Fall Gold Plant Swap at Critter's on Sat. Sept. 20

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's time for another Mid-Atlantic DG Party! I'm delighted to be hosting a Fall Plant Swap. I'm looking forward to seeing some people from the previous swaps as well as meeting other DGers from the area. We're going to have a blast!

This thread is for organization and logistics, for keeping track of the details and who is planning to attend, and for answering any questions that might arise.

Please do post in this thread if you are planning on, or thinking about attending!

There will be a separate thread for food and a separate thread for plant trades. Please try to keep those topics on those threads, and please really limit chat on this thread, or it will be hard for people to find the information they need.

THEME: "Go for the Gold!" in honor of Team USA's efforts at the Summer Olympics

WHEN: Saturday, September 20, 2008. Gathering time is 12:30 until... ?

WHERE: My place in Frederick, MD. I'll Dmail directions to people who are coming, so please check the next post to be sure your name is on the list.

WHAT to bring: An appetizer or sweet to share, if you'd like We won't have a set meal time; we will just "graze" from the buffet all afternoon. Please, finger foods only. We're keeping it simple by keeping it utensil-less. If all you bring is a smile, that's fine too -- just come!

Plants and seeds for swapping are fun but optional -- these events are as much or more about just getting together as they are about trading plants.

WHO is invited: DG subscribers and their guests. If you'll be bringing kids, please let me know so we can set up some play space, movies, etc. for them.

Please check the top posts of this thread for updates, more information, and links to additional threads.




This message was edited Sep 17, 2008 11:10 AM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for list of people planning or hoping to attend. I'll be Dmailing directions to everyone on this list, so please check to be sure your name is here

Critter & DH
HollyAnnS & maybe Ric
Trueepicure (last minute cancellation)
Jimidon -- Jim & Felicia (Critter's FIL & MIL)
Claypa (hopefully)
Lisaslove & DH
Theresa (Critter's friend), sister Annie

This message was edited Sep 14, 2008 1:35 AM

This message was edited Sep 19, 2008 8:53 AM

This message was edited Sep 19, 2008 9:07 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for links to additional threads...

Food Thread (please go here to let us know what you're thinking of bringing and to drool over our buffet menu as it develops)

Plant Trade Thread (please go here to chat about what plants you might bring and what plants you're looking for)

This message was edited Sep 3, 2008 7:00 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for organizational details...

I don't think parking will be a concern, but if we run out of space in the driveway and nearby on the cul-de-sac, we can park just up the road at the community center by the pool (anybody coming in from Ballanger Creek Rd. will drive past it).

I wanted to mention that the mosquitoes have been pretty fierce out back recently (there's a field behind us). It's supposed to be a nice day on Saturday, so we don't just want to hide from the bugs inside. Covering up (lightweight pants, shirts with longer sleeves) helps a lot, and I've got "Deep Woods Off" to spray us with. Please, no citronella products (they give me migraines).

If needed, we'll designate a smoking area in the front yard. Thanks!


This message was edited Sep 17, 2008 8:32 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

To head off the first question, about our theme... food items and plants that are not gold are still welcome at the swap. You do not have to be golden-haired, to wear golden toenail polish, to don a golden tiara, or the like in order to attend... although we may designate a door prize for the most glittery golden guest. :-)

I'll start a food thread. I'm thinking that, in keeping with our theme, I'll make up a batch of lemonade. And perhaps we'll whirl up some pina coladas. If you want any other beverage in particular (other than ice water, which is readily available), please bring it with you... that way, I don't have to guess who drinks what kind of soda. Thanks!

Do we want to have a "gift table" as we've had before, where everybody brings something fun (under $10 max,, something garden/plant related) to share? I'll have a door prize or two regardless, but the gift table has been a fun feature in the past. Let me know what you think!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd be delighted to attend!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Critter, I will be there maybe Ric, too.

Alexandria, VA

I haven't been able to participate much this past year, but I'm hoping to attend this time.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wonderful! It sounds like we're off to a good start! Our date is a couple of weeks later than last year, but I'm hoping it'll still work out for people... as always, I know I can't find a date that works for everybody... but the weekend before is the gathering down in NC that some folks are traveling down to, and the weekend before that my DH will just be getting back from a business trip... so that's how we ended up on the 20th, in case anybody was wondering, LOL.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Another one I'll have to miss...we'll be in Richmond that weekend :( Will look forward to pictures though!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't know about The Gold, but with my gray hair, maybe I can take home The Silver ^_^. I'll be there and can lend a hand if you need one Jill.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

'make new friends and keep the old
one is silver and the other is gold"
again, I have a wedding to attend on that day. Or I could skip it and pizz off my stepmother (grandma of the bride) for all eternity.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL... what time does the wedding start? I don't think ticking off your stepmother for all eternity sounds like it would make for comfortable family gatherings over the holidays...

I can see I need to start that "who is planning to come" list at the top. I'm sorry the date doesn't work for everybody... we always miss terribly the people who can't make it!

edited to add..

