What weird weather we're having #2

Eugene, OR

I would add sliced green onions and a couple dashes of 21 Salute from Trader Joe's. Ymmmmm.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

All of a sudden one of my tomato plants in cranking out nice red ripe ones. Yum.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Okay - I'll go with that. :-)

(Judi)Portland, OR

Yes all of a sudden there are RED tomatoes on my plants! Unfortunately we are so excited to see them that we are eating them standing in the garden! The lemon cucumbers are doing well also, though they seem a little small. This is the first time i have grown lemon cukes - how big will they get/

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

P1, re: lemon cucumbers, you'll know they're ready when they start to get yellow. They'll vary in size, but an average one will get to be about the size of a racquetball, maybe a little bigger. Mmmm enjoy them.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

I must have squirrels, opossums or raccoons eating all my zucchini. As the little fruits are gone about the time after I notice them. And it sounds from the dogs like there must be critters in the yard after dark.

I think we are going to move the veges next year to a sunnier location, where there is not so much animal traffic, but outside the dog fence.

Eugene, OR

We had to put a fence around the tomatoes to keep the nutria out.

I'm finally getting some decent tomatoes too, YEAH!

(Judi)Portland, OR

The lemon cukes are great - add sliced tomatoes, some balsamic, and a little salt & pepper 7 chives. Yum. A few nights ago I went to dinner with friends and someone had a salad of a round slice of watermelon with pine nuts, arugula, mache, and goat cheese piled on top. It was beautiful and very different. i went to the web site to look at the menu because I forgot exactly what was on it but already the menu has changed. That restaurant changes it's menu almost daily to take advantage of what is local and fresh. So good.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

That salad sounds sooo goood!!!! I need to try that one!
Finally got first tomatoes this week!!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

We had an impromptu neighborhood barbecue last Sunday. The host and hostess just happened to have some "leftover" Copper River Salmon. And a neighbor brought over some squash blossoms and nasturtium blossoms. The nasturtiums we used to decorate the salad. Yum, they are sweet.

"We" filled the squash blossoms with sharp white cheddar, dipped them in beer and bread crumbs and then sauteed them. You must all try them. They went so fast!!!

Glad I live in this neighborhood (I brought brauts to the barbecue - will have to work on gourmeting-up my offerings, clearly). ^_^

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I was just uploading pictures - here's what it looked like before cooking.

Thumbnail by katie59
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

That all looks and sounds soooo goood! I will definitely give them a try.....have a lot of extra blossoms on the pumpkin right now that would be just great and my son and future daughter in law be here for dinner tomorrow night!

It has been a long day, I think it's about time for me to turn in for the night.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

What constitutes "extra blossoms"?

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

At least with pumpkins once you have set one or two fruit you take off the other blossoms so the energy will all go growing those few instead of trying grow a bunch (the one or two will get bigger), at least that is what grandpa always told me!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, that's true of all fruiting plants, I think. Actually, of all flowering plants, too, I think.

If you keeping pinching off the new growth on your tomatoes and select for a few fruits, your tomato has a much better opportunity to put energy into the ones you've saved. Takes work and patience, but . . .

And when I went to Poochella's to see her Dahlias a couple of years ago, she had selected for only a few blossoms per plant - the ones left were beauties.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Those squash blossoms look amazing - I had them in Italy but yours look even better!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I just like the color!! It's a good idea to have lots extra, imo.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

wow. 94 at my place tonight at 6 pm. That should make everyones tomatoes ripen!

Sally, did you hear about Chemult having to be evacuated due to a fire? I'm sure you have as it's been all over the news.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We have hit the 80's the last day or two here....it was 83 on our bike ride tonight......and we are finally getting ripe tomatoes!!!! We have had several of the Romas and some of my heirlooms are finally starting to show some color. Maybe I will get a few before the weather cools down too much!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I read, at least for us here anyhow, that by thursday it is supposed to be 20 deg. cooler. A high of 62 was what they printed for then. But, I'm so glad to hear that your tomatos have not went to waste Zhinusmom. We'll keep crossing our fingers!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, if it gets too cool too soon we will just bring them in get ripe in a window or resort to Grandma's fried green tomatoes. They just showed tonight's report in the 60's with possible rain by Sunday...yuk....oh well, it could be worse, at least we aren';t getting 10" of it....=^..^=

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm looking forward to a bit of rain, as long as it's dry on Tuesday. It's been sunny for too long for me.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I never get tired of the sun!!! only the heat.

