plant swap

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

As long as it is a combination "make-up" day & "extra-credit".

Gordon - you're a terrific host! The plants you have acquired are looking well & the vast amount of work is evidence of your energy & forethought.
LOL - Guess I missed the Barn incident. Hope it's fixable...
Thanks again for everything!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Okay, I have tractor envy Tils and plant sale being there envy also. Looks like a great day.

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the name and photo link. I've added it to the list of plant tags I need to make when I come inside to play. I'm one of those that know the name right up until you ask me what something is... call it sometimers disease. This way, I'll not have to try to remember what it's call when someone asks me. I'll remember where I got it from (Gordon) and eventually it'll be Gordon's gigantic dinosaur plant. That's how my son described it to Nanni this morning when she asked what treasures I brought home. He missed the other good stuff but remembered the dino food was from Gordon. Guys! They think alike.

I wanted to share this photo on this thread! I got epiphyllum cuttings from Analogdog and Thistledown at the swap. I stopped by Value Village on the way home and picked up this nice little footed wire basket for 2 bucks. I already had the coconut fiber to line it with. It's going to look nice as it fills in.

It would help if I posted the photo. Here you go.

Thumbnail by
Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful. I hear that a basket like that is one great way to grow Epis. Unfortunately, right now, all my plants have to spend some time on the windowsill, so it won't do right now.


Snohomish, WA

Laurie, thank you for the compliment. But a great party is made by the guesys, the setting is for the host to take care of. If aal my gardening friends hadn't been there, it would have not been as much fun watching my dad take out the corner of the barn.Considering the entire wall is gone on that side, no great loss. Besides, that is where a proper green house will be, someday. The aluminum roof is aboput all thats salvagable.
Pixy any plant from you! Fuzzy baby bunny bellies, or what ever!
Thistle, I am going to dmail you and come visit, with a shovel!!! lol

So glad everyone had so much fun! As soo as we turn the gh/mh around, I'll take pics!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Thats cool Pix, I think you gave me a idea for my tractor motor, Baby Bunny Bellies. If I can find a coco liner that will fit or make my own.
But my DH found me a new driver, don't think Garfield can handled It. LOL
Also if anyone is interested, Big Lots will have a 42" wooden wheelbarrow coming up on the 27th ad. Join the Buzz Club and you can get the news ads before other people do. Just so you now, I am not promoting its free. I just work there.

Thumbnail by tillysrat

You're on the bellies list, Gordon! It really was such a treat to be with everyone yesterday. You are the host with the most, Gordon. And your property is absolutely perfect for a nursery! Really, Laurie, Gordon's photos do not do justice to his place or his gardening and design ability. You would have been oohing and ahhing with the rest of us.

One plant I got from Thistledown that has me drooling is Fuchsia boliviana 'alba'. Fantastic blooms on this! I am now going to be sure that this baby survives the winter by keeping it in my greenhouse in a special place. I cannot wait to see it next year!! I think I shall tag along with Gordon and his shovel!

Rob, glad you like the basket. I think it was a good find and hope the plant will enjoy its new digs. Hope you will be back in the swing of things soon, but meanwhile with your greenthumb, your plants will be fine where they are. Meanwhile, you must rely on your DG buddies to supply the plant fodder. If you drool over something, you should just post asking if anyone has it. You know if we do you can at least get a cutting or two if it's not big enough to divide yet. Did you check out where Gordon grows his??? He must be hiding the strong lighting somewhere because he gets incredible results.

Ladybugg, you are in such good company when we play the name game!! Did you see me trying to play 'name the plant charades' with Kayte and Rachel? We still didn't get the name off the grassy like plant Rob had. Maybe i'll post it to the ID forum. Most of the really smarty pants name callers hang out there, and they know their stuff and are not low on estrogen! Sometimes I just go and lurk on that forum but then I realize I know practically nothing and slink away. By the way, I think petasites is poisonous??? Do be sure your boy knows it's only 'pretend' food, right? I haven't planted mine yet. I want just the right place like Gordon has. It's such a beauty!