Tomorrow's article by me is about encouraging people to throw a DG gathering... When I wrote about publicizing the party and organizing your posts, I said it was important to use an informative title, such as "Fall Plant Swap at Critter's on September 20!" Do you think that will get anybody's attention, LOL?

This message was edited Aug 20, 2008 11:15 AM

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

This date looks like a good possibility for me. Especially since the trip might take 10 minutes but probably not since it is Saturday afternoon ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


(oh... I rescheduled the party article for next week because somebody pointed out that I'd better get that how-to article about basil seed in there before it was too late to let basils flower and make seed before frost.)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

More good news! We just talked with Jim's parents (my wonderful in-laws), and they're juggling their schedule next month so they can come and visit us over the weekend of the 20th. My MIL is an avid gardener (her roses are amazing), and they've been lurking a lot at DG lately (have to encourage her to get on the forums more & start posting!). They've been wanting to come to one of our shindigs, and I'm delighted that they'll be able to make it up for this next one!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I would LOVE to come......Make it a 'definite" possibility....

As Saturday is on my "availability to work"---I have to have management's approval for the day off.....As I am PT--it might be easier to get....Will let you know, Jill....

Yeah! Retail and working sucks!!!! Will do my best! September seems to have ssooo many things everyone is doing....starting with Labor Day......

SALLY-GIRL!!!! What am I going to do if I cannot ride with you??????...:o((



Working on the schedule. Think I will enjoy the 20th. Confirm later.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I don't think I could bear another drive by swap with happymacomb again. I just gotta sit down with her one of these days...like when all our kids have moved out...
Will check my invite but I expect it will make the timing very tight if not undoable.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally -- do you think mine will ever move out????

(The bride will never notice if you miss the vows.)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*fingers crossed* that we'll see Doc & Sally & Gita. Doc, I hope you'll be able to bring your bride!

In case I didn't make it clear -- spouses are welcome! And they don't have to "talk plants" LOL. Jim (my DH) and his dad are both wonderful enablers, but they don't share our garden obsession... so I promise, there will be some non-gardening conversation available! :-)

This message was edited Aug 25, 2008 12:03 AM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey hey - as of this moment I will be there!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh happy--just think back to when you had to change diapers. They DO grow eventually!!

Sigh its not the bride who would care abt my attendance...And no she would definitely not forego her 'Evening Elegance" theme for a garden stomp. That would be memorable tho!! Gotta check the wedding time...

Gita- maybe you can meet someone at an easy place on the west side of B more,, or right off 70 near fFrederick.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally: There are days when I think I am still changing diapers -- they are now just metaphorical diapers, I admit, but the poop is just as stinky!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sigh. I will ponder on that. Very interesting metaphor.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, enough metaphors, or we will make people who haven't met you yet nervous, LOL.

Yippee -- Becky's coming!

I hope I'll have a chance to see some folks I haven't met before, too. Please, don't be shy... even if you've never met another DGer in person before, you know from the forum chatter that this is a friendly, welcoming group. We end up with a different mix of folks at every get-together, and making new friends is part of the fun! So if you're reading along and wondering if this is for you... stop wondering, and just jump in! :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Elf--Yooo--Hoo-----! Are you there?

Would YOU be going to this Swap?
Looking for someone to ride up together with....

How about YOU--Newbiegardener???? You almost made it to the last one--then your Hubby had to work. You were SOOOOO upset! Wanna try again?


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Critter, sorry I won't be able to make it this time. We have a craft show on Sept 20. Have fun, all of you. Buttoneer

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Looks like I will be working that day. I just cannot ask for another Saturday off as I have already asked for a couple in September and November....Saturday is on my availability to work--so not fair! Sunday would be better for me...I am always (??) off.

I should have my schedule for that week in another couple of weeks--but as of now--I am bowing out. Too bad--as I have several nice plants rooting/rooted that I was going to share.

Maybe September is just a busy month for many reasons....Schools starting, Social events, etc...

Sorry! Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear that, Gita! I've asked around about a Sunday date before, and it generally seems like Saturday works out better for folks (no work/school the next day), so that's what we've been going with. Maybe you and Sally can hold a "harvest party" in October... you know me, I'll take any excuse to get together with y'all! Or we can put together a trip to Winerthur or Longwood... either way, I'm sure we'll manage to get together soon, because I won't be able stand it otherwise! :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oooo an Oct. get together....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yah, we sort of fell apart on the idea of getting together every month over the summer... things just got busy! Doc did his best to put a party together last month, but the timing and distance just didn't work out for enough folks. But we'll have to renew our efforts to have large & small get-togethers more often! :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You do not work outside the home--so maybe it is easy for you to think that a Saturday is best. Not necessarily so for many of us--but, of course, you are hosting this event and so it is your choice.

Sally could come on a Sunday. Yes?.....I could come on a Sunday. Yes!....
I just wonder how many other people could make it on a Sunday if it was just a Day Trip (back and forth) to them.

