What weird weather we're having #2

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhhhhhhh . . . I can just hear the tension in your mom's body melt away. I'm sure at her age she's always wondering where she'll end up. So nice to know that you are home. And it's great that she still has friends who can get over to see her.

You are so good, Sally, to be there for your friend. I have to believe that the amount of effort and care you are putting into improving his quality of life just gets your chakras humming and makes your body stronger and healthier, too. That's my philosophy. Giving to others does, by nature, have immediate positive effects on us spiritually, emotionally and physically. At the very least, you know exactly what other caregivers go through on a daily basis and have compassion for their efforts.

It has been so dry. I love that, but worry at the same time. What's your living arrangement with "the park"? it sure would be good for someone else to have to pay for a main water line repair. That might be expensive.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Animals are sooo sensitive to us, it's absolutely amazing. It is nice that your mom has had friends come by already. A lot of my mom's have already passed on.
Two of her nieces came for a visit yesterday. The one flew in from CA. to visit the other one who lives in CT. and is going through chemo treatments AGAIN, so they both came to NJ to visit their other sister so made the trip down to see mom. It was a good visit, but tiring for everybody.

LOL on the hole already being dug. Hopefully it won't be an expense on you.

Eugene, OR

In a way it is an expense either way. But if it's on the park side, the association pays for it and we pay dues to the association (although not very much). We own our lots (manufactured home park) so if it is on our side (before the shut off) we pay for it. But since they're digging the hole, if we do pay the plumber, it'll take less time, so cheaper for us. We think it's the valve or just behind it, that won't be too terribly costly.

My DH and I both believe in doing what we can to help people. The rewards far surpass the time we spend doing it.

Mom's cat was really funny when she got home. It kind of ignored her for a while, which we thought strange. She just checked out the walker (new smells) and the suitcase, etc. and went to her napping spot. About 10 min. after we had gone home, she lifted up her head, looked at Mom (she said you could see the light bulb go on) and made a mad dash for Mom's lap, where she usually is during the day. LOL

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I love that little image of the light bulb going on. It's nice when they first wake up and forget to "be cats."

Was it warm for you all today? It was like mid summer here - I was out in shorts and a tank top because I was too hot.

Eugene, OR

We were warm, but not that warm. LOL Maybe tomorrow though, the plan for the day is to wash down the deck so I can put my pretties back on it and maybe do some decorating for fall. Supposed to be warm for a week or so. Hope so, I've got work to do.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Me, too!!

I'd like to plant some chrysanthemums, but I'm so disappointed every year. I put them out and then it seems a week later we have a hard frost and everything dies. I've given up on that. . With this weather it's hard to imagine that Halloween is only a month away!!

I still have to lift everything that I'd like to overwinter and then figure out when/where I'm going to overwinter it. I was to bring in my plumbago and lift my chocolate cosmos tubers. Guess I should start a thread on what and how to overwinter things if you don't have a greenhouse. Maybe I'll get some good ideas. As it is, I'm going to have to bring in the lemon tree a friend brought me this spring and build a chicken-wire cylinder to protect it from the cats.

Good thing I don't have a lot of visitors. It's going to look pretty crowded in here.

Eugene, OR

Let me know when you start the thread. I'm always looking for ideas on overwintering.

redchic...did you make it home before the accident on 58? Don't know how far back it was blocked, but it sounded like it would be a while before they opened it again.

It was warm, had to do grocery shopping, then worked on the deck, didn't get it washed, took over an hour to get the nails out from between the boards. A little souvenier from the siding guys! Then we put our house number back up. Stayed out until almost dark, pruning,etc. It was just perfect weather wise.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It was nice again today.

I discovered a dead opossum under my SILs phlox today while cutting it. Poor girl. She had a slice on the inside of her right thigh, though I don't think that killed her. I checked her pouch - no babies, thank goodness. I said a little prayer for her and then put her away. I hope she didn't suffer. Opossums have such beautiful fur. it's too bad that we can't get past their faces and tails.

Does anybody know anything about dividiing Pacific Coast iris? I divided a bunch up today for my SIL. They were so dense I couldn't get a shovel into them. I had to use a hori-hori knife (a must have, in addition to a mattock) to slice out patches and then clean them up. I divided them up, cutting off the old, hard rhizome and pulling apart the individual plants - all by instinct. I'd love to know what it was I was doing. LOL

NWGordon is building a greenhouse. Check out the plant swap thread. I'm hoping maybe I can stick a couple things in there this winter as he only lives a few miles from me. We'll see . . .

Hope you're home and in bed, redhchic. G'night all.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Time for a new room.

This thread cont. here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/908174/

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