thing to say. And boy do I wish I could take all the pain away!!

Congrats Zhinusmom on 40 years of marriage. That's such a great combination of hard work with some luck thrown in. I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband.

I'm amazed at what people have gone through with the loss of their siblings and parents and spouses. I have not experienced that kind of significant loss, so I can't imagine how it can throw you. But I can imagine how much empathy for other people it mus tgive you. You are all such a kind and great group of people. I so wish we all lived closer so you could have come to our little swap yesterday - it would have been nice to put some faces with your names.

Maybe someone could host a winter seed-sowing party or late-season plant swap down in Oregon. There is a good-sized bunch of you on Dave's. Then you could regale us with tales of your day . . .

(Judi)Portland, OR

Murmur, I had no idea you also lost your husband so recently. Wow - I'm not sure how to survive that. You are in my thoughts.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, P1 - I'm actually doing okay . . . I have discovered I have an inner strength, not to mention a desire to experience joy, that I didn't even know I had. I miss them, yes, but don't want to wallow in grief (and I know for sure that neither of them would want me to).

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I have been reading everyone's accounts of elderly parents with great interest, since my mom lives with us, but is in hospice care. It does become difficult as we age our roles seem to change. It is great to be able to spend quality time. I have found that you do find an inner strength when it is needed. I just wanted you all to know that HUGS are being sent to everyone that needs one now. You all are being thought of on the east coast.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Jan my sentiments are the same. Both my mother and mother-in-law are in their 80's and still living alone but the signs are beginning to show and we know that our turn is not that far down the road. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, Jan. Thank you so much for posting. We will keep you in our thoughts, too. I really do think that women are incredible when it comes to caring for others while grieving. It's almost as though the act of loving and caring for really dampens the pain of the grief.

Eugene, OR

Murmur...so sorry about your mom and your husband, you are in my prayers. I love your attitude!! I hope I can do the same when the time comes.

Absolutely loved the dolphin clip, I have never seen them play like that. On top of the water yes, but not underneath with their own rings. Thank you so much for sharing!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Jan, I'll certainly be thinking about you and your mom - and I appreciate your thoughts very much.

Kathy, I think you're right - taking care of someone else does help with the grief being felt by the loss of another.

Thanks for everyone's caring words - much appreciated.

I am in awe of the dolphin video - what a treat to see such a thing and learn such a fascinating tidbit!!!!!

(Judi)Portland, OR

I just love the dolphin clip. Two of my sons are surfers and they are around dolphins playing next to them very often. The dolphins come around when they know the surfers are out there. However, where there are dolphins there are often sharks so they have to be extra vigilant. Dolphins are amazing!

I find it interesting that there are so many life experiences that all of us go through. Caring for aging parents is one of the more stressful events for sure. It is so nice to have this ability to talk about this with such a great group - thank all of you for being there.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Speaking of aging parents - I am heading into town (Seattle) to see my dad today. He is 89 and crotchety. That's the nicest way I can put it. My brother deals with him the most, but he is in Washington D.C. with his wife (they not only need, but DESERVE a break!!!) and my daughter from CA is up here taking care of their house and also watching over most things with my dad (her grandfather, obviously). Anyway, more caregiving so perhaps it will help even more with the grief of losing my DH and my DM??? Time with my daughter, of course, is a huge bonus!!! She'll be spending time here on the island with me - painting my bedroom and my kitchen . . . am I lucky or what???!!! One of her long time girlfriends is going to help her. I guarantee you there will be lots of giggling along with great accomplishments. My DD is quite the painter (of walls, that is) whereas all I do is make a mess!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Portland - I think I've heard that the dolphins come around the humans to warn them about sharks.

Carole - I'm glad your brother is getting break. And your daughter is wonderful. Taking care of their house and painting as well. Sounds like it will look great!!

Eugene, OR

Murmur....have a great time in Seattle and an even better time with your daughter, I miss having gigles around. How nice of her to give your brother a break, and she paints too!

Jan...HUGS right back to you. Mom and I have talked about role reversal a lot, and laughed about it a lot!

Beautiful fall day today. Light rain in the a.m., warm sun in the afternoon.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thank you. After the RN was here yesterday, she said they are probably going to decertify mom and take her off hospice care since her diagnosis of failure-to-thrive is no longer the case, thankfully. She has gained 7 pounds since April and the measurement around her upper arm keeps increasing. However, she still has major problems, like congestive heart failure , severe osteoporosis, and shortness of breath. We will know in about a week if she will be taken off hospice. It is such a wonderful concept.
Beautiful day here as well. Current temp 67. Tomorrow, if all goes well I am taking mom to Longwood Gardens. It is very wheelchair friendly.
Murmur, do enjoy your DD's company.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Yesterday was terrific - my dad was doing well, I got to see not only my daughter, but my granddaughter and great grandson as well. The weather even cooperated. My DD loves to come up here so she can see her own DD and her DGS, and all the rest of the family. She's going to see her sister today. Fortunately, she has a job that lets her easily take time off (without pay) so we've been getting her up here quite frequently since her DGS was born.

J23, how wonderful to possibly have your mom graduate from hospice care!!! Your heart must be very happy.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Jan - what a lovely surprise. I know that we had a rough go at it for awhile getting my mom to eat (she had been ill following surgery). But after we got over that hump, she's gained probably 20 pounds and is doing so well. I hope that will be the case with your mom.

