Chit Chat - Everyone Welcome Part 69

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Looking forward to the visit tomorrow, Linda. I'll be sure to be here.

I'm not so sure the city is anxious to clean up after Fay. The yard trash truck drove right by my pile of limb pieces from the giant limb that fell, stopping only to pick up the bagged yard trash at my neighbor's house. I will call by Monday if they haven't been out by then to let me know what they will do about the tree limb in my yard. With Yolie's DH help with his chain saw and my laborious work with my tree pruning hand saw, I've cleared most of the paths and released many of my plants from being pinned under the branch. I found the pitiful little gardenia I had just planted about a day before the limb fell. It was pretty well impaled into the ground by a part of the falling branch. I had nursed it as the only remaining life in a gardenia thrown out when I worked at the zoo. I will probably return it to a pot for another round of TLC in ICU. I realized this morning that my Hardy Red Gloxinia (Sinningia selovii ) probably had a portion of the huge limb land squarely on top of it. I can't find any piece of it, but it is hard to remember exactly where things were planted -- the huge branch is a bit disorienting.

I've found the "Fix-a-Flat" stuff does a good job for most slow leaks in tires. It may cause the tire to get out of balance, but with my old van, I use it anyway.

Join us for dinner tonight at Jackie's Seafood if you feel like getting out. As it turns out, we will be doing a version of our "hurricane watch" from the outside deck over Trout River. We somehow seem to end up there as the restaurant choice right before the hurricanes or tropical storms blow past.

I happened to click on this amazing photo while looking up the botanical name of my Hardy Red Gloxinia. How's this for a tiny plant?


Jacksonville, FL

Jeremy--Thank you for the invite but unfortunately I made previous plans for tonite--I do want to get to Jackie's one day soon (have heard great things about them) so will have to join you another time. My favorite is Clarks Fish Camp which you said you go sometimes. That would be a definite next time you venture there. I think they are still somewhat flooded with Fay tho. I do not use "Fix-a-flat" unless it it an old tire that will be trashed soon--I try to keep good tires on my vehicles since I do put mileage on vehicles! It only cost me $5.00 to get the tire fixed and they were really nice. The guy fixing it said "Linda, you have to stay out of those construction sites chasing men!!!" I did inform him I am too old to chase men and those who do chase me are too old to catch me! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I love that.
I am afraid you may have picked up the nail around here the other day. We find a lot of them around here. I had to have special tires for my bike.

Jacksonville, FL

Not your fault at all Wren-!!!-this tire had been losing some air for the last month or so and kept putting air in the tire. It was a slow leak but was VERY low today--figured it was time to get the problem fixed! You will love this Wren! the people at the tire shop had a beautiful Blue Heeler (Australian type sheep dog ) and they would toss a tire and "Rocky" would try to catch it! He did not bring it back tho? He and I got to be buddies while they were fixing my tire and I gave him a couple of the Milkbones that had fallen out of my pocket on my seat that Andre did not get!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I like that to, dogs are so funny. Andre will not miss the milkbones he get some from me and I went to the store and get him some frozen soup bones. so he is a happy camper.


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone,

What a day, had a wonderful visit with Linda, what a great person and gardener. I have never seen so many wonderful plants that were not in a nursery setting. Garden rooms all over the place, not to mention water features. Linda, I don't know how you keep it all straight. I also got to vist with her "crazy ants", she wasn't kidding when she says they are everywhere. Pesky little creatures as well. All in all the visit was great and the company even better. Thank you Linda for a wonderful time, and for the suggestions regarding the meet and greet. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

I must tell you all, I stopped by Ace Hardware in Orange Park on my way home. I did manage to find some 1 gallon potting pots for 50 cents a piece. I figured by the time I drove my tank all the way over to Jeremy's house I would have spent at least five dollars in gas. Thanks a million anyways Jeremy. Ace had a lot of great sales on plants, I just wish I new where to put them. I hate to throw money away, so I will wait until my plant experts come for a visit. I am loving this time of year, even though it is still hot as blue blazes, I love the way the shadows fall. Can't wait to get my "fake" pumpkins out. Heehee

Hope everyone is having a great day.


