Chit Chat - Everyone Welcome Part 69

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Lucy.....
Would he help with some of that yard work you haven't been able to get to?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

He will mow, but that's all. He's not into plants, or at least he hasn't shown an interest, that I've seen. He's mainly into any kind of sports. He bowls, plays baseball, fishes, golfs, hunts, dives, and just about anything else sports related. Good thing he has a good job that funds all that activity. lol

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Afternoon All.

Why do you think he is moving back in with you. It takes his money do all those fun things. lol

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy, my DS likes diving, boating and fishing too, but since he got married and has 2 kids, the budget for those hobbies went out the window...and he got rid of his boat !

I told him that's ok as long as his friends will take him fishing, which they do when he has time. He will have another boat some day too.

I can't imagine him without a boat or a project car to work on for very!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm glad my son got out of race cars, he use to use my garage to rebuild engines and such. We bought a boat so WE could go fishing, but I've only been in it 2 times since Hurricane Charley. He goes out in it 2 or 3 times a month.

Linda, you are right, if he moves back in, he can play more.

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I went out and tried to work in the yard for a while. Just toooooo darn hot. I stood in the shade and enjoyed the BF's for a while then came back in.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Smart choice Linda...I am waiting till late this afternoon after the GD goes home at 6:30.

Lucy do I know about the mechanics in the garage thing!!!! LOL!
My DS from the time he was a boy was always working on something...

When he was young it was a little minibike that he rebuilt, then his first motorcycle..much to my dissaproval. Thankfully he spent way more time restoring it than riding it.

Then came an old VW bug...which he still has. He drove that thing for a long time.
But, the babies came and it sits collecting dust needing repairs while they drive a van...
For awhile there were two for parts and one to drive.....

We didn't have a garage back then...only a carport. You can imagine how I winced every day when I pulled into the drive and got a nice view of the "shop".

I am really glad tho that he took an interest in such things. As a single Mom who could not afford the mechanic everytime my old car broke down he was able to fix it. Then I got that job at the auto repair shop. He was so happy someone else was fixing that old car finally!!! LOL!

Then he started collecting and fixing up boats....good thing there was a big back yard over there!!! Now those are gone too. I ask myself what will be next? Airplanes???LOL!
His Dad is an aircraft mechanic so it not impossible to imagine.

Hopefully he will just fix the bug and start driving it again.
He can fix or build anything now...I like that. He is very able and self sufficient.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Good afternoon!

Michelle, sounds like your son is a super handy guy to have around! I'm sure you set a good example for him too, when he was growing up.

Linda, I often attempt to try and get something accomplished in the garden and ending sitting and watching the bf's too! We've had quite a few Giant Swallowtails lately, they are my favorite.

Lucy, I hope you don't have to move too much of your "stuff" to make room for your son's "junk!" LOL I still remember that comment you made about stuff/junk and it just cracks me up!

OK, I've had my after-work cup of coffee and a few cookies, now it's time for a stroll around the yard!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Cathy, I ain't moving my stuff for his junk. lol : )

Linda, I have my fountain running. It doing ok, I crimped the hose like you did. Some of the water is coming back out the crimp, so not as much is coming out the top. I still think I'm gonna get a reducer. Did your motor come with instructions, mine didn't.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy, is your fountain electric or solar?

Dh still isn't finished fiddling with the solar pump we got for the fountain I repaired.
I got her all set up, but no water...
He is somehow going to beef it up with a bigger battery and add to the cord .
He has been too busy to finish it up, maybe this weekend.

Cathy my DS was so helpful to me when it was just us and before my daughter moved out too. I am a very lucky Mom....both my kids were a big help in those days.

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

When it cooled down this evening I got lots of work done in my yard. Murdered some crepe myrtles and put out some mulch. Watched BF's.

Lucy I am with Cathy on that stuff.

No I didn't get any instructions with my pump either. Ron said that was the poorest instructions he had ever seen. Just what was on the box. Course consider where they came from.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Michelle, it is electric.

DS is here with one load, and I'm already at wits end. Now, he informs me we have another couch and chair, a couple more TV's, and I don't know what else. He has more junk, than we have stuff. Dear me.

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy I admire you i don't think i could do that anymore.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Remember that depression we were talking about? I think it is gonna get worse before it gets better. lol

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Be back, gonna go watch some Nancy Grace.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Good evening.
Wish I had a youngin' that could repair those things. And DB are too far away.. sigh.. guess it's me
Don't want them near my flowers

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good nite all

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Nite, Sandy peaceful rest.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Well, was awesome while he lived at home and for a little while later.
It was such a treat to have him come and build the fence pergolas for me too.

Lucy, please don't get lost in all the junk/stuff!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Lucy,, when you feel down,, just go out and smell those flowers.
My brugs are beginning to bloom and it is heavenly. Wish I could bottle the smell to sell.
I am getting more salvias from Gypsy..
Have to prune my Hot Lips Salvia... next week or week after.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite, Wren. : )

Elaine, that's excellent about the salvias. The more, the merrier. : )

Michelle, you sound like you are feeling a whole lot better. : )

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

I heard from Debra (Cordeledawg) She is sending me Texas mist flowers when I get back after next week. Did you hear from her?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes, I heard from Debra. : ) Isn't she the sweetest? An angel actually. I really wanted some more of those mist flowers. I'm not about to let these die.