Eugene, OR

No,no, not yet. They're coming to paint my house tomorrow! I want that done and to get the things under tarps put back where they belong.

redchic...where ya been? Yes I heard about the fire and what's the deal with the one down south? Are they letting it burn? Or is it just they can't get to it? Too many fires lately. A good rain would stop that for sure. I've had my mom in hospital since Thurs, haven't been able to get much done. She's going to rehab tomorrow, hopefully just a few days then back home.

Glad everyone is enjoying their tomatoes. We are too, even if the crop is smaller this year. I can't believe the apples we got! And mostly good ones even though I didn't spray. :-) I usually put dormant spray on in Dec. but it got by me last year, I was battling a sty in my eye. OUCH!!!

(Judi)Portland, OR

I just planted bok choy, kale and a cabbage. I have a stupid question so try to remember that I am a new gardener....after you pick the cabbage head will another one grow or is that plant finished?
I agree with Zhinu about the rain but maybe after Sally's house is painted.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

That would be fine, actually if would hold off till Wed. I'd be thrilled.

Eugene, OR

House is half done and no rain so far. They should finish up tomorrow, then let the rain dance begin!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I should clarify: Yay about the house. ^_^

Eugene, OR

Thanks, I need SOMETHING to turn out right. We can't see out our windows, but the stuff they use lets light in during the day. The cats are bummed....no window watching. Got mom settled in rehab today (after quick conference with the painters) and she's taking everything in stride, so that helps. Neighbors are going to visit her tomorrow, that will cheer her up. And I got a bunch (about 20) of them to sign a COME HOME SOON poster, that will give her a boost too. Glad I packed her some warmer clothes (long sleeved shirts) because our temps dropped 20 deg. today.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Sally - maybe we'd better hope the rain holds off for a few days so your new paint can dry really well. Best of luck with your mother.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sally, how long will your mom be in rehab? Where does she go after that? Best of luck to her. Everything is easier when you have professionals to rely on for motivation and structure.

Hope the house is finished SOON.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Best wishes on your mom's rehab. It sure helps when they take everything in stride.
Congrats on the new paint job.

(Judi)Portland, OR

I think the seasons are changing - it is chilly here tonight. It feels good! Sally i hope your house is finished!

Eugene, OR

Painting is done, kind of....they're going to have to come back and fix a few things. I was with my mom when they left and DH doesn't look as hard as I do. LOL All in all it looks good and I'll be glad to get my things back in place. It's going to take a little longer because of mom, but it'll get there.

Thanks for the kind words for mom, she should only be in rehab for maybe a week to 10 days. She's determined to come home soon. She lives next door to me, so I'm looking after her cat and trying to straighten some things up while she's gone. She frets when I clean for her, so I get sneaky sometimes. hahaha She's 94, has to use a walker due to polio and osteoporis, but acts and looks about 15 years younger. I still take her to the casinos! She loves those penny machines. If we go shopping, she has a scooter to use.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

94!!!! You go girl.

(Judi)Portland, OR

My dad is 92 and mom is 86 and they are going strong. It is quite amazing. However, I freak out when I realize that either one of them could fail to wake up the next day. How do you cope with that???

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I am right with you, Portland. Dad just turned 90 and mom is 88.

(Judi)Portland, OR

My parents live near Lake Tahoe in California but their house is for sale and then they are moving here to Portland. I won't worry so much when they are closer. They will be moving into a retirement community that is a fantastic place. My sister is near Eugene, Oregon so we will all be much closer. Katie do your parents live close to you?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

No - and that's so hard. They live in Corvallis. They down-sized houses to get on one level a couple of years ago. Then, after a couple serious illnesses, we moved them into assisted living (which is basically a one-bedroom apartment).

My brother lives in Philomath and is a doc, so he and his wife take care of so much. They are truly amazing. But I, being the only girl, would take care of them in a different (softer, emotional) way.

It's so great that your folks are still so independent. But I think moving closer to you is really important. My brother sees so many people that don't plan for that (because it's hard) and then are in crisis at the same time that they're trying to figure out what to do next.

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