Fall Gold Plant Swap at Critter's on Sat. Sept. 20

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We always seem to have more than enough food at these parties, and I'll make a few things... so nobody should feel obligated to bring anything but a smile... and if you're not wearing one of those when you arrive, we'll do our best to put one on your face by the time you have to go! :-)

I think it does help to have a thread for organizing food, just because seeing what other people are bringing helps people decide what they might like to bring. With a buffet for "grazing," we'll have plenty of options. I should probably take advantage of this rainy day and get those threads started, although I know we've got plenty of time before the swap!

I'm just glad it didn't turn out to be a bad date for people across the board, because with DH's travel schedule, it was really the only weekend we had open. Now, of course, his trip to Kazakhstan got postponed! But I think we'll leave things where they are, or we'll just end up with a different subset of people who can or can't make it. Besides, I need time to try to take some cuttings or pot up a few divisions to share around!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Speaking of food - Bobbie!!!!!!! How about some of them Scotch Eggs again - hint, hint & double hint!!!!!! (sorry, couldn't help myself) ^_^

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, what can I bring to eat? I've got this voice in my head chanting "Scotch Eggs, Scotch Eggs". Sounds just like Becky! Put me down for those at least Jill ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Aww, Becky... I happen to know how much work those were! Besides, Bobbie always comes up with something really delectable if we don't ask for an encore, LOL!

OK, I can see we're going to need that food thread sooner rather than later...


Heh... we've got a food thread started before a plant swap thread... shows our priorities, LOL!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Opps - I had no idea they were a lot of work - in that case - consider me educated, and I am hanging my head in shame right now! I have only ate them - never made em!!! ^_^

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh - oooo....to the naughty chair w/you....LOL Those were YUM-MEEE though....

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Becky, don't you know I am IRON CHEF. No challenge too difficult! Bring it on! Hai-key-ay-seeee!!!!!!! (this is the part where I take a big bite out of a green pepper)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFLOL... OK, now -- all food chat to the other thread, pretty please!

Buttoneer, I'm sorry, I thought I'd responded to your post above but see now I didn't... We'll miss you, but I hope you have a great show that day!

One thing that was good about the midwinter seed swap... we got to see some folks like Buttoneer and Debbie (rcn), whose schedules are just too busy on weekends in spring/fall!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Did I "hear" my name mentioned? LOL I'm following the thread even though I can't be there, you ladies are so much fun and it just kills me that I'm not able to make it to these meets :(

GITA!!! I think this is the first time I've seen pictures of your lovely home! I've seen lots of pictures of your plants but your home looks like a perfect place for a get together. But what am I talking about, I probably wouldn't be able to make it anyway :( 3 hr drive is tough enough but 4 hrs is really pushing it, especially since I'd have so much fun I'd be too exhausted to drive home! Okay, I'll stop my whining now....


The village has motels. A mini vacation break may be in order for me. I considered it the last time and should have done it. Boy was I tired when my day was all in and accounted for. We are still pushing and pulling on our schedules trying to make it happen.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Baltimore has hotels, also (I think Debbie was talking about 4 hours to Gita's)... but yes, there are several hotels a couple miles away on 85 (Buckeystown Pike) and Crestwood Blvd (Maryott, Hampton Inn are among them), plus a Holiday Inn by FSK Mall. There are also hotels up on the "Golden Mile" (rt. 40, near Dutch Plant Farm).

Doc, if my in-laws weren't visiting that weekend, you & Betty could have the guest room... but LMK if you want me to call around for rates, etc. :-)

Glenwood, MD

Dear Critter,
I am new to Dave's, just having joined this summer, and am so excited about your plant swap in September. I would love to come and get to attach some names with faces!
I don't live too far from Frederick and it looks like my husband and I can come. I will sign up on the other food and plant threads as well.

Thanks for planning this!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm looking forward to meeting you! Welcome to DG, and a warm welcome also to the Mid-Atlantic forum. :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Critter - something has come up and I hafta decline - I am soooooo sorry!!!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, no! You'll be sorely missed. :-( Eliot was hoping Thor would come for a kitty romp!

I just added a plant swap thread for us. Here's the link (I'll add it up top as well): http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/899411/

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well if you can't come Becky, I guess I'll just make a dozen less Scotch eggs. So sorry you won't be able to make it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Please be sure your name is on the list at the top (for getting directions) if you're planning to come. Trueepicure, is your "hoping to attend" looking pretty positive? Spouses are welcome too... Happy, are you bringing the girls, or do they have soccer etc?

There's no rsvp deadline for this event... if you discover that you can make it, just let me know, and I'll Dmail directions to you.