Yep, Laurie, we followed him around with his shovel! It was tremendous! Can't wait until the greenhouse gets moved. His dad is a hoot!

Oh, forgot to ask Catgal: are you sure you don't want cuttings of that grape? The fruit is ripe now and my DH and I have been down there grazing off the vines that hang over the fence. I can't get into the property because it's all locked up, but I can get cuttings really easy! These grapes are little and seedless and very, very sweet. I bet they are an old variety because the vines are huge and the house was built in the 1950's. I'm worried that the next person who buys it will take them out because they need hacking back something fierce.

Tills, bunnies would be cute in your cart! I bet big lots has some of those coco fiber liners. I just cut them to fit whatever I have. You could also use sheets of greenmoss for a different look. The bunnies would trail over the side. You could put a colorful heuchera and a small fern in it and have a very nice planter for a shady area.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

That would look good, I got a lot of nice Heuchera from Carol.
The MC Tractor Patented in 2008 by DG. LOL

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Sorry I missed all the fun. You look like good friends having a great time. Now where to put all the stuff? LOL

Hey, I was very proud of myself, Sofer! I actually knew where I was going to put it all!! So pleased! Sorry you missed it!

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

I'll make sure my little guy (10) doesn't think he should be eating anything without asking first. It's highly unlikely as his limited food items include: Katsup, peanut butter, chicken nuggets, cheese bugers (mcD) and ice cream). Notice, nothing green nor very healthy. The garden was a way to get him to broaden his view of good food and try something new. It's a long shot, but I figured if he worked the garden then he might try at least tomato sauce and katsup homemade. He wants to learn to cook but doesn't eat too well. His younger sister said she'd try anything he'd grow or cook. The dinosaur was to keep out the 'critters', something fun for a 'guy' garden area.

If nothing else, the garden has created a great desire for him to read and learn about veggies and their growing needs. He did use his birthday money to buy his little sister some raspberry bushes that I still need to plant, because she likes raspberries. So maybe if we get enough, we can sneak in some seedless raspberry jelly to that peanut butter sandwich.

Thanks for that suggestions Pixydish, I'm going to go lurk and see what I can learn. Maybe that and the books on loan from Katie59 will help me get a foothold.

If those grape vines aren't too tough to get established, I'd love to try. DH claims he'll build me an arbor if I can find something I like to grow on it!

your little one sounds like a typical little boy to me :) Lucky he likes working in the garden! That's worth encouraging, anyway.

I can send you cuttings from the grape. It's probably not the best time of year to do cuttings but I don't know if anything will happen to the vines between now and spring. If they are still there, I can send more in the spring if these don't make it. I have no idea how long it takes to get grapes from a vine.

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

That would be wonderful, as I have plenty of time to wait. Arbor will probably not get done as fast as DH thinks.... guess it's all good.

North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

Mellisa if you have the Bolivian Fuschia alba it will be creamy colored with pink edges. I do have this red one too if you want one. They are really pretty hardy, they live in my unheated (unless it freezes hard I don't turn on the heat) greenhouse all winter without hardly losing a leaf.
Gordon you are welcome to come over with a shovel but I probably have all of the coolest things in pots so you can come un-armed.
Did you see if that is the plant you wanted from Cistus?
I was the only green sphere I could see on their web-site.
Thanks for all the fun and entertainment. Ya gotta love Gordon's dad!

North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

I started a grape vine from a finger thick cutting that came from close to the ground just by poking it in a pot and keeping it moist. I left it that way for about a year before I actually took it out and planted it. It was well rooted by then. It can be done.

Thistledown, a million times 'yes' on the red fuchsia! I am really a sucker for trumpet shaped blooms of any size.
Did you say that you liked Cuphea? I think the orange one I have is this one:

If you'd like cuttings, I can tuck them in with the fuzzy mouse plant.