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Linda, that storm I told you about, Karina, is in the Pacific. WHEW!

Jacksonville, FL

Shirley----I was wonderin about that!!!! The next "K" name is Kyle---sure hope he does not show his face! I think the hurricane season is over on my birthday--Nov 1st? or is it the end of Nov? Not sure.
I have plenty of 1 gal pots-but right now they are in the worst affected CC Ant infestation area, so I'm sure that would not have been a great idea. Thank you Shirley for coming by and our great conversations!
Will see you at the get-together if not sooner

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Greetings from Kores where it is 6:12 AM on 4 Sep. Was a 24 hour trip door to door. At least the long flight (Atlanta to Korea( had many movies on demand that I had never seen. And Sherri ^ I were lucky enough to have an empty seat between us.
If some of my punctuation looks strange its because this is a Korean keyboard and some of the punc marks just aren't where they are supposed to be.

It's about time to head down for breakfast and meet up with the others then off to work. Luckily there is a hot pot in the room and even instant coffee tastes good sometimes.

I need to find the local American TV station and see what they are saying about hanna. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she decides to head on away from land.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Whoa Qwilter, you are far, far away. lol Hope you are having a good time. Here we are just finishing up one day, and you are already starting a new one. lol If you get a chance, keep letting us know what you see, and do.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Quilter you do get around!!

Hope you remembered your Camera!

How long are you going to stay there?

Keep us posted!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi, Qwilter. I saw an advertisement today for the annual quilt show that is coming to Jacksonville the end of September. Will you be around for that? Want to send down some quilts to put on sale? I'm not sure what the registration, etc., involves.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I did see some interesting planters around a pole while I was out ast evening. Planted with marigolds I believe. The Koreans aren't much known for flowers - they grow things they can eat. Back a few years ago, in my much, much younger days, I spent quite a bit of time over here. It's been 11 years since my last trip and much has changed. There are highways where before there were just 2 lane windy roads. The main street through the village here, is now off-limit to cars and there are tables set out. Rather nice not to have to keep an eye out for the crazy drivers.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I wish I could travel. Maybe, one day, even if it's just back up to the mountains. I love driving through the mountains. I kinda feel like I belong there, when I'm there. Maybe in a previous life I lived there, you reckon? lol

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

How's the weather there, Qwilter?

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi all!
Got back from Indiana last night, safe and sound. Had a little time to walk through the yard and clean up all the branches from the winds on Sunday. Everything looked good though, I was relieved!
Read through most of the threads and am trying to catch up.

Qwilter, bet you're having a great adventure, hope you can share some pictures.

mistressLinda, I sure hope you find a solution to those pesky ants, what a pain! We have occasional fire ants mounds, but nothing like the madness you describe.

Michelle, I second dutchlady's common name of Bachelor Button for your cute little flower. Here's the PF entry.
I got some seeds last spring and have a couple of plants that have been blooming for a while, and seem to be setting some seed pods. Time will tell if it's invasive here.

We got a nice 30 minute downpour earlier, saved me from watering all night.

Here's my nephew on a tractor at the county park in Lafayette IN. We spent a few hours there on Labor Day, between the ponds with ducks, mini zoo, butterfly garden and playground, it was a nice afternoon!


Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome back, Cathy. : ) Your nephew is the cutest little boy, all 'BIG' sitting up there on that tractor. He'll be driving that thing before you know it. Glad the hurricane didn't mess anything up at your house. All I had was a few small limbs to pick up and a few plants turned over. Hope those other storms go around us, also.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Good to see you back Cathy! I agree that little guy sure is a cutie!!!

We didn't get much of anything from Gustav...knock on wood!
Seems you picked just the right time to be gone!
Glad you had a good time!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Lucy, it's good to be home. I was worried to be gone from home during such a crazy part of the hurricane season, but I didn't want fear of the weather to ruin my fun time!
I sure hope those other hurricanes just fizzle out in the Atlantic, yuk!

I just noticed that we have a Birthday gal today- *Happy Birthday gardenglory!*
I hope you are having a spectacular day!

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Michelle, I'm glad you didn't have any troubles either.

