plant swap

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Tibouchina . . . yeah . . . that's it . . . that's what I was going to say. :-)

What about the first one, Gordon?

Mary, glad the dogwoods have a home - they are cornus florida. I hope you're lucky with them. Rachel has some "siblings".

The mallow seed I got was from Rachel.

I do have pretty heavy soil, but those should have been planted mostly in potting soil and/or compost. I try not to put youngsters straight into the heavy stuff. The pot for the one was pretty big, though, which is probably why it was so heavy.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I have planted some big pots before, never as heavy as that LOL was funny when my Bro tried to pick it up without the pot and said O'my, was funny, I think it just gained weight from the rain water .

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

What where the plants in the window box, besides the Heuchera's
I forgot,

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

That could be it.

The other plant I gave you, Mary, was persicaria odoratum - or vietnamese coriander - it's edible.

Wow, that's a really good photo, Carole! Plus, my least attractive part is behind the huge gunnera leaf. Just the kind of photo I like.

Stacy, cuttings are no problem. The vines hang over the fence. We are currently working on eating a basket of little green grapes. So yummy! Don't worry about the postage. I'm sending the bunny bellies, anyhow and will likely use a bubble envelope. I'm sure you'll have an opportunity to send something to someone sometime.

Tills, let's see if I can remember all the things I was going to tell you: yes, I do have the datura seeds you want, the mallow is called Lavatera 'Red Rum' (you'll need to keep it really watered until the rains come. It does love water and hates being dug up.), the plants in the windowbox are Geranium phaem - taller than many hardy geraniums, good filler plant, blooms are dark red-purple and fairly small, cut back in the middle of the season for fresh leaves and possible flowers.

If I'm mailing you something, please dmail me your address or let me know if it's in the address exchange.

I was a bad, bad girl tonight. I placed an order from Derry Watkin's latest seed list. Oh my. Her website is and we can all blame Laurie for turning us on to this person's seeds. Take a look at her garden. You're all going to be feeling my pain soon.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

First one is Osteospermum - part of the whirligigs grouping, i believe.
The second is Tibouchina.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

So, Pixy, what DID you order?

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Pix, I keep forgetting to tell you that I met Derry Watkins up at Sarah Ravens a couple of weeks ago!! She is marvellous! We had a lovely, animated chat - I told her that I had passed her site along to PNWers, and she said "are you the one I had e-mail conversation with about Washington....." No, my friend..... Excellent! Got to buy plants and brought home a wonderful var. lime green grass best in shade - perfect - which of course I can't think of the name.

Leave it to Kayte to know the name! It was somewhere in my brain, but my file man is always too busy to try to find those files lately.
Brilliant, Laurie!! Her garden looks incredible, of course. And what a view! a complete storybook garden. Wish I had been able to hear her talk at the garden show this year. As I recall, I was thoroughly done in by the time she started. If you recall the name of your lime green grass, post!

Here's what I ordered:
Adluma fungosa
Agapanthus inapertus
Ageratum corymbosum
Beta 'Bull's Blood' (I do wish they would schedule a name change for this plant!)
Dicentra scandens
Didiscus coerulea 'blue lace'
Haloraghis 'Wellington Bronze'
Impatiens namchabarwensis

I already grow the Haloraghis, but I've pulled up too many seedlings over the years and it's got thinner and thinner, so I want extras. I do like that plant. Very nice bronze color foliage.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Pix's I'm in the exchanged,
Thank you

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I love the name of impatiens namchabarwensis. It almost sounds like a mysterious chant-can't you just hear monks in a cave chanting namchabarwensis,

I'm growing the Didiscus coerulea (aka Trachymene coerulea) this year-it's very cute. It was slow to bloom due to our cool summer, so it's still blooming now, and shorter than I'd expected, but it's a lovely light blue. I like it very much-the leaves are also lacy but thick and a bit fuzzy, neat plant.