Carole - I'm so glad that your dad is doing okay and that you had a good visit with him yesterday. Those babies are enough to get anyone smiling . . .

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the sentiments. It IS a great thing. She has had about 11 lives now. lol. Each day is icing on the cake.

Babies are wonderful creatures. Our youngest DGD is 10 months old and lives around the corner with her 2 brothers. Just too cute!!


Eugene, OR

How wonderful for you Jan. Have a good day at the Gardens.

Around the corner! How fortunate you are! I'm really missing mine lately, maybe because mom was so sick.

I've got good news too. If all goes well at meeting (at rehab) planned for Thursday, mom will be home Friday. They said she's an A+ patient. LOL

Murmur...sounds like you had a wonderful visit. Here's to many more.

Wonder where redchic is, hope she's not stuck on the fires. They keep popping up all over. We're do for some more rain the next couple of days, that should help.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

A+ Whoo-hoo!!

When the kids come over they are so cute with my mom. She is called Mamie by almost everyone and the 2 yr old. always comes in and says, " Mamie, drink your water." Then he goes on his way.

Forecast today should be good for the garden visit. I'll let you know how it went. We are going in separate cars in case we have to leave early.

Eugene, OR

Mom will be home tomorrow for sure, had her exit meeting with the rehab people today. There's still a problem with her blood pressure and Bless her she volunteered to stay longer if it was going to be a problem for me to look after her. It needs watching and getting her to the doctor soon. They wouldn't let her leave if it was a big issue.

Well there wasn't much rain and a big fire broke out in Oakridge, so it's a pretty sure bet redchic is fire fighting again.

Fall is in the air for sure, nights are getting down right cold. And the winter birds are showing up at the feeders. I scared a group of Quail today, didn't know they were there and went walking out to the deck. There must have been 12- 15 of them and boy did they scurry!! They stay all year, but it seems we see them more in winter.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Another fire this time of year? Amazing. Poor redchic. But thank goodness she and others like her are there.

Such good news about your mom, Sally. I'll bet getting back in an environment with activity and people will speed her recovery for sure.

This last week has been colder here, too. And it gets dark way too early!!

Eugene, OR

Bad news about the fire, the news just said the winds that came with the weather system last night caused such a huge growth in the fire that they have had to send for more help. It's burned 1000 acres, yesterday it was only 250! Luckily it's not threatening homes yet, it's in BLM area right now. But it is burning such a beautiful area, such a loss.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Yep, i'm tired, but good. Thanks for thinking of me. You are all sooooo sweet. I'm staying up way to late at the moment. But what the heck. that silly thing burned over one of the few trails that I actually like, and will miss, because there's a really large cave at the top with a tunnel from end to end. the helicopter folks said that it was quite a strange site seeing fire actually go into a rock and make a fire ball out the other side.

So glad to hear that your mom is doing well Sally. That's such good news!!

It's good to see you here Jan!!

What a crazy past few months everyone has had with family. I'd blame it on the weather, that seems reasonable to me!! unfortunately I need to get off to bed. I get to be the eye in the sky of the fire tomorrow. I think it's the best position possible. It should be a long, but good day.

Eugene, OR

Good to hear from you! If you're off to bed already, I hope you had a good long rest! Please let everyone know you are ALL appreciated!! You might not hear it often, but I hear people talk and they don't get the chance to say THANK YOU!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah, ditto. You are all everyday heroes in my book.

Bummer about the fire - glad no houses were destroyed. I try to think that God/MotherNature created an environment with beauty in all ecosystems and stages or growth. But it's hard to find beauty in the blackened remnants of a fire. Thank goodness she has made provisions for all her plants to reclaim their home with some speed.

Stay safe!!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Morels are the only good thing that comes after fire. Well actually there are truely some good things.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Way to go Sally 's mom. If she is like mine she doesn't want to put anybody out or be a bother. lol So sweet!

The gardens were wonderful. It was a long day for both of us. Pushing her wheelchair and carrying her portable oxygen tank took it out of me, especially going up a looonnggg hill. I need to get some exercise. She really enjoyed it though. I came home with some names of plants I simply MUST have. tee-hee. Now, sometime, I need to learn to take pics and upload them.

Sorry, you lost a favorite trail Shelly. That had to have been weird seeing the fire shoot out of the ground.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

But a good long day it sounds like. How wonderful that you were able to get her there and enjoy it.

I know what you mean about carting wheelchairs around. It isn't easy work. Thank goodness we have them, though.

Eugene, OR

I do wheel chair/oxygen for a friend in Assisted Living. Luckily he doesn't weigh much. Are you hanging the tank on the wheel chair? I have to change to a purse that I can put around my neck (that one they show on TV actually) when we take him out. I'm actually getting pretty good at manuevering that thing. We only take him out about once a month, but I do his shopping 2-3 times a month. He has no one else, poor guy, so we've been helping him out.

Mom is delighted to be home, her cat hasn't left her since she walked in the door :-). She had friends come by several times to welcome her home, so she is content.

Hope the weather holds like they say (sun for the next week) now we have a leak in the main water line. The park is going to look at it Monday, to see whether it's their problem or ours. Either way it saves us money, if it's ours the whole is already dug, less to pay for. LOL Wish there was a way to have rain on the fires and sun everywhere else.

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