Laddybugg, you'll get some cuttings of the grape with your mouse. I'll probably get to mailing stuff out toward the end of the week. If anyone else wants cuttings, etc, let me know so I can get it all done at once.

I'm going to have to rearrange the greenhouse yet again to make room for all the 'overwintering' pots of things. Maybe the garage would be okay for the brugs.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Pix,s see if you still have this, forgot what you called it.

Thumbnail by tillysrat

That's the datura. I haven't forgotten, just haven't gone out to the greenhouse yet. When I pack up your other things, I'll check before sending them.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I think that is Sooo pretty.
Hope am brings good weather, I'm off again now to take care of all the new babies, Plant or GH. that is the Q.

This is another I want to find.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Gordon, this is a very bad pic. but could you tell me what it is please?
I like it, and I love purple/blues. LOL

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Tills, that is a terrible picture, especially for ID!!! Just chuckling - but I bet Gordon will know!

Those are both 'zone denial' plants, tills. I've had them both, but can't remember the names. They are zone 9 or better. The bottom one may come back by the roots, but he season won't be long enough for it to bloom. The top one just dies altogether if left out. Wish I could remember the names. I think the bottom one comes from Africa.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

The second one looks like something in the hibiscus family.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I remember Gordon telling some of us the name, but I have no recollection of what it is! It does not do well here, sadly (I have experience with that part!).

Here's one of the photos my daughter took.

Thumbnail by Murmur
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Gunnera worship. I like it. That turned out great.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Just my luck to like something that is the wrong zone. LOL

Get pic carol, She did good.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I'll have to tell my DD she did good - she was definitely not comfortable with my camera!!!

Everett, WA(Zone 7b)

Hey Pix, I would love some cuttings of that grape near you if that would not be too inconvenient... I could give it a shot anyway, right? I will send you my info and I can send a pre-stamped envelope or something like that... whatever you need!

Linda, thanks for the info on rooting the cuttings, I have stuck one of the cutting outside in some really good soil mixed well with compost, well-watered... I will make sure it stays that way. And another cutting in water with a secret recipe rooting hormone that Gordon shared with me... I have all my fingers crossed that it will work!! I have a bunch of cuttings in that glass... thanks for the tip Gordon!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Would it be worth making them a horticultural fleece wrapping if you want to grow them - it looks clumsy in the winter having wrapped plants - but if it means that you can grow out of zone, it could be worth it.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Is that plumbago? I can't tell cuz it's blurry. But i have that and it's zone denial. I'm putting it snug up against the hot tub this year as an experiment. It's so close to being in our zone that it should make it but it never does if I just leave it out.


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I thought it looked like plumbago, too, originally. But if you look closely, the blossoms a little different.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

And the foliage is velvety - long name, I think. Gordon will help us out as soon as he sees this!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I know its not Plumbago at least that I know. Can't figure out why the shot was so bad, most likely me trying to hurry. LOL

Kathy, both the dogs have been planted, Hope they like ther new home. Did you use concert in the big one LOL that dirt was heavey.

Can you give me the name of the mallow again. I planted it after DH took down a Holly that I was fed up with, no blooms no berrys and do not like them anyway.Just me, Sorry.

Out with it

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

DH cutting it down. Was so pleased how it opened up that part of the yard, only trees I want is to pick them out myself.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

In with the new.
Mallow and the Doclonea
I like it. Hope it works out to what I have in mind.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Snohomish, WA

not plumbago! It is Tibouchina urvilleana aka princess flower. Good to about 35, so it could do a unheated garage over the winter, or a messy house plant.Kinda spendy too, but I did see some starts at Flower World for $15. It goes in with alot of outher stuff.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Love the plant but not the pain, have no garage, house and GH not big enough. Something to think about next year when the GH gets bigger. If I have no more car issues. LOL GH was going to be expanded this year, til car broke.
Thanks Gordon

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