It doesn't look like we'll have a huge group, but that means we'll have a chance for a relaxed visit together. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody and to meeting True and Lisa (and her love)!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll add a note to the logistics at the top, too, but I wanted to mention that the mosquitoes have been pretty fierce out back recently (there's a field behind us). It's supposed to be a nice day on Saturday, so we don't just want to hide from the bugs inside. Covering up (lightweight pants, shirts with longer sleeves) helps a lot, and I've got "Deep Woods Off" to spray us with. Please, no citronella products (they give me migraines). Thanks!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Ric said he will be coming with me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray! I'll do my best to send him home with some new thymes... he can sample, and I'll dig! Tell him he's welcome to prune the rosemary, too!


You all have a great time. Sorry I can not get in on this one. Maybe next one will work out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We'll miss you, Doc! I know you've got important family events this weekend though -- have a ball! ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

By the way, I do have a couple of door prize items. If anybody has an item to contribute to the gift table (not required), please let me know. Holly, I caught your post about picking something up. Thanks!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just put the finishing touches on a door prize item... Now I have to remember to get it in the oven tomorrow morning for firing so it's dishwasher safe! :-)

Trueepicure just Dmailed me to give her regrets. Hopefully she'll be able to make it another time and meanwhile will be able to post more often on the forum and "visit" that way!

My friend Theresa (who came to the last fall swap here) may stop in for a bit, but she has family visiting this weekend, so she won't stay long. I'm hoping she'll bring her folks, who are incredible local garden experts... :-) (They're the ones with the really enormous truck-garden sized family veggie patch with 500 tomato plants, and her dad is my go-to guy for advice on fruit trees, etc.)

I'm making meatballs this morning and getting excited!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

OK, meatballs, I'm definitely coming. If anyone needs a ride from this area or along the way, let me know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray, Mike is coming!

I just talked to my friend Theresa, and she'll be here with her sister Annie. She's bringing some home-grown apples to dip in the caramel sauce I picked up yesterday. She's also bringing hmm, what did she mention... columbine seedlings and some other goodies, and Annie has extra strawberry plants to share. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

BTW, I figure we'll shoot for around 2:30 or 3 pm for our "official" plant swap portion of the party... that way, it won't suddenly be 5 pm when we realize that we've been chatting away and not taking care of finding new homes for our plants, LOL. If anybody has to leave earlier, LMK.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, finishing touches going on around here, getting awfully excited! :-)

Hey, does anybody have zip-top sandwich baggies (cheap ones, in case anybody wants seeds while we're wandering around the garden)? It's not worth a special stop if they're not in your cupboard; I've got regular fold-top ones that will work; just figured I'd ask. I've got pots, potting mix, grocery sacks, for any plant divisions that we might want to do on the spot, so please don't be shy about asking if something catches your eye... and if it's something that's better to divide in spring, be sure to make a wish list for the spring swap! :-)

Glenwood, MD

A BIG THANK YOU to Jill & Jim (although in absentia!) for hosting a great plant swap and get together! It was our first time meeting any of you and everyone was awesome. I have already been outside planning where to plant tomorrow!
Thanks so much!

Lisa & Jerry

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

What a great time. Critter so nice of you to host us all. Great food, great plants and great company what more could you ask for!
It was so nice to see everybody, touch base with some DGer's I've met in the past and meet some new ones. Ric had a great time, very much enjoyed meeting Jerry and seeing Ron again. Very nice to meet Claypa in person and it was nice getting to meet Jill's In-Laws. We got a tour of the garden, it sure is packed with a very nice variety plants.
Great Time had by All!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful -- Jill, you REALLY (shouting now) are the best.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, it was wonderful to see everyone in person, and Jill's yard is beautiful! I love the deck, especially ( which Jill designed!). Lots of great plants and people. Thanks!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It was wonderful to see everybody and especially fun to meet Lisa & Jerry and (finally!) Mike. Jim was really disappointed to have had to work during the party, but his folks had a wonderful time -- I'm so glad they decided to come up and visit us this week so they could join in the fun!

Thanks so much to everybody who came and made this event a resounding success!


I started a new thread so we could post photos and keep chatting... Please join me here... http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/905420/

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I should have gone to this. We did a craft show in Middletown that had to be the absolute worst one I have ever done in 20 years. It was our 30 year anniversary & we wanted to be together so we did but we didn't make hardly any money, so we went to a Chinese buffet & enjoyed a late dinner together, then home. Hopefully next RU, I can go.
Judy Showers

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, Judy, I'm sorry the craft fair was a bust! It sounds like you had a nice dinner out together, at least.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

WOW Judy, 30 years. So nice I'm sending you a D-mail.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, please go the "afterglow" thread and see if you can help me ID those 2 orphan plants in pots... one is in a herb-printed paper cup pot, and one is in a brown plastic square pot labeled "container." Somebody tucked them into my MIL's box of DLs, and she disowned them. LOL

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