I saw the Dicentra Scandens somewhere recently- Dancing Oaks Nursery, I think (they also had your vining aconitum), and I like that, too- very nice.

Definitely some wonderful seeds on that site!

Yes, Katye nailed both of those-hate it when I can't pull names that I know full well that I know out of my brain....

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

If you sow the didiscus in the autumn, prick out into pots and grow on in the greenhouse - the plants are much more mature when you plant out in spring - it makes a tremendous difference for flowering.

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

Pixydish -I'm in the exchange with the new address. Thanks

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Laurie,
Oh, so the Didiscus is a long-season grower? Sounds like Pixy will have much better success than I did, as she has a greenhouse.....I have a room that's green, but not a house...and it doesn't function nearly as well....

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

LadyB, how did you find it? I know I'm there but can't remember how to find it. LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Never mind I found it, what a d.

Sue, LOL! Glad to hear that the Didscus is a keeper. I struggled with that one as I'm trying to keep my seed starting down to a mild roar this year. Many on DG remember the pitiful little starts I was desperately trying to place into permanent homes around March and April. The cool, wet and very long spring did little to help. I'm trying to avoid that this year.

Good advice from Laurie. When I get them, I'll sow immediately.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Pixy,LOL, yes, I went wayyyy overboard too! Maybe everyone should all coordinate what we're starting and then trade 'em all around, or something. But, many of the "pitiful little starts" you gave me did very well here once the weather finally cooperated. I'm happily letting the Nicotiana langsdorffi drop seeds all over, and the "perfect mix" were really impressive-and have done an awesome job at hiding my Scheherazade lily stems- and smell terrific, too. Even the Lotus crassifolius otayensis has come along nicely. I just hope my drainage is good enough to overwinter it.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I am really Bummed, never knew some forums, just plain don't want you, no howdy no nothing so sad. I tried to get on one of the Iris treads, talk about not very receptive to new comers, they can keep it, so sad to be like that. Hope Terry sees this. Not Happy

That's too bad, Tills. Some groups are way too exclusive for their own good. Kind of reminds me of highschool. Glad we're not that way in the great PNW! Everyone is welcome here.

Glad to hear the pitiful ones did well for you, Sue! I must say, when I went to Gordon's house I noticed a number of plants that started out as seedlings in my greenhouse. Then I noticed that he had them.... and I don't!! Which means that he took better care of them and offered them more sunshine than I have!!! Man, that's a slap for sure!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, I'll admit that the seedlings I got from you got some extra TLC that things that I started for myself didn't get. And, besides, it only makes sense that someone who's planning on starting his own nursery would be good at growin'.....

Snohomish, WA

No Mellisa, that just says what great starts they were! Did you see that the smallest datura was the ones I started from seed, whille the one you gave me were huge!! I want lots of your starts! Hope mine do better this winter.

Snohomish, WA

Susy's right! I did take extra good care of your plants in case you did come and see them. And thank you Susy! I was lucky to be born with a few green thumbs. Other than the cannas being way small, and the coleus went out to early, it was a good growing season this year. Really short! But a decent summer after all!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, I'd agree with Gordon- they were great starts, better than many of mine. They didn't need the TLC to stay alive, I really wanted them to do well.

I dunno, for me it was a rather odd year. It's kind of strange what did well and what didn't.

This message was edited Sep 24, 2008 11:25 PM

Carnation, WA(Zone 7b)

Tilly, were you looking for something specific on Iris or just perusin new forums? I'm a fan, might be able to answer some questions. LMK

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Nothing really pacific, just want to know more. Just like my Dals
Don't know what I'm looking for, just more insite. I guess thats the best way to say it.