Jacksonville, FL

Donna and I had a very nice visit with Jeremy yesterday as well as Gilbert and Sullivan! We came home with lots of special goodies which I have potted up and watered until I can get them in the ground when the ant population diminishes. We both thank you so much. Donna was amazed at all the wonderful plants you have in the yard.
I have got to get some yard work done here today despite the ants!
Thank you again Jeremy!

Linda {mg}, what are you doing up that time of morning? I got up earlier than usual
[7"15] this morn. Rain woke me up! Elaine stick out some of that Salvia for me. Linda gave me a Black & Blue but it didn't make it. Lucy it can be very stressful when those kids come back to the nest with all thier junk. I have one staying part time in my beach house but he has been told not to bring his junk! LOL Lorine
Elaine go to Orchid Forum & see my orchids I have blooming!!!

This message was edited Sep 5, 2008 8:24 AM

Jacksonville, FL

I am up anywhere from 3 am - 5am (when I REALLY sleep in!) I love going out on my porch with my first cup of coffee in the morning when I let my Kitty out and watch the birds and enjoy the quiet. Then I jump on line for awhile to check emails, forums etc--then back outside and watch the sun come up. I am a morning person and usually in bed about 9pm. Creature of habit. LOL!
If I can get my camera to work I have another orchid blooming and will post pics. (charging the batteries and hoping that works)

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone,

I have a huge fig tree. The trunk is about 6 inches round and the tree probably stands 9-10 ft. tall. I need to move the tree if possible, any suggestions? I really hate to cut it down.


Jacksonville, FL

Wren or Jeremy need to jump in on this -- I know they both have experience on Figs

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Molly did your Swtches Trip off?

Orlando, FL

Hi Everyone,
Well, here we go again .Hurrican Ivy isnt it coming down to the coast of fla on the gulf side. I guess Dutchlady will get some of that one. Hope it dont come to our side but it might , You never know about these storms. Buckle up and get ready to ride. Be safe and not sorry. Hope everyone is over Hanna.
Lucy how many years before the custard apple has fruit??/ Fran

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry I have never moved a fig tree. But I know that it is hard to kill one. Your best bet is to wait until it goes dormit this winter. Prune it back hard, then move it with as much of the root ball as you can.

I have been sitting waiting around for dad to day. First at the hospital will he had a tube removed, then at the doctor's office.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Wren.

Saint Petersburg, FL

Things being the way they are, even us city dwellers will soon be subsistence Okra patch has run its course, the plants are fading away, but what a lot of yummy fresh okra we had! Enough really... Can anyone suggest a good winter crop? Something to plant in October, say, and not too fussy? DBF went off to get a ton of chicken manure.

Mulberry, FL

Heads up for all you banana lovers out there Walmart had Musa and dwart cavendish 3 fters for under 4 dollars.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Good evening,
Monschi, spinach, mustard, kale, mesclun greens mix for salad, turnips. Lettuce. I think down there that snapdragons might do well. Sweet peas.
Going over to drool at mom's orchids. And see if Gypsy is posting any more salvias.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi, Shirley. As wren suggested, waiting until the tree is dormant this winter would be a good idea. About the only way to really move it with enough of a root ball would be to hire one of the local landscape companies with a scoop. They can cut down on all four sides and cut the roots into a diamond shape root ball, lift the tree out, and put it wherever you want it. I don't know what they charge for that service. You will probably find the roots on the fig fairly close to the soil surface and probably about 3 - 4 inches in diameter. It would probably be very difficult to move it by hand. If you do find you can get it out by hand tools, try to get the root ball onto a tarp so you can pull it to the new location.

Lowe's has marked their patio furniture down further for clearance. I was really tempted by a frosted glass top table for only $19.98 that was formerly around $80, but the high leg chairs to match the height and design of the table were $49 each (also about 1/3 of the original price). I made a trip to Lowe's for stair rail brackets and a security light today. Came away from the garden department with only a dwarf goldenrod and a curly leaved Kalenchoe, each about $1.75 from the bargain table. I found 2 coleus at Wal-Mart in colors I had not seen -- one nearly black/purple with dark red that I felt I had to have and another similar dark red and dark green (88 cents each, regular price).


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi all, been a rough day, today, with son moving all his junk over here. It's gonna take me days to find spots for it all. I don't know where he got all this stuff. Pot, pans, couches, chairs. dresser, drawers, bed, everything for the kitchen, bathroom, 13 fishing rods, golf stuff, scuba stuff, you name it, it's here. Enough Tv's that it looks like the NBC newsroom in my livingroom.

I cried for about 15 mins this morning, didn't make me feel any better. He says it won't be for very long, but somehow that's hard to believe.

Fran, I don't even know what a custard apple is, so I can't answer your question. Sorry. : (

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

aww, Lucy, I'm sure he doesn't plan to stay for long. Just don't cook anything.... I know that must be very unsettling.
You are being a good mom and I'm sure it will come back around to you.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy...can't he afford a storage unit for all that "junk"?
They aren't that expensive as I recall.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Michelle, yes he could get a storage unit, and I mentioned it, but he didn't get one. He has been extra nice today, and put most things where I told him to. He bought dinner, and supper, of which I couldn't eat, cause when I'm upset, I'm not hungry.
We have a storage shed here, out back, but it's full of his and my daughters stuff, from when she came back twice from college with all her stuff. I have got to go throught all of that, and find somebody to take it.

Tomorrow, I have a whole day of washing up all his old clothes, and loading them up for GoodWill or somewhere, to make room for all his new clothes he has accumilated in the last year.

I can see all this is gonna take me weeks, and I'm really thinking..... huge bonfire. : )

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