Saturday IS still a part of the "work week" for many people. More so than people wanting a get-together on a Saturday because they did NOT have to work on a Sunday and could sleep in.

Your Swap would not go much later than maybe 6-7PM.--right? Plenty of time for semi-local people to get home. NOT slighting the people that would come from further away----I realize to you--Saturday would be better--as making this a 2-day trip.

Just expressing my opinions here, because I have to miss this Swap because it IS on a Saturday!
I, for one, do not work M-F and NOT any given hours! You want to shop at a HD on Saturday, at 6AM or 10PM--we are still open--and, Yes! I would still be there--if scheduled. Same for many other businesses and Retail places.

I will miss being there-------:o(


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, at this point the date is set. No matter what date I pick, some people will be able to come and others won't -- that's just what happens with these things. As I said, I didn't pick Saturday on a whim; it does work out better than Sunday with some folks' schedules. I'm sorry you're disappointed, and I'll hope that you can make it to the next get-together. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - ya gotta remember that the hostess is the one putting forth the most effort when it comes to these...Jill's done an amazing job organizing 2 already...Becky did a incredible job as well as Diane...but bottom line we need to make it at a time that is good for THEM since it is their home - their time they're putting into it etc. etc. etc.
As for Sunday's - I'm sure many of us would love to see your beautiful garden...what are your thoughts on hosting one in the future? ^_^

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Yes! I do realize how much effort the Hostess has to put out for any large gathering.
I know VERY well--as I have held an end of June Mega-Cookout for 50-some people for 12 years straight! It was known as THE event of the year!
Called it quits last year. It was exhausting! Mostly cleaning the house and setting up everything out in the garden. making sure everything is taken care of and arranged. Finding 2 men to grill about 40 lbs of meats, etc

I have also held the MEGA Halloween Party for this same Group (usually 35 people) for 11 yrs. straight. Decorating--costume judges--1st prized for 5 different categories of costumes--arranging for kitchen help--etc....
Called this quits also, as of this year. So--I am no stranger hosting large get-togethers.

As for a plant Swap here--the thought has occurred to me. I certainly have the makings of a nice Swap. Shaded garden--big Patio--lots of tables---etc....
B-U-T......This all would have to wait for the time that I (1) no longer have a downstairs tenant and (2) I would be able to spend all the extra time required on the Computer to keep track of who and what and where and all that. That part scares me the most--at least if I am to use all the On-DG time I see spent from past Swaps as a precedent.

Mine would be more like---Come! Bring whatever you have! Then see what everyone else has! Trade as you wish! And--sit and eat, drink and have a nice time!
I could NEVER do all the Pre-Swap keeping track of who wants what from whom and who has what to trade. People changing their minds...adding to their lists....me not knowing any Horticultural names for anything......that seems to be an expectation.

There has to be a simpler way! IF I ever do it--it WILL be a simpler way.....

Maybe next year? Gita

This is part of my back patio

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't want anybody to get the wrong impression -- I'm not so formal! LOL

I've kept past gatherings (4, if you count the tea party a while back and last winter's seed swap) pretty simple. That way, everybody can relax and have fun on the day of the event, including me. :-)

It's often helpful to chat about what plants we have available, so yes, we'll probably set up a thread for that. It's not necessary to arrange a single swap ahead of time if you don't want to, but knowing what people are interested in helps you figure out what to bring more or less of. Last spring, I brought too many tomato plants, so this year I only brought a few beyond what people had posted about wanting -- and I could have found homes for twice as many, LOL. (I don't organize the trades... people do that among themselves, either on the swap thread beforehand or on the spot the day of the swap. It all seems to work out fine!)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Good golly Gita...you've been a busy one haven't you?! Mercy, those must of been some undertaking ~ you have my utmost respect...God knows I couldn't do it!!! Your place sounds perfect for a get together...very nice!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jill - as far as I am concerned neither one of us arranged "formal" get-togethers - formal to me has a totally different meaning - trust me, I just had 2 nights of them on the cruise - them 5" heels were anything but comfy (no, Sally - they were not Choos, but they looked good)!! As for food and what to bring - it is 100% necessary to know who is bringing what - I sure don't want to have a party with 16 cases of sodas and no chips!

There is nothing wrong with knowing or not knowing the "proper horticultural" names of the plants - I sure the heck don't - we all know my plant labeling is lackadaisical at best ^_^

No matter what date or time is set - no matter how many threads or not are started - there are always someone who can't make it - as far as I am concerned it is ALL up to whomever arranges it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantelle and bec---

I have no problem arranging the food...that has always been a "fete accomplie" at a cookout of over 50 people. That is a major coordination of pot-lucks! Of course, the hosting person has to know what everyone is bringing.
I think my comment on that was aimed the the plants people are bringing...not the food!

IF I were having it here--it would also give the people coming from PA and Delaware a break in mileages.

Sounds like I am considering it for next year--no? ...:o) Hmmmm.....


Here's the front of my house --taken earlier in August....

Thumbnail by Gitagal

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