Ok, ok, just one more picture of Casey. LOL! Playing with the 3D glasses that came with the sidewalk chalk.

Lucy, I can't wait to see pictures of your little grandson- you and your family must be counting the days!

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh my gosh, I hadn't even noticed the birthdays, today.

~Happy Birthday, Gardenglory~ Hope you had a real nice day. : )

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Cathy, I'm not counting days yet, but I will be in another week or so. Seeing your nephew makes me already feel grandma'ish. I better get out the cookie dough. : )

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

And the playdough, Lucy,, oh, it will be a while for that. LOL
I spent yesterday and today in pre-k (4year olds) they are so sweet at that age... most of them. We painted, glittered, and looked at my caterpillars that I brought.
Welcome home Cathy, now you didn't spoil that little one,, did you?
I am 'cultivating' my cudweed so will be glad to share when it spreads.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey Elaine. : ) Let's see, I've already bought a mattress for the baby to sleep on at his house, and a stroller carseat combo for his outings. I think he's all set with clothes, and diapers for a few weeks. Wonder what he looks like. : )

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

I bet he will just beautiful..

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

All babies are beautiful.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Of course he will be, in my eyes. : ) I've already had dreams of him. But, in the dream I was trying to get my DD to take him back to the hospital, cause she had the wrong baby. The baby in the dream was about 7 yrs old, and her husband was carrying him wrapped in a blanket. I never did convince them to take him back. lol

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

uh,,, she won't be in the Wauchula General will she..? LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

what did you eat just before sleep?

with that I wish y'all a good nite.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

nite Sandy wren.. peaceful rest.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite Wren. We had been talking about him having big feet cause his daddy does, so I guess I just dreamed of a bigger baby. lol

No, Elaine, he will be born at Bayfront Medical Center, right by All Children's Hospital, in St Pete. She works right across the street from there.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm going to watch Nancy Grace and find out if any news on that lil girl that's missing. Nite to all that may go to sleep before I get back. (You, Elaine) lol : )

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Yeah Gardenia your coleus are rooting.

Fleur beautiful BF’s they are beginning to be everywhere.

Michelle I have seen many more BF’s this year but maybe that is because i have more BF friendly plants. They love the Mexican Sun Flower Lucy gave me. BF wise it is worth its weight in gold. Love that musical note plant.

Jeremy I know you are glad Christine is home.

Quilter do hope you are having a wonderful time. Keep us updated when you can.

Cathy welcome home. That sure is a cute little tyke.

Happy BD GardenGlory.

Hey Elaine.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Cathy, What a cutie! He is so adorable. Love that last pic.

Leeperk, I am happy to know that even I can root Coleus. I keep giving them haircuts just to have more to root. LOL!

Michelle, here is the pic of the Cat whiskers. Thank you! : )

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Nite Lucy,,, I was teasing about the Wauchula hospital because of that famous baby swap years ago..LOL
I just got some more free salvia seeds from Gypsy in California. yeah. She has some more if anyone is interested on the salvia/agastache forum.
Happy birthday Gardenglory,, hope you had a wonderful day

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Elaine, I knew you were teasing. Thank goodness this hospital here doesn't deliver babies anymore. : )

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Gardenia, those white blooms look so pretty in front of the tree trunk....nice placement!

Those root even easier than will never run out of them.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy - darn, don't think late Sep will be possible. I do love quilt shows - so much inspiration. Met a local artist this evening, She makes 3 D pictures from rice paper - stacked, curled, sculpture. Very nice work.
Had a very productive day at work.
Just figured out how to re-start the AC. The cleaning lady obviously tured it off when she opened the window. I think I'll put the remote in a drawer tomorrow so she doesn't mess with it. There is no breeze to come in the window so it was really stuffy. It was @80 today and no humidity.

Someone go smell a flower for me!!!!

Smelling a flower now.... mmmmmm

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning all. : )

Lots of cleaning to do today. And on top of that, my 32 year old son is moving back in with us. I love the guy, but not all his junk, and clothes. Hope it's not for very long.

I better take 2 pain pills this morning. lol : )

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