But I have to eat my words, I have been welcomed by a few. I feel a little bad now. Just a little LOL

Maybe we should have are own pacific plant treads. one for Dals, one for Irises. and so on. You get in to some of the others, they are nowhere close to here are PNW, is alot differant than we they are. and we are nicer.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

We are, but it is also good to venture out from home occassionally, Tills - try them again, maybe they were just a bit shy/distracted.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You guys in the PNW are so conceited! Just calm down on what you can grow. LOL

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

:-) . . . and for good reason. Back home yet or still in the Great State?

Geez! We can't win! If we talk about the plants that are zone denial, we're just complainers! If we talk about how well everything does, we're conceited!! LOL!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Tils, I visited the iris thread you spoke of - I think they were focused on posting their latest pictures, because it was non-stop posting for days!
You might want to start a thread requesting an ID for your iris, too. That way you'll probably get more responses. It is helpful to be specific with questions so people know which direction to steer you.
As far as us being nicer - I am all over DG research & general curiousity), and my opinion is that we rate high in welcoming others. Each forum does have its own distinct personality - some cover a much larger area than ours & have a more diverse audience. Overall the folks I have dealt with have been very accomodating to answering questions & helping. DG has lots of members and most likely reflects a good cross-section of people in general. There will always be someone somewhere that wants to rain on your parade - keep an umbrella handy & smile!
I bet we drive some people nuts with our topics going every direction and around again. But then, we are officially whacked-out plant-acquisition-enablers, without an excuse. (We don't need an excuse, do we Laurie?)
The flavour of the PNW/Cross-Pond is "Happy to help, so let's do it!"
Spread the joy!

Snohomish, WA

After more struggling than you would believe the gh is in place!!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Snohomish, WA

Taking the wheels off was fun, only 40 years of rust on them. Then getting it level even harder!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Snohomish, WA

But it is gutted and ready for more windows to be installed. Then I will paint it super white inside and install some shop lights. This just might work!!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow Gordon! I'm impressed already. So how many bad words did you all say maneuvering that big thing out from between those trees? I'm relieved to see the barn is still intact. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thistledown Farm

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

OK now I don't want you to get too excited but that is not a Greenhouse. There is some blue on it but no green. What are your plans?

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I like your idea to recycle that old trailer into a greenhouse. THAT'S GREEN!

Gordon, you are a man after my own heart! I only wish I could have been there to witness the maneuvering, especially if your dad was at the wheel. What a show that must have been!! Soferdig really missed it.
I think this idea is actually going to work great!! I am not going to be at all surprised if it turns out to be the best idea since sliced white bread. Can i come to the painting party? (outside, that is. Frankly, I'm not that interested in painting the inside, although I agree that it totally needs it.)
Still think you need to open up that roof, though, to let in more natural light. Then it will feel more greenhouse-like.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I really kicking myself for not switching my camera to video, that would of been cool. Nice job Gordon, what did you end up using to turn it. Not the red truck?
When you get all the windows in and painted inside. All the rest of us will plan the paint party for the outside. You all with me PNWers!!!!!

Katye, I you are totally right about us, we are all, who we are, and totally enjoy everything, Wacked of not LOL
And the tread I got on, I did ask a Q not for ID, but the right way to plant then. Which was a discussion with Gordon and Rob. at the Swap. Chisco verses Hume
Which. the answer, as on there tread was.
(Let the rhizome show a little above ground in all but the very, very coldest climates which isn't zone 8a.)
That was it, made me feel , sorry I ask so to speak. Nothing else. I guess I'm so compy here I didn't know, quite how to respond. until I got a Dmail from a friend, that basically told me to hold my ground. I did.
And got a little more welcome.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Mary - try not to read too much into it. And give them the freedom to be who they are, too. Is it their fault that they didn't know that you wanted more chattiness? The world is made of all kinds of people.

Some people talk a lot; some people don't. Some people stay on a topic; some people don't. We really just have to all be patient with one another and give everybody room for their particular style, even if we don't get exactly what we want. That's the nature of a huuuuuuuuge forum like this.

I've seen posts on lots of threads that went without any response. It just is what it is. Nobody is intending anything particular by it.

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